package com.tesora.dve.sql; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.BootstrapHost; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.DBHelperConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListOfPairs; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.MirrorTest; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Pair; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.PortalDBHelperConnectionResource; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ProjectDDL; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ResourceResponse; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.TestResource; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.PETest; public abstract class SchemaMirrorTest extends SchemaTest { protected TestResource sysResource; protected TestResource checkResource; protected TestResource nativeResource; protected boolean useUTF8 = true; public void setUseUTF8(boolean useUTF8) { this.useUTF8 = useUTF8; } protected ProjectDDL getMultiDDL() { return null; } protected ProjectDDL getSingleDDL() { return null; } protected ProjectDDL getNativeDDL() { return null; } protected static void setup(ProjectDDL multiDDL, ProjectDDL singleDDL, ProjectDDL nativeDDL, List<MirrorTest> populate) throws Throwable { ArrayList<ProjectDDL> exists = new ArrayList<ProjectDDL>(); if (multiDDL != null) exists.add(multiDDL); if (singleDDL != null) exists.add(singleDDL); if (nativeDDL != null) exists.add(nativeDDL); PETest.projectSetup(exists.toArray(new ProjectDDL[0])); PETest.bootHost = BootstrapHost.startServices(PETest.class); // putting the load into the per class portion // then we can have real test cases (almost) PortalDBHelperConnectionResource sysconn = (multiDDL == null ? null : new PortalDBHelperConnectionResource()); PortalDBHelperConnectionResource checkconn = (singleDDL == null ? null : new PortalDBHelperConnectionResource()); DBHelperConnectionResource nativeConn = (nativeDDL == null ? null : new DBHelperConnectionResource()); try { TestResource smr = (multiDDL == null ? null : new TestResource(sysconn, multiDDL)); TestResource cmr = (singleDDL == null ? null : new TestResource(checkconn, singleDDL)); TestResource nmr = (nativeDDL == null ? null : new TestResource(nativeConn, nativeDDL)); ArrayList<TestResource> trs = new ArrayList<TestResource>(); if (smr != null) trs.add(smr); if (cmr != null) trs.add(cmr); if (nmr != null) trs.add(nmr); for (TestResource tr : trs) tr.getDDL().create(tr); for (TestResource tr : trs) { for (MirrorTest mt : populate) mt.execute(tr, null); } } finally { if (sysconn != null) sysconn.disconnect(); if (checkconn != null) checkconn.disconnect(); if (nativeConn != null) nativeConn.disconnect(); } } @Before public void connect() throws Throwable { if (getMultiDDL() != null) sysResource = new TestResource(createConnection(getMultiDDL()), getMultiDDL()); if (getSingleDDL() != null) checkResource = new TestResource(createConnection(getSingleDDL()), getSingleDDL()); if (getNativeDDL() != null) nativeResource = new TestResource(createConnection(getNativeDDL()), getNativeDDL()); TestResource[] trs = new TestResource[] { sysResource, checkResource, nativeResource }; for(TestResource tr : trs) if (tr != null) onConnect(tr); } public ConnectionResource getMultiConnection() { if (sysResource == null) return null; return sysResource.getConnection(); } public ConnectionResource getSingleConnection() { if (checkResource == null) return null; return checkResource.getConnection(); } public ConnectionResource getNativeConnection() { if (nativeResource == null) return null; return nativeResource.getConnection(); } protected ConnectionResource createConnection(ProjectDDL p) throws Throwable { if (p == getNativeDDL()) return new DBHelperConnectionResource(useUTF8); else if (p == getMultiDDL() || p == getSingleDDL()) return new PortalDBHelperConnectionResource(useUTF8); throw new PEException("ProjectDDL of unknown type " + p.getClass()); } protected void onConnect(TestResource tr) throws Throwable { tr.getConnection().execute("use " + tr.getDDL().getDatabaseName()); } @After public void disconnect() throws Throwable { if (sysResource != null) sysResource.getConnection().disconnect(); if (checkResource != null) checkResource.getConnection().disconnect(); if (nativeResource != null) nativeResource.getConnection().disconnect(); sysResource = null; checkResource = null; nativeResource = null; } protected void runTest(MirrorTest single) throws Throwable { runTest(Collections.singletonList(single)); } protected void runTest(List<MirrorTest> tests) throws Throwable { ListOfPairs<TestResource, TestResource> c = new ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource>(); c.add(nativeResource, checkResource); c.add(nativeResource, sysResource); runTest(tests, c, true); } protected ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource> getTestConfig() { ListOfPairs<TestResource, TestResource> c = new ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource>(); c.add(nativeResource, checkResource); c.add(nativeResource, sysResource); return c; } protected void runTest(List<MirrorTest> tests, ListOfPairs<TestResource,TestResource> configs, boolean omitMissingRHS) throws Throwable { for(Pair<TestResource, TestResource> p : configs) { if (p.getSecond() == null && omitMissingRHS) continue; for(MirrorTest mt : tests) { mt.execute(p.getFirst(), p.getSecond()); } } } protected void runSerialNoMirror(List<MirrorTest> tests) throws Throwable { ListOfPairs<TestResource, TestResource> c = new ListOfPairs<TestResource, TestResource>(); if (nativeResource != null) c.add(nativeResource,null); if (checkResource != null) c.add(checkResource,null); if (sysResource != null) c.add(sysResource,null); runTest(tests, c, false); } /** * Facilitates extended packet mirror testing by handling necessary variable * and setting updates. */ protected class ExtendedPacketTester { private static final long VARIABLE_REFRESH_WAIT_TIME_SEC = 10; private static final long DEFAULT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET_SIZE = 16777216; private final long maxAllowedPacketSize; private boolean useFormatedOutput = false; private final ArrayList<MirrorTest> tests = new ArrayList<MirrorTest>(); /** * @param maxAllowedPacketSize * Value of 'max_allowed_packet' global variable used in the * test. */ public ExtendedPacketTester(final long maxAllowedPacketSize) { this.maxAllowedPacketSize = maxAllowedPacketSize; } /** * Execute the mirror tests. */ public void runTests() throws Throwable { try { resetMaxAllowedPacketVariable(this.maxAllowedPacketSize); ResourceResponse.BLOB_COLUMN.useFormatedOutput(this.useFormatedOutput); // Refresh the 'max_allowed_packet' variable. disconnect(); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(VARIABLE_REFRESH_WAIT_TIME_SEC); //TODO: hack to deal with race condition where fast disconnect/reconnect after a response still picks up old value. -sgossard connect(); test(); } finally { ResourceResponse.BLOB_COLUMN.useFormatedOutput(true); resetMaxAllowedPacketVariable(DEFAULT_MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET_SIZE); } } /** * Run mirror tests. */ protected void test() throws Throwable { SchemaMirrorTest.this.runTest(this.tests); } /** * Add MirrorTest to the suite. */ public void add(final MirrorTest test) { this.tests.add(test); } /** * Add MirrorTests to the suite. */ public void addAll(final Collection<MirrorTest> tests) { this.tests.addAll(tests); } /** * Remove all MirrorTest currently in the suite. */ public void clear() { this.tests.clear(); } /** * Formatted output on large packets may lead to heap exhaustion in * StringBuilder. */ public void enableFormatedOutput() { this.useFormatedOutput = true; } private void resetMaxAllowedPacketVariable(final long value) throws Throwable { SchemaMirrorTest.this.runTest(new StatementMirrorProc("SET GLOBAL max_allowed_packet = " + String.valueOf(value))); } } }