package org.commcare.views; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Configuration; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import; import; import; import android.text.Spannable; import android.util.DisplayMetrics; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Gravity; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType; import android.widget.TextView; import org.commcare.cases.entity.Entity; import org.commcare.dalvik.R; import org.commcare.models.AsyncEntity; import org.commcare.suite.model.Detail; import org.commcare.util.GridCoordinate; import org.commcare.util.GridStyle; import org.commcare.utils.CachingAsyncImageLoader; import org.commcare.utils.MarkupUtil; import org.commcare.utils.MediaUtil; import; import; import; import org.javarosa.xpath.XPathUnhandledException; import java.util.Arrays; /** * This class defines an individual panel that is shown either within an advanced case list * or as a case tile. Each panel is defined by a Detail and an Entity. * * @author wspride */ public class EntityViewTile extends GridLayout { private String[] searchTerms; // All of the views that are being shown in this tile, one for each field of the entity's detail private View[] mFieldViews; private boolean mFuzzySearchEnabled = false; private boolean mIsAsynchronous = false; // load the screen-size-dependent font sizes private final float SMALL_FONT = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.font_size_small); private final float MEDIUM_FONT = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.font_size_medium); private final float LARGE_FONT = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.font_size_large); private final float XLARGE_FONT = getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.font_size_xlarge); private final float DENSITY = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().density; private final int DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_HORIZONTAL = (int)getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.row_padding_horizontal); private final int DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_VERTICAL = (int)getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.row_padding_vertical); // Constants used to calibrate how many tiles should be shown on a screen at once -- This is // saying that we expect a device with a density of 160 dpi and a height of 4 inches to look // good in portrait mode with 4 tiles of 6 rows each being displayed at once. private static final double DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_IN_INCHES = 4.0; private static final int DEFAULT_SCREEN_DENSITY = DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM; private static final double DEFAULT_NUM_TILES_PER_SCREEN_PORTRAIT = 4; private static final int DEFAULT_NUMBER_ROWS_PER_GRID = 6; private static final double LANDSCAPE_TO_PORTRAIT_RATIO = .75; // this is fixed for all tiles private static final int NUMBER_COLUMNS_PER_GRID = 12; private final int numRowsPerTile; private final int numTilesPerRow; private double cellWidth; private double cellHeight; private final CachingAsyncImageLoader mImageLoader; private final boolean beingDisplayedInAwesomeMode; public static EntityViewTile createTileForIndividualDisplay(Context context, Detail detail, Entity entity) { return new EntityViewTile(context, detail, entity, new String[0], new CachingAsyncImageLoader(context), false, false); } public static EntityViewTile createTileForEntitySelectDisplay(Context context, Detail detail, Entity entity, String[] searchTerms, CachingAsyncImageLoader loader, boolean fuzzySearchEnabled, boolean inAwesomeMode) { return new EntityViewTile(context, detail, entity, searchTerms, loader, fuzzySearchEnabled, inAwesomeMode); } private EntityViewTile(Context context, Detail detail, Entity entity, String[] searchTerms, CachingAsyncImageLoader loader, boolean fuzzySearchEnabled, boolean inAwesomeMode) { super(context); this.searchTerms = searchTerms; this.mIsAsynchronous = entity instanceof AsyncEntity; this.mImageLoader = loader; this.mFuzzySearchEnabled = fuzzySearchEnabled; this.numRowsPerTile = getMaxRows(detail); this.numTilesPerRow = detail.getNumEntitiesToDisplayPerRow(); this.beingDisplayedInAwesomeMode = inAwesomeMode; setEssentialGridLayoutValues(); setCellWidthAndHeight(context, detail); addFieldViews(context, detail, entity); } /** * @return