package com.tesora.dve.sql.transform; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.BroadcastDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.distribution.StaticDistributionModel; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEStorageGroup; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.DeleteStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.dml.UpdateStatement; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transexec.TransientExecutionEngine; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.DMLExplainReason; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.DMLExplainRecord; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.ExecutionType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.TestName; public class TriggerTransformTest extends TransformTest { public TriggerTransformTest() { super("TriggerTransformTest"); } @Test public void testA() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create range arange (int) persistent group g1", "create range brange (int) persistent group g1", "create table ref (id int, subject varchar(32), primary key (id)) range distribute on (id) using arange", "create table lookup (id int, kind int, targ int, primary key (id)) range distribute on (id) using brange", "create table subj (id int, action varchar(32), primary key (id)) range distribute on (id) using arange", "create trigger subj_upd after update on subj for each row " +"begin update ref r inner join lookup l on = l.targ set r.subject = NEW.action where l.kind = 5 and OLD.action like '%whatevs%'; END"); String sql = "update subj s inner join lookup l on = l.targ set s.action = 'firsttest' where l.kind = 5"; PEStorageGroup group = getGroup(db); stmtTest(db,sql,UpdateStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp5",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"lt2_2" }, new String[][] {{"lt2_2"} }, "SELECT l.`targ` AS lt2_2", "FROM `lookup` AS l", "WHERE l.`kind` = 5" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LEFT_NO_WC_RIGHT_WC_NO_CONSTRAINT)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp6",group,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, new String[][] {{"t3l0"} }, "SELECT DISTINCT temp5.lt2_2 AS t3l0", "FROM temp5" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN_LOOKUP_TABLE)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp7",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"si0_7" }, new String[][] {{"si0_7"} }, "SELECT s.`action` AS sa1_6,s.`id` AS si0_7", "FROM `subj` AS s, temp6", "WHERE s.`id` = temp6.t3l0" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp8",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, emptyIndexes, "SELECT 'firsttest' AS litex,temp7.sa1_6 AS t5s0_8,temp7.si0_7 AS t5s1_9", "FROM temp7", "INNER JOIN temp5 ON temp7.si0_7 = temp5.lt2_2" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.TRIGGER_SRC_TABLE)), new TriggerExpectedStep(group, new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT temp8.litex,temp8.t5s0_8,temp8.t5s1_9", "FROM temp8" ), new UpdateExpectedStep( group, "UPDATE `subj` AS s", "SET s.`action` = _lbc0", "WHERE s.`id` = _lbc2" ), null, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp9",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"lt2_2" }, new String[][] {{"lt2_2"} }, "SELECT l.`targ` AS lt2_2", "FROM `lookup` AS l", "WHERE l.`kind` = 5" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LEFT_NO_WC_RIGHT_WC_NO_CONSTRAINT)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp10",group,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, new String[][] {{"t3l0"} }, "SELECT DISTINCT temp9.lt2_2 AS t3l0", "FROM temp9" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN_LOOKUP_TABLE)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp11",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"ri0_4" }, new String[][] {{"ri0_4"} }, "SELECT r.`id` AS ri0_4", "FROM `ref` AS r, temp10", "WHERE r.`id` = temp10.t3l0" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp12",group,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, emptyIndexes, "SELECT temp11.ri0_4 AS t5r0_5", "FROM temp11", "INNER JOIN temp9 ON temp11.ri0_4 = temp9.lt2_2", "WHERE _lbc1 like '%whatevs%'" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LEFT_NO_WC_RIGHT_WC_NO_CONSTRAINT)), new UpdateExpectedStep( group, "UPDATE `ref` AS r", "INNER JOIN temp12 ON r.`id` = temp12.t5r0_5", "SET r.`subject` = _lbc0" ) ) ) ) ); } @Test public void testB() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create range arange (int) persistent group g1", "create range brange (int) persistent group g1", "create table ref (id int, subject varchar(32), primary key (id)) range distribute on (id) using arange", "create table lookup (id int, kind int, targ int, primary key (id)) range distribute on (id) using brange", "create table subj (id int, action varchar(32), primary key (id)) range distribute on (id) using arange", "create trigger subj_del after delete on subj for each row " +"begin update ref r inner join lookup l on = l.targ set r.subject = OLD.action where l.kind = 5 and % 2 = 0; END" ); String sql = "delete s from subj s inner join lookup l on = l.targ where l.kind = 5"; PEStorageGroup group = getGroup(db); stmtTest(db,sql,DeleteStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp5",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"lt2_2" }, new String[][] {{"lt2_2"} }, "SELECT l.