package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.errmap.MySQLErrors; import com.tesora.dve.resultset.ResultRow; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.BootstrapHost; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.DBHelperConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PEDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProxyConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.StorageGroupDDL; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.PETest; public class FunctionsTest extends SchemaTest { private static final ProjectDDL checkDDL = new PEDDL("checkdb", new StorageGroupDDL("check", 2, "checkg"), "schema"); @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { PETest.projectSetup(checkDDL); PETest.bootHost = BootstrapHost.startServices(PETest.class); } protected ProxyConnectionResource conn; protected DBHelperConnectionResource dbh; @Before public void connect() throws Throwable { conn = new ProxyConnectionResource(); checkDDL.create(conn); dbh = new DBHelperConnectionResource(); } @After public void disconnect() throws Throwable { if(conn != null) conn.disconnect(); conn = null; if(dbh != null) dbh.disconnect(); dbh = null; } @Test public void testLowerWithLike() throws Throwable { conn.execute("create table `a` (`id` int, `mask` varchar(50), primary key (`id`)) "); String select = "select 1 from a where id=1 and lower('MiXeD cAsE') like lower(mask)"; // query should return empty result set conn.assertResults(select, br()); // insert a row that does not satisfy the lower clause conn.execute("insert into a values (1,'some junk')"); // query should return empty result set conn.assertResults(select, br()); // update row so that it does satisfy the lower clause conn.execute("update a set mask='MIXED CASE'"); // query should return 1 row conn.assertResults(select, br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); // make sure we didn't break the typical like parameter select = "select 1 from a where id=1 and mask like '%C%'"; conn.assertResults(select, br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); } @Test public void testUnix_timestamp() throws Throwable { conn.execute("create table `tblUnixTS` (`id` int, `d` date, `dt` datetime, `ts` timestamp, primary key (`id`)) "); // these are the acceptable values that can be put into the unix_timestamp function String dateLiteral = "'1997-01-01'"; String datetimeLiteral = "'1998-02-02 00:00:01'"; String timestampLiteral = "'1999-03-03 23:59:59'"; long dateFormat1Long = 970101; long dateFormat2Long = 19970101; conn.execute("insert into tblUnixTS values (1,"+ dateLiteral + "," + datetimeLiteral + "," + timestampLiteral + ")"); // all the values are before the current time so no rows should be returned conn.assertResults("select 1 from tblUnixTS where unix_timestamp(d) > unix_timestamp()", br()); conn.assertResults("select 1 from tblUnixTS where unix_timestamp(dt) > unix_timestamp()", br()); conn.assertResults("select 1 from tblUnixTS where unix_timestamp(ts) > unix_timestamp()", br()); // this should return the row if we reverse the comparison operator conn.assertResults("select 1 from tblUnixTS where unix_timestamp(d) < unix_timestamp()", br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); conn.assertResults("select 1 from tblUnixTS where unix_timestamp(dt) < unix_timestamp()", br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); conn.assertResults("select 1 from tblUnixTS where unix_timestamp(ts) < unix_timestamp()", br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); // make sure using a literal or a column definition as a parameter returns the same value compareUnixTimestampParamLiteralVSColumn( "select unix_timestamp(" + dateLiteral + ")", "select unix_timestamp(d) from tblUnixTS where id=1"); compareUnixTimestampParamLiteralVSColumn( "select unix_timestamp(" + datetimeLiteral + ")", "select unix_timestamp(dt) from tblUnixTS where id=1"); compareUnixTimestampParamLiteralVSColumn( "select unix_timestamp(" + timestampLiteral + ")", "select unix_timestamp(ts) from tblUnixTS where id=1"); compareUnixTimestampParamLiteralVSColumn( "select unix_timestamp(" + dateFormat1Long + ")", "select unix_timestamp(d) from tblUnixTS where id=1"); compareUnixTimestampParamLiteralVSColumn( "select unix_timestamp(" + dateFormat2Long + ")", "select unix_timestamp(d) from tblUnixTS where id=1"); } private void compareUnixTimestampParamLiteralVSColumn(String literalSql, String columnSql) throws Throwable { ResourceResponse resp = conn.fetch(literalSql); List<ResultRow> rows = resp.getResults(); assertEquals("Expected one row only", 1, rows.size()); Long literalLong = (Long) (rows.get(0).getResultColumn(1) .getColumnValue()); resp = conn.fetch(columnSql); rows = resp.getResults(); assertEquals("Expected one row only", 1, rows.size()); Long columnLong = (Long) (rows.get(0).getResultColumn(1) .getColumnValue()); assertEquals("Expected