package org.commcare; import android.Manifest; import android.annotation.SuppressLint; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.Settings.Secure; import; import; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.util.Log; import; import; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteException; import org.acra.annotation.ReportsCrashes; import org.commcare.activities.LoginActivity; import; import; import; import org.commcare.dalvik.BuildConfig; import org.commcare.dalvik.R; import org.commcare.engine.references.ArchiveFileRoot; import org.commcare.engine.references.AssetFileRoot; import org.commcare.engine.references.JavaHttpRoot; import org.commcare.engine.resource.ResourceInstallUtils; import; import org.commcare.heartbeat.HeartbeatLifecycleManager; import org.commcare.logging.AndroidLogger; import org.commcare.logging.PreInitLogger; import org.commcare.logging.XPathErrorEntry; import org.commcare.logging.XPathErrorLogger; import; import; import org.commcare.models.AndroidClassHasher; import org.commcare.models.AndroidSessionWrapper; import org.commcare.models.database.AndroidDbHelper; import org.commcare.models.database.HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers; import org.commcare.models.database.HybridFileBackedSqlStorage; import org.commcare.models.database.MigrationException; import org.commcare.models.database.AndroidPrototypeFactorySetup; import org.commcare.models.database.SqlStorage; import; import; import; import; import org.commcare.models.database.user.DatabaseUserOpenHelper; import org.commcare.models.framework.Table; import org.commcare.models.legacy.LegacyInstallUtils; import org.commcare.modern.util.Pair; import; import; import; import; import org.commcare.preferences.CommCarePreferences; import org.commcare.preferences.DevSessionRestorer; import org.commcare.provider.ProviderUtils; import; import org.commcare.session.CommCareSession; import org.commcare.tasks.DataSubmissionListener; import org.commcare.tasks.LogSubmissionTask; import org.commcare.tasks.PurgeStaleArchivedFormsTask; import org.commcare.tasks.UpdateTask; import org.commcare.tasks.templates.ManagedAsyncTask; import org.commcare.utils.ACRAUtil; import org.commcare.utils.AndroidCacheDirSetup; import org.commcare.utils.AndroidCommCarePlatform; import org.commcare.utils.CommCareExceptionHandler; import org.commcare.utils.FileUtil; import org.commcare.utils.GlobalConstants; import org.commcare.utils.MultipleAppsUtil; import org.commcare.utils.DummyPropertyManager; import org.commcare.utils.SessionActivityRegistration; import org.commcare.utils.SessionStateUninitException; import org.commcare.utils.SessionUnavailableException; import org.commcare.utils.PendingCalcs; import org.javarosa.core.model.User; import org.javarosa.core.reference.ReferenceManager; import org.javarosa.core.reference.RootTranslator; import; import; import; import; import org.javarosa.core.util.PropertyUtils; import org.javarosa.core.util.externalizable.PrototypeFactory; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; @ReportsCrashes( formUri = "https://your/cloudant/report", formUriBasicAuthLogin = "your_username", formUriBasicAuthPassword = "your_password", reportType = org.acra.sender.HttpSender.Type.JSON, httpMethod = org.acra.sender.HttpSender.Method.PUT) public class CommCareApplication extends Application { private static final String TAG = CommCareApplication.class.getSimpleName(); // Tracking ids for Google Analytics private static final String LIVE_TRACKING_ID = BuildConfig.ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID_LIVE; private static final String DEV_TRACKING_ID = BuildConfig.ANALYTICS_TRACKING_ID_DEV; private static final int STATE_UNINSTALLED = 0; private static final int STATE_READY = 2; public static final int STATE_CORRUPTED = 4; public static final int STATE_MIGRATION_FAILED = 16; public static final int STATE_MIGRATION_QUESTIONABLE = 32; private int dbState; private static CommCareApplication app; private CommCareApp currentApp; // stores current state of application: the session, form private AndroidSessionWrapper sessionWrapper; private final Object globalDbHandleLock = new Object(); private SQLiteDatabase globalDatabase; private ArchiveFileRoot mArchiveFileRoot; // A bound service is created out of the CommCareSessionService to ensure it stays in memory. private CommCareSessionService mBoundService; private ServiceConnection mConnection; private final Object serviceLock = new Object(); private boolean sessionServiceIsBound = false; // Important so we don't use