/** * Copyright (c) 2003-2009, Xith3D Project Group all rights reserved. * * Portions based on the Java3D interface, Copyright by Sun Microsystems. * Many thanks to the developers of Java3D and Sun Microsystems for their * innovation and design. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of the 'Xith3D Project Group' nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) A * RISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE */ package org.xith3d.schedops.movement; import org.openmali.vecmath2.Vector3f; import org.xith3d.loop.UpdatingThread.TimingMode; import org.xith3d.scenegraph.Transformable; import org.xith3d.utility.interpolate.DistanceInterpolater; /** * This class is useful to automatically translate a branch in your scenegraph. * Unlike the TranslatableGroup it translates a foreign group and does not * extend TransformGroup itself. * * @author Marvin Froehlich (aka Qudus) */ public class GroupTranslator extends GroupAnimator { private DistanceInterpolater distX, distY, distZ, distU; private Vector3f transVec = new Vector3f(); /** * @return a reference to this group's AngleInterpolater object. * * @param axis the axis to get the AngleInterpolater for */ protected DistanceInterpolater getDistanceInterpolater( TransformationDirectives.Axes axis ) { if ( axis == null ) { return ( distU ); } switch ( axis ) { case X_AXIS: return ( distX ); case Y_AXIS: return ( distY ); case Z_AXIS: return ( distZ ); default: return ( null ); } } /** * @return the current translation value [0; 2*pi] of the specified axis * * @param axis the axis to get the AngleInterpolater for * @param gameMicros the time to get the value at */ protected float getTranslationValue( TransformationDirectives.Axes axis, long gameMicros ) { return ( getDistanceInterpolater( axis ).getValue( gameMicros ) ); } /** * Starts the animation of this object. */ @Override public void startAnimation( long gameTime, TimingMode timingMode ) { final long micros = timingMode.getMicroSeconds( gameTime ); if ( getTransformationDirectives().getUserAxis() == null ) { distX.startIncreasing( micros ); distY.startIncreasing( micros ); distZ.startIncreasing( micros ); } else { distU.startIncreasing( micros ); } super.startAnimation( gameTime, timingMode ); } /** * Stops the animation of this object. */ @Override public void stopAnimation() { if ( getTransformationDirectives().getUserAxis() == null ) { distX.stop(); distY.stop(); distZ.stop(); } else { distU.stop(); } super.stopAnimation(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean animate( long gameTime, long frameTime, TimingMode timingMode ) { if ( !isAnimating() || ( getNumTransformNodes() == 0 ) ) return ( false ); final long micros = timingMode.getMicroSeconds( gameTime ); if ( getTransformationDirectives().isDirty() ) { setTransformationDirectives( getTransformationDirectives() ); } if ( getTransformationDirectives().getUserAxis() == null ) { transVec.setX( distX.getValue( micros ) ); transVec.setY( distY.getValue( micros ) ); transVec.setZ( distZ.getValue( micros ) ); } else { transVec.set( getTransformationDirectives().getUserAxis() ); transVec.scale( distU.getValue( micros ) ); } t3dMain.setTranslation( transVec ); this.setTransform( t3dMain ); return ( true ); } /** * Changes the TransformationDirectives used by this TranslatableGroup * * @param transDirecs the new TransformationDirectives */ @Override public void setTransformationDirectives( TransformationDirectives transDirecs ) { if ( transDirecs == null ) return; if ( transDirecs.getUserAxis() == null ) { if ( distX != null ) { distX.setValue( transDirecs.getInitValueX() ); distX.setSpeed( transDirecs.getSpeedX() ); } else distX = new DistanceInterpolater( transDirecs.getInitValueX(), transDirecs.getSpeedX(), 0.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE ); if ( distY != null ) { distY.setValue( transDirecs.getInitValueY() ); distY.setSpeed( transDirecs.getSpeedY() ); } else distY = new DistanceInterpolater( transDirecs.getInitValueY(), transDirecs.getSpeedY(), 0.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE ); if ( distZ != null ) { distZ.setValue( transDirecs.getInitValueZ() ); distZ.setSpeed( transDirecs.getSpeedZ() ); } else distZ = new DistanceInterpolater( transDirecs.getInitValueZ(), transDirecs.getSpeedZ(), 0.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE ); this.distU = null; } else { this.distX = null; this.distY = null; this.distZ = null; if ( distU != null ) { distU.setValue( transDirecs.getInitValueUser() ); distU.setSpeed( transDirecs.getSpeedUser() ); } else distU = new DistanceInterpolater( transDirecs.getInitValueUser(), transDirecs.getSpeedUser(), 0.0f, Float.MAX_VALUE ); } super.setTransformationDirectives( transDirecs ); transDirecs.setClean(); } /** * Creates a new GroupTranslator with the given TransformationDirectives in use * * @param tn the TransformNode to rotate * @param transDirecs the new TransformationDirectives */ public GroupTranslator( Transformable tn, TransformationDirectives transDirecs ) { super( tn, transDirecs ); } /** * Creates a new GroupTranslator with the given TransformationDirectives in use * * @param transDirecs the new TransformationDirectives */ public GroupTranslator( TransformationDirectives transDirecs ) { super( transDirecs ); } /** * Creates a new GroupTranslator with default TransformationDirectives in use */ public GroupTranslator( Transformable tn ) { this( tn, new TransformationDirectives() ); } }