package org.commcare.utils; import android.util.Pair; import org.spongycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * A set of helper methods for verifying whether a message was genuinely sent from HQ. Currently we * expcect the SMS in the format [commcare app - do not delete] link where the link resolves to * some string such as * * Y2NhcHA6IGh0dHA6Ly9iaXQubHkvMU5JMUl6MyBzaWduYXR1cmU6IEvECygFUhiUH * 3TRjC0lClQrpLR7lG//IpDYpRH7ComtZRjTirteXmPyM9fRgbPZ9K6jG9zEms9WQj55Uo7jTujKNYThjU8rJJmWLouJBr/Yn * WobEupwzn6DP2FavPF1YLPbp0ZctOfymW3m4j3VZ0lR2dMOjmInMSBiInqICKid * * Which is base 64 decoded decoded into: * * ccapp: <profile link> signature: <binary signature> * * And we can then verify that the profile link was in fact signed (using SHA256withRSA) by * the CommCareHQ private key * * @author Will Pride ( */ public class SigningUtil { private final static Pattern WHITELISTED_URL_HOSTS_REGEX = Pattern.compile("\\.commcarehq\\.org$"); /** * Given a trimmed byte[] payload, return the parsed out download link and signature * * @return Pair of <Download Link, Signature> * @throws Exception Throw a generic exception if we fail during signature parse/verification */ public static Pair<String, byte[]> getUrlAndSignatureFromPayload(byte[] payload) throws Exception { byte[] signatureBytes = getSignatureBytes(payload); byte[] messageBytes = getMessageBytes(payload); String downloadLink = getDownloadLink(messageBytes); return new Pair<>(downloadLink, signatureBytes); } /** * Given a base64 encoded URL, decode the URL, and return first line read * from accessing that URL */ public static String convertEncodedUrlToPayload(String baseEncodedUrl) throws IOException, Base64DecoderException { return readURL(decodeUrl(baseEncodedUrl)); } protected static String decodeUrl(String baseEncodedUrl) throws Base64DecoderException, UnsupportedEncodingException { String decodedUrl; if (baseEncodedUrl.startsWith("http://") || baseEncodedUrl.startsWith("https://")) { // for backwards compatibility, accept non-base64 encoded URLS // once all users have migrated to the new format // (info available on HQ?) we can remove this branch decodedUrl = baseEncodedUrl; } else { decodedUrl = new String(Base64.decode(baseEncodedUrl), "UTF-8"); } assertWhitelistedUrlHost(decodedUrl); return decodedUrl; } /** * Very basic method to prevent spoofed SMSs from making CommCare hit malicious URLs. */ private static void assertWhitelistedUrlHost(String urlString) { URL url; try { url = new URL(urlString); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(urlString + " is not a valid URL."); } String host = url.getHost(); if (!WHITELISTED_URL_HOSTS_REGEX.matcher(host).find()) { throw new DisallowedSMSInstallURLException(url + " is not an approved URL."); } } // given the raw trimmed byte paylaod, return the message (everything before the signature) private static byte[] getMessageBytes(byte[] payload) { byte[] messageBytes = new byte[getSignatureStartIndex(payload)]; for (int i = 0; i < getSignatureStartIndex(payload); i++) { messageBytes[i] = payload[i]; } return messageBytes; } /** * Given the link and signature, verify the link using the public key * * @param message the download link * @param signature the signature bytes * @return valid download link if verified, null if not verified * @throws SignatureException if we have an internal error during verification */ public static String verifyMessageAndBytes(String message, byte[] signature) throws Exception { String keyString = GlobalConstants.TRUSTED_SOURCE_PUBLIC_KEY; boolean success = verifyMessageSignatureHelper(keyString, message, signature); if (success) { return message; } return null; } /** * Given the raw message bytes not including the signature, convert to UTF-8 and parse out * the download link * * @param messageBytes the raw bytes of the message payload (not the signature) * @return the parsed out profile link */ private static String getDownloadLink(byte[] messageBytes) throws Exception { String textMessage = new String(messageBytes, "UTF-8"); return textMessage.substring(textMessage.indexOf("ccapp: ") + "ccapp: ".length(), textMessage.indexOf("signature") - 1); } /** * Get the byte representation of the signature from the plaintext. We have to pull this out * directly because the conversion from Base64 can have a non-1:1 correspondence with the actual * bytes * * @return the binary representation of the signtature */ private static byte[] getSignatureBytes(byte[] messageBytes) { int lastSpaceIndex = getSignatureStartIndex(messageBytes); int signatureByteLength = messageBytes.length - lastSpaceIndex; byte[] signatureBytes = new byte[signatureByteLength]; for (int i = 0; i < signatureByteLength; i++) { signatureBytes[i] = messageBytes[i + lastSpaceIndex]; } return signatureBytes; } /** * Iterate through the byte array until we find the third "space" character (represented * by integer 32) and then return its index * * @param messageBytes the raw bytes of the Base64 message * @return index of the third "space" byte, -1 if none encountered */ private static int getSignatureStartIndex(byte[] messageBytes) { int index = 0; int spaceCount = 0; int spaceByte = 32; for (byte b : messageBytes) { if (b == spaceByte) { if (spaceCount == 2) { return index + 1; } else { spaceCount++; } } index++; } return -1; } // given a text message, return the raw Base64 bytes public static byte[] getBytesFromString(String stringMessage) throws Exception { return Base64.decode(stringMessage); } // given a text message, trim out the [commcare app - do not delete] and return public static String trimMessagePayload(String newMessage) { return newMessage.substring(newMessage.indexOf(GlobalConstants.SMS_INSTALL_KEY_STRING) + GlobalConstants.SMS_INSTALL_KEY_STRING.length() + 1); } /** * @param publicKeyString the known public key of CCHQ * @param message the message content * @param messageSignature the signature generated by HQ with its private key and the message content * @return whether or not the message was verified to be sent with HQ's private key */ private static boolean verifyMessageSignatureHelper(String publicKeyString, String message, byte[] messageSignature) throws Base64DecoderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException, SignatureException, InvalidKeyException { PublicKey publicKey = getPublicKey(publicKeyString); return verifyMessageSignature(publicKey, message, messageSignature); } // convert from a key string to a PublicKey object private static PublicKey getPublicKey(String key) throws Base64DecoderException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeySpecException { byte[] derPublicKey = Base64.decode(key); X509EncodedKeySpec spec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(derPublicKey); KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA"); return kf.generatePublic(spec); } private static boolean verifyMessageSignature(PublicKey publicKey, String messageString, byte[] signature) throws SignatureException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, InvalidKeyException { Signature sign = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA/PSS", new BouncyCastleProvider()); byte[] message = messageString.getBytes(); sign.initVerify(publicKey); sign.update(message); return sign.verify(signature); } /** * Read the data from the URL arg and return as a string (only return first line) */ private static String readURL(String url) throws IOException { String acc = ""; URL oracle = new URL(url); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(oracle.openStream())); String inputLine; // only return the first line if ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) acc = inputLine; in.close(); return acc; } public static class DisallowedSMSInstallURLException extends RuntimeException { public DisallowedSMSInstallURLException(String message) { super(message); } } }