package org.commcare.views; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableString; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.LinearLayout; import android.widget.TextView; import; import org.commcare.cases.entity.Entity; import org.commcare.dalvik.R; import org.commcare.graph.model.GraphData; import org.commcare.graph.util.GraphException; import org.commcare.graph.view.GraphView; import org.commcare.models.AsyncEntity; import org.commcare.suite.model.Detail; import org.commcare.suite.model.DetailField; import org.commcare.utils.AndroidUtil; import org.commcare.utils.MediaUtil; import org.commcare.utils.StringUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Vector; /** * @author ctsims */ public class EntityView extends LinearLayout { private final static String TAG = EntityView.class.getSimpleName(); private final ArrayList<View> views; private ArrayList<String> forms; private String[] searchTerms; private final ArrayList<String> mHints; // index => { orientation => GraphView } private Hashtable<Long, Hashtable<Integer, View>> renderedGraphsCache; private long rowId; public static final String FORM_AUDIO = "audio"; public static final String FORM_IMAGE = "image"; public static final String FORM_GRAPH = "graph"; public static final String FORM_CALLLOUT = "callout"; // Flag indicating if onMeasure has already been called for the first time on this view private boolean onMeasureCalled = false; // Maintains a queue of image layouts that need to be re-drawn once onMeasure has been called private final HashMap<View, String> imageViewsToRedraw = new HashMap<>(); private boolean mFuzzySearchEnabled = true; private boolean mIsAsynchronous = false; private String extraData = null; /** * Creates row entry for entity */ private EntityView(Context context, Detail d, Entity e, String[] searchTerms, long rowId, boolean mFuzzySearchEnabled, String extraData) { super(context); //this is bad :( mIsAsynchronous = e instanceof AsyncEntity; this.searchTerms = searchTerms; this.renderedGraphsCache = new Hashtable<>(); this.rowId = rowId; this.views = new ArrayList<>(e.getNumFields()); this.forms = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(d.getTemplateForms())); this.mHints = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(d.getTemplateSizeHints())); for (int col = 0; col < e.getNumFields(); ++col) { Object field = e.getField(col); String sortField = e.getSortField(col); views.add(addCell(col, field, forms.get(col), mHints.get(col), sortField, -1, true)); } if (d.getCallout() != null) { addExtraData(d.getCallout().getResponseDetailField(), extraData); } this.mFuzzySearchEnabled = mFuzzySearchEnabled; } /** * Creates row entry for column headers */ private EntityView(Context context, Detail d, String[] columnTitles, boolean hasCalloutResponseData) { super(context); DetailField calloutResponseDetailField = null; if (hasCalloutResponseData && d.getCallout() != null) { calloutResponseDetailField = d.getCallout().getResponseDetailField(); columnTitles = addColumnTitleForCalloutData(columnTitles, calloutResponseDetailField); } int columnCount = columnTitles.length; this.views = new ArrayList<>(columnCount); this.mHints = new ArrayList<>(columnCount); String[] headerForms = new String[columnCount]; int i = 0; for (DetailField field : d.getFields()) { mHints.add(field.getHeaderWidthHint()); headerForms[i] = field.getHeaderForm(); i++; } if (calloutResponseDetailField != null) { mHints.add(calloutResponseDetailField.getHeaderWidthHint()); headerForms[columnCount - 1] = calloutResponseDetailField.getHeaderForm(); } int[] colors = AndroidUtil.getThemeColorIDs(getContext(), new int[]{R.attr.entity_view_header_background_color, R.attr.entity_view_header_text_color}); if (colors[0] != -1) { this.setBackgroundColor(colors[0]); } for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; ++col) { views.add(addCell(col, columnTitles[col], headerForms[col], mHints.get(col), null, colors[1], false)); } } private static String[] addColumnTitleForCalloutData(String[] columnTitles, DetailField calloutResponseDetailField) { String[] headerTextWithCalloutResponse = new String[columnTitles.length + 1]; System.arraycopy(columnTitles, 