literal query (" + literalSql + ") to return same value as column query (" + columnSql + ")", literalLong, columnLong); } @Test public void testPE167() throws Throwable { conn.execute("create table ucp (`vid` integer unsigned not null, `length` integer, `width` integer, `height` integer);"); // test length as a column name String select = "SELECT length, width, height FROM ucp WHERE vid = 7710429"; // query should return empty result set conn.assertResults(select, br()); } @Test public void testPE168() throws Throwable { conn.execute("create table urs (`uid` integer unsigned not null, `created` timestamp);"); String select; String[] units = {"MICROSECOND", "SECOND", "MINUTE", "HOUR", "DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH", "QUARTER", "YEAR" }; for (String unit : units) { select = "SELECT uid FROM `urs` WHERE uid=420185 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(" + unit + ", FROM_UNIXTIME(created), NOW()) <= 3"; // query should return empty result set conn.assertResults(select, br()); } // use a literal as a parameter select = "SELECT uid FROM `urs` WHERE uid=420185 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY, '2012-01-01', '2012-01-01')"; // query should return empty result set conn.assertResults(select, br()); try { select = "SELECT uid FROM `urs` WHERE uid=420185 AND TIMESTAMPDIFF(JUNK, '2012-01-01', '2012-01-01')"; conn.assertResults(select, br()); fail("JUNK is not a valid unit for timestampdiff"); } catch (Exception e) { // expected } } @Test public void test_PE222_utc_timestamp() throws Throwable { // From the doc: utc_timestamp returns the current UTC date and time // as a value in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.uuuuuu format, // depending on whether the function is used in a string or numeric context. Timestamp ts; // try with and without parens ResourceResponse resp = conn.fetch("SELECT UTC_TIMESTAMP(), UTC_TIMESTAMP() + 0"); List<ResultRow> rows = resp.getResults(); assertEquals("Expected one row only", 1, rows.size()); // If the types don't cast properly then we have a problem assertNotNull(ts = (Timestamp) (rows.get(0).getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue())); assertNotNull((rows.get(0).getResultColumn(2).getColumnValue())); // put function into an insert conn.execute("create table `tblUTCTS` (`id` int, `ts` timestamp, primary key (`id`)) "); conn.execute("insert into tblUTCTS values (1, utc_timestamp())"); // just make sure the ts2 is equal or after the above ts Timestamp ts2; resp = conn.fetch("select ts from tblUTCTS"); rows = resp.getResults(); assertEquals("Expected one row only", 1, rows.size()); assertNotNull(ts2 = (Timestamp) (rows.get(0).getResultColumn(1).getColumnValue())); assertTrue(ts.compareTo(ts2)<1); } @Test public void test_PE136_REGEXP() throws Throwable { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE wpo ("); buf.append("oid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,"); buf.append("onm varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',"); buf.append("ov longtext NOT NULL,"); buf.append("al varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'yes',"); buf.append("PRIMARY KEY (oid),"); buf.append("UNIQUE KEY onm (onm)"); buf.append(") DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO `wpo` ("); buf.append("`onm`, `ov`, `al`) "); buf.append("VALUES ("); buf.append("'_site_transient_timeout_theme_roots', '1325536233', 'yes') "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO `wpo` ("); buf.append("`onm`, `ov`, `al`) "); buf.append("VALUES ("); buf.append("'rss_00000000000000000000000000000000', '0000000000', 'no') "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT `onm`, `ov`, `al` "); buf.append("FROM wpo WHERE onm REGEXP '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, "rss_00000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000", "no")); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT `onm`, `ov`, `al` "); buf.append("FROM wpo WHERE onm RLIKE '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, "rss_00000000000000000000000000000000", "0000000000", "no")); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("UPDATE wpo "); buf.append("SET `ov`='1111111111' "); buf.append("WHERE onm RLIKE '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT `onm`, `ov`, `al` "); buf.append("FROM wpo WHERE onm RLIKE '^[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT `onm`, `ov`, `al` "); buf.append("FROM wpo WHERE onm RLIKE '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, "rss_00000000000000000000000000000000", "1111111111", "no")); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("DELETE FROM wpo "); buf.append("WHERE onm RLIKE '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT `onm`, `ov`, `al` "); buf.append("FROM wpo WHERE onm RLIKE '^rss_[0-9a-f]{32}(_ts)?