`targ` AS lt2_2", "FROM `lookup` AS l", "WHERE l.`kind` = 5" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LEFT_NO_WC_RIGHT_WC_NO_CONSTRAINT)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp6",group,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, new String[][] {{"t3l0"} }, "SELECT DISTINCT temp5.lt2_2 AS t3l0", "FROM temp5" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN_LOOKUP_TABLE)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp7",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"si0_7" }, new String[][] {{"si0_7"} }, "SELECT s.`action` AS sa1_6,s.`id` AS si0_7", "FROM `subj` AS s, temp6", "WHERE s.`id` = temp6.t3l0" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp8",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, emptyIndexes, "SELECT temp7.sa1_6 AS t5s0_7,temp7.si0_7 AS t5s1_8", "FROM temp7", "INNER JOIN temp5 ON temp7.si0_7 = temp5.lt2_2" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.TRIGGER_SRC_TABLE)), new TriggerExpectedStep(group, new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT temp8.t5s0_7,temp8.t5s1_8", "FROM temp8" ), new DeleteExpectedStep( group, "DELETE s", "FROM `subj` AS s", "WHERE s.`id` = _lbc1" ), null, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp9",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"lt2_2" }, new String[][] {{"lt2_2"} }, "SELECT l.`targ` AS lt2_2", "FROM `lookup` AS l", "WHERE l.`kind` = 5" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LEFT_NO_WC_RIGHT_WC_NO_CONSTRAINT)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp10",group,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, new String[][] {{"t3l0"} }, "SELECT DISTINCT temp9.lt2_2 AS t3l0", "FROM temp9" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN_LOOKUP_TABLE)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp11",TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,StaticDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, new String[] {"ri0_4" }, new String[][] {{"ri0_4"} }, "SELECT r.`id` AS ri0_4", "FROM `ref` AS r, temp10", "WHERE r.`id` = temp10.t3l0" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LOOKUP_JOIN)), new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, TransientExecutionEngine.LARGE,"temp12",group,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, emptyIndexes, "SELECT temp11.ri0_4 AS t5r0_5", "FROM temp11", "INNER JOIN temp9 ON temp11.ri0_4 = temp9.lt2_2", "WHERE _lbc1 % 2 = 0" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.LEFT_NO_WC_RIGHT_WC_NO_CONSTRAINT)), new UpdateExpectedStep( group, "UPDATE `ref` AS r", "INNER JOIN temp12 ON r.`id` = temp12.t5r0_5", "SET r.`subject` = _lbc0" ) ) ) ) ); } @Test public void testNewAutoIncrementValueRewrite() throws Throwable { SchemaContext db = buildSchema(TestName.MULTI, "create table src (id int AUTO_INCREMENT, value int, primary key (id)) random distribute", "create table no_ai_src (id int, value int, primary key (id)) random distribute", "create trigger make_copy before update on src for each row " + "begin update no_ai_src set id =, value = NEW.value; END"); String sql = "update src set value = 29"; PEStorageGroup group = getGroup(db); stmtTest(db, sql, UpdateStatement.class, bes( new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, group,"temp1",TransientExecutionEngine.AGGREGATION,BroadcastDistributionModel.MODEL_NAME, emptyDV, emptyIndexes, "SELECT `src`.`id` AS s1i0_3,29 AS litex_4", "FROM `src`" ) .withExplain(new DMLExplainRecord(DMLExplainReason.TRIGGER_SRC_TABLE)), new TriggerExpectedStep(group, new ProjectingExpectedStep(ExecutionType.SELECT, null, "SELECT temp1.s1i0_3,temp1.litex_4", "FROM temp1" ), new UpdateExpectedStep( group, "UPDATE `src`", "SET `src`.`value` = _lbc1", "WHERE `src`.`id` = _lbc0" ), bes( new UpdateExpectedStep( group, "UPDATE `no_ai_src`", "SET `no_ai_src`.`id` = _lbc0,`no_ai_src`.`value` = _lbc1" ) ) , null ) ) ); } @Test public void testTriggerWithCase() throws Throwable { final SchemaContext db = buildSchema( TestName.MULTI, "CREATE RANGE arange (int) PERSISTENT GROUP g1", "CREATE TABLE `data_point` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `gid` int(11) NOT NULL, `value` double NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) RANGE DISTRIBUTE ON (`id`) USING arange", "CREATE TABLE `data_stats` (`gid` int(11) NOT NULL, `sum` double NOT NULL) RANGE DISTRIBUTE ON (`gid`) USING arange", "CREATE TRIGGER `add_on_insert` AFTER UPDATE ON `data_point` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN CASE (SELECT (COUNT(*) > 0) FROM `data_stats` WHERE `gid` = NEW.gid) WHEN FALSE THEN INSERT INTO `data_stats` (`gid`, `sum`) VALUES (NEW.gid, 0); ELSE UPDATE `data_stats` SET `sum` = `sum` + NEW.value WHERE `gid` = NEW.gid; END CASE; END;" ); // INSERT INTO `data_point` (`gid`, `value`) VALUES (1, 1.0), (1, 2.0), (1, 3.0), (1, 4.0), (1, 5.5) final String sql = "UPDATE `data_point` SET `value` = 5.0 WHERE `id` = 5"; final PEStorageGroup group = getGroup(db); stmtTest(db, sql, UpdateStatement.class, null); } }