package org.commcare.activities; import android.Manifest; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.PowerManager; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Menu; import android.view.MenuItem; import android.widget.Toast; import org.commcare.AppUtils; import org.commcare.CommCareApp; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.dalvik.BuildConfig; import org.commcare.dalvik.R; import org.commcare.engine.resource.AppInstallStatus; import org.commcare.engine.resource.installers.SingleAppInstallation; import org.commcare.fragments.ContainerFragment; import org.commcare.fragments.InstallConfirmFragment; import org.commcare.fragments.InstallPermissionsFragment; import org.commcare.fragments.SelectInstallModeFragment; import org.commcare.fragments.SetupEnterURLFragment; import org.commcare.interfaces.RuntimePermissionRequester; import; import; import; import org.commcare.preferences.GlobalPrivilegesManager; import org.commcare.resources.model.InvalidResourceException; import org.commcare.resources.model.UnresolvedResourceException; import org.commcare.tasks.ResourceEngineListener; import org.commcare.tasks.ResourceEngineTask; import org.commcare.tasks.RetrieveParseVerifyMessageListener; import org.commcare.tasks.RetrieveParseVerifyMessageTask; import org.commcare.utils.ConsumerAppsUtil; import org.commcare.utils.MultipleAppsUtil; import org.commcare.utils.Permissions; import org.commcare.views.ManagedUi; import org.commcare.views.dialogs.CustomProgressDialog; import org.commcare.views.dialogs.DialogCreationHelpers; import org.commcare.views.notifications.NotificationMessage; import org.commcare.views.notifications.NotificationMessageFactory; import org.javarosa.core.reference.InvalidReferenceException; import org.javarosa.core.reference.ReferenceManager; import; import org.javarosa.core.util.PropertyUtils; import; import; import java.util.List; /** * Responsible for identifying the state of the application (uninstalled, * installed) and performing any necessary setup to get to a place where * CommCare can load normally. * * If the startup activity identifies that the app is installed properly it * should not ever require interaction or be visible to the user. * * @author ctsims */ @ManagedUi(R.layout.first_start_screen_modern) public class CommCareSetupActivity extends CommCareActivity<CommCareSetupActivity> implements ResourceEngineListener, SetupEnterURLFragment.URLInstaller, InstallConfirmFragment.StartStopInstallCommands, RetrieveParseVerifyMessageListener, RuntimePermissionRequester { private static final String TAG = CommCareSetupActivity.class.getSimpleName(); private static final String KEY_UI_STATE = "current_install_ui_state"; private static final String KEY_LAST_INSTALL_MODE = "offline_install"; private static final String KEY_FROM_EXTERNAL = "from_external"; private static final String KEY_FROM_MANAGER = "from_manager"; private static final String KEY_MANUAL_SMS_INSTALL = "sms-install-triggered-manually"; private static final String KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE = "error-message"; private static final int SMS_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST = 2; private static final String FORCE_VALIDATE_KEY = "validate"; /** * UI configuration states. */ public enum UiState { IN_URL_ENTRY, CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD, READY_TO_INSTALL, NEEDS_PERMS, BLANK } private UiState uiState = UiState.CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD; private String errorMessageToDisplay; public static final int MENU_ARCHIVE = Menu.FIRST; private static final int MENU_SMS = Menu.FIRST + 2; private static final int MENU_FROM_LIST = Menu.FIRST + 3; // Activity request codes public static final int BARCODE_CAPTURE = 1; public static final int OFFLINE_INSTALL = 3; private static final int MULTIPLE_APPS_LIMIT = 4; public static final int GET_APPS_FROM_HQ = 5; // dialog ID private static final int DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS = 4; private boolean startAllowed = true; private String incomingRef; private CommCareApp ccApp; /** * Indicates that this activity was launched from the AppManagerActivity */ private boolean fromManager; /** * Indicates that this activity was launched from an outside application (such as a * url entered in a browser) */ private boolean fromExternal; private static final int INSTALL_MODE_BARCODE = 0; private static final int INSTALL_MODE_URL = 1; private static final int INSTALL_MODE_OFFLINE = 2; private static final int INSTALL_MODE_SMS = 3; private static final int INSTALL_MODE_FROM_LIST = 4; private int lastInstallMode; /** * Remember how the sms install was triggered in case orientation changes while asking for permissions */ private