the service before the db is initialized. private boolean sessionServiceIsBinding = false; // Milliseconds to wait for bind private static final int MAX_BIND_TIMEOUT = 5000; private int mCurrentServiceBindTimeout = MAX_BIND_TIMEOUT; private GoogleAnalytics analyticsInstance; private Tracker analyticsTracker; private String messageForUserOnDispatch; private String titleForUserMessage; // Indicates that a build refresh action has been triggered, but not yet completed private boolean latestBuildRefreshPending; private boolean invalidateCacheOnRestore; private CommCareNoficationManager noficationManager; @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); // Sets the static strategy for the deserialization code to be based on an optimized // md5 hasher. Major speed improvements. AndroidClassHasher.registerAndroidClassHashStrategy(); = this; noficationManager = new CommCareNoficationManager(this); //TODO: Make this robust PreInitLogger pil = new PreInitLogger(); Logger.registerLogger(pil); // Workaround because android is written by 7 year-olds (re-uses http connection pool // improperly, so the second https request in a short time period will flop) System.setProperty("http.keepAlive", "false"); Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new CommCareExceptionHandler(Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(), this)); PropertyManager.setPropertyManager(new DummyPropertyManager()); SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs(this); setRoots(); prepareTemporaryStorage(); // Init global storage (Just application records, logs, etc) dbState = initGlobalDb(); // This is where we go through and check for updates between major transitions. // Soon we should start doing this differently, and actually go to an activity // first which tells the user what's going on. // The rule about this transition is that if the user had logs pending, we still want // them in order, so we aren't going to dump our logs from the Pre-init logger until // after this transition occurs. try { LegacyInstallUtils.checkForLegacyInstall(this, this.getGlobalStorage(ApplicationRecord.class)); } finally { // No matter what happens, set up our new logger, we want those logs! setupLoggerStorage(false); pil.dumpToNewLogger(); } initializeDefaultLocalizerData(); if (dbState != STATE_MIGRATION_FAILED && dbState != STATE_MIGRATION_QUESTIONABLE) { AppUtils.checkForIncompletelyUninstalledApps(); initializeAnAppOnStartup(); } ACRAUtil.initACRA(this); if (!GoogleAnalyticsUtils.versionIncompatible()) { analyticsInstance = GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(this); GoogleAnalyticsUtils.reportAndroidApiLevelAtStartup(); } } public void startUserSession(byte[] symmetricKey, UserKeyRecord record, boolean restoreSession) { synchronized (serviceLock) { // if we already have a connection established to // CommCareSessionService, close it and open a new one SessionActivityRegistration.unregisterSessionExpiration(); if (this.sessionServiceIsBound) { releaseUserResourcesAndServices(); } bindUserSessionService(symmetricKey, record, restoreSession); } } /** * Closes down the user service, resources, and background tasks. Used for * manual user log-outs. */ public void closeUserSession() { synchronized (serviceLock) { // Cancel any running tasks before closing down the user database. ManagedAsyncTask.cancelTasks(); releaseUserResourcesAndServices(); // Switch loggers back over to using global storage, now that we don't have a session setupLoggerStorage(false); } } /** * Closes down the user service, resources, and background tasks, * broadcasting an intent to redirect the user to the login screen. Used * for session-expiration related user logouts. */ public void expireUserSession() { synchronized (serviceLock) { closeUserSession(); SessionActivityRegistration.registerSessionExpiration(); sendBroadcast(new Intent(SessionActivityRegistration.USER_SESSION_EXPIRED)); } } public void releaseUserResourcesAndServices() { String userBeingLoggedOut = CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentUserId(); try { CommCareApplication.instance().getSession().closeServiceResources(); } catch (SessionUnavailableException e) { Log.w(TAG, "User's session services have unexpectedly already " + "been closed down. Proceeding to close the session."); } unbindUserSessionService(); TimedStatsTracker.registerEndSession(userBeingLoggedOut); } public SecretKey createNewSymmetricKey() { return getSession().createNewSymmetricKey(); } synchronized public Tracker getDefaultTracker() { if (analyticsTracker == null) { if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) { analyticsTracker = analyticsInstance.newTracker(DEV_TRACKING_ID); } else { analyticsTracker = analyticsInstance.newTracker(LIVE_TRACKING_ID); } analyticsTracker.enableAutoActivityTracking(true); } String userId = getCurrentUserId(); if (!"".equals(userId)) { analyticsTracker.set("&uid", userId); } else { analyticsTracker.set("&uid", null); } return analyticsTracker; } public int[] getCommCareVersion() { return this.getResources().getIntArray(R.array.commcare_version); } public AndroidCommCarePlatform getCommCarePlatform() { if (this.currentApp == null) { throw new RuntimeException("No App installed!!!"); } else { return this.currentApp.getCommCarePlatform(); } } public CommCareApp getCurrentApp() { return this.currentApp; } /** * Get the current CommCare session that's being executed */ public CommCareSession getCurrentSession() { return getCurrentSessionWrapper().getSession(); } public AndroidSessionWrapper getCurrentSessionWrapper() { if (sessionWrapper == null) { throw new SessionStateUninitException("CommCare user session isn't available"); } return sessionWrapper; } public int getDatabaseState() { return dbState; } public void initializeGlobalResources(CommCareApp app) { if (dbState != STATE_UNINSTALLED) { initializeAppResources(app); } } public @NonNull String getPhoneId() { if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE) == PackageManager.PERMISSION_DENIED) { return "000000000000000"; } TelephonyManager manager = (TelephonyManager)this.getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE); String imei = manager.getDeviceId(); if (imei == null) { imei = Secure.getString(getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); } if (imei == null) { imei = "----"; } return imei; } public void initializeDefaultLocalizerData() { Localization.init(true); Localization.registerLanguageReference("default", "jr://asset/locales/android_translatable_strings.txt"); Localization.registerLanguageReference("default", "jr://asset/locales/android_startup_strings.txt"); Localization.setDefaultLocale("default"); // For now. Possibly handle this better in the future Localization.setLocale("default"); } private void setRoots() { JavaHttpRoot http = new JavaHttpRoot(); AssetFileRoot afr = new AssetFileRoot(this); ArchiveFileRoot arfr = new ArchiveFileRoot(); mArchiveFileRoot = arfr; ReferenceManager.instance().addReferenceFactory(http); ReferenceManager.instance().addReferenceFactory(afr); ReferenceManager.instance().addReferenceFactory(arfr); ReferenceManager.instance().addRootTranslator(new RootTranslator("jr://media/", GlobalConstants.MEDIA_REF)); } /** * Performs the appropriate initialization of an application when this CommCareApplication is * first launched */ private void initializeAnAppOnStartup() { SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); String lastAppId = prefs.getString(LoginActivity.KEY_LAST_APP, ""); if (!"".equals(lastAppId)) { ApplicationRecord lastApp = MultipleAppsUtil.getAppById(lastAppId); if (lastApp == null || !lastApp.isUsable()) { AppUtils.initFirstUsableAppRecord(); } else { initializeAppResources(new CommCareApp(lastApp)); } } else { AppUtils.initFirstUsableAppRecord(); } } /** * Initialize all of the given app's resources, and set the state of its resources accordingly * * @param app the CC app to initialize */ public void initializeAppResources(CommCareApp app) { int resourceState; try { currentApp = app; if (currentApp.initializeApplication()) { resourceState = STATE_READY; this.sessionWrapper = new AndroidSessionWrapper(this.getCommCarePlatform()); } else { resourceState = STATE_CORRUPTED; } } catch (Exception e) { Log.i("FAILURE", "Problem with loading"); Log.i("FAILURE", "E: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); ForceCloseLogger.reportExceptionInBg(e); resourceState = STATE_CORRUPTED; } app.setAppResourceState(resourceState); } /** * @return if the given ApplicationRecord is the currently seated one */ public boolean isSeated(ApplicationRecord record) { return currentApp != null && currentApp.getUniqueId().equals(record.getUniqueId()); } /** * If the given record is the currently seated app, unseat it */ public void unseat(ApplicationRecord record) { if (isSeated(record)) { this.currentApp.teardownSandbox(); this.currentApp = null; } } /** * Completes a full uninstall of the CC app that the given ApplicationRecord represents. * This method should be idempotent and should be capable of completing an uninstall * regardless of previous failures */ public