package org.commcare.models.database; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.database.Cursor; import android.util.Pair; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.interfaces.AppFilePathBuilder; import org.commcare.models.encryption.EncryptionIO; import org.commcare.modern.database.DatabaseHelper; import org.commcare.utils.FileUtil; import org.commcare.utils.GlobalConstants; import; import; import; import; import org.javarosa.core.util.InvalidIndexException; import org.javarosa.core.util.externalizable.Externalizable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Vector; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * Sql logic for storing persistable objects. Uses the filesystem to store * persitables in _encrypted_ manner; useful when objects are larger than the * 1mb sql row limit. * * @author Phillip Mates ( */ public class HybridFileBackedSqlStorage<T extends Persistable> extends SqlStorage<T> { private final File dbDir; public final static int ONE_MB_DB_SIZE_LIMIT = 1000000; /** * Column selection used for reading file data: * - Id column needed to correctly set the id of objects read from db, * which isn't set at write time for efficiency. * - Data column holds serialized objects under 1mb * - File column points to file holding serialized object over 1mb * - Aes column holds encryption key for objects saved to filesystem * * Constraint: we never expect both data and file/aes columns to contain * data at the same time */ protected final static String[] dataColumns = {DatabaseHelper.ID_COL, DatabaseHelper.DATA_COL, DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL, DatabaseHelper.AES_COL}; /** * Sql object storage layer that stores serialized objects on the filesystem. * * @param tableName name of database table * @param classType type of object being stored in this database * @param directoryName Name of storage root subdir where entry files are placed * @param fsPathBuilder Resolves a db dir path to the correct app dir in external storage */ public HybridFileBackedSqlStorage(String tableName, Class<? extends T> classType, AndroidDbHelper dbHelper, String directoryName, AppFilePathBuilder fsPathBuilder) { super(tableName, classType, dbHelper); final String subPath = GlobalConstants.FILE_CC_DB + directoryName + "/_" + tableName; dbDir = new File(fsPathBuilder.fsPath(subPath)); setupDir(); } private void setupDir() { if (!dbDir.exists() && !dbDir.mkdirs()) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create db storage directory: " + dbDir); } } @Override public Vector<T> getRecordsForValues(String[] fieldNames, Object[] values) { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); Pair<String, String[]> whereClauseAndArgs = helper.createWhereAndroid(fieldNames, values, em, null); Cursor cur = db.query(table, dataColumns, whereClauseAndArgs.first, whereClauseAndArgs.second, null, null, null); try { Vector<T> recordObjects = new Vector<>(); if (cur.getCount() > 0) { cur.moveToFirst(); int dataColIndex = cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.DATA_COL); int fileColIndex = cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL); int aesColIndex = cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.AES_COL); int idColIndex = cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.ID_COL); while (!cur.isAfterLast()) { byte[] serializedObj = cur.getBlob(dataColIndex); int dbEntryId = cur.getInt(idColIndex); if (serializedObj != null) { // serialized object was small enough to fit in db entry recordObjects.add(newObject(serializedObj, dbEntryId)); } else { // serialized object was stored in filesystem due to large size recordObjects.add(readObjectFromFile(cur, fileColIndex, aesColIndex, dbEntryId)); } cur.moveToNext(); } } return recordObjects; } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } } private T readObjectFromFile(Cursor cursor, int dbEntryId) { return readObjectFromFile(cursor, cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL), cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.AES_COL), dbEntryId); } private T readObjectFromFile(Cursor cursor, int fileColIndex, int aesColIndex, int dbEntryId) { String filename = cursor.getString(fileColIndex); byte[] aesKeyBlob = cursor.getBlob(aesColIndex); InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = getInputStreamFromFile(filename, aesKeyBlob); return newObject(inputStream, dbEntryId); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO PLM: throw runtime or return null? throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { if (inputStream != null) { try { inputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } private SQLiteDatabase getDbOrThrow() { return helper.getHandle(); } protected InputStream getInputStreamFromFile(String filename, byte[] aesKeyBytes) throws FileNotFoundException { SecretKeySpec aesKey = new SecretKeySpec(aesKeyBytes, "AES"); return EncryptionIO.getFileInputStream(filename, aesKey); } @Override public T getRecordForValues(String[] rawFieldNames, Object[] values) throws NoSuchElementException, InvalidIndexException { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); Pair<String, String[]> whereArgsAndVals = helper.createWhereAndroid(rawFieldNames, values, em, null); Cursor cur = db.query(table, dataColumns, whereArgsAndVals.first, whereArgsAndVals.second, null, null, null); try { int queryCount = cur.getCount(); if (queryCount == 0) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No element in table " + table + " with names " + Arrays.toString(rawFieldNames) + " and values " + Arrays.toString(values)); } else if (queryCount > 1) { throw new InvalidIndexException("Invalid unique