package org.commcare.activities.components; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.provider.MediaStore.Images.Media; import android.widget.Toast; import org.commcare.activities.FormEntryActivity; import; import; import org.commcare.utils.FileUtil; import org.commcare.views.widgets.ImageWidget; import; import; import; public class ImageCaptureProcessing { /** * Performs any necessary relocating and scaling of an image coming from either a * SignatureWidget or ImageWidget (capture or choose) * * @param originalImage the image file returned by the image capture or chooser intent * @param shouldScale if false, indicates that the image is from a signature capture, so should * not attempt to scale * @return the image file that should be displayed on the device screen when this question * widget is in view */ private static File moveAndScaleImage(File originalImage, boolean shouldScale, String instanceFolder, FormEntryActivity formEntryActivity) throws IOException { String extension = FileUtil.getExtension(originalImage.getAbsolutePath()); String imageFilename = System.currentTimeMillis() + "." + extension; String finalFilePath = instanceFolder + imageFilename; boolean savedScaledImage = false; if (shouldScale) { ImageWidget currentWidget = (ImageWidget)formEntryActivity.getPendingWidget(); if (currentWidget != null) { int maxDimen = currentWidget.getMaxDimen(); if (maxDimen != -1) { GoogleAnalyticsUtils.reportFeatureUsage(GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE_RESIZED); savedScaledImage = FileUtil.scaleAndSaveImage(originalImage, finalFilePath, maxDimen); } } } if (!savedScaledImage) { // If we didn't create a scaled image and save it to the final path, then relocate the // original image from the temp filepath to our final path File finalFile = new File(finalFilePath); if (!originalImage.renameTo(finalFile)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + originalImage.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + finalFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { return finalFile; } } else { // Otherwise, relocate the original image to a raw/ folder, so that we still have access // to the unmodified version String rawDirPath = instanceFolder + "/raw"; File rawDir = new File(rawDirPath); if (!rawDir.exists()) { rawDir.mkdir(); } File rawImageFile = new File(rawDirPath + "/" + imageFilename); if (!originalImage.renameTo(rawImageFile)) { throw new IOException("Failed to rename " + originalImage.getAbsolutePath() + " to " + rawImageFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { return rawImageFile; } } } /** * Processes the return from an image capture intent, launched by either an ImageWidget or * SignatureWidget * * @param isImage true if this was from an ImageWidget, false if it was a SignatureWidget * @return if saving the captured image was successful */ public static boolean processCaptureResponse(FormEntryActivity activity, String instanceFolder, boolean isImage) { /* We saved the image to the tempfile_path, but we really want it to be in: * /sdcard/odk/instances/[current instance]/something.[jpg/png/etc] so we move it there * before inserting it into the content provider. Once the android image capture bug gets * fixed, (read, we move on from Android 1.6) we want to handle images the audio and * video */ // The intent is empty, but we know we saved the image to the temp file File originalImage = ImageWidget.getTempFileForImageCapture(); try { File unscaledFinalImage = moveAndScaleImage(originalImage, isImage, instanceFolder, activity); activity.saveImageWidgetAnswer(buildImageFileContentValues(unscaledFinalImage)); return true; } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Toast.makeText(activity, Localization.get("image.capture.not.saved"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return false; } } public static void processImageChooserResponse(FormEntryActivity activity, String instanceFolder, Intent intent) { /* We have a saved image somewhere, but we really want it to be in: * /sdcard/odk/instances/[current instance]/something.[jpg/png/etc] so we move it there * before inserting it into the content provider. Once the android image capture bug gets * fixed, (read, we move on from Android 1.6) we want to handle images the audio and * video */ // get gp of chosen file Uri selectedImage = intent.getData(); String imagePath = FileUtil.getPath(activity, selectedImage); if (imagePath == null) { Toast.makeText(activity, Localization.get("invalid.image.selection"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return; } File originalImage = new File(imagePath); if (originalImage.exists()) { try { File unscaledFinalImage = moveAndScaleImage(originalImage, true, instanceFolder, activity); activity.saveImageWidgetAnswer(buildImageFileContentValues(unscaledFinalImage)); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Toast.makeText(activity, Localization.get("image.selection.not.saved"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } else { // The user has managed to select a file from the image browser that doesn't actually // exist on the file system anymore Toast.makeText(activity, Localization.get("invalid.image.selection"), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); } } private static ContentValues buildImageFileContentValues(File unscaledFinalImage) { // Add the new image to the Media content provider so that the viewing is fast in Android 2.0+ ContentValues values = new ContentValues(6); values.put(Media.TITLE, unscaledFinalImage.getName()); values.put(Media.DISPLAY_NAME, unscaledFinalImage.getName()); values.put(Media.DATE_TAKEN, System.currentTimeMillis()); values.put(Media.MIME_TYPE, "image/jpeg"); values.put(Media.DATA, unscaledFinalImage.getAbsolutePath()); return values; } }