the maximum height of the grid view for the given detail */ private static int getMaxRows(Detail detail) { GridCoordinate[] coordinates = detail.getGridCoordinates(); int currentMaxHeight = 0; for (GridCoordinate coordinate : coordinates) { int yCoordinate = coordinate.getY(); int height = coordinate.getHeight(); int maxHeight = yCoordinate + height; if (maxHeight > currentMaxHeight) { currentMaxHeight = maxHeight; } } return currentMaxHeight; } private void setEssentialGridLayoutValues() { setColumnCount(NUMBER_COLUMNS_PER_GRID); setRowCount(numRowsPerTile); setPaddingIfNotInGridView(); } private void setCellWidthAndHeight(Context context, Detail detail) { Pair<Integer, Integer> tileWidthAndHeight = computeTileWidthAndHeight(context); cellWidth = tileWidthAndHeight.first / (double)NUMBER_COLUMNS_PER_GRID; if (detail.useUniformUnitsInCaseTile()) { cellHeight = cellWidth; } else { cellHeight = tileWidthAndHeight.second / (double)numRowsPerTile; } } /** * Compute what the width and height of a single tile should be, based upon the available * screen space, how many columns there should be, and how many rows we want to show at a time. * Round up to the nearest integer since the GridView's width and height will ultimately be * computed indirectly from these values, and those values need to be integers, and we don't * want to end up cutting things off */ private Pair<Integer, Integer> computeTileWidthAndHeight(Context context) { double screenWidth, screenHeight; Display display = ((Activity)context).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay(); if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.HONEYCOMB_MR2) { Point size = new Point(); display.getSize(size); screenWidth = size.x; screenHeight = size.y; } else { screenWidth = display.getWidth(); screenHeight = display.getHeight(); } if (!tileBeingShownInGridView()) { // If we added padding, subtract that space since we can't use it screenWidth = screenWidth - DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_HORIZONTAL * 2; } int tileHeight; if (getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { if (beingDisplayedInAwesomeMode) { // if in awesome mode, split available width in half screenWidth = screenWidth / 2; } tileHeight = (int)Math.ceil(screenHeight / computeNumTilesPerScreen(false, screenHeight)); } else { tileHeight = (int)Math.ceil(screenHeight / computeNumTilesPerScreen(true, screenHeight)); } int tileWidth = (int)Math.ceil(screenWidth / numTilesPerRow); return new Pair<>(tileWidth, tileHeight); } /** * @return - The number of tiles that should be displayed on a single screen on this device, * calibrated against our default values based upon both the screen density and the screen * height in inches */ private double computeNumTilesPerScreen(boolean inPortrait, double screenHeightInPixels) { double numTilesPerScreenPortrait = DEFAULT_NUM_TILES_PER_SCREEN_PORTRAIT * (DEFAULT_NUMBER_ROWS_PER_GRID / (float)numRowsPerTile); double baseNumberOfTiles; if (inPortrait) { baseNumberOfTiles = numTilesPerScreenPortrait; } else { baseNumberOfTiles = numTilesPerScreenPortrait * LANDSCAPE_TO_PORTRAIT_RATIO; } int screenDensity = getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi; return (baseNumberOfTiles + getAdditionalTilesBasedOnScreenDensity(screenDensity)) * getScreenHeightMultiplier(screenDensity, screenHeightInPixels); } private static double getAdditionalTilesBasedOnScreenDensity(int screenDensity) { // For every additional 160dpi from the default density, show one more tile on the screen int defaultDensityDpi = DEFAULT_SCREEN_DENSITY; return (screenDensity - defaultDensityDpi) / 160; } private static double getScreenHeightMultiplier(int screenDensity, double screenHeightInPixels) { double screenHeightInInches = screenHeightInPixels / screenDensity; return screenHeightInInches / DEFAULT_SCREEN_HEIGHT_IN_INCHES; } /** * Add Spaces to this GridLayout to strictly enforce that Grid columns and rows stay the width/height we want * Android GridLayout tries to be very "smart" about moving entries placed arbitrarily within the grid so that * they look "ordered" even though this often ends up looking not how we want it. It will only make these adjustments * to rows/columns that end up empty or near empty, so