package; import android.os.Build; import android.preference.Preference; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import; import; import org.commcare.AppUtils; import org.commcare.CommCareApplication; import org.commcare.activities.CommCareSetupActivity; import; import org.commcare.dalvik.BuildConfig; import org.commcare.preferences.CommCarePreferences; import org.commcare.utils.EncryptionUtils; import java.util.Map; /** * All methods used to report events to google analytics, and all supporting utils * * @author amstone */ public class GoogleAnalyticsUtils { /** * Report a google analytics event that has only a category and an action */ private static void reportEvent(String category, String action) { if (analyticsDisabled() || versionIncompatible()) { return; } getTracker().send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder() .setCustomDimension(1, CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentUserId()) .setCustomDimension(2, ReportingUtils.getDomain()) .setCustomDimension(3, BuildConfig.FLAVOR) .setCustomDimension(4, "" + CommCareApplication.instance().isConsumerApp()) .setCustomDimension(5, ReportingUtils.getAppId()) .setCategory(category) .setAction(action) .build()); } /** * Report a google analytics event that has a category, action, and label */ private static void reportEvent(String category, String action, String label) { if (analyticsDisabled() || versionIncompatible()) { return; } getTracker().send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder() .setCustomDimension(1, CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentUserId()) .setCustomDimension(2, ReportingUtils.getDomain()) .setCustomDimension(3, BuildConfig.FLAVOR) .setCustomDimension(4, "" + CommCareApplication.instance().isConsumerApp()) .setCustomDimension(5, ReportingUtils.getAppId()) .setCategory(category) .setAction(action) .setLabel(label) .build()); } /** * Report a google analytics event that has a category, action, label, and value */ private static void reportEvent(String category, String action, String label, int value) { if (analyticsDisabled() || versionIncompatible()) { return; } getTracker().send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder() .setCustomDimension(1, CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentUserId()) .setCustomDimension(2, ReportingUtils.getDomain()) .setCustomDimension(3, BuildConfig.FLAVOR) .setCustomDimension(4, "" + CommCareApplication.instance().isConsumerApp()) .setCustomDimension(5, ReportingUtils.getAppId()) .setCategory(category) .setAction(action) .setLabel(label) .setValue(value) .build()); } public static void reportAudioFileChosen(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_CHOOSE_FILE); } public static void reportRecordingPopupOpened(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_START_RECORDING_DIALOG); } public static void reportAudioPlayed(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_PLAY_AUDIO); } public static void reportAudioPaused(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_PAUSE_AUDIO); } public static void reportAudioFileSaved(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_SAVE_RECORDING); } public static void reportRecordingStarted(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_START_RECORD); } public static void reportRecordingStopped(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_STOP_RECORD); } public static void reportRecordingRecycled(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_AUDIO_WIDGET, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_RECORD_AGAIN); } public static void reportGraphViewAttached(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_GRAPHING, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_GRAPH_ATTACH); } public static void reportGraphViewDetached(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_GRAPHING, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_GRAPH_DETACH); } public static void reportGraphViewFullScreenOpened(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_GRAPHING, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_GRAPH_FULLSCREEN_OPEN); } public static void reportGraphViewFullScreenClosed(){ reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_GRAPHING, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_GRAPH_FULLSCREEN_CLOSE); } /** * Report a user event of navigating forward in form entry * * @param label - Communicates the user's method of navigation (swipe vs. arrow press) * @param value - Communicates if form was in completed state when navigation occurred */ public static void reportFormNavForward(String label, int value) { reportEvent( GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_FORM_ENTRY, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_FORWARD, label, value); } /** * Report a user event of navigating backward in form entry * * @param label - Communicates the user's method of navigation (swipe vs. arrow press) */ public static void reportFormNavBackward(String label) { reportEvent( GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_FORM_ENTRY, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_BACKWARD, label); } /** * Report a user event of triggering a form exit attempt, and which mode they used to do so * * @param label - Indicates the way in which the user triggered the form exit */ public static void reportFormQuitAttempt(String label) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_FORM_ENTRY, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_TRIGGER_QUIT_ATTEMPT, label); } /** * Report an event of a form being exited * * @param label - Communicates which option the user selected on the exit form dialog, or none * if form exit occurred without showing the dialog at all */ public static void reportFormExit(String label) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_FORM_ENTRY, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_EXIT_FORM, label); } public static void reportHomeButtonClick(String buttonLabel) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_HOME_SCREEN, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_BUTTON, buttonLabel); } /** * Report a user event of opening an options menu */ public static void reportOptionsMenuEntry(String category) { reportEvent(category, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_OPTIONS_MENU); } /** * Report a user event of selecting an item within an options menu */ public static void reportOptionsMenuItemEntry(String category, String label) { reportEvent(category, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_OPTIONS_MENU_ITEM, label); } /** * Report a user event of opening a preferences menu */ public static void reportPrefActivityEntry(String