package; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import com.tesora.dve.common.DBHelper; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBNative; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class StaticAnalyzer { public static final String PROCEDURE_NAME = "PROCEDURE_NAME"; public static final String TABLE_CAT = "TABLE_CAT"; public static final String TABLE_NAME = "TABLE_NAME"; public static final String TABLE_TYPE = "TABLE_TYPE"; public static final String COLUMN_NAME = "COLUMN_NAME"; public static final String TYPE_NAME = "TYPE_NAME"; public static final String COLUMN_SIZE = "COLUMN_SIZE"; public static final String COLUMN_DEF = "COLUMN_DEF"; public static final String NULLABLE = "NULLABLE"; public static final String IS_AUTOINCREMENT = "IS_AUTOINCREMENT"; public static final String PKTABLE_NAME = "PKTABLE_NAME"; public static final String PKCOLUMN_NAME = "PKCOLUMN_NAME"; public static final String FKCOLUMN_NAME = "FKCOLUMN_NAME"; public static final String KEY_SEQ = "KEY_SEQ"; public static final String PK_NAME = "PK_NAME"; public static final String FK_NAME = "FK_NAME"; public static final String INDEX_NAME = "INDEX_NAME"; public static final String ORDINAL_POSITION = "ORDINAL_POSITION"; public static final String ASC_OR_DESC = "ASC_OR_DESC"; public static final String NON_UNIQUE = "NON_UNIQUE"; public static final String CARDINALITY = "CARDINALITY"; public static final String INDEX_TYPE = "TYPE"; public static final String DATA_LENGTH = "Data_length"; public static final String ENGINE = "Engine"; public static DbAnalyzerReport doStatic(final DBNative dbNative, final AnalyzerOptions options, final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword, final List<String> forDatabases, final DBHelper dbHelper, final boolean runAnalyze) throws PEException, SQLException { final DbAnalyzerReport dbaReport = setup(options, new DbAnalyzerReport(), dbUrl, dbUser, dbPassword); final DatabaseMetaData dbmd = dbHelper.getConnection().getMetaData(); dbaReport.getDatabaseInformation().setMajorVersion(dbmd.getDatabaseMajorVersion()); dbaReport.getDatabaseInformation().setMinorVersion(dbmd.getDatabaseMinorVersion()); dbaReport.getDatabaseInformation().setProductName(dbmd.getDatabaseProductName()); dbaReport.getDatabaseInformation().setProductVersion(dbmd.getDatabaseProductVersion()); dbaReport.getDatabaseInformation().setDefaultTxnIsolation( isolationLevelToString(dbmd.getDefaultTransactionIsolation())); final List<Database> localDatabases = dbaReport.getDatabases().getDatabase(); for (final String dbName : forDatabases) { // Check that the specified database is actually present boolean found = false; try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getCatalogs()) { while ( { if (rs.getString(TABLE_CAT).equals(dbName)) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { throw new PEException("Database '" + dbName + "' not found"); } localDatabases.add(setup(new Database(), dbName)); } for (final Database database : localDatabases) { final String dbName = database.getName(); // Handle stored procedures try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getProcedures(dbName, null, null)) { while ( { final Procedure procedure = new Procedure(); procedure.setName(rs.getString(PROCEDURE_NAME)); if (database.getProcedures() == null) { database.setProcedures(new ProceduresType()); } database.getProcedures().getProcedure().add(procedure); } } final List<Table> tables = database.getTables().getTable(); // Obtain list of all tables for this database try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTables(dbName, null, null, new String[] { "TABLE", "VIEW" })) { while ( { tables.add(setup(new Table(), rs.getString(TABLE_NAME), rs.getString(TABLE_TYPE))); } } dbHelper.executeQuery("USE " + dbName); // Iterate over all the tables for (final Table table : tables) { final String tableName = table.getName(); // Get row and data counts in this table if (!table.isView()) { // Update table statistics if (runAnalyze) { dbHelper.executeQuery("ANALYZE TABLE " + dbNative.quoteIdentifier(tableName)); } dbHelper.executeQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + dbNative.quoteIdentifier(tableName)); try (final ResultSet rs = dbHelper.getResultSet()) {; table.setRowCount(rs.getInt(1)); } dbHelper.executeQuery("SHOW TABLE STATUS IN " + dbName + " WHERE Name = '" + tableName + "'"); try (final ResultSet rs = dbHelper.getResultSet()) {; table.setEngine(rs.getString(ENGINE)); table.setDataLength(rs.getLong(DATA_LENGTH)); } } dbHelper.executeQuery("SHOW