we solve this by adding spaces to every row and column. * We just add a space of width cellWidth and height 1 to every column of the first row, and likewise a sapce of height * cellHeight and width 1 to every row of the first column. These are then written on top of if need be. */ private void addBuffers(Context context) { addBuffersToView(context, numRowsPerTile, true); addBuffersToView(context, NUMBER_COLUMNS_PER_GRID, false); } private void addBuffersToView(Context context, int count, boolean isRow) { for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { GridLayout.LayoutParams gridParams; if (isRow) { gridParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(GridLayout.spec(i), GridLayout.spec(0)); gridParams.width = 1; gridParams.height = (int)cellHeight; } else { gridParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(GridLayout.spec(0), GridLayout.spec(i)); gridParams.width = (int)cellWidth; gridParams.height = 1; } Space space = new Space(context); space.setLayoutParams(gridParams); this.addView(space, gridParams); } } /** * Add the view for each field in the detail * * @param detail - the Detail describing how to display each entry * @param entity - the Entity describing the actual data of each entry */ public void addFieldViews(Context context, Detail detail, Entity entity) { this.removeAllViews(); addBuffers(context); // add spacers to enforce regularized column and row size GridCoordinate[] coordinatesOfEachField = detail.getGridCoordinates(); String[] typesOfEachField = detail.getTemplateForms(); GridStyle[] stylesOfEachField = detail.getGridStyles(); Log.v("TempForms", "Template: " + Arrays.toString(typesOfEachField) + " | Coords: " + Arrays.toString(coordinatesOfEachField) + " | Styles: " + Arrays.toString(stylesOfEachField)); setPaddingIfNotInGridView(); if (tileBeingShownInGridView()) { // Fake dividers between each square in the grid view by using contrasting // background colors for the grid view as a whole and each element in the grid view setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE); } mFieldViews = new View[coordinatesOfEachField.length]; for (int i = 0; i < mFieldViews.length; i++) { addFieldView(context, typesOfEachField[i], stylesOfEachField[i], coordinatesOfEachField[i], entity.getFieldString(i), entity.getSortField(i), i); } } private void addFieldView(Context context, String form, GridStyle style, GridCoordinate coordinateData, String fieldString, String sortField, int index) { if (coordinatesInvalid(coordinateData)) { return; } ViewId uniqueId = ViewId.buildTableViewId(coordinateData.getX(), coordinateData.getY(), false); GridLayout.LayoutParams gridParams = getLayoutParamsForField(coordinateData); View view = getView(context, style, form, fieldString, uniqueId, sortField, gridParams.width, gridParams.height); if (!(view instanceof ImageView)) { gridParams.height = LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT; } view.setLayoutParams(gridParams); mFieldViews[index] = view; this.addView(view, gridParams); } private GridLayout.LayoutParams getLayoutParamsForField(GridCoordinate coordinateData) { Spec columnSpec = GridLayout.spec(coordinateData.getX(), coordinateData.getWidth()); Spec rowSpec = GridLayout.spec(coordinateData.getY(), coordinateData.getHeight()); GridLayout.LayoutParams gridParams = new GridLayout.LayoutParams(rowSpec, columnSpec); gridParams.width = (int)Math.ceil(cellWidth * coordinateData.getWidth()); gridParams.height = (int)Math.ceil(cellHeight * coordinateData.getHeight()); return gridParams; } private boolean coordinatesInvalid(GridCoordinate coordinate) { if (coordinate.getX() + coordinate.getWidth() > NUMBER_COLUMNS_PER_GRID || coordinate.getY() + coordinate.getHeight() > numRowsPerTile) { Logger.log("e", "Grid entry dimensions exceed allotted sizes"); throw new XPathUnhandledException("grid coordinates out of bounds: " + coordinate.getX() + " " + coordinate.getWidth() + ", " + coordinate.getY() + " " + coordinate.getHeight()); } return (coordinate.getX() < 0 || coordinate.getY() < 0); } /** * Get the correct View for this particular activity. * * @param fieldForm either "image", "audio", or default text. Describes how this XPath result should be displayed. * @param rowData The actual data to display, either an XPath to media or a String to display. */ private