package; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders.get; import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.setup.MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.nextprot.api.commons.utils.XmlComparator; import org.nextprot.api.web.dbunit.base.mvc.MVCBaseIntegrationTest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles; import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc; import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.RequestBuilder; import org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import difflib.Delta; /** * Class used for testing Genomic Mapping controller * * @author pam */ @Ignore @ActiveProfiles("pam") public class EntryXmlTest extends MVCBaseIntegrationTest { @Autowired private WebApplicationContext wac; private MockMvc mockMvc; private String[] acs = { "NX_P01308", "NX_Q9NRR5", "NX_P48730", "NX_P06213", "NX_P08631", "NX_P11362", "NX_P00519", "NX_P21802", "NX_P00533", "NX_P36897", "NX_P22607", "NX_P35968", "NX_P05067", "NX_P29590", "NX_P54646", "NX_Q13131", "NX_O95271", "NX_P00387", "NX_P18074", "NX_P01130", "NX_Q03001", "NX_P27695", "NX_P04629", "NX_P31749", "NX_Q9Y2W7", "NX_P17948", "NX_Q15303", "NX_Q02763", "NX_P03372", "NX_P13497", "NX_Q8NBP7", "NX_P37173", "NX_P04637", "NX_Q06187", "NX_Q16620", "NX_P46531", "NX_O15146", "NX_P09619", "NX_P12931", "NX_P38398", "NX_P31751" }; private String currentAC = acs[0]; private Document oldDoc; private Document newDoc; @Before public void setup() { try { this.mockMvc = webAppContextSetup(this.wac).build(); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // http://uat-dbint:8080/db/search/export?ac=NX_Q9Y6V7,NX_Q9Y6X4,NX_Q9Y6Y8&type=xml public String oldServerBaseUrl = "http://uat-web1:8080/db/search/export"; public void memStatus(String msg) { System.out.println(msg + ": " + "memory max: " + Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024 + "M" + " - free: " + Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory() / 1024 / 1024 + "M" + " - tot: " + Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() / 1024 / 1024 + "M"); } public Document getOldXMLDocument(String ac) throws Exception { URL url = new URL(oldServerBaseUrl + "?ac=" + ac + "&type=xml"); System.out.println("Old URL is: " + url + "\n..."); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setRequestMethod("GET"); DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); InputStream in = conn.getInputStream(); Document xmlDocument = builder.parse(in); in.close(); return xmlDocument; } public Document getNewXMLDocument(String ac) throws Exception { String url = "/entry/" + ac + ".xml"; RequestBuilder rb = get(url); System.out.println("New URL is: " + url); // String s = // this.mockMvc.perform(rb).andReturn().getResponse().getContentAsString(); InputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(this.mockMvc.perform(rb).andReturn().getResponse().getContentAsByteArray()); // System.out.println("XML begins like: " + s.substring(0,200)); DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document xmlDocument = builder.parse(in); return xmlDocument; } @Test public void testUniqueName() throws Exception { XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); String oldS, newS; newS = (String) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/@uniqueName", newDoc, XPathConstants.STRING); oldS = (String) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/@uniqueName", oldDoc, XPathConstants.STRING); assertEquals("uniqueName", oldS, newS); } /* * There are still errors with acs[1], Daniel is working on it (pam, * 10.07.2013) */ @Test public void testAnnotationsContent() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); NodeList oldNl = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < oldNl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = oldNl.item(i); String categ = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("category").getNodeValue(); // if (!categ.equals("function")) continue; // NodeList oldList = (NodeList) // xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" // + categ + "']/annotation", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); NodeList newList = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" + categ + "']/annotation", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" + categ + "']", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" + categ + "']", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean maskErrors = false; boolean maskNewFeatures = true; boolean maskOldFeatures = true; boolean showTrees = true; boolean stopAfterFirstError = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern // with no chance to be // found if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("go biological process")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description"; // ERROR missing // in new XML // (=cvname) ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("go molecular function")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description"; // ERROR missing // in new XML // (=cvname) ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("function")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("enzyme regulation")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("miscellaneous")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("caution")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("catalytic activity")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("sequence variant")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description-#cdata-section=in [leprch:uniprot_disease:di-01890"; if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description-#cdata-section=missing