package org.commcare.models.legacy; import android.content.ContentUris; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import android.database.Cursor; import; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.Settings.Secure; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.util.Pair; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteException; import org.commcare.CommCareApp; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import; import org.commcare.logging.AndroidLogger; import; import org.commcare.models.database.AndroidDbHelper; import org.commcare.models.database.SqlStorage; import; import; import; import org.commcare.models.database.user.DatabaseUserOpenHelper; import org.commcare.models.database.user.UserSandboxUtils; import; import; import; import; import org.commcare.models.encryption.CipherPool; import org.commcare.modern.models.EncryptedModel; import org.commcare.preferences.CommCarePreferences; import org.commcare.provider.FormsProviderAPI; import org.commcare.provider.InstanceProviderAPI.InstanceColumns; import org.commcare.resources.model.Resource; import org.commcare.util.CommCarePlatform; import org.commcare.utils.GlobalConstants; import org.javarosa.core.model.User; import org.javarosa.core.model.instance.FormInstance; import; import; import org.javarosa.core.util.PropertyUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import javax.crypto.KeyGenerator; import javax.crypto.NoSuchPaddingException; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * @author ctsims */ public class LegacyInstallUtils { public static final String LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS = "legacy_upgrade_progress"; public static final String UPGRADE_COMPLETE = "complete"; public static void checkForLegacyInstall(Context c, SqlStorage<ApplicationRecord> currentAppStorage) { SharedPreferences globalPreferences = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(c); if (globalPreferences.getString(LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS, "").equals(UPGRADE_COMPLETE)) { return; } //Check to see if the legacy database exists on this system if (!c.getDatabasePath(GlobalConstants.CC_DB_NAME).exists()) { globalPreferences.edit().putString(LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS, UPGRADE_COMPLETE).commit(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "No legacy installs detected. Skipping transition"); return; } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| DB Detected"); //There is a legacy DB. First, check whether we've already moved things over (whether a new //app is already installed) int installedApps = currentAppStorage.getNumRecords(); ApplicationRecord record = null; if (installedApps == 0) { //there are no installed apps } else if (installedApps == 1) { for (ApplicationRecord r : currentAppStorage) { int status = r.getStatus(); if (status == ApplicationRecord.STATUS_SPECIAL_LEGACY) { //We've already started this process, but it didn't //finish record = r; } } //if the application present is either uninitialized or already //installed, we don't need to proceed. if (record == null) { globalPreferences.edit().putString(LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS, UPGRADE_COMPLETE).commit(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| app was detected, but new install already covers it"); return; } } else { //there's more than one app installed, which means we //must have passed through here. globalPreferences.edit().putString(LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS, UPGRADE_COMPLETE).commit(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| More than one app record installed, skipping legacy app detection"); return; } //Ok, so now we have an old db, and either an incomplete app install, or //no app install. //Next step, determine if there was an old, completely installed app in the old db. //If this isn't true, we can just bail. //get the legacy storage final android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase olddb = new LegacyCommCareOpenHelper(c).getReadableDatabase(); LegacyDbHelper ldbh = new LegacyDbHelper(c) { @Override public android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase getHandle() { return olddb; } }; //Ok, so now we need to see whether there's app on the legacy db. //Use the name of the Pre-DB3 Global Resource table (in case it has changed). //Note: ResourceModelUpdater is mandatory here to read pre-db3 resource records. LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<Resource> legacyResources = new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<Resource>("GLOBAL_RESOURCE_TABLE", ResourceModelUpdater.class, ldbh); //see if the resource table is installed boolean hasProfile = false; boolean allInstalled = true; int oldDbSize = 0; for (Resource r : legacyResources) { if (r.getStatus() != Resource.RESOURCE_STATUS_INSTALLED) { allInstalled = false; } if (r.getResourceId().equals(CommCarePlatform.APP_PROFILE_RESOURCE_ID)) { hasProfile = true; } oldDbSize++; } if (hasProfile && allInstalled) { //Legacy application is installed and ready to transition } else { globalPreferences.edit().putString(LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS, UPGRADE_COMPLETE).commit(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy app detected, but it wasn't fully installed"); return; } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| application installed. Beginning transition"); //So if we've gotten this far, we definitely have an app we need to copy over. See if we have an application record, and create //one if not. if (record == null) { record = new ApplicationRecord("legacy_application", ApplicationRecord.STATUS_SPECIAL_LEGACY); } //Commit? We can skip the searching for the old app if so, maybe? //Ok, so fire up a seat for the new Application CommCareApp app = new CommCareApp(record); //Don't, however, create any of the file roots, we need to keep that namespace //clean to copy over files. app.setupSandbox(false); //Ok, so. We now have a valid application record and can start moving over records. //App data used to exist in three places, so we'll copy over all three //1) DB Records //2) File System Data //3) Update File system references //4) Application settings //5) Stubbed out user keys //1) DB Records // The following models need to be moved: Resource Table entries, fixtures, and logs SqlStorage<Resource> newInstallTable = app.getStorage("GLOBAL_RESOURCE_TABLE", Resource.class); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(legacyResources, newInstallTable); //Fixtures LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<FormInstance> legacyFixtures = new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("fixture", FormInstance.class, ldbh); SqlStorage<FormInstance> newFixtures = app.getStorage("fixture", FormInstance.class); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(legacyFixtures, newFixtures); //Logs //There's a twist, here. We only wanna copy over logs once to get a nice clear time-based record ordering. LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<AndroidLogEntry> legacyLogs = new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>(AndroidLogEntry.STORAGE_KEY, AndroidLogEntry.class, ldbh); if (legacyLogs.isEmpty()) { //old logs are empty, no need to wipe new storage } else { SqlStorage<AndroidLogEntry> newLogs = CommCareApplication.instance().getGlobalStorage(AndroidLogEntry.STORAGE_KEY, AndroidLogEntry.class); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(legacyLogs, newLogs); //logs are copied over, wipe the old ones. legacyLogs.removeAll(); } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| Global resources copied"); //TODO: Record Progress? //2) Ok, so now we want to copy over any old file system storage. Any jr:// prefixes should work fine after this move, //but form records and such will still need to be updated. Unfortunately if people have placed their media in jr://file //instead of jr://file/commcare we're going to miss it here, which sucks, but otherwise we run the risk of breaking future //installs //We supressed the file system generation, so make sure the root folder exists new File(app.storageRoot()).mkdirs(); //Copy over the old file root File oldRoot = new File(getOldFileSystemRoot()); String newRoot = app.fsPath("commcare/"); oldRoot.renameTo(new File(newRoot)); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| Files moved. Updating Handles"); //We also need to tell the XForm Provider that any/all of its forms have been moved ArrayList<Pair<Uri, String>> toReplace = new ArrayList<>(); Cursor ef = null; try { ef = c.getContentResolver().query(FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns.CONTENT_URI, new String[]{FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns.FORM_FILE_PATH, FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns._ID}, null, null, null); if (ef != null) { while (ef.moveToNext()) { String filePath = ef.getString(ef.getColumnIndex(FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns.FORM_FILE_PATH)); String newFilePath = replaceOldRoot(filePath, getOldFileSystemRoot(), newRoot); if (!newFilePath.equals(filePath)) { Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns.CONTENT_URI, ef.getLong(ef.getColumnIndex(FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns._ID))); toReplace.add(new Pair<>(uri, newFilePath)); } } } } finally { if (ef != null) { ef.close(); } } for (Pair<Uri, String> p : toReplace) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(FormsProviderAPI.FormsColumns.FORM_FILE_PATH, p.second); int updated = c.getContentResolver().update(p.first, cv, null, null); if (updated != 1) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| Warning: wrong number of xform content URI's updated: " + updated); } } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| " + toReplace.size() + " xform content file paths updated. Moving prefs"); //3) Ok, so now we have app settings to copy over. Basically everything in the SharedPreferences should get put in the new app //preferences Map<String, ?