package org.commcare.utils; import android.content.Context; import; import; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pair; import android.view.WindowManager; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.engine.references.JavaFileReference; import org.commcare.logging.AndroidLogger; import; import; import org.commcare.preferences.CommCarePreferences; import org.javarosa.core.reference.InvalidReferenceException; import org.javarosa.core.reference.Reference; import org.javarosa.core.reference.ReferenceManager; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; /** * @author ctsims */ public class MediaUtil { private static final String TAG = MediaUtil.class.toString(); public static final String FORM_VIDEO = "video"; public static final String FORM_AUDIO = "audio"; public static final String FORM_IMAGE = "image"; /** * Attempts to inflate an image from a CommCare UI definition source. * * @param jrUri The image to inflate * @param boundingWidth the width of the container this image is being inflated into, to serve * as a max width. If passed in as -1, gets set to screen width * @param boundingHeight the height of the container this image is being inflated into, to * serve as a max height. If passed in as -1, gets set to screen height * @return A bitmap if one could be created. Null if error occurs or the image is unavailable. */ public static Bitmap inflateDisplayImage(Context context, String jrUri, int boundingWidth, int boundingHeight, boolean respectBoundsExactly) { if (jrUri == null || jrUri.equals("")) { return null; } try { Reference ref = ReferenceManager.instance().DeriveReference(jrUri); try { if (!ref.doesBinaryExist()) { return null; } if (!(ref instanceof JavaFileReference)) { return BitmapFactory.decodeStream(ref.getStream()); } } catch (IOException e) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_ASSERTION, "IO Exception loading reference: " + jrUri); return null; } String imageFilename = ref.getLocalURI(); final File imageFile = new File(imageFilename); if (!imageFile.exists()) { return null; } DisplayMetrics displayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); ((WindowManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE)) .getDefaultDisplay() .getMetrics(displayMetrics); if (boundingHeight == -1) { boundingHeight = displayMetrics.heightPixels; } if (boundingWidth == -1) { boundingWidth = displayMetrics.widthPixels; } if (CommCarePreferences.isSmartInflationEnabled()) { GoogleAnalyticsUtils.reportFeatureUsage(GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_USING_SMART_IMAGE_INFLATION); // scale based on bounding dimens AND native density return getBitmapScaledForNativeDensity( context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics(), imageFile.getAbsolutePath(), boundingHeight, boundingWidth, CommCarePreferences.getTargetInflationDensity()); } else { // just scale down if the original image is way too big for its container return getBitmapScaledToContainer(imageFile.getAbsolutePath(), boundingHeight, boundingWidth, respectBoundsExactly); } } catch (InvalidReferenceException e) { Log.e("ImageInflater", "image invalid reference exception for " + e.getReferenceString()); e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } public static Bitmap inflateDisplayImage(Context context, String jrUri, int boundingWidth, int boundingHeight) { return inflateDisplayImage(context, jrUri, boundingWidth, boundingHeight, false); } public static Bitmap inflateDisplayImage(Context context, String jrUri) { return inflateDisplayImage(context, jrUri, -1, -1, false); } /** * Attempt to inflate an image source into a bitmap whose final dimensions are based upon * 2 factors: * * 1) The application of a scaling factor, which is derived from the relative values of the * target density declared by the app and the current device's actual density * 2) The absolute dimensions of the bounding container into which this image is being inflated * (may just be the screen dimens) * * @return the bitmap, or null if none could be created from the source */ public static Bitmap getBitmapScaledForNativeDensity(DisplayMetrics metrics, String imageFilepath, int containerHeight, int containerWidth, int targetDensity) { Pair<File, Bitmap> cacheKey = getCacheFileLocationAndBitmap(imageFilepath, String.format("density_%d_%d_%d", containerHeight, containerWidth, targetDensity)); if (cacheKey != null && cacheKey.second != null) { return cacheKey.second; } BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o.inJustDecodeBounds = true; o.inScaled = false; BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imageFilepath, o); int imageHeight = o.outHeight; int imageWidth = o.outWidth; double scaleFactor = computeInflationScaleFactor(metrics, targetDensity); int calculatedHeight = Math.round((float)(imageHeight * scaleFactor)); int calculatedWidth = Math.round((float)(imageWidth * scaleFactor)); Bitmap toReturn; if (scaleFactor > 1) { toReturn = attemptBoundedScaleUp(imageFilepath, calculatedHeight, calculatedWidth, containerHeight, containerWidth); } else { toReturn = scaleDownToTargetOrContainer(imageFilepath, imageHeight, imageWidth, calculatedHeight, calculatedWidth, containerHeight, containerWidth, false, true); } if (cacheKey != null) { attemptWriteCacheToLocation(toReturn, cacheKey.first); } return toReturn; } private static void attemptWriteCacheToLocation(Bitmap toReturn, File cacheLocation) { try { FileUtil.writeBitmapToDiskAndCleanupHandles(toReturn, ImageType.fromExtension(FileUtil.getExtension(cacheLocation.getPath())), cacheLocation); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Log.d(TAG, "Failed to write bitmap to cache for " + cacheLocation); } } /** * Attempts to load a cached filepath from the given location and tag, and returns the * location for the cached file either way. * * If caching is unavailable, null should be returned. If an object is returned, the first * argument must be non-null, and must have the same extension as the input filepath. * * The cache key/object will handle its own file path/modified clearance, the tag provided * should differentiate between different ways of inflating the provided image path */ private static Pair<File, Bitmap> getCacheFileLocationAndBitmap(String imageFilepath, String tag) { File cacheKey = getCacheFileLocation(imageFilepath, tag); if (cacheKey == null) { return null; } Bitmap b = null; if (cacheKey.exists()) { try { b = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(cacheKey.getPath()); } catch (RuntimeException e) { try { cacheKey.delete(); Log.d(TAG, "Removed potentially invalid cache from " +cacheKey.toString()); } catch (Exception inner) { } } } return new Pair<>(cacheKey,b); } private static File getCacheFileLocation(String imageFilepath, String tag) { Context c = CommCareApplication.instance().getApplicationContext(); File cacheDirectory = c.getCacheDir(); if (!cacheDirectory.exists()) { return null; } String ext = FileUtil.getExtension(imageFilepath); if (ImageType.fromExtension(ext) == null) { Log.d(TAG, "Couldn't identify the format of a file for caching: " + imageFilepath); return null; } File fileToTransform = new File(imageFilepath); String fileName = String.format("%s_%d_%s.%s", getHashedImageFilepath(imageFilepath), fileToTransform.lastModified(), tag, ext); return new File(cacheDirectory, fileName); } public static String getHashedImageFilepath(String input) { try { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5"); md.update(input.getBytes()); byte[] hashInBytes = md.digest(); BigInteger number = new BigInteger(1, hashInBytes); String md5 = number.toString(16); while (md5.length() < 32) { md5 = "0" + md5; } return md5; } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new RuntimeException("No MD5 platform hashing enabled"); } } /** * @return Our custom scale factor, based on this device's density and what the image's target * density was */ public static double computeInflationScaleFactor(DisplayMetrics metrics, int targetDensity) { final int SCREEN_DENSITY = metrics.densityDpi; double customDpiScaleFactor = (double)SCREEN_DENSITY / targetDensity; double proportionalAdjustmentFactor = getCustomAndroidAdjustmentFactor(metrics); return customDpiScaleFactor * proportionalAdjustmentFactor; } private static double getCustomAndroidAdjustmentFactor(DisplayMetrics metrics) { // This is the formula Android *usually* uses to compute the value of metrics.density // for a device. If this is in fact the value being used, we are not interested in it. // However, if the actual value differs at all from the standard calculation, it means // Android is taking other factors into consideration (such as straight up screen size) // when it re-sizes an image for this device, so we want to incorporate that proportionally // into our own version of the scale factor double standardNativeScaleFactor = (double)metrics.densityDpi / DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_DEFAULT; double actualNativeScaleFactor = metrics.density; if (actualNativeScaleFactor > standardNativeScaleFactor) { return 1 + ((actualNativeScaleFactor - standardNativeScaleFactor) / standardNativeScaleFactor); } else if (actualNativeScaleFactor < standardNativeScaleFactor) { return actualNativeScaleFactor / standardNativeScaleFactor; } else { return 1; } } /** * @return A bitmap representation of the given image file, scaled down to the smallest * size that still fills the container * * More precisely, preserves the following 2 conditions: * 1. The larger of the 2 sides takes on the size of the corresponding container dimension * (e.g. if its width is larger than its height, then the new width should = containerWidth) * 2. The aspect ratio of the original image is maintained (so the height would get scaled * down proportionally with the width) */ public static Bitmap getBitmapScaledToContainer(String imageFilepath, int containerHeight, int containerWidth, boolean respectBoundsExactly) { Pair<File, Bitmap> cacheKey = getCacheFileLocationAndBitmap(imageFilepath, String.format("container_%d_%d_%b",containerHeight, containerWidth, respectBoundsExactly)); if (cacheKey != null && cacheKey.second != null) { return cacheKey.second; } // Determine dimensions of original image BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o.inJustDecodeBounds = true; BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imageFilepath, o); int imageHeight = o.outHeight; int imageWidth = o.outWidth; Bitmap toReturn = scaleDownToTargetOrContainer(imageFilepath, imageHeight, imageWidth, -1, -1, containerHeight, containerWidth, true, respectBoundsExactly); if (cacheKey != null) { attemptWriteCacheToLocation(toReturn, cacheKey.first); } return toReturn; } public static Bitmap getBitmapScaledToContainer(File imageFile, int containerHeight, int containerWidth) { return getBitmapScaledToContainer(imageFile.getAbsolutePath(), containerHeight, containerWidth, false); } /** * @param scaleByContainerOnly If true, means that we're just trying to ensure that our bitmap * isn't way bigger than necessary, rather than creating a bitmap * of an exact size based on a target width and height. In this * case, targetWidth and targetHeight are ignored and the 2nd case * below is used. * * @return A bitmap representation of the given image file, scaled down if necessary such that * the new dimensions of the image are the SMALLER of the following 2 options: * 1) targetHeight and targetWidth * 2) the largest dimensions for which the original aspect ratio is maintained, without * exceeding either boundingWidth or boundingHeight (or just the original dimensions if the * image already roughly fits in the bounds) */ private static Bitmap scaleDownToTargetOrContainer(String imageFilepath, int originalHeight, int originalWidth, int targetHeight, int targetWidth, int boundingHeight, int boundingWidth, boolean scaleByContainerOnly, boolean respectBoundsExactly) { Pair<Integer, Integer> dimensImposedByContainer = getRoughDimensImposedByContainer( originalHeight, originalWidth, boundingHeight, boundingWidth); int newWidth, newHeight; if (scaleByContainerOnly) { newWidth = dimensImposedByContainer.first; newHeight = dimensImposedByContainer.second; } else { newWidth = Math.min(dimensImposedByContainer.first, targetWidth); newHeight = Math.min(dimensImposedByContainer.second, targetHeight); } int approximateScaleDownFactor = getApproxScaleDownFactor(newWidth, originalWidth); Bitmap b = inflateImageSafe(imageFilepath, approximateScaleDownFactor).first; if (scaleByContainerOnly && !respectBoundsExactly) { // Not worth performance loss of creating an exact scaled bitmap in this case return b; } else { try { // Here we want to be more precise because we have a target width and height, or // specified that respecting the bounding container precisely is important return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(b, newWidth, newHeight, false); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.d(TAG, "Ran out of memory attempting to scale image at: " + imageFilepath); return null; } } } private static int getApproxScaleDownFactor(int newWidth, int originalWidth) { if (newWidth == 0) { return 1; } else { int scale = originalWidth / newWidth; if (scale == 0) { return 1; } return scale; } } /** * @return The smallest dimensions that both preserve the original aspect ratio, and mean * that the image still fills the container. It is unimportant to scale down exactly to the * container size; we just don't want to be creating a bitmap that is way bigger than necessary. */ private static Pair<Integer, Integer> getRoughDimensImposedByContainer(int originalHeight, int originalWidth, int boundingHeight, int boundingWidth) { if (originalHeight < boundingHeight || originalWidth < boundingWidth) { // Since this is only meant to be a rough scale-down to keep the image from being way // too large, we only want to scale down if both dimensions are currently exceeding // their bounds return new Pair<>(originalWidth, originalHeight); } double heightScaleDownFactor = (double)boundingHeight / originalHeight; double widthScaleDownFactor = (double)boundingWidth / originalWidth; // Choosing the larger of the scale down factors, so that the image still fills the entire // container double dominantScaleDownFactor = Math.max(widthScaleDownFactor, heightScaleDownFactor); int widthImposedByContainer = (int)Math.round(originalWidth * dominantScaleDownFactor); int heightImposedByContainer = (int)Math.round(originalHeight * dominantScaleDownFactor); return new Pair<>(widthImposedByContainer, heightImposedByContainer); } /** * @return A bitmap representation of the given image file, scaled up as close as possible to * desiredWidth and desiredHeight, without exceeding either boundingHeight or boundingWidth */ private static Bitmap attemptBoundedScaleUp(String imageFilepath, int desiredHeight, int desiredWidth, int boundingHeight, int boundingWidth) { if (boundingHeight < desiredHeight || boundingWidth < desiredWidth) { Pair<Integer, Integer> dimensForScaleUp = boundedScaleUpHelper( desiredHeight, desiredWidth, boundingHeight, boundingWidth); desiredWidth = dimensForScaleUp.first; desiredHeight = dimensForScaleUp.second; } try { BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options(); o.inScaled = false; Bitmap originalBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imageFilepath, o); try { return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(originalBitmap, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, false); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { return originalBitmap; } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // Just inflating the image at its original size caused an OOM error, don't have a // choice but to scale down return performSafeScaleDown(imageFilepath, 2, 1).first; } } /** * @return A (width, height) pair representing the largest possible dimensions that both: * a) do not exceed boundingHeight or boundingWidth, and * b) maintain the aspect ratio given by originalHeight and originalWidth */ private static Pair<Integer, Integer> boundedScaleUpHelper(int originalHeight, int originalWidth, int boundingHeight, int boundingWidth) { double heightScaleFactor = (double)boundingHeight / originalHeight; double widthScaleFactor = (double)boundingWidth / originalWidth; double dominantScaleFactor = Math.min(heightScaleFactor, widthScaleFactor); int scaledUpWidthImposedByContainer = (int)Math.round(originalWidth * dominantScaleFactor); int scaledUpHeightImposedByContainer = (int)Math.round(originalHeight * dominantScaleFactor); return new Pair<>(scaledUpWidthImposedByContainer, scaledUpHeightImposedByContainer); } /** * Inflate an image file into a bitmap, attempting first to inflate it at the given scale-down * factor, but progressively scaling down further if an OutOfMemoryError is encountered * * @return the bitmap, plus a boolean value representing whether the image had to be downsized */ public static Pair<Bitmap, Boolean> inflateImageSafe(String imageFilepath, int scaleDownFactor) { return performSafeScaleDown(imageFilepath, scaleDownFactor, 0); } public static Pair<Bitmap, Boolean> inflateImageSafe(String imageFilepath) { return inflateImageSafe(imageFilepath, 1); } /** * @return A scaled-down bitmap for the given image file, progressively increasing the * scale-down factor by 1 until allocating memory for the bitmap does not cause an OOM error, * and a boolean value representing whether the image had to be downsized */ private static Pair<Bitmap, Boolean> performSafeScaleDown(String imageFilepath, int scaleDownFactor, int depth) { if (depth == 5) { // Limit the number of recursive calls return new Pair<>(null, true); } BitmapFactory.Options options = new BitmapFactory.Options(); options.inSampleSize = scaleDownFactor; try { return new Pair<>(BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imageFilepath, options), scaleDownFactor > 1); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { return performSafeScaleDown(imageFilepath, scaleDownFactor + 1, depth + 1); } } }