void uninstall(ApplicationRecord record) { CommCareApp app = new CommCareApp(record); // 1) If the app we are uninstalling is the currently-seated app, tear down its sandbox if (isSeated(record)) { getCurrentApp().teardownSandbox(); unseat(record); } // 2) Set record's status to delete requested, so we know if we have left it in a bad // state later record.setStatus(ApplicationRecord.STATUS_DELETE_REQUESTED); getGlobalStorage(ApplicationRecord.class).write(record); // 3) Delete the directory containing all of this app's resources if (!FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(app.storageRoot())) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_RESOURCES, "App storage root was unable to be " + "deleted during app uninstall. Aborting uninstall process for now."); return; } // 4) Delete all the user databases associated with this app SqlStorage<UserKeyRecord> userDatabase = app.getStorage(UserKeyRecord.class); for (UserKeyRecord user : userDatabase) { File f = getDatabasePath(DatabaseUserOpenHelper.getDbName(user.getUuid())); if (!FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(f)) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_RESOURCES, "A user database was unable to be " + "deleted during app uninstall. Aborting uninstall process for now."); // If we failed to delete a file, it is likely because there is an open pointer // to that db still in use, so stop the uninstall for now, and rely on it to // complete the next time the app starts up return; } } // 5) Delete the forms database for this app File formsDb = getDatabasePath(ProviderUtils.getProviderDbName( ProviderUtils.ProviderType.FORMS, app.getAppRecord().getApplicationId())); if (!FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(formsDb)) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_RESOURCES, "The app's forms database was unable to be " + "deleted during app uninstall. Aborting uninstall process for now."); return; } // 6) Delete the instances database for this app File instancesDb = getDatabasePath(ProviderUtils.getProviderDbName( ProviderUtils.ProviderType.INSTANCES, app.getAppRecord().getApplicationId())); if (!FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(instancesDb)) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_RESOURCES, "The app's instances database was unable to" + " be deleted during app uninstall. Aborting uninstall process for now."); return; } // 7) Delete the app database File f = getDatabasePath(DatabaseAppOpenHelper.getDbName(app.getAppRecord().getApplicationId())); if (!FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(f)) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_RESOURCES, "The app database was unable to be deleted" + "during app uninstall. Aborting uninstall process for now."); return; } // 8) Delete the ApplicationRecord getGlobalStorage(ApplicationRecord.class).remove(record.getID()); } private int initGlobalDb() { SQLiteDatabase database; try { database = new DatabaseGlobalOpenHelper(this).getWritableDatabase("null"); database.close(); return STATE_READY; } catch (SQLiteException e) { // Only thrown if DB isn't there return STATE_UNINSTALLED; } catch (MigrationException e) { if (e.isDefiniteFailure()) { return STATE_MIGRATION_FAILED; } else { return STATE_MIGRATION_QUESTIONABLE; } } } public SQLiteDatabase getUserDbHandle() { return this.getSession().getUserDbHandle(); } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getGlobalStorage(Class<T> c) { return getGlobalStorage(c.getAnnotation(Table.class).value(), c); } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getGlobalStorage(String table, Class<T> c) { return new SqlStorage<>(table, c, new AndroidDbHelper(this.getApplicationContext()) { @Override public SQLiteDatabase getHandle() { synchronized (globalDbHandleLock) { if (globalDatabase == null || !globalDatabase.isOpen()) { globalDatabase = new DatabaseGlobalOpenHelper(this.c).getWritableDatabase("null"); } return globalDatabase; } } }); } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getAppStorage(Class<T> c) { return getAppStorage(c.getAnnotation(Table.class).value(), c); } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getAppStorage(String name, Class<T> c) { return currentApp.getStorage(name, c); } public <T extends Persistable> HybridFileBackedSqlStorage<T> getFileBackedAppStorage(String name, Class<T> c) { return currentApp.getFileBackedStorage(name, c); } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getUserStorage(Class<T> c) { return