> oldPrefs = globalPreferences.getAll(); //well, this sucks more than anticipated. Editor e = app.getAppPreferences().edit(); for (String k : oldPrefs.keySet()) { Object o = oldPrefs.get(k); if (o instanceof String) { e.putString(k, (String)o); } else if (o instanceof Integer) { e.putInt(k, (Integer)o); } else if (o instanceof Long) { e.putLong(k, (Long)o); } else if (o instanceof Boolean) { e.putBoolean(k, (Boolean)o); } else if (o instanceof Float) { e.putFloat(k, (Float)o); } } e.commit(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| Prefs updated. Adding user records..."); //4) Finally, we need to register a new UserKeyRecord which will prepare the user-facing records for transition //when the user logs in again //Get legacy user storage LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<User> legacyUsers = new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("USER", User.class, ldbh); ArrayList<User> oldUsers = new ArrayList<>(); //So the old user storage wasn't encrypted since it had no actual prod data in it for (User u : legacyUsers) { oldUsers.add(u); } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| " + oldUsers.size() + " old user records detected"); //we're done with the old storage now. olddb.close(); SqlStorage<UserKeyRecord> newUserKeyRecords = app.getStorage(UserKeyRecord.class); User preferred = null; //go through all of the old users and generate key records for them for (User u : oldUsers) { //make sure we haven't already handled this user somehow if (newUserKeyRecords.getIDsForValue(UserKeyRecord.META_USERNAME, u.getUsername()).size() > 0) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| Skipping key record for " + u.getUsername() + " . One already exists?"); continue; } //See if we can find a user who was the last to log in if (preferred == null || u.getUsername().toLowerCase().equals(globalPreferences.getString(CommCarePreferences.LAST_LOGGED_IN_USER, "").toLowerCase())) { preferred = u; } //There's not specific reason to thing this might happen, but might be valuable to double check if (newUserKeyRecords.getIDsForValue(UserKeyRecord.META_USERNAME, u.getUsername()).size() == 0) { String sandboxId = PropertyUtils.genUUID().replace("-", ""); UserKeyRecord ukr = new UserKeyRecord(u.getUsername(), u.getPasswordHash(), u.getWrappedKey(), new Date(), new Date(), sandboxId, UserKeyRecord.TYPE_LEGACY_TRANSITION); newUserKeyRecords.write(ukr); } } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| App succesfully Transitioned! Writing progress"); //First off: All of the app resources are now transitioned. We can continue to handle data transitions at login if the following fails app.writeInstalled(); globalPreferences.edit().putString(LEGACY_UPGRADE_PROGRESS, UPGRADE_COMPLETE).commit(); //Trigger all new resends app.getAppPreferences().edit().putLong(CommCarePreferences.LOG_LAST_DAILY_SUBMIT, 0).commit(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Legacy| App labelled. Attempting user transition"); //Now, we should try to transition over legacy user storage if any of the previous users are on test data //First, see if the preferred user (Only one if available, or the most recent login) if (preferred != null) { //There should only be one user key record for that user which is legacy for (UserKeyRecord ukr : newUserKeyRecords.getRecordsForValues(new String[]{UserKeyRecord.META_USERNAME}, new String[]{preferred.getUsername()})) { if (ukr.getType() == UserKeyRecord.TYPE_LEGACY_TRANSITION) { try { transitionLegacyUserStorage(c, app, generateOldTestKey(c).getEncoded(), ukr); } catch (RuntimeException re) { //expected if they used a real key re.printStackTrace(); } break; } } } String toSkip = preferred == null ? null : preferred.getUsername(); for (UserKeyRecord ukr : newUserKeyRecords) { if (ukr.getUsername().equals(toSkip)) { continue; } if (ukr.getType() == UserKeyRecord.TYPE_LEGACY_TRANSITION) { try { transitionLegacyUserStorage(c, app, generateOldTestKey(c).getEncoded(), ukr); } catch (RuntimeException re) { //expected if they used a real key re.printStackTrace(); } break; } } //Okay! Whew. We're now all set. Anything