package org.commcare.fragments; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; import org.commcare.activities.CommCareWiFiDirectActivity; import org.commcare.dalvik.R; import; /** * A fragment that manages a particular peer and allows interaction with device * i.e. setting up network connection and transferring data. */ @SuppressLint("NewApi") public class WiFiDirectManagementFragment extends Fragment implements ConnectionInfoListener, ActionListener, ChannelListener { private static final String TAG = WiFiDirectManagementFragment.class.getSimpleName(); private static CommCareWiFiDirectActivity mActivity; private TextView mStatusText; private boolean isWifiP2pEnabled; private boolean isHost; private boolean isConnected; private WifiP2pInfo info; private WifiP2pManager mManager; private Channel mChannel; @Override public void onAttach(Context context) { super.onAttach(context); try { mActivity = (CommCareWiFiDirectActivity)context; } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new ClassCastException(context.toString() + " must implement fileServerListener"); } } @Override public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View mContentView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.wifi_manager, null); mStatusText = (TextView)mContentView.findViewById(; return mContentView; } public void setIsWifiP2pEnabled(boolean enabled) { setWifiP2pEnabled(enabled); } public void resetData() { ((WifiDirectManagerListener)this.getActivity()).resetData(); } public void onPeersChanged() { Logger.log(TAG, "Wi-fi direct peers changed"); mActivity.updatePeers(); } public void onP2PConnectionChanged(boolean isConnected) { if (isConnected) { Logger.log(TAG, "Wifi direct P2P connection changed"); // we are connected with the other device, request connection // info to find group owner IP Log.d(TAG, "requesting connection info activity"); mManager.requestConnectionInfo(mChannel, this); } else { setDeviceConnected(false); // activity.resetData(); } } public void onThisDeviceChanged(Intent intent) { setStatusText("This device's connection status changed..."); WifiP2pDevice mDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra(WifiP2pManager.EXTRA_WIFI_P2P_DEVICE); int status = mDevice.status; if (status == WifiP2pDevice.AVAILABLE && isHost) { Logger.log(TAG, "Relaunching Wi-fi direct group as host"); setStatusText("Host relaunching group..."); mManager.createGroup(mChannel, this); } mActivity.updateDeviceStatus(mDevice); } public String getHostAddress() { return info.groupOwnerAddress.getHostAddress(); } public void resetConnectionGroup() { Logger.log(TAG, "restting connection group"); mManager.removeGroup(mChannel, this); } public void setIsHost(boolean isHost) { Logger.log(TAG, "setting is host: " + isHost); this.isHost = isHost; refreshStatusText(); } public interface WifiDirectManagerListener { void resetData(); void updatePeers(); void updateDeviceStatus(WifiP2pDevice mDevice); } public void startReceiver(WifiP2pManager mManager, Channel mChannel) { Logger.log(TAG, "Starting receiver"); this.mChannel = mChannel; this.mManager = mManager; } @Override public void onConnectionInfoAvailable(WifiP2pInfo info) { = info; refreshStatusText(); boolean isOwner = info.isGroupOwner; setDeviceConnected(info.groupFormed); } private void refreshStatusText() { if (info == null) { return; } if (info.groupFormed) { if (info.isGroupOwner) { if (isHost) { setStatusText("Successfully created and hosted group"); } else { setStatusText("Group owner but not host"); } } else { if (isHost) { setStatusText("Host but not group owner"); } else { setStatusText("Successfully joined group"); } } } else { if (isHost) { setStatusText("You are the host but didn't form a group. Restart the Wi-fi functionality."); } else { setStatusText("YWaiting to join new group..."); } } } private void setDeviceConnected(boolean connected) { isConnected = connected; } public boolean getDeviceConnected() { return isConnected; } private void setStatusText(String text) { Log.d(TAG, text); mStatusText.setText(text); } public boolean isWifiP2pEnabled() { return isWifiP2pEnabled; } private void setWifiP2pEnabled(boolean isWifiP2pEnabled) { this.isWifiP2pEnabled = isWifiP2pEnabled; } @Override public void onFailure(int reason) { //setStatusText("Failed to create group for rason: " + reason); } @Override public void onSuccess() { //setStatusText("Successfully created group"); } @Override public void onChannelDisconnected() { // we will try once more if (mManager != null) { Toast.makeText(mActivity, "Channel lost. Trying again", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); //resetData(); mManager.initialize(mActivity, mActivity.getMainLooper(), this); } else { Toast.makeText(mActivity, "Severe! Channel is probably lost premanently. Try Disable/Re-Enable P2P.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } }