package; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.TreeSet; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Column; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Database; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEColumn; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PETable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Table; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Pair; public class BasicStatsVisitor implements StatsVisitor { private static final String i1 = " "; private static final String i2 = i1 + i1; private static final String i3 = i2 + i1; private final HashMap<Table<?>, TableStats> stats = new HashMap<Table<?>, TableStats>(); private final Stack<StatementAnalysis<?>> path = new Stack<StatementAnalysis<?>>(); public BasicStatsVisitor() { } private TableStats getStats(Table<?> pet) { TableStats ts = stats.get(pet); if (ts == null) { final StatementAnalysis<?> top = path.peek(); ts = new TableStats(pet, pet.getDatabase(top.getSchemaContext())); stats.put(pet, ts); } return ts; } public void display(PrintStream ps) { // we sort this first by join counts, and then by ident column counts final MultiMap<Integer, TableStats> byJoinCount = new MultiMap<Integer, TableStats>(); final CountingMap<Database<?>> totalReads = new CountingMap<Database<?>>(); final CountingMap<Database<?>> totalWrites = new CountingMap<Database<?>>(); final CountingMap<Database<?>> totalJoins = new CountingMap<Database<?>>(); for (final TableStats ts : stats.values()) { byJoinCount.put(ts.getTotalJoins(), ts); totalReads.put(ts.db, ts.getTotalSelects()); totalWrites.put(ts.db, ts.getTotalInserts() + ts.getTotalUpdates() + ts.getTotalDeletes()); totalJoins.put(ts.db, ts.getTotalJoins()); } displayGlobalDatabaseStats(totalReads, totalWrites, totalJoins, ps); final List<Integer> jcs = new ArrayList<Integer>(byJoinCount.keySet()); Collections.sort(jcs); Collections.reverse(jcs); for (final Integer i : jcs) { final Collection<TableStats> sub = byJoinCount.get(i); if ((sub == null) || sub.isEmpty()) { continue; } for (final TableStats ts : sub) { ts.display(ps); } } } private void displayGlobalDatabaseStats( final CountingMap<Database<?>> reads, final CountingMap<Database<?>> writes, final CountingMap<Database<?>> joins, final PrintStream ps) { final SortedSet<Database<?>> databases = new TreeSet<Database<?>>( new Comparator<Database<?>>() { @Override public int compare(Database<?> a, Database<?> b) { final String aName = a.getName().get(); final String bName = b.getName().get(); return aName.compareTo(bName); } }); databases.addAll(reads.keySet()); databases.addAll(writes.keySet()); databases.addAll(joins.keySet()); ps.println("Global corpus statistics"); for (final Database<?> database : databases) { final String databaseName = database.getName().getSQL(); ps.println(i1 + "Database " + databaseName); ps.println(i2 + "Reads: " + getPrimitiveValue(reads.get(database))); ps.println(i2 + "Writes: " + getPrimitiveValue(writes.get(database))); ps.println(i2 + "Joins: " + getPrimitiveValue(joins.get(database))); } } private int getPrimitiveValue(final Integer value) { return (value != null) ? value.intValue() : 0; } @Override public void onIdentColumn(Column<?> c, int freq) { getStats(c.getTable()).takeIdent(c, freq); } @Override public void onIdentColumnTuple(Set<Column<?>> ct, int freq) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onJoin(EquijoinInfo joinInfo, int freq) { getStats(joinInfo.getLHS()).takeJoin(joinInfo, freq); getStats(joinInfo.getRHS()).takeJoin(joinInfo, freq); } @Override public void onUpdate(PEColumn pec, int freq) { getStats(pec.getTable()).takeUpdate(pec, freq); } @Override public void onDelete(List<PETable> tabs, int freq) { for (final PETable pet : tabs) { getStats(pet).takeDelete(freq); } } @Override public void onInsertValues(PETable tab, int ntuples, int freq) { getStats(tab).takeInsert(ntuples, freq); } @Override public void onGroupBy(Column<?> c, int freq) { getStats(c.getTable()).takeGroupBy(c, freq); } @Override public void onGroupByColumnTuple(Set<Column<?>> ct, int freq) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public void onOrderBy(PETable tab, int freq) { // not implemented } @Override public void onSelect(List<Table<?>> tabs, int freq) { for (final Table<?> pet : tabs) { getStats(pet).takeSelect(freq); } } @Override public void onUpdate(List<PETable> tables, int freq) { for (final PETable pet : tables) { getStats(pet).takeUpdate(freq); } } @Override public void onInsertIntoSelect(PETable table, int freq) { getStats(table).takeInsertIntoSelect(freq); } @Override public void onUnion(int freq) { // not implemented } @Override public void beginStmt(StatementAnalysis<?> s) { path.push(s); } @Override public void endStmt(StatementAnalysis<?> s) { path.pop(); } private static class TableStats { private final CountingMap<Column<?