package org.commcare.utils; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.widget.Toast; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.dalvik.R; import org.commcare.preferences.CommCareServerPreferences; import org.commcare.tasks.LogSubmissionTask; import org.javarosa.core.model.instance.FormInstance; import org.javarosa.core.model.instance.TreeReference; import; import org.javarosa.core.util.ArrayUtilities; import org.javarosa.xpath.expr.XPathExpression; import java.util.Vector; /** * Basically Copy+Paste code from CCJ2ME that needs to be unified or re-indexed to somewhere more reasonable. * * @author ctsims */ public class CommCareUtil { public static FormInstance loadFixture(String refId, String userId) { IStorageUtilityIndexed<FormInstance> userFixtureStorage = CommCareApplication.instance().getUserStorage("fixture", FormInstance.class); IStorageUtilityIndexed<FormInstance> appFixtureStorage = CommCareApplication.instance().getAppStorage("fixture", FormInstance.class); Vector<Integer> userFixtures = userFixtureStorage.getIDsForValue(FormInstance.META_ID, refId); ///... Nooooot so clean. if (userFixtures.size() == 1) { //easy case, one fixture, use it return; //TODO: Userid check anyway? } else if (userFixtures.size() > 1) { //intersect userid and fixtureid set. //TODO: Replace context call here with something from the session, need to stop relying on that coupling Vector<Integer> relevantUserFixtures = userFixtureStorage.getIDsForValue(FormInstance.META_XMLNS, userId); if (relevantUserFixtures.size() != 0) { Integer userFixture = ArrayUtilities.intersectSingle(userFixtures, relevantUserFixtures); if (userFixture != null) { return; } } } //ok, so if we've gotten here there were no fixtures for the user, let's try the app fixtures. Vector<Integer> appFixtures = appFixtureStorage.getIDsForValue(FormInstance.META_ID, refId); Integer globalFixture = ArrayUtilities.intersectSingle(appFixtureStorage.getIDsForValue(FormInstance.META_XMLNS, ""), appFixtures); if (globalFixture != null) { return; } else { //See if we have one manually placed in the suite Integer userFixture = ArrayUtilities.intersectSingle(appFixtureStorage.getIDsForValue(FormInstance.META_XMLNS, userId), appFixtures); if (userFixture != null) { return; } //Otherwise, nothing return null; } } /** * Used around to count up the degree of specificity for this reference */ public static int countPreds(TreeReference reference) { int preds = 0; if (reference == null) { return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < reference.size(); ++i) { Vector<XPathExpression> predicates = reference.getPredicate(i); if (predicates != null) { preds += predicates.size(); } } return preds; } public static void triggerLogSubmission(Context c) { String url = LogSubmissionTask.getSubmissionUrl(CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp().getAppPreferences()); if (url == null) { //This is mostly for dev purposes Toast.makeText(c, "Couldn't submit logs! Invalid submission URL...", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } else { LogSubmissionTask reportSubmitter = new LogSubmissionTask(true, CommCareApplication.instance().getSession().getListenerForSubmissionNotification(R.string.submission_logs_title), url); reportSubmitter.execute(); } } }