0, headerTextWithCalloutResponse, 0, columnTitles.length); headerTextWithCalloutResponse[columnTitles.length] = calloutResponseDetailField.getHeader().evaluate(); return headerTextWithCalloutResponse; } public static EntityView buildEntryEntityView(Context context, Detail detail, Entity entity, String[] searchTerms, long rowId, boolean isFuzzySearchEnabled, String extraData) { return new EntityView(context, detail, entity, searchTerms, rowId, isFuzzySearchEnabled, extraData); } public static EntityView buildHeadersEntityView(Context context, Detail detail, String[] headerText, boolean hasCalloutResponseData) { return new EntityView(context, detail, headerText, hasCalloutResponseData); } private View addCell(int columnIndex, Object data, String form, String hint, String sortField, int textColor, boolean shouldRefresh) { View view = null; if (isNonZeroWidth(hint)) { ViewId uniqueId = ViewId.buildTableViewId(rowId, columnIndex, false); view = initView(data, form, uniqueId, sortField); view.setId(AndroidUtil.generateViewId()); if (textColor != -1) { TextView tv = (TextView)view.findViewById(; if (tv != null) tv.setTextColor(textColor); } if (shouldRefresh) { refreshViewForNewEntity(view, data, form, sortField, columnIndex, rowId); } LayoutParams l = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT); addView(view, l); } return view; } /** * Creates up a new view in the view with ID uniqueid, based upon * the entity's text and form */ private View initView(Object data, String form, ViewId uniqueId, String sortField) { if (FORM_IMAGE.equals(form)) { return View.inflate(getContext(), R.layout.entity_item_image, null); } else if (FORM_AUDIO.equals(form)) { String text = (String)data; boolean isVisible = (text != null && text.length() > 0); return new AudioPlaybackButton(getContext(), text, uniqueId, isVisible); } else if (FORM_GRAPH.equals(form) && data instanceof GraphData) { return View.inflate(getContext(), R.layout.entity_item_graph, null); } else if (FORM_CALLLOUT.equals(form)) { return View.inflate(getContext(), R.layout.entity_item_graph, null); } else { View layout = View.inflate(getContext(), R.layout.component_text, null); setupText(layout, (String)data, sortField); return layout; } } public void setSearchTerms(String[] terms) { this.searchTerms = terms; } public void setExtraData(DetailField responseDetail, String newExtraData) { removeExistingExtraData(); addExtraData(responseDetail, newExtraData); } private void addExtraData(DetailField responseDetail, String newExtraData) { if (responseDetail == null) { if (newExtraData != null) { Log.w(TAG, "Trying to set extra data with no display info present"); } } else { String hint = responseDetail.getTemplateWidthHint(); if (isNonZeroWidth(hint) && newExtraData != null && !"".equals(newExtraData)) { extraData = newExtraData; views.add(addCell(views.size(), newExtraData, "", "", "", -1, false)); mHints.add(hint); forms.add(responseDetail.getTemplateForm()); } } } private static boolean isNonZeroWidth(String hintText) { return hintText == null || !hintText.startsWith("0"); } private void removeExistingExtraData() { if (extraData != null) { extraData = null; removeView(views.get(views.size() - 1)); views.remove(views.size() - 1); mHints.remove(mHints.size() - 1); forms.remove(forms.size() - 1); } } public void refreshViewsForNewEntity(Entity e, boolean currentlySelected, long rowId) { for (int i = 0; i < e.getNumFields(); ++i) { Object field = e.getField(i); View view = views.get(i); if (view != null) { refreshViewForNewEntity(view, field, forms.get(i), e.getSortField(i), i, rowId); } } View extraDataView = views.get(views.size() - 1); if (extraData != null && extraDataView != null) { refreshViewForNewEntity(extraDataView, extraData, forms.get(forms.size() - 1), "", views.size() - 1, rowId); } if (currentlySelected) { this.