package com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.ddl; /* * #%L * Tesora Inc. * Database Virtualization Engine * %% * Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014 Tesora Inc. * %% * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import com.tesora.dve.common.MultiMap; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.CatalogDAO; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.CatalogEntity; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.ConstraintType; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.TemporaryTable; import com.tesora.dve.common.catalog.UserTable; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBEmptyTextResultConsumer; import com.tesora.dve.db.DBResultConsumer; import com.tesora.dve.exceptions.PEException; import com.tesora.dve.lockmanager.LockType; import com.tesora.dve.queryplan.ExecutionState; import com.tesora.dve.queryplan.QueryStepDDLGeneralOperation.DDLCallback; import com.tesora.dve.queryplan.QueryStepDDLNestedOperation.NestedOperationDDLCallback; import com.tesora.dve.queryplan.QueryStepGeneralOperation.AdhocOperation; import com.tesora.dve.queryplan.QueryStepOperation; import com.tesora.dve.server.connectionmanager.SSConnection; import com.tesora.dve.server.messaging.SQLCommand; import com.tesora.dve.server.messaging.WorkerCreateDatabaseRequest; import com.tesora.dve.sql.ParserException.Pass; import com.tesora.dve.sql.SchemaException; import com.tesora.dve.sql.expression.TableKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.parser.ParserOptions; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.ComplexPETable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.LockInfo; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEAbstractTable.TableCacheKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEColumn; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEDatabase; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEForeignKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEForeignKeyColumn; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PEKeyColumnBase; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.PETable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.Persistable; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.QualifiedName; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.SchemaContext; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.UnqualifiedName; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache.CacheInvalidationRecord; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache.InvalidationScope; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.cache.SchemaCacheKey; import com.tesora.dve.sql.schema.validate.ValidateResult; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.StatementType; import com.tesora.dve.sql.statement.ddl.alter.DropIndexAction; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.behaviors.BehaviorConfiguration; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.CatalogModificationExecutionStep.Action; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.ComplexDDLExecutionStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.EmptyExecutionStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.ExecutionSequence; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.IdentityConnectionValuesMap; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.SessionExecutionStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.SimpleDDLExecutionStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.transform.execution.TransientSessionExecutionStep; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.Functional; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListOfPairs; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.ListSet; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.UnaryFunction; import com.tesora.dve.sql.util.UnaryPredicate; import com.tesora.dve.variables.KnownVariables; import com.tesora.dve.worker.WorkerGroup; public class PECreateTableStatement extends