boolean manualSMSInstall; private final FragmentManager fm = getSupportFragmentManager(); private final InstallConfirmFragment startInstall = new InstallConfirmFragment(); private final SelectInstallModeFragment installFragment = new SelectInstallModeFragment(); private final InstallPermissionsFragment permFragment = new InstallPermissionsFragment(); private ContainerFragment<CommCareApp> containerFragment; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); fromManager = getIntent().getBooleanExtra(AppManagerActivity.KEY_LAUNCH_FROM_MANAGER, false); if (checkForMultipleAppsViolation()) { return; } loadIntentAndInstanceState(savedInstanceState); persistCommCareAppState(); if (isSingleAppBuild()) { uiState = UiState.BLANK; } boolean askingForPerms = Permissions.acquireAllAppPermissions(this, this, Permissions.ALL_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST); if (!askingForPerms) { if (isSingleAppBuild()) { SingleAppInstallation.installSingleApp(this, DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS); } else if (uiState == UiState.CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD) { // Don't perform SMS install if we aren't on base setup state // (i.e. in the middle of an install) // With basic perms satisfied, ask user to allow SMS reading // for sms app install code performSMSInstall(false); } } } private void loadIntentAndInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { if (savedInstanceState == null) { if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(this.getIntent().getAction())) { //We got called from an outside application, it's gonna be a wild ride! fromExternal = true; incomingRef = this.getIntent().getData().toString(); if (incomingRef.contains(".ccz")) { // make sure this is in the file system boolean isFile = incomingRef.contains("file://"); if (isFile) { // remove file:// prepend incomingRef = incomingRef.substring(incomingRef.indexOf("//") + 2); Intent i = new Intent(this, InstallArchiveActivity.class); i.putExtra(InstallArchiveActivity.ARCHIVE_FILEPATH, incomingRef); startActivityForResult(i, OFFLINE_INSTALL); } else { // currently down allow other locations like http:// fail(NotificationMessageFactory.message(NotificationMessageFactory.StockMessages.Bad_Archive_File), true); } } else { this.uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; } } } else { loadStateFromInstance(savedInstanceState); } } private void loadStateFromInstance(Bundle savedInstanceState) { uiState = (UiState)savedInstanceState.getSerializable(KEY_UI_STATE); incomingRef = savedInstanceState.getString("profileref"); fromExternal = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_FROM_EXTERNAL); fromManager = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_FROM_MANAGER); manualSMSInstall = savedInstanceState.getBoolean(KEY_MANUAL_SMS_INSTALL); lastInstallMode = savedInstanceState.getInt(KEY_LAST_INSTALL_MODE); errorMessageToDisplay = savedInstanceState.getString(KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE); // Uggggh, this might not be 100% legit depending on timing, what // if we've already reconnected and shut down the dialog? startAllowed = savedInstanceState.getBoolean("startAllowed"); } private void persistCommCareAppState() { FragmentManager fm = this.getSupportFragmentManager(); containerFragment = (ContainerFragment<CommCareApp>)fm.findFragmentByTag("cc-app"); if (containerFragment == null) { containerFragment = new ContainerFragment<>(); fm.beginTransaction().add(containerFragment, "cc-app").commit(); } else { ccApp = containerFragment.getData(); } } /** * @return if installation is not allowed due to multiple apps limitations */ private boolean checkForMultipleAppsViolation() { if (AppUtils.getInstalledAppRecords().size() >= 2 && !GlobalPrivilegesManager.isMultipleAppsPrivilegeEnabled() && !BuildConfig.DEBUG) { Intent i = new Intent(this, MultipleAppsLimitWarningActivity.class); i.putExtra(AppManagerActivity.KEY_LAUNCH_FROM_MANAGER, fromManager); startActivityForResult(i, MULTIPLE_APPS_LIMIT); return true; } return false; } @Override public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) { super.onAttachFragment(fragment); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar(); if (actionBar != null) { // removes the back button from the action bar actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false); } } } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); if (!fromManager && !fromExternal && MultipleAppsUtil.usableAppsPresent()) { // If clicking the regular app icon brought us to CommCareSetupActivity // (because that's where we were last time the app was up), but there are now // 1 or more available apps, we want to fall back to dispatch activity setResult(RESULT_OK); finish(); } } @Override