/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Vivid Solutions. * * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * and Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which accompanies this distribution. * The Eclipse Public License is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at * * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php. */ package org.locationtech.jts.operation.overlay.snap; import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.locationtech.jts.operation.overlay.OverlayOp; import org.locationtech.jts.precision.CommonBitsRemover; /** * Performs an overlay operation using snapping and enhanced precision * to improve the robustness of the result. * This class <i>always</i> uses snapping. * This is less performant than the standard JTS overlay code, * and may even introduce errors which were not present in the original data. * For this reason, this class should only be used * if the standard overlay code fails to produce a correct result. * * @author Martin Davis * @version 1.7 */ public class SnapOverlayOp { public static Geometry overlayOp(Geometry g0, Geometry g1, int opCode) { SnapOverlayOp op = new SnapOverlayOp(g0, g1); return op.getResultGeometry(opCode); } public static Geometry intersection(Geometry g0, Geometry g1) { return overlayOp(g0, g1, OverlayOp.INTERSECTION); } public static Geometry union(Geometry g0, Geometry g1) { return overlayOp(g0, g1, OverlayOp.UNION); } public static Geometry difference(Geometry g0, Geometry g1) { return overlayOp(g0, g1, OverlayOp.DIFFERENCE); } public static Geometry symDifference(Geometry g0, Geometry g1) { return overlayOp(g0, g1, OverlayOp.SYMDIFFERENCE); } private Geometry[] geom = new Geometry[2]; private double snapTolerance; public SnapOverlayOp(Geometry g1, Geometry g2) { geom[0] = g1; geom[1] = g2; computeSnapTolerance(); } private void computeSnapTolerance() { snapTolerance = GeometrySnapper.computeOverlaySnapTolerance(geom[0], geom[1]); // System.out.println("Snap tol = " + snapTolerance); } public Geometry getResultGeometry(int opCode) { // Geometry[] selfSnapGeom = new Geometry[] { selfSnap(geom[0]), selfSnap(geom[1])}; Geometry[] prepGeom = snap(geom); Geometry result = OverlayOp.overlayOp(prepGeom[0], prepGeom[1], opCode); return prepareResult(result); } private Geometry selfSnap(Geometry geom) { GeometrySnapper snapper0 = new GeometrySnapper(geom); Geometry snapGeom = snapper0.snapTo(geom, snapTolerance); //System.out.println("Self-snapped: " + snapGeom); //System.out.println(); return snapGeom; } private Geometry[] snap(Geometry[] geom) { Geometry[] remGeom = removeCommonBits(geom); // MD - testing only // Geometry[] remGeom = geom; Geometry[] snapGeom = GeometrySnapper.snap(remGeom[0], remGeom[1], snapTolerance); // MD - may want to do this at some point, but it adds cycles // checkValid(snapGeom[0]); // checkValid(snapGeom[1]); /* System.out.println("Snapped geoms: "); System.out.println(snapGeom[0]); System.out.println(snapGeom[1]); */ return snapGeom; } private Geometry prepareResult(Geometry geom) { cbr.addCommonBits(geom); return geom; } private CommonBitsRemover cbr; private Geometry[] removeCommonBits(Geometry[] geom) { cbr = new CommonBitsRemover(); cbr.add(geom[0]); cbr.add(geom[1]); Geometry remGeom[] = new Geometry[2]; remGeom[0] = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom[0].clone()); remGeom[1] = cbr.removeCommonBits((Geometry) geom[1].clone()); return remGeom; } private void checkValid(Geometry g) { if (! g.isValid()) { System.out.println("Snapped geometry is invalid"); } } }