$'"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br()); } @Test public void test_NULLIF() throws Throwable { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE wp_usermeta ("); buf.append("umid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,"); buf.append("uid bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',"); buf.append("mk varchar(255) default NULL,"); buf.append("mv longtext,"); buf.append("PRIMARY KEY (umid),"); buf.append("KEY uid (uid),"); buf.append("KEY mk (mk)"); buf.append(") DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO `wp_usermeta` ("); buf.append("`uid`,`mk`,`mv`) "); buf.append("VALUES "); buf.append("('1','last_name',''),"); buf.append("('1','nickname','admin'),"); buf.append("('1','description',''),"); buf.append("('1','rich_editing','true'),"); buf.append("('1','comment_shortcuts','false'),"); buf.append("('1','admin_color','fresh'),"); buf.append("('1','use_ssl','0'),"); buf.append("('1','show_admin_bar_front','true'),"); buf.append("('1','wp_capabilities','a:1:{s:10:\"subscriber\";s:1:\"1\";}'),"); buf.append("('1','wp_user_level','0'),"); buf.append("('1','dismissed_wp_pointers','wp330_toolbar,wp330_media_uploader,wp330_saving_widgets'),"); buf.append("('1','show_welcome_panel','1'),"); buf.append("('1','wp_dashboard_quick_press_last_post_id','3')"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT "); buf.append("COUNT(NULLIF(`mv` LIKE '%administrator%', FALSE)),"); buf.append("COUNT(NULLIF(`mv` LIKE '%editor%', FALSE)),"); buf.append("COUNT(NULLIF(`mv` LIKE '%author%', FALSE)),"); buf.append("COUNT(NULLIF(`mv` LIKE '%contributor%', FALSE)),"); buf.append("COUNT(NULLIF(`mv` LIKE '%subscriber%', FALSE)),"); buf.append("COUNT(*) "); buf.append("FROM wp_usermeta "); buf.append("WHERE mk = 'wp_capabilities'"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, Long.valueOf(0), Long.valueOf(0), Long.valueOf(0), Long.valueOf(0), Long.valueOf(1), Long.valueOf(1))); } @Test public void test_DATE_SUB_or_ADD_and_YEAR_MONTH() throws Throwable { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE wpp ("); buf.append("ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,"); buf.append("pd datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',"); buf.append("ps varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'publish',"); buf.append("pt varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'post',"); buf.append("PRIMARY KEY (ID)"); buf.append(") DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 "); buf.append("BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE a_broadcast_table_to_join ("); buf.append("ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,"); buf.append("pt varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'post',"); buf.append("PRIMARY KEY (ID)"); buf.append(") DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 "); buf.append("BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE a_random_table_to_join ("); buf.append("ID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,"); buf.append("pt varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'post',"); buf.append("PRIMARY KEY (ID)"); buf.append(") DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 "); buf.append("RANDOM DISTRIBUTE "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO `wpp` ("); buf.append("`pd`) "); buf.append("VALUES "); buf.append("('2012-01-02 18:30:33')"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO `wpp` ("); buf.append("`pd`,`pt`) "); buf.append("VALUES "); buf.append("('2012-02-02 18:30:33','page')"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO `wpp` ("); buf.append("`pd`,`ps`,`pt`) "); buf.append("VALUES "); buf.append("('2012-03-02 18:31:00','auto-draft','post')"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT ID "); buf.append("FROM wpp "); buf.append("WHERE ps = 'auto-draft' "); buf.append("AND DATE_SUB( NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY ) > pd "); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, Long.valueOf(3))); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT ID "); buf.append("FROM wpp "); buf.append("WHERE DATE_ADD( '2012-01-01 18:31:00', INTERVAL 2 DAY ) > pd "); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR( pd ) AS year, MONTH( pd) AS month "); buf.append("FROM wpp "); buf.append("WHERE pt = 'page' "); buf.append("ORDER BY pd desc"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, Integer.valueOf(2012), Integer.valueOf(2))); // make sure the following don't throw exceptions buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR( p.pd ) AS year, MONTH( p.pd) AS month "); buf.append("FROM wpp p INNER JOIN a_broadcast_table_to_join j "); buf.append("ON p.ID = j.ID "); buf.append("ORDER BY pd desc"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT DISTINCT YEAR( p.pd ) AS year, MONTH( p.pd) AS month "); buf.append("FROM wpp p INNER JOIN a_random_table_to_join j "); buf.append("ON p.ID = j.ID "); buf.append("ORDER BY pd desc"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br()); } @Test public void testPE775() throws Throwable { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE `umt` ( "); buf.append("`uid` int(11) NOT NULL, "); buf.append("`token` varchar(100) NOT NULL, "); buf.append("`datetime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, "); buf.append("PRIMARY KEY (`token`), "); buf.append("KEY `uid` (`uid`) "); buf.append(") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 /*#dve BROADCAST DISTRIBUTE */ "); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO umt (uid,token,datetime) "); buf.append("VALUES "); buf.append("(2904,'c0ab2d0a53de4522223ae0c8d08e871294debbe29a72fba8c38b326ad7261507',now())"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT count(*) FROM umt"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, Long.valueOf(1))); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT datetime FROM umt"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("UPDATE umt SET datetime=now()"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); } @Test public void testPE951_LEFT() throws Throwable { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("CREATE TABLE `pe951` ( `value` varchar(100) NOT NULL )"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("INSERT INTO pe951 VALUES ('123456789012345678901234567890'), ('This is a test string')"); conn.execute(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT value FROM pe951 ORDER BY value"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, "123456789012345678901234567890", nr, "This is a test string")); buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("SELECT LEFT(value,10) FROM pe951 ORDER BY value"); conn.assertResults(buf.toString(), br(nr, "1234567890", nr, "This is a ")); } @Test public void testPE988_REPLACE() throws Throwable { final String test1 = "SELECT REPLACE('Hello, World!', 'Hello', 'Hi')"; conn.assertResults(test1, br(nr, "Hi, World!")); conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `pe988` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL" + ", `name` varchar(256) NOT NULL )"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (1, 'float')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (2, ' int')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (3, 'text ')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (4, ' char ')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (5, 'long long')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (6, ' tiny text')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (7, 'unsigned int ')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (8, ' long double ')"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe988` VALUES (9, ' some long text with spaces and tabs ');"); final String test2 = "SELECT REPLACE(, ' ', '-') FROM pe988 ORDER BY id"; conn.assertResults(test2, br( nr, "float", nr, "-int", nr, "text-", nr, "-char-", nr, "long-long", nr, "-tiny-text", nr, "unsigned-int-", nr, "-long-double-", nr, "--some--long--text---with--spaces--and tabs--")); } @Test public void testPE1156_GroupConcatMaxLen() throws Throwable { final String test = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g')"; conn.assertResults(test, br(nr, "abcdefg")); conn.execute("SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 5"); conn.assertResults(test, br(nr, "abcde")); } @Test public void testPE362_Char() throws Throwable { final String test1In = "SELECT CHAR(77,121,83,81,'76')"; final String test1Out = "MySQL"; /* By default, CHAR() returns a binary string. */ conn.assertResults(test1In, br(nr, test1Out.getBytes())); conn.assertResults( "SELECT CHAR(0x4E, NULL, 0x55, NULL, 0x4C, NULL, 0x4C USING utf8)", br(nr, "NULL")); } @Ignore @Test public void testPE347_Interval() throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("SELECT INTERVAL(55,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90,100)", br(nr, 5)); conn.assertResults("SELECT INTERVAL(3,1,1+1,1+1+1+1)", br(nr, 2)); conn.assertResults("SELECT INTERVAL(0,1,2,3,4)", br(nr, 0)); conn.assertResults("SELECT INTERVAL(NULL,1,2,3,4)", br(nr, -1)); } @Ignore @Test public void testPE347_Elt() throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("SELECT ELT(2,\"ONE\",\"TWO\",\"THREE\")", br(nr, "TWO")); conn.assertResults("SELECT ELT(0,\"ONE\",\"TWO\",\"THREE\")", br(nr, null)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ELT(4,\"ONE\",\"TWO\",\"THREE\")", br(nr, null)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ELT(1,1,2,3)|0)", br(nr, 1)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ELT(1,1.1,1.2,1.3)+0)", br(nr, 1.1)); } @Test public void testPE347_Field() throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("SELECT FIELD(\"IBM\",\"NCA\",\"ICL\",\"SUN\",\"IBM\",\"DIGITAL\")", br(nr, 4l)); conn.assertResults("SELECT