protected void onResumeFragments() { super.onResumeFragments(); installFragment.showOrHideErrorMessage(); uiStateScreenTransition(); } @Override public void onURLChosen(String url) { incomingRef = url; this.uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; uiStateScreenTransition(); } private void uiStateScreenTransition() { if (areFragmentsPaused()) { // Don't perform fragment transactions when the activity isn't visible return; } Fragment fragment; FragmentTransaction ft = fm.beginTransaction(); switch (uiState) { case READY_TO_INSTALL: if (incomingRef == null || incomingRef.length() == 0) { Log.e(TAG, "During install: incomingRef is empty!"); displayError("Empty URL provided"); return; } // the buttonCommands were already set when the fragment was // attached, no need to set them here fragment = startInstall; break; case IN_URL_ENTRY: fragment = restoreInstallSetupFragment(); break; case CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD: fragment = installFragment; break; case NEEDS_PERMS: fragment = permFragment; break; case BLANK: fragment = new Fragment(); break; default: return; } ft.replace(, fragment); ft.commit(); } private Fragment restoreInstallSetupFragment() { Fragment fragment = null; List<Fragment> fgmts = fm.getFragments(); int lastIndex = fgmts != null ? fgmts.size() - 1 : -1; if (lastIndex > -1) { fragment = fgmts.get(lastIndex); } if (!(fragment instanceof SetupEnterURLFragment)) { // last fragment wasn't url entry, so default to the installation method chooser fragment = installFragment; } return fragment; } @Override public int getWakeLockLevel() { return PowerManager.SCREEN_DIM_WAKE_LOCK | PowerManager.ON_AFTER_RELEASE; } @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); outState.putSerializable(KEY_UI_STATE, uiState); outState.putString("profileref", incomingRef); outState.putBoolean("startAllowed", startAllowed); outState.putInt(KEY_LAST_INSTALL_MODE, lastInstallMode); outState.putBoolean(KEY_FROM_EXTERNAL, fromExternal); outState.putBoolean(KEY_FROM_MANAGER, fromManager); outState.putBoolean(KEY_MANUAL_SMS_INSTALL, manualSMSInstall); outState.putString(KEY_ERROR_MESSAGE, errorMessageToDisplay); Log.v("UiState", "Saving instance state: " + outState); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); String result = null; switch (requestCode) { case BARCODE_CAPTURE: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { result = data.getStringExtra("SCAN_RESULT"); String dbg = "Got url from barcode scanner: " + result; Log.i(TAG, dbg); lastInstallMode = INSTALL_MODE_BARCODE; } break; case OFFLINE_INSTALL: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { lastInstallMode = INSTALL_MODE_OFFLINE; result = data.getStringExtra(InstallArchiveActivity.ARCHIVE_JR_REFERENCE); } break; case GET_APPS_FROM_HQ: if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) { lastInstallMode = INSTALL_MODE_FROM_LIST; result = data.getStringExtra(InstallFromListActivity.PROFILE_REF); } break; case MULTIPLE_APPS_LIMIT: setResult(RESULT_CANCELED); finish(); return; } if (result == null) { return; } if (lastInstallMode == INSTALL_MODE_FROM_LIST) { GoogleAnalyticsUtils.reportFeatureUsage(GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_INSTALL_FROM_LIST); } setReadyToInstall(result); } private void setReadyToInstall(String reference) { incomingRef = reference; this.uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; try { ReferenceManager.instance().DeriveReference(incomingRef); if (lastInstallMode == INSTALL_MODE_OFFLINE) { onStartInstallClicked(); } else { uiStateScreenTransition(); } } catch (InvalidReferenceException ire) { incomingRef = null; fail(Localization.get("install.bad.ref")); } } @Override public void startBlockingForTask(int id) { super.startBlockingForTask(id); this.startAllowed = false; } @Override public void stopBlockingForTask(int id) { super.stopBlockingForTask(id); this.startAllowed = true; } private void startResourceInstall() { if (startAllowed) { ccApp = getCommCareApp(); containerFragment.setData(ccApp); CustomProgressDialog lastDialog = getCurrentProgressDialog(); // used to tell the ResourceEngineTask whether or not it should // sleep before it starts, set based on whether we are currently // in keep trying mode. boolean shouldSleep = (lastDialog != null) && lastDialog.isChecked(); ResourceEngineTask<CommCareSetupActivity> task = new ResourceEngineTask<CommCareSetupActivity>(ccApp, DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS, shouldSleep) { @Override protected void deliverResult(CommCareSetupActivity receiver, AppInstallStatus result) { switch (result) { case Installed: receiver.reportSuccess(true); break; case UpToDate: receiver.reportSuccess(false); break; case MissingResourcesWithMessage: // fall through to more general case: case MissingResources: receiver.failMissingResource(this.missingResourceException, result); break; case InvalidResource: receiver.failInvalidResource(this.invalidResourceException, result); break; case IncompatibleReqs: receiver.failBadReqs(badReqCode, vRequired, vAvailable, majorIsProblem); break; case NoLocalStorage: receiver.failWithNotification(AppInstallStatus.NoLocalStorage); break; case BadCertificate: receiver.failWithNotification(AppInstallStatus.BadCertificate); break; case DuplicateApp: receiver.failWithNotification(AppInstallStatus.DuplicateApp); break; default: receiver.failUnknown(AppInstallStatus.UnknownFailure); break; } } @Override protected void deliverUpdate(CommCareSetupActivity receiver, int[]... update) { receiver.updateResourceProgress(update[0][0], update[0][1], update[0][2]); } @Override protected void deliverError(CommCareSetupActivity receiver, Exception e) { receiver.failUnknown(AppInstallStatus.UnknownFailure); } }; task.connect(this); task.executeParallel(incomingRef); } else { Log.i(TAG, "During install: blocked a resource install press since a task was already running"); } } public static CommCareApp getCommCareApp() { ApplicationRecord newRecord = new ApplicationRecord(PropertyUtils.genUUID().replace("-", ""), ApplicationRecord.STATUS_UNINITIALIZED); return new CommCareApp(newRecord); } @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); menu.add(0, MENU_ARCHIVE, 0, Localization.get("menu.archive")).setIcon(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_upload); menu.add(0, MENU_SMS, 1, Localization.get("menu.sms")).setIcon(android.R.drawable.stat_notify_chat); menu.add(0, MENU_FROM_LIST, 2, Localization.get("menu.admin.install")); return true; } /** * Scan SMS messages for texts with profile references. * * @param installTriggeredManually if scan was triggered manually, then * install automatically if reference is found */ private void performSMSInstall(boolean installTriggeredManually) { if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_SMS) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { manualSMSInstall = installTriggeredManually; if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(this, Manifest.permission.READ_SMS)) { DialogCreationHelpers.buildPermissionRequestDialog(this, this, SMS_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST, Localization.get("permission.sms.install.title"), Localization.get("permission.sms.install.message")).showNonPersistentDialog(); } else { requestNeededPermissions(SMS_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST); } } else { scanSMSLinks(); } } @Override public void requestNeededPermissions(int requestCode) { if (requestCode == SMS_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST) { ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.READ_SMS}, requestCode); } else { ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, Permissions.getAppPermissions(), requestCode); } } /** * Scan the most recent incoming text messages for a message with a * verified link to a commcare app and install it. Message scanning stops * after the number of scanned messages reaches 'SMS_CHECK_COUNT'. */ private void scanSMSLinks() { final boolean installTriggeredManually = manualSMSInstall; RetrieveParseVerifyMessageTask<CommCareSetupActivity> smsProcessTask = new RetrieveParseVerifyMessageTask<CommCareSetupActivity>(this, getContentResolver(), installTriggeredManually) { @Override protected void deliverResult(CommCareSetupActivity receiver, String result) { if (installTriggeredManually) { if (result != null) { receiver.incomingRef = result; receiver.uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; receiver.lastInstallMode = INSTALL_MODE_SMS; receiver.uiStateScreenTransition(); receiver.startResourceInstall(); } else { // only notify if this was manually triggered receiver.displayError(Localization.get("menu.sms.not.found")); } } else { if (result != null) { receiver.incomingRef = result; receiver.uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; receiver.lastInstallMode = INSTALL_MODE_SMS; receiver.uiStateScreenTransition(); Toast.makeText(receiver, Localization.get("menu.sms.ready"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } } @Override protected void deliverUpdate(CommCareSetupActivity receiver, Void... update) { } @Override protected void deliverError(CommCareSetupActivity receiver, Exception e) { if (e instanceof SignatureException) { e.printStackTrace();"menu.sms.not.verified")); } else if (e instanceof IOException) { e.printStackTrace();"menu.sms.not.retrieved")); } else { e.printStackTrace();"notification.install.unknown.title")); } } }; smsProcessTask.connect(this); smsProcessTask.executeParallel(); } @Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { switch (item.getItemId()) { case MENU_ARCHIVE: clearErrorMessage(); Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), InstallArchiveActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, OFFLINE_INSTALL); break; case MENU_SMS: clearErrorMessage(); performSMSInstall(true); break; case MENU_FROM_LIST: clearErrorMessage(); i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), InstallFromListActivity.class); startActivityForResult(i, GET_APPS_FROM_HQ); break; } return true; } private void fail(NotificationMessage notificationMessage, boolean showAsPinnedNotifcation) { String message; if (showAsPinnedNotifcation) { CommCareApplication.notificationManager().reportNotificationMessage(notificationMessage); message = Localization.get("notification.for.details.wrapper", new String[]{notificationMessage.getTitle()}); } else { message = notificationMessage.getTitle(); } fail(message); } /** * Display an error and perform a UI transition */ private void fail(String message) { displayError(message); uiState = UiState.CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD; uiStateScreenTransition(); } /** * Display an error without performing a UI transition */ private void displayError(String message) { errorMessageToDisplay = message; installFragment.showOrHideErrorMessage(); } public void clearErrorMessage() { errorMessageToDisplay = null; } public String getErrorMessageToDisplay() { return errorMessageToDisplay; } @Override public void reportSuccess(boolean newAppInstalled) { CommCareApplication.notificationManager().clearNotifications("install_update"); if (newAppInstalled) { GoogleAnalyticsUtils.reportAppInstall(lastInstallMode); } else { Toast.makeText(this, Localization.get("updates.success"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } if (Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(CommCareSetupActivity.this.getIntent().getAction())) { // app installed from external action if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra(FORCE_VALIDATE_KEY, false)) { // force multimedia validation to ensure app shows up in multiple apps list Intent i = new Intent(this, CommCareVerificationActivity.class); i.putExtra(AppManagerActivity.KEY_LAUNCH_FROM_MANAGER, true); startActivity(i); } else { //Call out to CommCare Home Intent i = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), DispatchActivity.class); startActivity(i); } } else { Intent i = new Intent(getIntent()); setResult(RESULT_OK, i); } finish(); } @Override public void failMissingResource(UnresolvedResourceException ure, AppInstallStatus statusMissing) { fail(NotificationMessageFactory.message(statusMissing, new String[]{null, ure.getResource().getDescriptor(), ure.getMessage()}), ure.isMessageUseful()); } @Override public void failInvalidResource(InvalidResourceException e, AppInstallStatus statusMissing) { fail(NotificationMessageFactory.message(statusMissing, new String[]{null, e.resourceName, e.getMessage()}), true); } @Override public void failBadReqs(int code, String vRequired, String vAvailable, boolean majorIsProblem) { String versionMismatch = Localization.get("install.version.mismatch", new String[]{vRequired, vAvailable}); String error; if (majorIsProblem) { error = Localization.get("install.major.mismatch"); } else { error = Localization.get("install.minor.mismatch"); } fail(NotificationMessageFactory.message(AppInstallStatus.IncompatibleReqs, new String[]{null, versionMismatch, error}), true); } @Override public void failUnknown(AppInstallStatus unknown) { fail(NotificationMessageFactory.message(unknown), false); } @Override public void updateResourceProgress(int done, int total, int phase) { // perform safe localization because the localization dictionary might // be the resource currently being installed. if (!CommCareApplication.instance().isConsumerApp()) { // Don't change the text on the progress dialog if we are showing the generic consumer // apps startup dialog String installProgressText = Localization.getWithDefault("profile.found", new String[]{"" + done, "" + total}, "Setting up app..."); updateProgress(installProgressText, DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS); } updateProgressBar(done, total, DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS); } @Override public void failWithNotification(AppInstallStatus statusFailState) { fail(NotificationMessageFactory.message(statusFailState), true); } @Override public CustomProgressDialog generateProgressDialog(int taskId) { if (taskId != DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS) { Log.w(TAG, "taskId passed to generateProgressDialog does not match " + "any valid possibilities in CommCareSetupActivity"); return null; } if (isSingleAppBuild()) { return ConsumerAppsUtil.getGenericConsumerAppsProgressDialog(taskId, true); } else { return generateNormalInstallDialog(taskId); } } private CustomProgressDialog generateNormalInstallDialog(int taskId) { String title = Localization.get("updates.resources.initialization"); String message = Localization.get("updates.resources.profile"); CustomProgressDialog dialog = CustomProgressDialog.newInstance(title, message, taskId); CustomProgressDialog lastDialog = getCurrentProgressDialog(); boolean isChecked = (lastDialog != null) && lastDialog.isChecked(); String checkboxText = Localization.get("install.keep.trying"); dialog.addCheckbox(checkboxText, isChecked); dialog.setCancelable(false); dialog.addProgressBar(); return dialog; } @Override public void onStartInstallClicked() { if (lastInstallMode != INSTALL_MODE_OFFLINE && isNetworkNotConnected()) { failWithNotification(AppInstallStatus.NoConnection); } else { startResourceInstall(); } } @Override public void onStopInstallClicked() { incomingRef = null; uiState = UiState.CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD; uiStateScreenTransition(); } public void setUiState(UiState newState) { uiState = newState; if (UiState.IN_URL_ENTRY.equals(uiState)) { lastInstallMode = INSTALL_MODE_URL; } } @Override public void downloadLinkReceived(String url) { if (url != null) { incomingRef = url; uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; uiStateScreenTransition(); Toast.makeText(this, Localization.get("menu.sms.ready"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } // Do not notify that url was null here because the install attempt was not user-triggered } @Override public void downloadLinkReceivedAutoInstall(String url) { if (url != null) { incomingRef = url; uiState = UiState.READY_TO_INSTALL; uiStateScreenTransition(); startResourceInstall(); } else { displayError(Localization.get("menu.sms.not.found")); } } @Override public void exceptionReceived(Exception e, boolean notify) { String errorMsg; if (e instanceof SignatureException) { e.printStackTrace(); errorMsg = Localization.get("menu.sms.not.verified"); } else if (e instanceof IOException) { e.printStackTrace(); errorMsg = Localization.get("menu.sms.not.retrieved"); } else { e.printStackTrace(); errorMsg = Localization.get("notification.install.unknown.title"); } if (notify && errorMsg != null) { displayError(errorMsg); } } /** * @return Is the build configured to automatically try to install an app * packaged up with the build without showing install options to the user. */ private boolean isSingleAppBuild() { return BuildConfig.IS_SINGLE_APP_BUILD; } @Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) { if (requestCode == SMS_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST) { for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length; i++) { if (Manifest.permission.READ_SMS.equals(permissions[i]) && grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { scanSMSLinks(); } } } else if (requestCode == Permissions.ALL_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST) { String[] requiredPerms = Permissions.getRequiredPerms(); for (int i = 0; i < permissions.length; i++) { for (String requiredPerm : requiredPerms) { if (requiredPerm.equals(permissions[i]) && grantResults[i] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { showMissingPermissionState(); return; } } } // external storage perms were enabled, so setup temp storage, // which fails in application setup without external storage perms. CommCareApplication.instance().prepareTemporaryStorage(); if (!isSingleAppBuild()) { uiState = UiState.CHOOSE_INSTALL_ENTRY_METHOD; uiStateScreenTransition(); } if (isSingleAppBuild()) { SingleAppInstallation.installSingleApp(this, DIALOG_INSTALL_PROGRESS); } else { // Since SMS asks for more permissions, call was delayed until here performSMSInstall(false); } } } private void showMissingPermissionState() { if (uiState != UiState.NEEDS_PERMS) { uiState = UiState.NEEDS_PERMS; uiStateScreenTransition(); } else { InstallPermissionsFragment permFragment = (InstallPermissionsFragment)getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentById(; permFragment.updateDeniedState(); } } public static String getAnalyticsActionFromInstallMode(int installModeCode) { switch (installModeCode) { case INSTALL_MODE_BARCODE: return GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_BARCODE_INSTALL; case INSTALL_MODE_OFFLINE: return GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_OFFLINE_INSTALL; case INSTALL_MODE_SMS: return GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_SMS_INSTALL; case INSTALL_MODE_URL: return GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_URL_INSTALL; default: return ""; } } }