package org.commcare.models.database.user; import android.content.Context; import net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import; import; import; import; import; import org.commcare.cases.ledger.Ledger; import org.commcare.logging.AndroidLogger; import org.commcare.models.database.AndroidTableBuilder; import org.commcare.models.database.ConcreteAndroidDbHelper; import org.commcare.models.database.DbUtil; import org.commcare.models.database.SqlStorage; import org.commcare.modern.database.DatabaseIndexingUtils; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; /** * Created by amstone326 on 3/8/17. */ public class UserDbUpgradeUtils { protected static void addAppIdColumnToTable(SQLiteDatabase db) { // Alter the FormRecord table to include an app id column db.execSQL(DbUtil.addColumnToTable( FormRecord.STORAGE_KEY, FormRecord.META_APP_ID, "TEXT")); } protected static void addFormNumberColumnToTable(SQLiteDatabase db) { // Alter the FormRecord table to include an app id column db.execSQL(DbUtil.addColumnToTable( FormRecord.STORAGE_KEY, FormRecord.META_SUBMISSION_ORDERING_NUMBER, "TEXT")); } protected static boolean multipleInstalledAppRecords() { SqlStorage<ApplicationRecord> storage = CommCareApplication.instance().getGlobalStorage(ApplicationRecord.class); int count = 0; for (ApplicationRecord r : storage) { if (r.getStatus() == ApplicationRecord.STATUS_INSTALLED && r.resourcesValidated()) { count++; } } return (count > 1); } protected static ApplicationRecord getInstalledAppRecord() { SqlStorage<ApplicationRecord> storage = CommCareApplication.instance().getGlobalStorage(ApplicationRecord.class); for (Persistable p : storage) { ApplicationRecord r = (ApplicationRecord)p; if (r.getStatus() == ApplicationRecord.STATUS_INSTALLED && r.resourcesValidated()) { return r; } } return null; } protected static void deleteExistingFormRecordsAndWarnUser(Context c, SQLiteDatabase db) { SqlStorage<FormRecordV1> formRecordStorage = new SqlStorage<>( FormRecord.STORAGE_KEY, FormRecordV1.class, new ConcreteAndroidDbHelper(c, db)); SqlStorage<SessionStateDescriptor> ssdStorage = new SqlStorage<>( SessionStateDescriptor.STORAGE_KEY, SessionStateDescriptor.class, new ConcreteAndroidDbHelper(c, db)); formRecordStorage.removeAll(); ssdStorage.removeAll(); String warningTitle = "Minor data loss during upgrade"; String warningMessage = "Due to the experimental state of" + " multiple application seating, we were not able to migrate all of your app data" + " during upgrade. Any saved, incomplete, and unsent forms on the device were deleted."; CommCareApplication.instance().storeMessageForUserOnDispatch(warningTitle, warningMessage); } protected static void updateIndexes(SQLiteDatabase db) { db.execSQL(DatabaseIndexingUtils.indexOnTableCommand("case_id_index", "AndroidCase", "case_id")); db.execSQL(DatabaseIndexingUtils.indexOnTableCommand("case_type_index", "AndroidCase", "case_type")); db.execSQL(DatabaseIndexingUtils.indexOnTableCommand("case_status_index", "AndroidCase", "case_status")); } protected static void addStockTable(SQLiteDatabase db) { AndroidTableBuilder builder = new AndroidTableBuilder(Ledger.STORAGE_KEY); builder.addData(new Ledger()); builder.setUnique(Ledger.INDEX_ENTITY_ID); db.execSQL(builder.getTableCreateString()); } protected static Set<String> getAppIdsForRecords(SqlStorage<FormRecordV2> oldFormRecords) { Set<String> appIds = new HashSet<>(); for (FormRecordV2 formRecord : oldFormRecords) { appIds.add(formRecord.getAppId()); } return appIds; } protected static void sortRecordsByDate(Vector<Integer> ids, SqlStorage<FormRecordV2> storage) { final HashMap<Integer, Long> idToDateIndex = getIdToDateMap(ids, storage); Collections.sort(ids, new Comparator<Integer>() { @Override public int compare(Integer lhs, Integer rhs) { Long lhd = idToDateIndex.get(lhs); Long rhd = idToDateIndex.get(rhs); if (lhd < rhd) { return -1; } if (lhd > rhd) { return 1; } return 0; } }); } private static HashMap<Integer, Long> getIdToDateMap(Vector<Integer> ids, SqlStorage<FormRecordV2> storage) { HashMap<Integer, Long> idToDateIndex = new HashMap<>(); for (int id : ids) { // Last modified for a unsent and complete forms is the formEnd // date that was captured and locked when form entry, so it's a // safe cannonical ordering String dateAsString = storage.getMetaDataFieldForRecord(id, FormRecord.META_LAST_MODIFIED); long dateAsSeconds; try { dateAsSeconds = Long.valueOf(dateAsString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // Go with the next best ordering for now Logger.log(AndroidLogger.TYPE_ERROR_ASSERTION, "Invalid date in last modified value: " + dateAsString); idToDateIndex.put(id, (long)id); continue; } idToDateIndex.put(id, dateAsSeconds); } return idToDateIndex; } }