package org.commcare.heartbeat; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.util.Base64; import org.commcare.CommCareApp; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.activities.PromptUpdateActivity; import org.commcare.logging.AndroidLogger; import org.commcare.utils.SerializationUtil; import; /** * Created by amstone326 on 5/5/17. */ public class UpdatePromptHelper { /** * @return - If the user was prompted to update */ public static boolean promptForUpdateIfNeeded(Activity context) { UpdateToPrompt cczUpdate = getCurrentUpdateToPrompt(false); UpdateToPrompt apkUpdate = getCurrentUpdateToPrompt(true); if (cczUpdate != null || apkUpdate != null) { Intent i = new Intent(context, PromptUpdateActivity.class); context.startActivity(i); return true; } return false; } /** * @return an UpdateToPrompt that has been stored in SharedPreferences and is still relevant * (i.e. the user hasn't updated to or past this version since we stored it) */ public static UpdateToPrompt getCurrentUpdateToPrompt(boolean forApkUpdate) { CommCareApp currentApp = CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp(); if (currentApp != null) { String prefsKey = forApkUpdate ? UpdateToPrompt.KEY_APK_UPDATE_TO_PROMPT : UpdateToPrompt.KEY_CCZ_UPDATE_TO_PROMPT; String serializedUpdate = currentApp.getAppPreferences().getString(prefsKey, ""); if (!"".equals(serializedUpdate)) { byte[] updateBytes = Base64.decode(serializedUpdate, Base64.DEFAULT); UpdateToPrompt update; try { update = SerializationUtil.deserialize(updateBytes, UpdateToPrompt.class); } catch (Exception e) { // Something went wrong, so clear out whatever is there Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_WORKFLOW, "Error encountered while de-serializing saved UpdateToPrompt: " + e.getMessage()); wipeStoredUpdate(forApkUpdate); return null; } if (update.isNewerThanCurrentVersion(currentApp)) { return update; } else { // The update we had stored is no longer relevant, so wipe it and return nothing wipeStoredUpdate(forApkUpdate); return null; } } } return null; } protected static void wipeStoredUpdate(boolean forApkUpdate) { String prefsKey = forApkUpdate ? UpdateToPrompt.KEY_APK_UPDATE_TO_PROMPT : UpdateToPrompt.KEY_CCZ_UPDATE_TO_PROMPT; CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp().getAppPreferences().edit() .putString(prefsKey, "").commit(); } }