column set" + Arrays.toString(rawFieldNames) + ". Multiple records found with value " + Arrays.toString(values), Arrays.toString(rawFieldNames)); } cur.moveToFirst(); byte[] serializedObj = cur.getBlob(cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.DATA_COL)); int dbEntryId = cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.ID_COL)); if (serializedObj != null) { return newObject(serializedObj, dbEntryId); } else { return readObjectFromFile(cur, dbEntryId); } } finally { if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } } @Override public T getRecordForValue(String rawFieldName, Object value) throws NoSuchElementException, InvalidIndexException { return getRecordForValues(new String[]{rawFieldName}, new Object[]{value}); } @Override public byte[] readBytes(int id) { Cursor cur = getDbOrThrow().query(table, dataColumns, DatabaseHelper.ID_COL + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}, null, null, null); InputStream is = null; try { cur.moveToFirst(); byte[] serializedObj = cur.getBlob(cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.DATA_COL)); if (serializedObj != null) { return serializedObj; } else { String filename = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL)); byte[] aesKeyBlob = cur.getBlob(cur.getColumnIndexOrThrow(DatabaseHelper.AES_COL)); is = getInputStreamFromFile(filename, aesKeyBlob); return StreamsUtil.inputStreamToByteArray(is); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to read serialized object from file.", e); } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } if (cur != null) { cur.close(); } } } @Override public void write(Persistable persistable) { if (persistable.getID() != -1) { update(persistable.getID(), persistable); return; } SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); try { long insertedId; ByteArrayOutputStream bos = writeExternalizableToStream(persistable); String dataFilePath = null; try { if (blobFitsInDb(bos)) { db.beginTransaction(); // serialized object small enough to fit in db ContentValues contentValues = helper.getNonDataContentValues(persistable); contentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.DATA_COL, bos.toByteArray()); insertedId = db.insertOrThrow(table, DatabaseHelper.DATA_COL, contentValues); } else { // store serialized object in file and file pointer in db dataFilePath = HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.newFileForEntry(dbDir).getAbsolutePath(); HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.setFileAsOrphan(db, dataFilePath); db.beginTransaction(); ContentValues contentValues = helper.getNonDataContentValues(persistable); contentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL, dataFilePath); byte[] key = generateKeyAndAdd(contentValues); insertedId = db.insertOrThrow(table, DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL, contentValues); writeStreamToFile(bos, dataFilePath, key); } } finally { bos.close(); } // won't effect already stored obj id, which is set when reading out of db. // rather, needed in case persistable object is used after being written to storage. persistable.setID((int)insertedId); if (insertedId > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { throw new RuntimeException("Waaaaaaaaaay too many values"); } if (dataFilePath != null) { HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.unsetFileAsOrphan(db, dataFilePath); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } } private ByteArrayOutputStream writeExternalizableToStream(Externalizable extObj) { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { extObj.writeExternal(new DataOutputStream(bos)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to serialize externalizable", e); } return bos; } protected boolean blobFitsInDb(ByteArrayOutputStream blobStream) { return blobStream.size() < ONE_MB_DB_SIZE_LIMIT; } protected byte[] generateKeyAndAdd(ContentValues contentValues) { byte[] key = CommCareApplication.instance().createNewSymmetricKey().getEncoded(); contentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.AES_COL, key); return key; } private void writeStreamToFile(ByteArrayOutputStream bos, String filename, byte[] key) throws IOException { DataOutputStream fileOutputStream = null; try { fileOutputStream = getOutputFileStream(filename, key); bos.writeTo(fileOutputStream); } finally { if (fileOutputStream != null) { try { fileOutputStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } protected DataOutputStream getOutputFileStream(String filename, byte[] aesKeyBytes) throws IOException { SecretKeySpec aesKey = new SecretKeySpec(aesKeyBytes, "AES"); return new DataOutputStream(EncryptionIO.createFileOutputStream(filename, aesKey)); } @Override public int add(Externalizable externalizable) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Use 'SqlFileBackedStorage.write'"); } @Override public void update(int id, Externalizable extObj) { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null; try { Pair<String, byte[]> filenameAndKey = HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.getEntryFilenameAndKey(helper, table, id); String filename = filenameAndKey.first; byte[] fileEncryptionKey = filenameAndKey.second; boolean objectInDb = (filename == null); bos = writeExternalizableToStream(extObj); if (blobFitsInDb(bos)) { db.beginTransaction(); updateEntryToStoreInDb(extObj, objectInDb, filename, bos, db, id); } else { String newFilePath = HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.newFileForEntry(dbDir).getAbsolutePath(); HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.setFileAsOrphan(db, newFilePath); db.beginTransaction(); updateEntryToStoreInFs(extObj, objectInDb, filename, newFilePath, fileEncryptionKey, bos, db, id); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable update db entry to store data in filesystem", e); } finally { if (bos != null) { try { bos.