PECreateStatement<PETable, UserTable> { List<DelayedFKDrop> related = null; List<TableCacheKey> alsoClear = null; Set<PEForeignKey> transModified = null; public PECreateTableStatement(Persistable<PETable, UserTable> targ, boolean exists) { super(targ, false,"TABLE",exists); } public PECreateTableStatement(Persistable<PETable, UserTable> targ, Boolean ine, boolean exists) { super(targ, false, ine, "TABLE", exists); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public PECreateTableStatement(PECreateTableStatement base) { super((Persistable<PETable, UserTable>) base.getRoot(), false, base.isIfNotExists(), "TABLE", !base.isNew()); } @Override public PEDatabase getDatabase(SchemaContext pc) { return ((PETable)getRoot()).getPEDatabase(pc); } public PETable getTable() { return ((PETable)getRoot()); } @Override protected void preplan(SchemaContext pc, ExecutionSequence es,boolean explain) throws PEException { if (getTable().isUserlandTemporaryTable()) return; super.preplan(pc, es, explain); } protected static void addIgnoredFKMessage(SchemaContext sc, ValidateResult vr) { sc.getConnection().getMessageManager().addWarning(vr.getMessage(sc) + " - not persisted"); } // for trans exec engine only - what keys did we modify? @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Set<PEForeignKey> getModifiedKeys() { return (transModified == null ? Collections.EMPTY_SET : transModified); } // so, this normalize basically just does checking for validity - all the actual changes happen in the callbacks @Override public void normalize(SchemaContext pc) { if (related == null) { if (pc.isPersistent()) { List<ValidateResult> results = getTable().validate(pc,false); // make sure we fail on errors for(ValidateResult vr : results) { if (vr.isError()) throw new SchemaException(Pass.NORMALIZE,vr.getMessage(pc)); } } // also look for dangling fks, but not for temp tables if (!getTable().isUserlandTemporaryTable()) { DanglingFKComputeBefore computer = new DanglingFKComputeBefore(pc.isPersistent()); computer.computeDanglingFKs(pc, getTable()); related = computer.getDrops(); // need to add the ref'd tables to the clear list in order to force // reload for fks alsoClear = computeRefdTables(pc); transModified = computer.getModded(); } else { related = Collections.emptyList(); alsoClear = Collections.emptyList(); } } } private abstract static class DanglingFKCompute { protected abstract void begin(PETable pet); protected abstract void onMatch(PETable pet, PEForeignKey pefk); protected abstract void end(SchemaContext sc, PETable pet); protected void computeDanglingFKs(SchemaContext sc, PETable newTab) { boolean required = KnownVariables.FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS.getSessionValue(sc.getConnection().getVariableSource()).booleanValue(); UnqualifiedName dbName = newTab.getDatabase(sc).getName().getUnqualified(); UnqualifiedName tabName = newTab.getName().getUnqualified(); List<PETable> matching = sc.findTablesWithUnresolvedFKSTargeting(dbName, tabName); for(PETable pet : matching) { begin(pet); for(PEKey pek : pet.getKeys(sc)) { if (pek.isForeign()) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; if (pefk.isForward() && pefk.getTargetTableName(sc).equals(tabName)) { for(PEKeyColumnBase pekc : pefk.getKeyColumns()) { PEForeignKeyColumn pefkc = (PEForeignKeyColumn)pekc; PEColumn tc = newTab.lookup(sc, pefkc.getTargetColumnName()); if (tc != null) { pefkc.setTargetColumn(tc); pefk.setTargetTable(sc, newTab); onMatch(pet,pefk); } else if (required) { // TODO: should we make this conditional on the var throw new SchemaException(Pass.NORMALIZE, "No such column: " + pefkc.getTargetColumnName() + " in table " + tabName + " required for foreign key in table " + pefk.getTable(sc).getName().getUnquotedName()); } } } } } end(sc,pet); } } } private static class DanglingFKComputeBefore extends DanglingFKCompute { private List<DelayedFKDrop> drops = new ArrayList<DelayedFKDrop>(); private Set<PEForeignKey> allModdedKeys = new LinkedHashSet<PEForeignKey>(); private