package org.commcare.tasks; import android.util.Log; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.logging.AndroidLogger; import org.commcare.tasks.templates.CommCareTask; import org.commcare.utils.FileUtil; import org.commcare.utils.FormUploadResult; import org.commcare.utils.FormUploadUtil; import org.commcare.utils.SessionUnavailableException; import org.commcare.views.notifications.NotificationMessageFactory; import org.commcare.views.notifications.NotificationMessageFactory.StockMessages; import org.commcare.views.notifications.ProcessIssues; import org.javarosa.core.model.User; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Properties; /** * @author wspride * * This task iterates through all the form instances in dumpDirectory and attempts to * submit them to the receiver at postUrl. The results array are status codes * as defined in FormUploadUtil. * */ public abstract class SendTask<R> extends CommCareTask<Void, String, Boolean, R> { private String postUrl; private FormUploadResult[] results; private final File dumpDirectory; private static final String MALFORMED_FILE_CATEGORY = "malformed-file"; public static final int BULK_SEND_ID = 12335645; private static final String TAG = SendTask.class.getSimpleName(); // 5MB less 1KB overhead public SendTask(String url, File dumpDirectory) { this.postUrl = url; this.taskId = SendTask.BULK_SEND_ID; this.dumpDirectory = dumpDirectory; } @Override protected void onProgressUpdate(String... values) { super.onProgressUpdate(values); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result) { super.onPostExecute(result); //These will never get Zero'd otherwise postUrl = null; results = null; } @Override protected void onCancelled() { super.onCancelled(); CommCareApplication.notificationManager().reportNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageFactory.message(ProcessIssues.LoggedOut)); } @Override protected Boolean doTaskBackground(Void... params) { publishProgress(Localization.get("bulk.form.send.start")); //sanity check if (!(dumpDirectory.isDirectory())) { return false; } File[] files = dumpDirectory.listFiles(); int counter = 0; results = new FormUploadResult[files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) { //Assume failure results[i] = FormUploadResult.FAILURE; } boolean allSuccessful = true; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { publishProgress(Localization.get("bulk.send.dialog.progress", new String[]{"" + (i + 1)})); File formFolder = files[i]; if (!(formFolder.isDirectory())) { Log.e(TAG, "Encountered non form entry in file dump folder at path: " + formFolder.getAbsolutePath()); CommCareApplication.notificationManager().reportNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageFactory.message(StockMessages.Send_MalformedFile, new String[]{null, formFolder.getName()}, MALFORMED_FILE_CATEGORY)); continue; } try { tryLoadPropertiesFile(formFolder); } catch(IOException e){ Log.e(TAG, "Could not load properties file in folder: " + formFolder + " with error: " + e.getMessage()); CommCareApplication.notificationManager().reportNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageFactory.message(StockMessages.Send_MalformedFile, new String[]{null, formFolder.getName()}, MALFORMED_FILE_CATEGORY)); continue; } try { User user = CommCareApplication.instance().getSession().getLoggedInUser(); results[i] = FormUploadUtil.sendInstance(counter, formFolder, postUrl, user); if (results[i] == FormUploadResult.FULL_SUCCESS) { FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(formFolder); } else if (results[i] == FormUploadResult.TRANSPORT_FAILURE) { allSuccessful = false; publishProgress(Localization.get("bulk.send.transport.error")); return false; } else { allSuccessful = false; CommCareApplication.notificationManager().reportNotificationMessage(NotificationMessageFactory.message(StockMessages.Send_MalformedFile, new String[]{null, formFolder.getName()}, MALFORMED_FILE_CATEGORY)); publishProgress(Localization.get("bulk.send.file.error", new String[]{formFolder.getAbsolutePath()})); } counter++; } catch (SessionUnavailableException | FileNotFoundException fe) { Log.e(TAG, Localization.get("bulk.send.file.error", new String[]{formFolder.getAbsolutePath()}), fe); publishProgress(Localization.get("bulk.send.file.error", new String[]{fe.getMessage()})); } } return allSuccessful; } /** * See if this form submission has a properties file (which it should in 2.27+) * If so, update override class's properties with the relevant fields. Fields: * * PostURL - the receiver URL to submit this form to (the app user is the default) * * @param formFolder the form instance folder currently being submitted */ protected void tryLoadPropertiesFile(File formFolder) throws IOException{ // see if we have a file to load the PostURL from FilenameFilter filter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { return filename.equals(ZipTask.FORM_PROPERTIES_FILE); } }; // there should only be one of these File[] formPropertiesFile = formFolder.listFiles(filter); if(formPropertiesFile != null && formPropertiesFile.length > 0){ Properties properties = FileUtil.loadProperties(formPropertiesFile[0]); if(properties != null && properties.getProperty(ZipTask.FORM_PROPERTY_POST_URL) != null){ postUrl = properties.getProperty(ZipTask.FORM_PROPERTY_POST_URL); Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_FORM_DUMP, "Successfully got PostURL: " + postUrl); } // don't submit this file FileUtil.deleteFileOrDir(formPropertiesFile[0]); } } }