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } db.endTransaction(); } } private void updateEntryToStoreInDb(Externalizable extObj, boolean objectInDb, String filename, ByteArrayOutputStream bos, SQLiteDatabase db, int id) { ContentValues updatedContentValues = helper.getContentValuesWithCustomData(extObj, bos.toByteArray()); if (!objectInDb) { // was stored in file: remove file and store in db updatedContentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL, (String)null); updatedContentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.AES_COL, (byte[])null); HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.setFileAsOrphan(db, filename); } db.update(table, updatedContentValues, DatabaseHelper.ID_COL + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}); } private void updateEntryToStoreInFs(Externalizable extObj, boolean objectInDb, String currentFilePath, String newFilePath, byte[] fileEncryptionKey, ByteArrayOutputStream bos, SQLiteDatabase db, int id) throws IOException { ContentValues updatedContentValues; if (objectInDb) { // was in db but is now to big, null db data entry and write to file updatedContentValues = helper.getContentValuesWithCustomData(extObj, null); updatedContentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL, newFilePath); fileEncryptionKey = generateKeyAndAdd(updatedContentValues); } else { // was stored in a file all along, atomically update file by // writing to new and removing old file updatedContentValues = helper.getNonDataContentValues(extObj); updatedContentValues.put(DatabaseHelper.FILE_COL, newFilePath); HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.setFileAsOrphan(db, currentFilePath); } db.update(table, updatedContentValues, DatabaseHelper.ID_COL + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}); writeStreamToFile(bos, newFilePath, fileEncryptionKey); HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.unsetFileAsOrphan(db, newFilePath); } @Override public void remove(int id) { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); String filename = HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.getEntryFilename(helper, table, id); db.beginTransaction(); try { db.delete(table, DatabaseHelper.ID_COL + "=?", new String[]{String.valueOf(id)}); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } if (filename != null) { File dataFile = new File(filename); dataFile.delete(); } } @Override public void remove(List<Integer> ids) { if (ids.size() > 0) { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); db.beginTransaction(); List<String> filesToRemove; try { filesToRemove = HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.getFilesToRemove(ids, helper, table); List<Pair<String, String[]>> whereParamList = AndroidTableBuilder.sqlList(ids); for (Pair<String, String[]> whereParams : whereParamList) { String whereClause = DatabaseHelper.ID_COL + " IN " + whereParams.first; db.delete(table, whereClause, whereParams.second); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.removeFiles(filesToRemove); } } @Override public void removeAll() { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); db.beginTransaction(); try { db.delete(table, null, null); db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(dbDir); } @Override public Vector<Integer> removeAll(EntityFilter ef) { Vector<Integer> removed = new Vector<>(); for (IStorageIterator iterator = this.iterate(); iterator.hasMore(); ) { int id = iterator.nextID(); switch (ef.preFilter(id, null)) { case EntityFilter.PREFILTER_INCLUDE: removed.add(id); continue; case EntityFilter.PREFILTER_EXCLUDE: continue; case EntityFilter.PREFILTER_FILTER: if (ef.matches(read(id))) { removed.add(id); } } } if (removed.size() > 0) { List<Pair<String, String[]>> whereParamList = AndroidTableBuilder.sqlList(removed); SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); List<String> filesToRemove; db.beginTransaction(); try { filesToRemove = HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.getFilesToRemove(removed, helper, table); for (Pair<String, String[]> whereParams : whereParamList) { String whereClause = DatabaseHelper.ID_COL + " IN " + whereParams.first; db.delete(table, whereClause, whereParams.second); } db.setTransactionSuccessful(); } finally { db.endTransaction(); } HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.removeFiles(filesToRemove); } return removed; } @Override public SqlStorageIterator<T> iterate(boolean includeData) { SQLiteDatabase db = getDbOrThrow(); SqlStorageIterator<T> spanningIterator = getIndexSpanningIteratorOrNull(db, includeData); if (spanningIterator != null) { return spanningIterator; } else { return new HybridFileBackedStorageIterator<>(getIterateCursor(db, includeData), this); } } @Override protected Cursor getIterateCursor(SQLiteDatabase db, boolean includeData) { if (includeData) { return db.query(table, dataColumns, null, null, null, null, null); } else { return db.query(table, new String[]{DatabaseHelper.ID_COL}, null, null, null, null, null); } } @Override public SqlStorageIterator<T> iterate(boolean includeData, String primaryId) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("iterate method unsupported"); } /** * For testing only */ public File getDbDirForTesting() { return dbDir; } /** * For testing only */ public String getEntryFilenameForTesting(int id) { return HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.getEntryFilename(helper, table, id); } }