in [leprch:uniprot_disease:di-01890"; // ERROR with NX_P06213 with annotation-uniqueName=VAR_015913: // new = annotation-description-#cdata-section=in // [leprch:uniprot_disease:di-01890] // old = annotation-description-#cdata-section=missing in // [leprch:uniprot_disease:di-01890] if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-attr-uniquename"; // ERROR: // uniqueName // missing // in new // XML if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|property-attr-propertyname=mutation AA"; // new // feature // ? if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|property-attr-accession"; // new feature ? if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|property-attr-propertyname=disease"; // new // feature // ? if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|property-attr-propertyvalue"; // values // for new // features if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties-property"; // container // for // new // features if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // container for // new features } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("disease")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? // ERROR: Escape codes in CDATA // Example: // "[-annotationList-annotation-description+ name:#cdata-section - value:Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome (FASPS) [MIM:604348]: Characterized by very early sleep onset and offset. Individuals are 'morning larks' with a 4 hours advance of the sleep, temperature and melatonin rhythms. Note=The disease is caused by mutations affecting the gene represented in this entry.]" // + // "[-annotationList-annotation-description+ name:#cdata-section - value:Familial advanced sleep-phase syndrome (FASPS) [MIM:604348]: Characterized by very early sleep onset and offset. Individuals are 'morning larks' with a 4 hours advance of the sleep, temperature and melatonin rhythms. Note=The disease is caused by mutations affecting the gene represented in this entry.]]"; } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("expression info")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new features: // antibody acc, // integration // level // Example: // <properties> // <property propertyName="antibody acc" // propertyValue="CAB015410"/> // <property propertyName="integrationLevel" // propertyValue="single"/> // </properties> } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("developmental stage")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("mature protein")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-attr-uniquename"; // ERROR: // uniqueName // attribute // missing // in new // format // Example: // <annotationList category="mature protein"> // <annotation qualityQualifier="GOLD" // uniqueName="PRO_0000192833-2"> } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("PTM")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("subunit")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? // if (maskEscapeCharsInCDATA) // lines2Ignore+="|annotation-description-#cdata-section=tetramer of 2 alpha and 2 beta chains"; // // ERROR: escape chars in new XML description with // NX_P06213 } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("subcellular location")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description"; // ERROR missing // in new XML // (=cvname) ? if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties-property-attr-value"; // ERROR: // attribute // value // becomes // propertyValue // in // new // XML, // see // NX_P06213 if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties-property-attr-propertyvalue"; } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("go cellular component")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description"; // ERROR missing // in new XML // (=cvname) ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("subcellular location info")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("tissue specificity")) { if (maskOldFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation"; // ERROR: missing // annotation-description // new feature: propertyName=rank ? if (maskOldFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-experimentalEvidences"; // apparently // this // won't // be // present // in // the // new // xml // ERROR: too many annotation-evidences... // ERROR: missing annotation-properties... // new feature: annotation-isoformSpecificity ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("pharmaceutical")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("maturation peptide")) { if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-attr-uniquename"; // ERROR // missing // uniqueName // attribute } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("sequence caution")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? // new feature: // propertyName=conflict // type ? if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description"; // ERROR missing // description // element } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("transmembrane region")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName="region structure" // propertyValue="Helical" // ? if (maskErrors) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-description"; // ERROR missing // description // element } else if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("domain information")) { if (maskNewFeatures) lines2Ignore += "|annotation-properties"; // new feature: // propertyName=rank // ? } XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, true); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, true); boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("annotations