category) { reportEvent(category, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_PREF_MENU); } /** * Report a user event of opening the edit dialog for an item in a preferences menu */ public static void reportPrefItemClick(String category, String label) { reportEvent(category, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_VIEW_PREF, label); } public static void reportAdvancedActionItemClick(String action) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_ADVANCED_ACTIONS, action); } /** * Report a user event of changing the value of an item in a preferences menu */ public static void reportEditPref(String category, String label, int value) { if (analyticsDisabled() || versionIncompatible()) { return; } HitBuilders.EventBuilder builder = new HitBuilders.EventBuilder(); builder.setCategory(category) .setCustomDimension(1, CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentUserId()) .setCustomDimension(2, ReportingUtils.getDomain()) .setCustomDimension(3, BuildConfig.FLAVOR) .setAction(GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_EDIT_PREF) .setLabel(label); if (value != -1) { builder.setValue(value); } getTracker().send(; } public static void reportEditPref(String category, String label) { reportEditPref(category, label, -1); } /** * Report an event of an attempted sync * * @param action - Communicates whether the sync was user-triggered or auto-triggered * @param label - Communicates if the sync was successful * @param value - Communicates the nature of the sync if it was successful, * OR the reason for failure if the sync was unsuccessful */ public static void reportSyncAttempt(String action, String label, int value) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_SERVER_COMMUNICATION, action, label, value); } /** * Report a user event of viewing a list of archived forms * * @param label - Communicates whether the user is viewing incomplete forms or saved forms */ public static void reportViewArchivedFormsList(String label) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_ARCHIVED_FORMS, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_VIEW_FORMS_LIST, label); } /** * Report a user event of opening up a form from a list of archived forms * * @param label - Communicates whether the form was from the list of incomplete or saved forms */ public static void reportOpenArchivedForm(String label) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_ARCHIVED_FORMS, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_OPEN_ARCHIVED_FORM, label); } public static void reportAppInstall(int lastInstallModeCode) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_APP_INSTALL, CommCareSetupActivity.getAnalyticsActionFromInstallMode(lastInstallModeCode), AppUtils.getCurrentVersionString()); } /** * Report a user event of navigating backward out of the entity detail screen * * @param isSwipe - Toggles user's method of navigation to swipe or arrow press */ public static void reportEntityDetailExit(boolean isSwipe, boolean isSingleTab) { reportEntityDetailNavigation( GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_EXIT_FROM_DETAIL, isSwipe, isSingleTab); } /** * Report a user event of continuing forward out of the entity detail screen * * @param isSwipe - Toggles user's method of navigation to swipe or arrow press */ public static void reportEntityDetailContinue(boolean isSwipe, boolean isSingleTab) { reportEntityDetailNavigation( GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_CONTINUE_FROM_DETAIL, isSwipe, isSingleTab); } private static void reportEntityDetailNavigation(String action, boolean isSwipe, boolean isSingleTab) { reportEvent( GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_MODULE_NAVIGATION, action, isSwipe ? GoogleAnalyticsFields.LABEL_SWIPE : GoogleAnalyticsFields.LABEL_ARROW, isSingleTab ? GoogleAnalyticsFields.VALUE_DOESNT_HAVE_TABS : GoogleAnalyticsFields.VALUE_HAS_TABS); } /** * Report usage of a specific feature * * @param action - Should be one of the actions listed under * "Actions for CATEGORY_FEATURE_USAGE" in */ public static void reportFeatureUsage(String action) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_FEATURE_USAGE, action); } /** * Report an action in the app manager * * @param action - Should be one of the actions listed under * "Actions for CATEGORY_APP_MANAGER" in */ public static void reportAppManagerAction(String action) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_APP_MANAGER, action); } public static void reportPrivilegeEnabled(String privilegeName, String username) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED, privilegeName, EncryptionUtils.getMD5HashAsString(username)); } public static void reportLanguageAtPointOfFormEntry(String language) { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_LANGUAGE_STATS, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_LANGUAGE_AT_FORM_ENTRY, language); } public static void reportAndroidApiLevelAtStartup() { reportEvent(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_HIGH_LEVEL_STATS, GoogleAnalyticsFields.ACTION_ANDROID_API_LEVEL_AT_STARTUP, "" + Build.VERSION.SDK_INT); } /** * Report the length of a certain user event/action/concept * * @param action - Communicates the event/action/concept whose length is being measured * @param value - Communicates the duration, in seconds */ public static void reportTimedEvent(String action, int value) { if (analyticsDisabled() || versionIncompatible()) { return; } getTracker().send(new HitBuilders.EventBuilder() .setCustomDimension(1, CommCareApplication.instance().getCurrentUserId()) .setCustomDimension(2, ReportingUtils.getDomain()) .setCustomDimension(3, BuildConfig.FLAVOR) .setCategory(GoogleAnalyticsFields.CATEGORY_TIMED_EVENTS) .setAction(action) .setValue(value) .build()); } public static void createPreferenceOnClickListeners(PreferenceManager prefManager, Map<String, String> menuIdToAnalyticsEvent, String category) { for (String prefKey : menuIdToAnalyticsEvent.keySet()) { createPreferenceOnClickListener(prefManager, prefKey, category, menuIdToAnalyticsEvent.get(prefKey)); } } public static void createPreferenceOnClickListener(PreferenceManager manager, String prefKey, final String category, final String analyticsLabel) { Preference pref = manager.findPreference(prefKey); pref.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { @Override public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { GoogleAnalyticsUtils.reportPrefItemClick(category, analyticsLabel); return true; } }); } private static Tracker getTracker() { return CommCareApplication.instance().getDefaultTracker(); } private static boolean analyticsDisabled() { return !CommCarePreferences.isAnalyticsEnabled(); } public static boolean versionIncompatible() { return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD; } }