CREATE TABLE " + dbNative.quoteIdentifier(tableName)); try (final ResultSet rs = dbHelper.getResultSet()) {; table.setScts(rs.getString(2)); } // Read column metadata for the table try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getColumns(dbName, null, tableName, null)) { final List<Column> columns = table.getColumns().getColumn(); while ( { final Column column = new Column(); column.setName(rs.getString(COLUMN_NAME)); column.setType(rs.getString(TYPE_NAME)); column.setSize(rs.getInt(COLUMN_SIZE)); column.setDefVal(rs.getString(COLUMN_DEF)); if (DatabaseMetaData.columnNoNulls == rs.getInt(NULLABLE)) { column.setNullable(false); } if (rs.getString(IS_AUTOINCREMENT).equalsIgnoreCase("yes")) { column.setAutoIncr(true); } columns.add(column); } } // Get indexes try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getIndexInfo(dbName, null, tableName, false, false)) { while ( { final Index index = new Index(); index.setName(rs.getString(INDEX_NAME)); index.setSequence(rs.getInt(ORDINAL_POSITION)); index.setColumn(rs.getString(COLUMN_NAME)); index.setNonUnique(rs.getBoolean(NON_UNIQUE)); index.setAscending(rs.getString(ASC_OR_DESC) != null ? rs.getString(ASC_OR_DESC).equalsIgnoreCase( "A") : true); index.setCardinality(rs.getInt(CARDINALITY)); switch (rs.getInt(INDEX_TYPE)) { case DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexStatistic: index.setType(IndexType.STATISTIC); break; case DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexClustered: index.setType(IndexType.CLUSTERED); break; case DatabaseMetaData.tableIndexHashed: index.setType(IndexType.HASHED); break; default: index.setType(IndexType.OTHER); break; } if (table.getIndexes() == null) { table.setIndexes(new IndexesType()); } table.getIndexes().getIndex().add(index); } } // Get primary keys try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getPrimaryKeys(dbName, null, tableName)) { while ( { final PrimaryKey key = new PrimaryKey(); key.setColumn(rs.getString(COLUMN_NAME)); key.setName(rs.getString(PK_NAME)); key.setSequence(rs.getInt(KEY_SEQ)); if (table.getKeys() == null) { table.setKeys(new KeysType()); } table.getKeys().getPrimaryKey().add(key); } } // Get Foreign Keys try (final ResultSet rs = dbmd.getImportedKeys(dbName, null, tableName)) { while ( { final ForeignKey key = new ForeignKey(); key.setRefTable(rs.getString(PKTABLE_NAME)); key.setRefColumn(rs.getString(PKCOLUMN_NAME)); key.setColumn(rs.getString(FKCOLUMN_NAME)); key.setSequence(rs.getInt(KEY_SEQ)); key.setName(rs.getString(FK_NAME)); if (table.getKeys() == null) { table.setKeys(new KeysType()); } table.getKeys().getForeignKey().add(key); } } } database.setTableCount(tables.size()); } return dbaReport; } private static Database setup(Database db, String name) { db.setName(name); db.setTables(new TablesType()); return db; } private static Table setup(Table table, String name, String type) { table.setName(name); table.setColumns(new ColumnsType()); if ("TABLE".equals(type)) { table.setView(false); } else if ("VIEW".equals(type)) { table.setView(true); } return table; } private static String isolationLevelToString(int isolationLevel) { switch (isolationLevel) { case Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE: return "none"; case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED: return "read_committed"; case Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_UNCOMMITTED: return "read_uncommitted"; case Connection.TRANSACTION_REPEATABLE_READ: return "repeatable_read"; case Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE: return "serializable"; default: return "unknown"; } } private static DbAnalyzerReport setup(final AnalyzerOptions options, final DbAnalyzerReport report, final String dbUrl, final String dbUser, final String dbPassword) { report.setDatabaseInformation(new DatabaseInformationType()); report.setDatabases(new DatabasesType()); final AnalyzerType.Connection c = new AnalyzerType.Connection(); c.setUrl(dbUrl); c.setUser(dbUser); c.setPassword(dbPassword); final AnalyzerType.Options os = new AnalyzerType.Options(); final List<Option> lo = os.getOption(); for (final AnalyzerOption option : options.getOptions()) { final AnalyzerType.Options.Option o = new AnalyzerType.Options.Option(); o.setKey(option.getName()); o.setValue(option.getCurrentValue().toString()); lo.add(o); } final AnalyzerType at = new AnalyzerType(); at.setConnection(c); at.setOptions(os); report.setAnalyzer(at); return report; } }