package; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.models.encryption.EncryptionIO; import; import org.commcare.models.framework.Persisting; import org.commcare.models.framework.Table; import org.commcare.modern.models.EncryptedModel; import org.commcare.utils.FileUtil; import org.commcare.utils.GlobalConstants; import org.javarosa.core.model.utils.DateUtils; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec; /** * A small DB record for keeping track of serialized device reports which we are planning * on submitting. Keeps track of the location on disk, and the key we use to encrypt it. * <p/> * Fairly similar record to what we're storing for the forms. Should possibly use that * one and its process * * @author ctsims */ @Table(DeviceReportRecord.STORAGE_KEY) public class DeviceReportRecord extends Persisted implements EncryptedModel { public static final String STORAGE_KEY = "log_records"; @Persisting(1) private String fileName; @Persisting(2) private byte[] aesKey; public DeviceReportRecord() { // for externalization } public DeviceReportRecord(String fileName, byte[] aesKey) { this.fileName = fileName; this.aesKey = aesKey; } public static DeviceReportRecord generateNewRecordStub() { DeviceReportRecord slr = new DeviceReportRecord(); slr.fileName = new File( CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentApp().fsPath((GlobalConstants.FILE_CC_LOGS)) + FileUtil.SanitizeFileName(File.separator + DateUtils.formatDateTime(new Date(), DateUtils.FORMAT_ISO8601)) + ".xml").getAbsolutePath(); slr.aesKey = CommCareApplication.instance().createNewSymmetricKey().getEncoded(); return slr; } @Override public boolean isEncrypted(String data) { return false; } @Override public boolean isBlobEncrypted() { return true; } public byte[] getKey() { return aesKey; } public String getFilePath() { return fileName; } public final OutputStream openOutputStream() throws FileNotFoundException { return EncryptionIO.createFileOutputStream(getFilePath(), new SecretKeySpec(getKey(), "AES")); } }