getUserStorage(c.getAnnotation(Table.class).value(), c); } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getUserStorage(String storage, Class<T> c) { return new SqlStorage<>(storage, c, buildUserDbHandle()); } public <T extends Persistable> HybridFileBackedSqlStorage<T> getFileBackedUserStorage(String storage, Class<T> c) { return new HybridFileBackedSqlStorage<>(storage, c, buildUserDbHandle(), getUserKeyRecordId(), CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp()); } public String getUserKeyRecordId() { return getSession().getUserKeyRecordUUID(); } protected AndroidDbHelper buildUserDbHandle() { return new AndroidDbHelper(this.getApplicationContext()) { @Override public SQLiteDatabase getHandle() { SQLiteDatabase database = getUserDbHandle(); if (database == null) { throw new SessionUnavailableException("The user database has been closed!"); } return database; } }; } public <T extends Persistable> SqlStorage<T> getRawStorage(String storage, Class<T> c, final SQLiteDatabase handle) { return new SqlStorage<>(storage, c, new AndroidDbHelper(this.getApplicationContext()) { @Override public SQLiteDatabase getHandle() { return handle; } }); } public static CommCareApplication instance() { return app; } public String getCurrentUserId() { try { return this.getSession().getLoggedInUser().getUniqueId(); } catch (SessionUnavailableException e) { return ""; } } public void prepareTemporaryStorage() { String tempRoot = this.getAndroidFsTemp(); FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(tempRoot); boolean success = FileUtil.createFolder(tempRoot); if (!success) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_STORAGE, "Couldn't create temp folder"); } String externalRoot = this.getAndroidFsExternalTemp(); FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(externalRoot); success = FileUtil.createFolder(externalRoot); if (!success) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_STORAGE, "Couldn't create external file folder"); } } /** * Allows something within the current service binding to update the app to let it * know that the bind may take longer than the current timeout can allow */ public void setCustomServiceBindTimeout(int timeout) { synchronized (serviceLock) { this.mCurrentServiceBindTimeout = timeout; } } private void bindUserSessionService(final byte[] key, final UserKeyRecord record, final boolean restoreSession) { mConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { // This is called when the connection with the service has been // established, giving us the service object we can use to // interact with the service. Because we have bound to a explicit // service that we know is running in our own process, we can // cast its IBinder to a concrete class and directly access it. User user = null; synchronized (serviceLock) { mCurrentServiceBindTimeout = MAX_BIND_TIMEOUT; mBoundService = ((CommCareSessionService.LocalBinder)service).getService(); // Don't let anyone touch this until it's logged in // Open user database mBoundService.prepareStorage(key, record); if (record != null) { //Ok, so we have a login that was successful, but do we have a user model in the DB? //We need to check before we're logged in, so we get the handle raw, here for (User u : getRawStorage("USER", User.class, mBoundService.getUserDbHandle())) { if (record.getUsername().equals(u.getUsername())) { user = u; } } } // Switch all loggers over to using user storage while there is a session setupLoggerStorage(true); sessionServiceIsBound = true; // Don't signal bind completion until the db is initialized. sessionServiceIsBinding = false; if (user != null) { mBoundService.startSession(user, record); if (restoreSession) { CommCareApplication.this.sessionWrapper = DevSessionRestorer.restoreSessionFromPrefs(getCommCarePlatform()); } else { CommCareApplication.this.sessionWrapper = new AndroidSessionWrapper(CommCareApplication.this.getCommCarePlatform()); } if (shouldAutoUpdate()) { startAutoUpdate(); } syncPending = PendingCalcs.getPendingSyncStatus(); doReportMaintenance(false); mBoundService.initHeartbeatLifecycle(); // Register that this user was the last to successfully log in if it's a real user if (!User.TYPE_DEMO.equals(user.getUserType())) { getCurrentApp().getAppPreferences().edit().putString(CommCarePreferences.LAST_LOGGED_IN_USER, record.getUsername()).commit(); // clear any files orphaned by file-backed db transaction failures HybridFileBackedSqlHelpers.removeOrphanedFiles(mBoundService.getUserDbHandle()); PurgeStaleArchivedFormsTask.launchPurgeTask(); } } TimedStatsTracker.registerStartSession(); } } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) { // This