Set<PEForeignKey> moddedKeys = null; private boolean complain; public DanglingFKComputeBefore(boolean complain) { this.complain = complain; } public List<DelayedFKDrop> getDrops() { return drops; } public Set<PEForeignKey> getModded() { return allModdedKeys; } @Override protected void begin(PETable pet) { moddedKeys = new LinkedHashSet<PEForeignKey>(); } @Override protected void onMatch(PETable pet, PEForeignKey pefk) { moddedKeys.add(pefk); } @Override protected void end(SchemaContext sc, PETable pet) { if (!moddedKeys.isEmpty()) { allModdedKeys.addAll(moddedKeys); List<ValidateResult> results = pet.validate(sc, false); LinkedHashSet<PEForeignKey> toDrop = new LinkedHashSet<PEForeignKey>(); for(ValidateResult vr : results) { if (vr.isError() && complain) throw new SchemaException(Pass.NORMALIZE,vr.getMessage(sc)); else if (vr.getSubject() instanceof PEForeignKey) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) vr.getSubject(); toDrop.add(pefk); addIgnoredFKMessage(sc,vr); } } List<KeyID> ids = Functional.apply(toDrop, new UnaryFunction<KeyID, PEForeignKey>() { @Override public KeyID evaluate(PEForeignKey object) { return new KeyID(object); } }); if (!ids.isEmpty()) { drops.add(new DelayedFKDrop(pet, ids)); } } moddedKeys = null; } } private static class DanglingFKComputeAfter extends DanglingFKCompute { private List<PETable> tables = new ArrayList<PETable>(); private boolean any; public DanglingFKComputeAfter() { } public List<PETable> getTables() { return tables; } @Override protected void begin(PETable pet) { any = false; } @Override protected void onMatch(PETable pet, PEForeignKey pefk) { any = true; } @Override protected void end(SchemaContext sc, PETable pet) { if (any) tables.add(pet); } } protected List<TableCacheKey> computeRefdTables(SchemaContext pc) { List<TableCacheKey> out = new ArrayList<TableCacheKey>(); for(PEKey pek : getTable().getKeys(pc)) { if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) pek; if (pefk.isForward()) continue; out.add((TableCacheKey) pefk.getTargetTable(pc).getCacheKey()); } return out; } // if none of the dangling fks need further modification, execute a single step whose ddl // is the create and whose ents are all the modded tables. // if any of the dangling fks need further modification, execute drops as needed in a ddl callback // then execute the original create and regenerate the ents in a ddl callback @Override public void plan(SchemaContext pc, ExecutionSequence es, BehaviorConfiguration config) throws PEException { normalize(pc); // we may just need a single step, but we may not - figure that out if (alreadyExists) { es.append(new EmptyExecutionStep(0,"already exists - " + getSQL(pc))); return; } boolean immediate = !pc.isPersistent() || getTable().isUserlandTemporaryTable() || Functional.all(related, new UnaryPredicate<DelayedFKDrop>() { @Override public boolean test(DelayedFKDrop object) { return object.getKeyIDs().isEmpty(); } }); maybeDeclareDatabase(pc,es); if (immediate) { oneStepPlan(pc,es); } else { manyStepPlan(pc,es); } } protected void manyStepPlan(SchemaContext pc, ExecutionSequence es) throws PEException { List<TableCacheKey> modded = new ArrayList<TableCacheKey>(); PETable tab = getTable(); // we always do the drops beforehand for(DelayedFKDrop dfd : related) { if (!dfd.getKeyIDs().isEmpty()) { es.append(new ComplexDDLExecutionStep(tab.getPEDatabase(pc), getTable().getStorageGroup(pc),null,Action.ALTER,dfd)); } modded.add(dfd.getEnclosingTableKey()); } // and then we do the create es.append(new ComplexDDLExecutionStep(tab.getPEDatabase(pc), tab.getStorageGroup(pc),null,Action.CREATE, new CreateTableCallback(pc, tab, alsoClear, modded))); } protected void oneStepPlan(SchemaContext pc, ExecutionSequence es) throws PEException { // so - we need to go back and finalize the normalization PETable tab = getTable(); // if it's a userland temporary table, no need to muck around with fks if (tab.isUserlandTemporaryTable()) { if (es != null) { es.append(new