type:" + categ + " ", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, false, true); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + ": content of annotation category: " + categ + " - " + newList.getLength() + " annotation(s)"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: content of annotation type " + categ + " is not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); if (stopAfterFirstError) break; } } System.out.println("currentAC was:" + currentAC); if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testForAll() throws Exception { boolean skip = false; for (String ac : this.acs) { if (ac.equalsIgnoreCase("skfsjhf")) skip = false; if (skip) { System.out.println("skipping tests on " + ac); continue; } memStatus(""); this.currentAC = ac; this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); // testKeywordsContent(); // testIsoformsContent(); // testChromosomalLocationsContent(); // testInteractionsContent(); testPublicationsContent(); } } /* * OK, 23.07.2013 using acs list used by testForAll() */ @Test public void testKeywordsContent() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/keywords", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/keywords", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with // no chance to be found // 2 differences: // 1) some keywords are repeated in the old version, the problem is in // thus in the old version // to remove KW repetitions in this test, I remove identical lines // produced by the XmlComparator (sortUnique=true) // 2) some KW are ignored in the old version, probably related to // contentconfig, excerpt: // Amos confirms that KW-1185 et KW-0181 must NOT be included in the XML lines2Ignore += "|kw-1185"; // Amos said this keyword one has to be // banned as well and the old XML contains // it (i.e. // http://uat-web1:8080/db/search/export?ac=NX_Q9NRR5&type=xml) XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, true, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, true, false); boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("keywords", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, true, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " keywords"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " keywords are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } /* * OK: 31.07.2013 - works for all acs in list - fixed ERROR: 29.07.2013 database attribute & url sub element of intractant of external interactants (uniprot...) * OK: 25.07.2013 works for NX_Q9NRR5 */ @Test public void testInteractionsContent() throws Exception { int a = 2; if (1 == a) { String s = "aa|bb||c"; String[] list = s.split("\\|"); for (int i = 0; i < list.length; i++) System.out.println(list[i]); System.exit(0); } StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/interactions", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/interactions", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = false; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with // no chance to be found // lines2Ignore += "|uniquename"; // solved error 1 // lines2Ignore += "|query=ida"; // remove new URL form for self // interaction (error 2 and 3) lines2Ignore += "|711226,ebi-711226"; // removes old URL form of self interaction (error 2 and 3) lines2Ignore += "|1028277,EBI-1028277"; // removes self interaction of NX_P11362 lines2Ignore += "|1028658,ebi-1028658"; // removes self interaction of NX_P21802 lines2Ignore += "|297353,ebi-297353"; // removes self interaction of NX_P00533 lines2Ignore += "|348399,ebi-348399"; // removes self interaction of NX_P22607 lines2Ignore += "|821758,ebi-821758"; // removes self interaction of NX_P05067 lines2Ignore += "|295890,ebi-295890"; // removes self interaction of NX_P29590 lines2Ignore += "|1383852,ebi-1383852"; // removes self interaction of NX_P54646 lines2Ignore += "|1181405,ebi-1181405"; // removes self interaction of NX_Q13131 lines2Ignore += "|1048805,ebi-1048805"; // removes self interaction of NX_P27695 lines2Ignore += "|296087,ebi-296087"; // removes self interaction of NX_P31749 lines2Ignore += "|78473,ebi-78473"; // removes self interaction of NX_P03372 lines2Ignore += "|366083,ebi-366083"; // removes self interaction of NX_P04637 lines2Ignore += "|624835,ebi-624835"; // removes self interaction of NX_Q06187 lines2Ignore += "|3904881,ebi-3904881"; // removes self interaction of NX_Q16620 lines2Ignore += "|636374,ebi-636374"; // removes self interaction of NX_P46531 lines2Ignore += "|621482,ebi-621482"; // removes self interaction of NX_P12931 lines2Ignore += "|349905,ebi-349905"; // removes self interaction of NX_P38398 // FIXED: ERROR 1: unique name is always the name of the AC of the // entry, 2 interactants elements should be given if interaction is not // a self interaction // FIXED: ERROR 2: URL built doesn't work for self interactions (we get // all the interactions of the entry). Would be better to xref the // interaction AC // FIXED: ERROR 3: self interaction not in the list but we need to // ignore the special url created in this case for the comparison to // work // FIXED: ERROR: interactions with trEMBL partner are listed in new XML // but not in old one. if (oldN==null && newN==null) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " has no interactions"); return; } XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); String oldUrlPart = "intact/search/do/search"; // found in old XML String newUrlPart = "intact/pages/interactions/interactions.xhtml"; // found // in // new // xml String oldUnamePart = "nx_"; String newUnamePart = "(empty)"; String