View getView(Context context, GridStyle style, String fieldForm, String rowData, ViewId uniqueId, String searchField, int maxWidth, int maxHeight) { // How the text should be aligned horizontally - left, center, or right String horzAlign = style.getHorzAlign(); // How the text should be aligned vertically - top, center, or bottom String vertAlign = style.getVertAlign(); View retVal; switch (fieldForm) { case EntityView.FORM_IMAGE: retVal = new ImageView(context); setScaleType((ImageView)retVal, horzAlign); // make the image's padding proportional to its size retVal.setPadding(maxWidth / 6, maxHeight / 6, maxWidth / 6, maxHeight / 6); if (rowData != null && !rowData.equals("")) { if (mImageLoader != null) { mImageLoader.display(rowData, ((ImageView)retVal), R.drawable.info_bubble, maxWidth, maxHeight); } else { Bitmap b = MediaUtil.inflateDisplayImage(getContext(), rowData, maxWidth, maxHeight, true); ((ImageView)retVal).setImageBitmap(b); } } break; case EntityView.FORM_AUDIO: boolean isButtonVisible = rowData != null && rowData.length() > 0; retVal = new AudioPlaybackButton(context, rowData, uniqueId, isButtonVisible); break; default: retVal = new TextView(context); //the html spanner currently does weird stuff like converts "a a" into "a a" //so we've gotta mirror that for the search text. Booooo. I dunno if there's any //other other side effects (newlines? nbsp?) String htmlIfiedSearchField = searchField == null ? null : MarkupUtil.getSpannable(searchField).toString(); String cssid = style.getCssID(); if (cssid != null && !cssid.equals("none")) { // user defined a style we want to use Spannable mSpannable = MarkupUtil.getCustomSpannable(cssid, rowData); EntityView.highlightSearches(searchTerms, mSpannable, htmlIfiedSearchField, mFuzzySearchEnabled, mIsAsynchronous); ((TextView)retVal).setText(mSpannable); } else { // just process inline markup Spannable mSpannable = MarkupUtil.returnCSS(rowData); EntityView.highlightSearches(searchTerms, mSpannable, htmlIfiedSearchField, mFuzzySearchEnabled, mIsAsynchronous); ((TextView)retVal).setText(mSpannable); } int gravity = computeGravity(horzAlign, vertAlign); if (gravity != 0) { ((TextView)retVal).setGravity(gravity); } // handle text resizing switch (style.getFontSize()) { case "large": ((TextView)retVal).setTextSize(LARGE_FONT / DENSITY); break; case "small": ((TextView)retVal).setTextSize(SMALL_FONT / DENSITY); break; case "medium": ((TextView)retVal).setTextSize(MEDIUM_FONT / DENSITY); break; case "xlarge": ((TextView)retVal).setTextSize(XLARGE_FONT / DENSITY); break; } } return retVal; } private static int computeGravity(String horzAlign, String vertAlign) { int gravity = 0; // handle horizontal alignments switch (horzAlign) { case "center": gravity |= Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL; break; case "left": gravity |= Gravity.LEFT; break; case "right": gravity |= Gravity.RIGHT; break; } // handle vertical alignment switch (vertAlign) { case "center": gravity |= Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL; break; case "top": gravity |= Gravity.TOP; break; case "bottom": gravity |= Gravity.BOTTOM; break; } return gravity; } private static void setScaleType(ImageView imageView, String horizontalAlignment) { switch (horizontalAlignment) { case "center": imageView.setScaleType(ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE); break; case "left": imageView.setScaleType(ScaleType.FIT_START); break; case "right": imageView.setScaleType(ScaleType.FIT_END); break; } } public void setSearchTerms(String[] currentSearchTerms) { this.searchTerms = currentSearchTerms; } public void setTextColor(int color) { for (View rowView : mFieldViews) { if (rowView instanceof TextView) { ((TextView)rowView).setTextColor(color); } } } public void setTitleTextColor(int color) { for (View rowView : mFieldViews) { if (rowView instanceof TextView) { ((TextView)rowView).setTextColor(color); return; } } } private boolean tileBeingShownInGridView() { return numTilesPerRow > 1; } private void setPaddingIfNotInGridView() { if (!tileBeingShownInGridView()) { setPadding(DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_HORIZONTAL, DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_VERTICAL, DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_HORIZONTAL, DEFAULT_TILE_PADDING_VERTICAL); } } }