ComplexDDLExecutionStep(getDatabase(pc),getStorageGroup(pc),tab,Action.CREATE, new CreateTemporaryTableCallback(pc,(ComplexPETable)tab,getSQLCommand(pc)))); } return; } boolean mustRebuildCTS = false; List<ValidateResult> results = tab.validate(pc,false); for(ValidateResult vr : results) { if (vr.isError()) continue; if (vr.getSubject() instanceof PEForeignKey) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) vr.getSubject(); pefk.setPersisted(false); addIgnoredFKMessage(pc,vr); mustRebuildCTS = true; } } if (mustRebuildCTS) // we need to rebuild the create table stmt tab.setDeclaration(pc, tab); ListOfPairs<SchemaCacheKey<?>,InvalidationScope> clears = new ListOfPairs<SchemaCacheKey<?>,InvalidationScope>(); if (!tab.isUserlandTemporaryTable()) clears.add(tab.getCacheKey(),InvalidationScope.LOCAL); List<CatalogEntity> updates = null; pc.beginSaveContext(); try { tab.persistTree(pc); pc.getSource().setLoaded(tab, tab.getCacheKey()); for(DelayedFKDrop dfd : related) { dfd.getTable().persistTree(pc); clears.add(dfd.getTable().getCacheKey(),InvalidationScope.LOCAL); } updates = Functional.toList(pc.getSaveContext().getObjects()); } finally { pc.endSaveContext(); } for(TableCacheKey tck : alsoClear) clears.add(tck, InvalidationScope.LOCAL); if (es != null) es.append(new SimpleDDLExecutionStep(getDatabase(pc), getStorageGroup(pc), tab, getAction(), getSQLCommand(pc), getDeleteObjects(pc), updates, new CacheInvalidationRecord(clears))); } protected void maybeDeclareDatabase(SchemaContext sc, ExecutionSequence es) throws PEException { // when the storage group specified on the table is not the database default, the database might not actually // have been declared on the storage group. in that case, we need to send along a create database (without the // ddl callback) so that the create table will work. this used to be transparent because we always were doing a // create database if (getTable().getPersistentStorage(sc).getCacheKey().equals(getTable().getDatabase(sc).getDefaultStorage(sc).getCacheKey())) return; final PEDatabase pedb = getTable().getPEDatabase(sc); es.append(new TransientSessionExecutionStep(null, getTable().getPersistentStorage(sc), "create database on non default group",false,true, new AdhocOperation() { @Override public void execute(ExecutionState estate, WorkerGroup wg, DBResultConsumer resultConsumer) throws Throwable { WorkerCreateDatabaseRequest req = new WorkerCreateDatabaseRequest(estate.getConnection().getTransactionalContext(),pedb,true); wg.execute(WorkerGroup.MappingSolution.AllWorkers, req, resultConsumer); } })); } @Override public StatementType getStatementType() { return StatementType.CREATE_TABLE; } @Override public boolean filterStatement(SchemaContext pc) { PETable tbl = (PETable)getCreated(); if (tbl != null) { // temporary table if (tbl.getDatabase(pc) == null) return false; if (pc.getConnection().isFilteredTable( new QualifiedName( tbl.getDatabase(pc).getName().getUnquotedName().getUnqualified(), tbl.getName().getUnquotedName().getUnqualified()))) { return true; } } return false; } static class KeyID { private ConstraintType constraintType; private UnqualifiedName symbol; private UnqualifiedName name; public KeyID(PEKey pek) { constraintType = pek.getConstraint(); symbol = pek.getSymbol(); name = pek.getName().getUnqualified(); } public boolean matches(PEKey pek) { if (constraintType != pek.getConstraint()) return false; if (symbol != null && pek.getSymbol() != null && !symbol.equals(pek.getSymbol())) return false; return name.equals(pek.getName().getUnqualified()); } public PEKey findIn(SchemaContext sc, PETable pet) { for(PEKey pek : pet.getKeys(sc)) { if (matches(pek)) return pek; } return null; } } static class DelayedFKDrop extends NestedOperationDDLCallback { private PETable enclosingTable; private List<KeyID> keysToDrop; private List<CatalogEntity> updates; private List<QueryStepOperation> ddl; private CacheInvalidationRecord record; public DelayedFKDrop(PETable tab, List<KeyID> keys) { enclosingTable = tab; keysToDrop = keys; updates = null; ddl = null; record = new CacheInvalidationRecord(enclosingTable.getCacheKey(),InvalidationScope.LOCAL); } public TableCacheKey getEnclosingTableKey() { return (TableCacheKey) enclosingTable.getCacheKey(); } public PETable getTable() { return enclosingTable; } public List<KeyID> getKeyIDs() { return keysToDrop; } @Override public void inTxn(SSConnection conn, WorkerGroup wg) throws PEException { conn.getCatalogDAO(); // just create a new schema context SchemaContext sc = SchemaContext.createContext(conn); sc.forceMutableSource(); updates = null; ddl = null; // load my table PETable tab = (PETable) enclosingTable.getCacheKey().load(sc); // load the keys I'm going to toss List<PEForeignKey> toDrop = new ArrayList<PEForeignKey>(); for(KeyID ki : keysToDrop) { PEKey pek = ki.findIn(sc, tab); if (pek == null) continue; if (!pek.isForeign()) continue; toDrop.add((PEForeignKey) pek); } // now figure out the drop order ListSet<PEKey> dropped = new ListSet<PEKey>(); MultiMap<PEKey,PEForeignKey> dependents = new MultiMap<PEKey,PEForeignKey>(); HashMap<PEForeignKey,PEKey> reverse = new HashMap<PEForeignKey,PEKey>(); for(PEForeignKey pefk : tab.getForeignKeys(sc)) { PEKey prefix = pefk.findPrefixKey(sc, tab); dependents.put(prefix, pefk); reverse.put(pefk,prefix); } for(PEForeignKey pefk : toDrop) { PEKey dependsOn = reverse.get(pefk); dependents.remove(dependsOn,pefk); Collection<PEForeignKey> sub = dependents.get(dependsOn); if (sub == null || sub.isEmpty()) dropped.add(dependsOn); } dropped.addAll(toDrop); // don't drop stuff that is already not persisted - the ddl will fail for(Iterator<PEKey> iter = dropped.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { PEKey pek =; if (!pek.isPersisted()) iter.remove(); } // the dml is going to be one alter/drop for each key in the record // there are no deletes, I don't think ExecutionSequence es = new ExecutionSequence(null); for(PEKey pek : dropped) { pek.setPersisted(false); PEAlterTableStatement peat = new PEAlterTableStatement(sc, TableKey.make(sc,tab, sc.getNextTable()), Collections.singletonList(new DropIndexAction(pek) .markTransientOnly())); String sql = peat.getSQL(sc); SessionExecutionStep ses = new SessionExecutionStep(tab.getDatabase(sc),tab.getStorageGroup(sc), sql); es.append(ses); } tab.setDeclaration(sc,tab); ddl = new ArrayList<QueryStepOperation>(); es.schedule(null, ddl, null, sc, new IdentityConnectionValuesMap(sc.getValues()),null); sc.beginSaveContext(); try { // the 'right' way to do this would be to put the persisted flag into the differs map // but I'm not entirely sure that will work correctly right now for(PEKey pek : dropped) pek.persistTree(sc); tab.persistTree(sc); sc.getSource().setLoaded(tab, tab.getCacheKey()); updates = Functional.toList(sc.getSaveContext().getObjects()); } finally { sc.endSaveContext(); } } @Override public List<CatalogEntity> getUpdatedObjects() throws PEException { return updates; } @Override public boolean canRetry(Throwable t) { return false; } @Override public boolean requiresFreshTxn() { return false; } @Override public String description() { return "ForwardDecl FK drops for ignore mode on " + enclosingTable.getCacheKey(); } @Override public CacheInvalidationRecord getInvalidationRecord() { return record; } @Override public void executeNested(ExecutionState estate, WorkerGroup wg, DBResultConsumer resultConsumer) throws Throwable { if (ddl != null) { for(QueryStepOperation qso : ddl) { qso.executeSelf(estate, wg, DBEmptyTextResultConsumer.INSTANCE); } } } @Override public boolean requiresWorkers() { return true; } } static class CreateTableCallback extends DDLCallback { private PETable builtVersion; private CacheInvalidationRecord record; private List<CatalogEntity> updates; private SQLCommand sql; public CreateTableCallback(final SchemaContext pc, PETable translated, List<TableCacheKey> referring, List<TableCacheKey> modified) { builtVersion = translated; ListOfPairs<SchemaCacheKey<?>, InvalidationScope> invalidate = new ListOfPairs<SchemaCacheKey<?