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.grey_bordered_box); } else { this.setBackgroundDrawable(null); } } private void refreshViewForNewEntity(View view, Object field, String form, String sortField, int columnIndex, long rowId) { if (FORM_AUDIO.equals(form)) { ViewId uniqueId = ViewId.buildTableViewId(rowId, columnIndex, false); setupAudioLayout(view, (String)field, uniqueId); } else if (FORM_IMAGE.equals(form)) { setupImageLayout(view, (String)field); } else if (FORM_GRAPH.equals(form) && field instanceof GraphData) { int orientation = getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; GraphView g = new GraphView(getContext(), "", false); View rendered = null; if (renderedGraphsCache.get(rowId) != null) { rendered = renderedGraphsCache.get(rowId).get(orientation); } else { renderedGraphsCache.put(rowId, new Hashtable<Integer, View>()); } if (rendered == null) { try { rendered = g.getView(((GraphData)field).getGraphHTML(" ")); } catch (GraphException ex) { rendered = new TextView(getContext()); ((TextView)rendered).setText(ex.getMessage()); } renderedGraphsCache.get(rowId).put(orientation, rendered); } ((LinearLayout)view).removeAllViews(); ((LinearLayout)view).addView(rendered, GraphView.getLayoutParams()); view.setVisibility(VISIBLE); } else { setupText(view, (String)field, sortField); } } /** * Updates the AudioPlaybackButton layout that is passed in, based on the * new id and source */ private void setupAudioLayout(View layout, String source, ViewId uniqueId) { AudioPlaybackButton b = (AudioPlaybackButton)layout; if (source != null && source.length() > 0) { b.modifyButtonForNewView(uniqueId, source, true); } else { b.modifyButtonForNewView(uniqueId, source, false); } } /** * Updates the text layout that is passed in, based on the new text */ private void setupText(View layout, final String text, String searchField) { TextView tv = (TextView)layout.findViewById(; tv.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Spannable rawText = new SpannableString(text == null ? "" : text); tv.setText(highlightSearches(searchTerms, rawText, searchField, mFuzzySearchEnabled, mIsAsynchronous)); } private void addLayoutToRedrawQueue(View layout, String source) { imageViewsToRedraw.put(layout, source); } private void redrawImageLayoutsInQueue() { for (View v : imageViewsToRedraw.keySet()) { setupImageLayout(v, imageViewsToRedraw.get(v)); } imageViewsToRedraw.clear(); } /** * Updates the ImageView layout that is passed in, based on the new id and source */ private void setupImageLayout(View layout, final String source) { ImageView iv = (ImageView)layout; if (source.equals("")) { iv.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.color.transparent)); return; } if (onMeasureCalled) { int columnWidthInPixels = layout.getLayoutParams().width; Bitmap b = MediaUtil.inflateDisplayImage(getContext(), source, columnWidthInPixels, columnWidthInPixels, true); if (b == null) { // Means the input stream could not be used to derive the bitmap, so showing // error-indicating image iv.setImageDrawable(getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_menu_archive)); } else { iv.setImageBitmap(b); } } else { // Since case list images are scaled down based on the width of the column they // go into, we cannot set up an image layout until onMeasure() has been called addLayoutToRedrawQueue(layout, source); } } //TODO: This method now really does two different things and should possibly be different //methods. /** * Based on the search terms provided, highlight the aspects of the spannable provided which * match. A background string can be provided which provides the exact data that is being * matched. */ public static Spannable highlightSearches(String[] searchTerms, Spannable raw, String backgroundString, boolean fuzzySearchEnabled, boolean strictMode) { if (searchTerms == null) { return raw; } try { //TOOD: Only do this if we're in strict mode if (strictMode) { if (backgroundString == null) { return raw; } //make sure that we have the same consistency for our background match backgroundString = StringUtils.normalize(backgroundString).trim(); } else { //Otherwise we basically want to treat the "Search" string and the display string //the same way. backgroundString = StringUtils.normalize(raw.toString()); } String normalizedDisplayString = StringUtils.normalize(raw.toString()); removeSpans(raw); Vector<int[]> matches = new Vector<>(); //Highlight direct substring matches for (String searchText : searchTerms) { if ("".equals(searchText)) { continue; } //TODO: Assuming here that our background string exists and //isn't null due to the background string check above //check to see where we should start displaying this chunk int offset = TextUtils.indexOf(normalizedDisplayString, backgroundString); if (offset == -1) { //We can't safely highlight any of this, due to this field not actually //containing the same string we're searching by. continue; } int index = backgroundString.indexOf(searchText); //int index = TextUtils.indexOf(normalizedDisplayString, searchText); while (index >= 0) { //grab the display offset for actually displaying things int displayIndex = index + offset; raw.