>> identColumns; private final CountingMap<EquijoinInfo> joinInfo; private final CountingMap<Column<?>> updateColumns; private final Table<?> table; private final Database<?> db; private int deletes; private int selects; private int insertIntoSelects; private int updates; private final CountingMap<Integer> insertTuples; private final CountingMap<Column<?>> groupBys; public TableStats(Table<?> tab, Database<?> db) { identColumns = new CountingMap<Column<?>>(); joinInfo = new CountingMap<EquijoinInfo>(); updateColumns = new CountingMap<Column<?>>(); deletes = 0; selects = 0; insertIntoSelects = 0; updates = 0; insertTuples = new CountingMap<Integer>(); groupBys = new CountingMap<Column<?>>(); table = tab; this.db = db; } public void takeIdent(Column<?> p, int freq) { identColumns.put(p, freq); } public void takeJoin(EquijoinInfo eji, int freq) { joinInfo.put(eji, freq); } public void takeGroupBy(Column<?> p, int freq) { groupBys.put(p, freq); } public void takeUpdate(Column<?> p, int freq) { updateColumns.put(p, freq); } public void takeUpdate(int freq) { updates += freq; } public void takeDelete(int freq) { deletes += freq; } public void takeSelect(int freq) { selects += freq; } public void takeInsertIntoSelect(int freq) { insertIntoSelects += freq; } public void takeInsert(int ntuples, int freq) { insertTuples.put(new Integer(ntuples), freq); } public int getTotalSelects() { return selects; } public int getTotalInserts() { return insertTuples.getValueTotal() + insertIntoSelects; } public int getTotalUpdates() { return updates; } public int getTotalDeletes() { return deletes; } public int getTotalJoins() { return joinInfo.getValueTotal(); } public void display(PrintStream ps) { ps.println("Table " + table.getName().getSQL() + " of database " + db.getName().getSQL()); if (!identColumns.isEmpty()) { ps.println(i1 + "Ident columns:"); } for (final Pair<Integer, Column<?>> p : identColumns.getDescendingCountOrder()) { final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (p.getSecond() instanceof PEColumn) { Singletons.require(DBNative.class).getEmitter().emitDeclaration(((PEColumn) p.getSecond()).getType(), (PEColumn) p.getSecond(), buf, false); } ps.println(i2 + "[" + p.getFirst() + "]: " + p.getSecond().getName().getSQL() + " " + buf.toString()); } if (!joinInfo.isEmpty()) { ps.println(i1 + "Joins:"); } for (final Pair<Integer, EquijoinInfo> p : joinInfo.getDescendingCountOrder()) { ps.println(i2 + "[" + p.getFirst() + "]: " + p.getSecond().getLDB().getName().getSQL() + "." + p.getSecond().getLHS().getName().getSQL() + " " + p.getSecond().getType().getSQL() + " " + p.getSecond().getRDB().getName().getSQL() + "." + p.getSecond().getRHS().getName().getSQL()); for (final Pair<PEColumn, PEColumn> jc : p.getSecond().getEquijoins()) { ps.println(i3 + jc.getFirst().getName().getSQL() + " = " + jc.getSecond().getName().getSQL()); } } if (!updateColumns.isEmpty()) { ps.println(i1 + "Updated columns:"); for (final Pair<Integer, Column<?>> p : updateColumns.getDescendingCountOrder()) { ps.println(i2 + "[" + p.getFirst() + "]: " + p.getSecond().getName().getSQL()); } } if (!groupBys.isEmpty()) { ps.println(i1 + "Grouped by columns:"); for (final Pair<Integer, Column<?>> p : groupBys.getDescendingCountOrder()) { ps.println(i2 + "[" + p.getFirst() + "]: " + p.getSecond().getName().getSQL()); } } if (!insertTuples.isEmpty()) { ps.println(i1 + "Insert sizes (number of tuples):"); for (final Pair<Integer, Integer> p : insertTuples.getDescendingCountOrder()) { ps.println(i2 + "[" + p.getFirst() + "]: " + p.getSecond()); } } if (selects > 0) { ps.println(i1 + "Found " + selects + " selects"); } if (updates > 0) { ps.println(i1 + "Found " + updates + " updates"); } if (deletes > 0) { ps.println(i1 + "Found " + deletes + " deletes"); } if (insertIntoSelects > 0) { ps.println(i1 + "Found " + insertIntoSelects + " insert into selects"); } } } private static class CountingMap<K> extends LinkedHashMap<K, Integer> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public CountingMap() { super(); } public void put(K key, int freq) { Integer e = get(key); if (e == null) { e = new Integer(freq); } else { e = new Integer(e.intValue() + freq); } put(key, e); } public int getValueTotal() { int acc = 0; final Collection<Integer> vals = values(); for (final Integer i : vals) { acc += i.intValue(); } return acc; } public List<Pair<Integer, K>> getDescendingCountOrder() { final MultiMap<Integer, K> byOrder = new MultiMap<Integer, K>(); for (final Map.Entry<K, Integer> m : entrySet()) { byOrder.put(m.getValue(), m.getKey()); } final List<Integer> cards = new ArrayList<Integer>(byOrder.keySet()); Collections.sort(cards); Collections.reverse(cards); final ArrayList<Pair<Integer, K>> out = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, K>>(); for (final Integer i : cards) { for (final K k : byOrder.get(i)) { out.add(new Pair<Integer, K>(i, k)); } } return out; } } }