FIELD(\"TESORA\",\"NCA\",\"ICL\",\"SUN\",\"IBM\",\"DIGITAL\")", br(nr, 0l)); } @Test public void testPE1403_Rand() throws Throwable { new ExpectedSqlErrorTester() { @Override public void test() throws Throwable { conn.execute("SELECT RAND(1,2,3)"); } }.assertError(SchemaException.class, MySQLErrors.incorrectParamCountFormatter, "RAND"); assertResultDistribution("SELECT RAND()", 1, 1, 10, true); assertResultDistribution("SELECT RAND(0)", 1, 1, 10, false); assertResultDistribution("SELECT RAND(5)", 1, 1, 10, false); conn.execute("CREATE TABLE pe1403 (id INT NOT NULL)"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO pe1403 VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6)"); assertResultDistribution("SELECT id, RAND() FROM pe1403", 2, 6, 1, true); assertResultDistribution("SELECT id, RAND(0) FROM pe1403", 2, 6, 1, true); assertResultDistribution("SELECT id, RAND(5) FROM pe1403", 2, 6, 1, true); } private void assertResultDistribution(final String stmt, final int columnIndex, final int expectedNumRows, final int numTrials, final boolean assertRandom) throws Throwable { final Set<Object> results = new HashSet<Object>(numTrials); for (int i = 0; i < numTrials; ++i) { final ResourceResponse response = conn.execute(stmt); final List<ResultRow> rows = response.getResults(); assertEquals("Wrong number of rows in the result set.", expectedNumRows, rows.size()); for (final ResultRow row : rows) { results.add(row.getResultColumn(columnIndex).getColumnValue()); } } if (assertRandom) { assertTrue("Random results expected.", results.size() == (expectedNumRows * numTrials)); } else { assertTrue("Equal results expected.", results.size() == 1); } } @Test public void testPE311_XOR() throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("SELECT 1 XOR 1", br(nr, 0l)); conn.assertResults("SELECT 1 XOR 0", br(nr, 1l)); conn.assertResults("SELECT 1 XOR NULL", br(nr, null)); conn.assertResults("SELECT 1 XOR 1 XOR 1", br(nr, 1l)); conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `pe311` (`id` int, `value` varchar(10), PRIMARY KEY (`id`))"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe311` VALUES (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three'), (4, 'four'), (5, 'five')"); conn.assertResults("SELECT id XOR id, value FROM pe311 WHERE ((id > 2) XOR (id < 4)) ORDER BY id ASC", br(nr, 0l, "one", nr, 0l, "two", nr, 0l, "four", nr, 0l, "five")); } @Test public void testPE761() throws Throwable { conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `pe761_A` (`value` int)"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe761_A` VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4)"); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(VAR_SAMP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.6667)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(VARIANCE(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.2500)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(VAR_POP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.2500)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STDDEV_SAMP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.2910)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STDDEV(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.1180)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STD(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.1180)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STDDEV_POP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_A`", br(nr, 1.1180)); conn.execute("CREATE TABLE `pe761_B` (`id` int not null, `value` int)"); conn.execute("INSERT INTO `pe761_B` VALUES (1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)," + "(2, 4), (2, 5), (2, 6), (3, 7), (3, 8), (3, 9)"); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(VAR_SAMP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 1.0, nr, 1.0, nr, 1.0)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(VARIANCE(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 0.6667, nr, 0.6667, nr, 0.6667)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(VAR_POP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 0.6667, nr, 0.6667, nr, 0.6667)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STDDEV_SAMP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 1.0, nr, 1.0, nr, 1.0)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STDDEV(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 0.8165, nr, 0.8165, nr, 0.8165)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STD(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 0.8165, nr, 0.8165, nr, 0.8165)); conn.assertResults("SELECT ROUND(STDDEV_POP(`value`), 4) FROM `pe761_B` GROUP BY `id`", br(nr, 0.8165, nr, 0.8165, nr, 0.8165)); } @Test public void testPower() throws Throwable { conn.assertResults("SELECT POW(3, 2)", br(nr, 9.0)); conn.assertResults("SELECT POWER(3, 3)", br(nr, 27.0)); } }