package; import; import org.javarosa.core.reference.InvalidReferenceException; import org.javarosa.core.reference.ReferenceManager; import; import; /** * This class can be used to represent any single entity of audio or video media, * encompassing its source, the current state (playing, paused, etc.), the MediaPlayer * object used to play it, etc. * * @author amstone326 */ class MediaEntity { private final String source; private final ViewId idOfOriginView; private final MediaPlayer player; private MediaState MediaState; protected MediaEntity(String source, ViewId id, MediaState state) throws IOException { this.source = source; this.idOfOriginView = id; this.MediaState = state; player = new MediaPlayer(); player.setDataSource(getAudioFilename(source)); player.prepare(); } public ViewId getId() { return idOfOriginView; } public MediaState getState() { return MediaState; } public void setState(MediaState state) { this.MediaState = state; } MediaPlayer getPlayer() { return player; } public String getSource() { return source; } /** * Gets the audio source filename from the URI. * * @return Filepath of audio source stored in local URI. Returns an empty * string if no audio source is found. */ private String getAudioFilename(String URI) throws IOException { if (URI == null) { throw new IOException("No audio file was specified"); } String audioFilename; try { audioFilename = ReferenceManager.instance().DeriveReference(URI).getLocalURI(); } catch (InvalidReferenceException e) { throw new IOException(e); } File audioFile = new File(audioFilename); if (!audioFile.exists()) { throw new IOException("File missing: " + audioFilename); } return audioFilename; } }