package com.tesora.dve.sql.parser; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import com.tesora.dve.server.bootstrap.BootstrapWiring; import com.tesora.dve.singleton.Singletons; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transexec.spi.TransientEngine; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transexec.spi.TransientEngineFactory; import org.antlr.runtime.Token; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.TestHost; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.BinaryProcedure; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListOfPairs; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Pair; import com.tesora.dve.standalone.PETest; public class LexerTest { static { BootstrapWiring.rewire(); } @BeforeClass public static void setup() throws Exception { TestHost.startServicesTransient(PETest.class); } @AfterClass public static void teardown() throws Exception { TestHost.stopServices(); } static final boolean noisy = Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("parser.debug")).booleanValue(); public static boolean isNoisy() { return noisy; } public static void echo(String what) { if (noisy) System.out.println(what); } private void one(String line, int...tokens) throws Throwable { TransientEngine tee = Singletons.require(TransientEngineFactory.class).create("lextest"); Utils utils = new Utils(ParserOptions.TEST); sql2003Lexer lex = InvokeParser.buildLexer(InvokeParser.buildInputState(line,tee.getPersistenceContext()), utils); ListOfPairs<Integer,String> actuals = new ListOfPairs<Integer,String>(); Token t = null; do { t = lex.nextToken(); if (t != null && t.getType() != TokenTypes.EOF) actuals.add(t.getType(),t.getText()); } while (t.getType() != TokenTypes.EOF); if (isNoisy()) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); buf.append("'").append(line).append("' => "); Functional.join(actuals, buf, ", ", new BinaryProcedure<Pair<Integer,String>,StringBuilder>() { @Override public void execute(Pair<Integer, String> aobj, StringBuilder bobj) { bobj.append(TokenTypes.tokenNames[aobj.getFirst()]).append(":'").append(aobj.getSecond()).append("'"); } }); echo(buf.toString()); } if (tokens != null) { assertEquals("must have same number of tokens",tokens.length, actuals.size()); for(int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { assertEquals(i + " token must be same",tokens[i],actuals.get(i).getFirst().intValue()); } } } @Test public void testNonNumeric() throws Throwable { one("a+b",TokenTypes.Regular_Identifier, TokenTypes.Plus_Sign, TokenTypes.Regular_Identifier); } @Test public void testFloatingPoint() throws Throwable { one("0.01",null); one("1.e5",null); one(".1e5",null); one("-1.e+5",null); } @Test public void testIntegral() throws Throwable { one("8e-05",null); one("1e+3",null); one("-1e-3",null); one("1 + 2",null); one("1 + -2.e+4",null); one("1+-2.e+4",null); one("-1 -2",null); } @Test public void testIdentifier() throws Throwable { one("`8e-05`",null); } @Test public void testBinaryLiteral() throws Throwable { } }