>,InvalidationScope>(); invalidate.add(builtVersion.getCacheKey(), InvalidationScope.CASCADE); for(TableCacheKey tck : modified) invalidate.add(tck, InvalidationScope.CASCADE); for(TableCacheKey tck : referring) invalidate.add(tck, InvalidationScope.LOCAL); record = new CacheInvalidationRecord(invalidate); sql = new SQLCommand(pc, builtVersion.getDeclaration()); } @Override public void inTxn(SSConnection conn, WorkerGroup wg) throws PEException { conn.getCatalogDAO(); // just create a new schema context SchemaContext sc = SchemaContext.createContext(conn); sc.forceMutableSource(); sc.setOptions(ParserOptions.NONE.setResolve()); updates = null; sql = null; PETable fresh = builtVersion.recreate(sc, builtVersion.getDeclaration(), new LockInfo(LockType.EXCLUSIVE, "create table")); // do the stuff we used do during normalization boolean mustRebuildCTS = false; List<ValidateResult> results = fresh.validate(sc,false); for(ValidateResult vr : results) { if (vr.isError()) continue; if (vr.getSubject() instanceof PEForeignKey) { PEForeignKey pefk = (PEForeignKey) vr.getSubject(); pefk.setPersisted(false); addIgnoredFKMessage(sc,vr); mustRebuildCTS = true; } } if (mustRebuildCTS) // we need to rebuild the create table stmt fresh.setDeclaration(sc, fresh); DanglingFKComputeAfter afterComp = new DanglingFKComputeAfter(); afterComp.computeDanglingFKs(sc, fresh); List<PETable> modded = afterComp.getTables(); sc.beginSaveContext(); try { fresh.persistTree(sc); sc.getSource().setLoaded(fresh, fresh.getCacheKey()); for(PETable pet : modded) pet.persistTree(sc); updates = Functional.toList(sc.getSaveContext().getObjects()); } finally { sc.endSaveContext(); } sql = new SQLCommand(conn, fresh.getDeclaration()); } @Override public List<CatalogEntity> getUpdatedObjects() throws PEException { return updates; } @Override public SQLCommand getCommand(CatalogDAO c) { return sql; } @Override public boolean canRetry(Throwable t) { return false; } @Override public boolean requiresFreshTxn() { return false; } @Override public String description() { return sql.toString(); } @Override public CacheInvalidationRecord getInvalidationRecord() { return record; } @Override public boolean requiresWorkers() { return true; } } private static class CreateTemporaryTableCallback extends DDLCallback { SQLCommand stmt; // we need to use this specific context to populate the temporary table schema SchemaContext context; // and the table ComplexPETable table; int pincount = 0; List<CatalogEntity> updates; public CreateTemporaryTableCallback(SchemaContext sc, ComplexPETable table, SQLCommand stmt) { this.context = sc; this.table = table; this.stmt = stmt; this.updates = null; } @Override public void inTxn(SSConnection conn, WorkerGroup wg) throws PEException { this.updates = new ArrayList<CatalogEntity>(); updates.add(new TemporaryTable(table.getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(), table.getPEDatabase(context).getName().getUnqualified().getUnquotedName().get(), table.getEngine().getPersistent(), conn.getConnectionId())); } @Override public List<CatalogEntity> getUpdatedObjects() throws PEException { return updates; } @Override public SQLCommand getCommand(CatalogDAO c) { return stmt; } @Override public String description() { return stmt.getRawSQL(); } @Override public boolean requiresFreshTxn() { return false; } @Override public CacheInvalidationRecord getInvalidationRecord() { return null; } public void onCommit(SSConnection conn, CatalogDAO c, WorkerGroup wg) { pincount++; if (pincount == 1) { wg.markPinned(); context.getTemporaryTableSchema().addTable(context, table); // if we already have it we won't do it again conn.acquireInflightTemporaryTablesLock(); } } public void onRollback(SSConnection conn, CatalogDAO c, WorkerGroup wg) { if (pincount == 1) { wg.clearPinned(); pincount--; context.getTemporaryTableSchema().removeTable(context, table); if (context.getTemporaryTableSchema().isEmpty()) conn.releaseInflightTemporaryTablesLock(); } } } }