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.parseColor(Localization.get("odk_perfect_match_color"))), displayIndex, displayIndex + searchText.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); matches.add(new int[]{index, index + searchText.length()}); //index=TextUtils.indexOf(raw, searchText, index + searchText.length()); index = backgroundString.indexOf(searchText, index + searchText.length()); //we have a non-fuzzy match, so make sure we don't fuck with it } } //now insert the spans for any fuzzy matches (if enabled) if (fuzzySearchEnabled && backgroundString != null) { backgroundString += " "; for (String searchText : searchTerms) { if ("".equals(searchText)) { continue; } int curStart = 0; int curEnd = backgroundString.indexOf(" ", curStart); while (curEnd != -1) { boolean skip = matches.size() != 0; //See whether the fuzzy match overlaps at all with the concrete matches for (int[] textMatch : matches) { if (curStart < textMatch[0] && curEnd <= textMatch[0]) { skip = false; } else if (curStart >= textMatch[1] && curEnd > textMatch[1]) { skip = false; } else { //We're definitely inside of this span, so //don't do any fuzzy matching! skip = true; break; } } if (!skip) { //Walk the string to find words that are fuzzy matched String currentSpan = backgroundString.substring(curStart, curEnd); //First, figure out where we should be matching (if we don't //have anywhere to match, that means there's nothing to display //anyway) int indexInDisplay = normalizedDisplayString.indexOf(currentSpan); int length = (curEnd - curStart); if (indexInDisplay != -1 && org.commcare.cases.util.StringUtils.fuzzyMatch(currentSpan, searchText).first) { raw.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.parseColor(Localization.get("odk_fuzzy_match_color"))), indexInDisplay, indexInDisplay + length, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); } } curStart = curEnd + 1; curEnd = backgroundString.indexOf(" ", curStart); } } } } catch (Exception excp) { removeSpans(raw); Logger.log("search-hl", excp.toString() + " " + ForceCloseLogger.getStackTrace(excp)); } return raw; } /** * Removes all background color spans from the Spannable * * @param raw Spannable to remove background colors from */ private static void removeSpans(Spannable raw) { //Zero out the existing spans BackgroundColorSpan[] spans = raw.getSpans(0, raw.length(), BackgroundColorSpan.class); for (BackgroundColorSpan span : spans) { raw.removeSpan(span); } } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { // calculate the view and its children's default measurements super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); // Adjust the children view's widths based on percentage size hints int[] widths = ViewUtil.calculateColumnWidths(mHints, getMeasuredWidth()); int i = 0; for (View view : views) { if (view != null) { adjustPadding(view, widths[i]); LayoutParams params = (LinearLayout.LayoutParams)view.getLayoutParams(); params.width = widths[i]; view.setLayoutParams(params); } i++; } onMeasureCalled = true; if (imageViewsToRedraw.size() > 0) { redrawImageLayoutsInQueue(); } // Re-calculate the view's measurements based on the percentage adjustments above super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } /** * Remove view's if the padding is greater than or close to the view's width. */ private static void adjustPadding(View view, int width) { int horizontalPadding = view.getPaddingLeft() + view.getPaddingRight(); if (horizontalPadding >= width || horizontalPadding / (float)width > 0.9f) { view.setPadding(0, 0, 0, 0); } } }