is called when the connection with the service has been // unexpectedly disconnected -- that is, its process crashed. // Because it is running in our same process, we should never // see this happen. mBoundService = null; } }; // Establish a connection with the service. We use an explicit // class name because we want a specific service implementation that // we know will be running in our own process (and thus won't be // supporting component replacement by other applications). startService(new Intent(this, CommCareSessionService.class)); bindService(new Intent(this, CommCareSessionService.class), mConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); sessionServiceIsBinding = true; } @SuppressLint("NewApi") private void doReportMaintenance(boolean force) { // Create a new submission task no matter what. If nothing is pending, it'll see if there // are unsent reports and try to send them. Otherwise, it'll create the report SharedPreferences settings = CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp().getAppPreferences(); String url = LogSubmissionTask.getSubmissionUrl(settings); if (url == null) { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_ASSERTION, "PostURL isn't set. This should never happen"); return; } DataSubmissionListener dataListener = getSession().getListenerForSubmissionNotification(R.string.submission_logs_title); LogSubmissionTask task = new LogSubmissionTask( force || PendingCalcs.isPending(settings.getLong(CommCarePreferences.LOG_LAST_DAILY_SUBMIT, 0), DateUtils.DAY_IN_MILLIS), dataListener, url); // Execute on a true multithreaded chain, since this is an asynchronous process if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB) { task.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR); } else { task.execute(); } } /** * @return True if we aren't a demo user and the time to check for an * update has elapsed or we logged out while an auto-update was downlaoding * or queued for retry. */ private static boolean shouldAutoUpdate() { CommCareApp currentApp = CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp(); return (!areAutomatedActionsInvalid() && (ResourceInstallUtils.shouldAutoUpdateResume(currentApp) || PendingCalcs.isUpdatePending(currentApp.getAppPreferences()))); } private static void startAutoUpdate() { Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_MAINTENANCE, "Auto-Update Triggered"); String ref = ResourceInstallUtils.getDefaultProfileRef(); try { UpdateTask updateTask = UpdateTask.getNewInstance(); updateTask.startPinnedNotification(CommCareApplication.instance()); updateTask.setAsAutoUpdate(); updateTask.executeParallel(ref); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Trying trigger auto-update when it is already running. " + "Should only happen if the user triggered a manual update before this fired."); } } /** * Whether automated stuff like auto-updates/syncing are valid and should * be triggered. */ private static boolean areAutomatedActionsInvalid() { try { return User.TYPE_DEMO.equals(CommCareApplication.instance().getSession().getLoggedInUser().getUserType()); } catch (SessionUnavailableException sue) { return true; } } private void unbindUserSessionService() { synchronized (serviceLock) { if (sessionServiceIsBound) { if (sessionWrapper != null) { sessionWrapper.reset(); } sessionServiceIsBound = false; // Detach our existing connection. unbindService(mConnection); stopService(new Intent(this, CommCareSessionService.class)); } } } public CommCareSessionService getSession() { long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (sessionServiceIsBinding) { if (Looper.getMainLooper().getThread() == Thread.currentThread()) { throw new SessionUnavailableException( "Trying to access session on UI thread while session is binding"); } if (System.currentTimeMillis() - started > mCurrentServiceBindTimeout) { // Something bad happened Log.e(TAG, "WARNING: Timed out while binding to session service, " + "this may cause serious problems."); unbindUserSessionService(); throw new SessionUnavailableException("Timeout binding to session service"); } } if (sessionServiceIsBound) { synchronized (serviceLock) { return mBoundService; } } else { throw new SessionUnavailableException(); } } public UserKeyRecord getRecordForCurrentUser() { return getSession().getUserKeyRecord(); } private boolean syncPending = false; public synchronized boolean isSyncPending(boolean clearFlag) { if (areAutomatedActionsInvalid()) { return false; } // We only set this to true occasionally, but in