else that needs to happen should happen when the user logs in and we //can unwrap their keys app.teardownSandbox(); } private static String getOldFileSystemRoot() { String filesystemHome = CommCareApplication.instance().getAndroidFsRoot(); return filesystemHome + "commcare/"; } public static void transitionLegacyUserStorage(final Context c, CommCareApp app, final byte[] oldKey, UserKeyRecord ukr) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Beginning transition attempt for " + ukr.getUsername()); final CipherPool pool = new CipherPool() { final Object lock = new Object(); final byte[] key = oldKey; @Override public Cipher generateNewCipher() { synchronized (lock) { try { synchronized (key) { SecretKeySpec spec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "AES"); Cipher decrypter = Cipher.getInstance("AES"); decrypter.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, spec); return decrypter; } } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (NoSuchPaddingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } }; //get the legacy storage final android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase olddb = new LegacyCommCareOpenHelper(c, new LegacyCommCareDBCursorFactory(getLegacyEncryptedModels()) { @Override protected CipherPool getCipherPool() { return pool; } }).getReadableDatabase(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Legacy DB Opened"); LegacyDbHelper ldbh = new LegacyDbHelper(c, pool.borrow()) { @Override public android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase getHandle() { return olddb; } }; final String newFileSystemRoot = app.fsPath("commcare/"); final String oldRoot = getOldFileSystemRoot(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Testing keys by attempting to open storage"); //TODO: This doesn't work. LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<User> legacyUserStorage = new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("User", User.class, ldbh); try { //Test to see if the old db worked for (User u : legacyUserStorage) { } } catch (RuntimeException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Exception " + e.getMessage() + " when testing storage. Keys are probably no good"); //This almost certainly means that we don't have the right key; return; } Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Old keys look good! Creating new DB"); SQLiteDatabase ourDb; //If we were able to iterate over the users, the key was fine, so let's use it to open our db try { ourDb = new DatabaseUserOpenHelper(CommCareApplication.instance(), ukr.getUuid()).getWritableDatabase(UserSandboxUtils.getSqlCipherEncodedKey(oldKey)); } catch (SQLiteException sle) { //Our database got corrupted. Fortunately this represents a new record, so we can't actually need it. Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Attempted migrated database got corrupted. Deleting it and starting over"); c.getDatabasePath(DatabaseUserOpenHelper.getDbName(ukr.getUuid())).delete(); ourDb = new DatabaseUserOpenHelper(CommCareApplication.instance(), ukr.getUuid()).getWritableDatabase(UserSandboxUtils.getSqlCipherEncodedKey(oldKey)); } final SQLiteDatabase currentUserDatabase = ourDb; AndroidDbHelper newAndroidDbHelper = new AndroidDbHelper(c) { @Override public SQLiteDatabase getHandle() { return currentUserDatabase; } }; Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| All set to get going. Beginning storage copy"); //So we need to copy over a bunch of storage and also make some incidental changes along the way. LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<ACase> legacyCases = new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>(ACase.STORAGE_KEY, ACase.class, ldbh); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| " + legacyCases.getNumRecords() + " old cases detected"); Map m = SqlStorage.cleanCopy(legacyCases, new SqlStorage<>(ACase.STORAGE_KEY, ACase.class, newAndroidDbHelper)); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| " + m.size() + " cases copied. Copying Users"); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(legacyUserStorage, new SqlStorage<>("USER", User.class, newAndroidDbHelper)); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Users copied. Copying form records"); final Map<Integer, Integer> formRecordMapping = SqlStorage.cleanCopy(new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("FORMRECORDS", FormRecord.class, ldbh), new SqlStorage<>("FORMRECORDS", FormRecord.class, newAndroidDbHelper), new CopyMapper<FormRecord>() { @Override public FormRecord transform(FormRecord t) { String formRecordPath; try { formRecordPath = t.getPath(c); String newPath = replaceOldRoot(formRecordPath, oldRoot, newFileSystemRoot); if (!newPath.equals(formRecordPath)) { ContentValues cv = new ContentValues(); cv.put(InstanceColumns.INSTANCE_FILE_PATH, newPath); c.getContentResolver().update(t.getInstanceURI(), cv, null, null); } return t; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { //This means the form record doesn't //actually have a URI at all, so we //can skip this. return t; } } }); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Form records copied. Copying sessions."); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("android_cc_session", SessionStateDescriptor.class, ldbh), new SqlStorage<>("android_cc_session", SessionStateDescriptor.class, newAndroidDbHelper), new CopyMapper<SessionStateDescriptor>() { @Override public SessionStateDescriptor transform(SessionStateDescriptor t) { return t.reMapFormRecordId(formRecordMapping.get(t.getFormRecordId())); } }); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Sessions copied. Copying geocaches."); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>(GeocodeCacheModel.STORAGE_KEY, GeocodeCacheModel.class, ldbh), new SqlStorage<>(GeocodeCacheModel.STORAGE_KEY, GeocodeCacheModel.class, newAndroidDbHelper)); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| geocaches copied. Copying serialized log submissions."); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("log_records", DeviceReportRecord.class, ldbh), new SqlStorage<>("log_records", DeviceReportRecord.class, newAndroidDbHelper), new CopyMapper<DeviceReportRecord>() { @Override public DeviceReportRecord transform(DeviceReportRecord t) { return new DeviceReportRecord(replaceOldRoot(t.getFilePath(), oldRoot, newFileSystemRoot), t.getKey()); } }); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| serialized log submissions copied. Copying fixtures"); SqlStorage.cleanCopy(new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("fixture", FormInstance.class, ldbh), new SqlStorage<>("fixture", FormInstance.class, newAndroidDbHelper)); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Whew, storage copied! Updating key record"); //Now we can update this key record to confirm that it is fully installed ukr.setType(UserKeyRecord.TYPE_NORMAL); app.getStorage(UserKeyRecord.class).write(ukr); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| Eliminating shared data from old install, since new users can't access it"); //Now, if we've copied everything over to this user with no problems, we want to actually go back and wipe out all of the //data that is linked to specific files, since individual users might delete them out of their sandboxes. new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("log_records", DeviceReportRecord.class, ldbh).removeAll(); new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>(FormRecord.STORAGE_KEY, FormRecord.class, ldbh).removeAll(); new LegacySqlIndexedStorageUtility<>("android_cc_session", SessionStateDescriptor.class, ldbh).removeAll(); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "LegacyUser| User transitioned! Closing db handles."); olddb.close(); currentUserDatabase.close(); } protected static String replaceOldRoot(String filePath, String oldRoot, String newFileSystemRoot) { try { //TODO: It's really bad if these don't cannonicalize the same. oldRoot = new File(oldRoot).getCanonicalPath(); filePath = new File(filePath).getCanonicalPath(); if (filePath.contains(oldRoot)) { return filePath.replace(oldRoot, newFileSystemRoot); } return filePath; } catch (IOException ioe) { //This shouldn't happen and kind of sucks if it does. Should only occur if the file paths are invalid Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_ASSERTION, "Couldn't cannonicalize " + oldRoot + " or " + filePath); return filePath; } } private static Hashtable<String, EncryptedModel> getLegacyEncryptedModels() { Hashtable<String, EncryptedModel> models = new Hashtable<>(); models.put(ACase.STORAGE_KEY, new ACase()); models.put("FORMRECORDS", new FormRecord()); models.put(GeocodeCacheModel.STORAGE_KEY, new GeocodeCacheModel()); models.put("log_records", new DeviceReportRecord()); return models; } public interface CopyMapper<T extends Persistable> { T transform(T t); } private static SecretKeySpec generateOldTestKey(Context c) { KeyGenerator generator; try { generator = KeyGenerator.getInstance("AES"); generator.init(256, new SecureRandom(getPhoneIdOld(c).getBytes())); return new SecretKeySpec(generator.generateKey().getEncoded(), "AES"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } private static String getPhoneIdOld(Context c) { TelephonyManager manager = (TelephonyManager)c.getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String imei = manager.getDeviceId(); if (imei == null) { imei = Secure.ANDROID_ID; } return imei; } }