theory it could be set to false // from other factors, so turn it off if it is. if (!PendingCalcs.getPendingSyncStatus()) { syncPending = false; } if (!syncPending) { return false; } if (clearFlag) { syncPending = false; } return true; } public boolean isStorageAvailable() { try { File storageRoot = new File(getAndroidFsRoot()); return storageRoot.exists(); } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } /** * Notify the application that something has occurred which has been * logged, and which should cause log submission to occur as soon as * possible. */ public void notifyLogsPending() { doReportMaintenance(true); } public String getAndroidFsRoot() { return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/Android/data/" + getPackageName() + "/files/"; } public String getAndroidFsTemp() { return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString() + "/Android/data/" + getPackageName() + "/temp/"; } public String getAndroidFsExternalTemp() { return getAndroidFsRoot() + "/temp/external/"; } /** * @return a path to a file location that can be used to store a file * temporarily and will be cleaned up as part of CommCare's application * lifecycle */ public String getTempFilePath() { return getAndroidFsTemp() + PropertyUtils.genUUID(); } /** * @param fileStem a relative file path to reference in the temp storage space * @return A file that can be shared with external applications via URI */ public String getExternalTempPath(String fileStem) { return getAndroidFsExternalTemp() + fileStem; } public ArchiveFileRoot getArchiveFileRoot() { return mArchiveFileRoot; } /** * Used for manually linking to a session service during tests */ public void setTestingService(CommCareSessionService service) { sessionServiceIsBound = true; mBoundService = service; mConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder service) { } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName className) { } }; } public void storeMessageForUserOnDispatch(String title, String message) { this.titleForUserMessage = title; this.messageForUserOnDispatch = message; } public String[] getPendingUserMessage() { if (messageForUserOnDispatch != null) { return new String[]{messageForUserOnDispatch, titleForUserMessage}; } return null; } public void clearPendingUserMessage() { messageForUserOnDispatch = null; titleForUserMessage = null; } private static void setupLoggerStorage(boolean userStorageAvailable) { CommCareApplication app = CommCareApplication.instance(); if (userStorageAvailable) { Logger.registerLogger(new AndroidLogger(app.getUserStorage(AndroidLogEntry.STORAGE_KEY, AndroidLogEntry.class))); ForceCloseLogger.registerStorage(app.getUserStorage(ForceCloseLogEntry.STORAGE_KEY, ForceCloseLogEntry.class)); XPathErrorLogger.registerStorage(app.getUserStorage(XPathErrorEntry.STORAGE_KEY, XPathErrorEntry.class)); } else { Logger.registerLogger(new AndroidLogger( app.getGlobalStorage(AndroidLogEntry.STORAGE_KEY, AndroidLogEntry.class))); ForceCloseLogger.registerStorage( app.getGlobalStorage(ForceCloseLogEntry.STORAGE_KEY, ForceCloseLogEntry.class)); } } public void setPendingRefreshToLatestBuild(boolean b) { this.latestBuildRefreshPending = b; } public boolean checkPendingBuildRefresh() { if (this.latestBuildRefreshPending) { this.latestBuildRefreshPending = false; return true; } return false; } public ModernHttpRequester buildHttpRequesterForLoggedInUser(Context context, URL url, HashMap<String, String> params, boolean isAuthenticatedRequest, boolean isPostRequest) { Pair<User, String> userAndDomain = HttpUtils.getUserAndDomain(isAuthenticatedRequest); return new AndroidModernHttpRequester(new AndroidCacheDirSetup(context), url, params, userAndDomain.first, userAndDomain.second, isAuthenticatedRequest, isPostRequest); } public DataPullRequester getDataPullRequester() { return DataPullResponseFactory.INSTANCE; } /** * A consumer app is a CommCare build flavor in which the .ccz and restore file for a specific * app and user have been pre-packaged along with CommCare into a custom .apk, and placed on * the Play Store under a custom name/branding scheme. */ public boolean isConsumerApp() { return BuildConfig.IS_CONSUMER_APP; } public boolean shouldInvalidateCacheOnRestore() { return invalidateCacheOnRestore; } public void setInvalidateCacheFlag(boolean b) { invalidateCacheOnRestore = b; } public PrototypeFactory getPrototypeFactory(Context c) { return AndroidPrototypeFactorySetup.getPrototypeFactory(c); } public static CommCareNoficationManager notificationManager() { return app.noficationManager; } }