targets = oldUrlPart + "|" + oldUnamePart; String replacs = newUrlPart + "|" + newUnamePart; boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("interactions", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, true); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " interactions"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " interactions are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) { fail(errMsg.toString()); } } /* * ERROR: 31.07.2013 * - some unexpected properties * - some incomplete urls */ @Test public void testXrefsContent() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/xrefs", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/xrefs", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with no chance to be found // db names known not to be present in old XML according to Mario lines2Ignore +="|DMDM|DNASU|GeneCards|GeneID|GenomeRNAi|HGNC|HPRD|KO|NextBio|PaxDb|SignaLink|Unigene"; // db names not found by pam in old XML lines2Ignore +="|Allergome|CTD|NCBI|ChEMBL|EvolutionaryTrace"; // --------------------------- NX_P01308 ----------------------------- // ERRORS ? lines2Ignore += "|xrefs-xref-properties-property-attr-propertyname=match status"; // never found in old XML of NX_P01308 lines2Ignore += "|xrefs-xref-properties-property-attr-propertyname=organism name"; // never found in old XML of NX_P01308 lines2Ignore += "|xrefs-xref-properties-property-attr-propertyname=status"; // never found in old XML of NX_P01308 // ERRORS !: //for NX_P01308, new XML: <![CDATA[ ]]> //for NX_P01308, old XML: <![CDATA[ ]]> //lines2Ignore += "|database=oma"; // found in NX_P01308 // for NX_P01308, new XML: // for NX_P01308, old XML: lines2Ignore += "|database=hogenom"; // found in NX_P01308 // for NX_P01308, new XML: // for NX_P01308, new XML: lines2Ignore += "|database=hovergen"; // NX_P01308 // --------------------------- NX_Q9NRR5 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore += "|database=orthodb"; // wrong URL in new XML of NX_Q9NRR5 lines2Ignore += "|databases-attr-database=mim-attr-id=1481802"; // xref not found in old xml lines2Ignore += "|other-attr-database=chitars-attr-id=27985321"; // xref not found in old xml // --------------------------- NX_P48730 ----------------------------- lines2Ignore += "|database=mim-attr-id=1609708"; // xref not found in old xml lines2Ignore += "|accession= and pathway databases-attr-database=brenda-attr-id=964246"; // incomplete url & extra property lines2Ignore += "|attr-accession=csnk1d-attr-category=other-attr-database=chitars-attr-id=28003577"; // xref not found in old url if (oldN==null && newN==null) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " has no xrefs"); return; } XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); String targets = ""; String replacs = ""; List<Delta> deltas = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2AndGetDeltas("xrefs", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, true); boolean result = true; for (Delta d: deltas) { if (! d.toString().contains("ChangeDelta, position: 0") && ! d.toString().contains("03|-xrefs-xref-properties, 03|-xrefs-xref-properties, 03|-xrefs-xref-properties") && // for NX_P01308 ! d.toString().contains("[03|-xrefs-xref-properties, 03|-xrefs-xref-properties") && // for NX_Q9NRR5 && ! d.toString().contains("03|-xrefs-xref-url") ) { System.out.println("DELTA=" + d.toString()); result = false; } } System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " xrefs"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " xrefs are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) { fail(errMsg.toString()); } } @Test public void testIdentifiersContent() throws Exception { //TODO Daniel and Mario StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/identifiers", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/identifiers", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with no chance to be found // to remove a line from the comparison add a sub-string the line contains // if multiple patterns are used, separate them with | // --------------------------- NX_P01308 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; // --------------------------- NX_Q9NRR5 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; // --------------------------- NX_P48730 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; if (oldN==null && newN==null) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " has no identifiers"); return; } // 2 lines below just to show trees the way you want in console, no side effect XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); // if some differences are found and you want to hide them because they are not significant // you can TRANSFORM the content of the lines generated based by replacing some substring with another String targets = "uniprotkb"; // uniprot database official name is actually UniProKB => keep this difference is okay String replacs = "uniprot"; // List<Delta> deltas = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2AndGetDeltas("identifiers", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, true); boolean result = true; for (Delta d: deltas) { // if you want to ignore some deltas found because they are not significant do it in if condition below if (! d.toString().contains("ChangeDelta, position: 0") // this change is never significant ) { System.out.println("DELTA=" + d.toString()); result = false; } } System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " identifiers"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " identifiers are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) { fail(errMsg.toString()); } } @Test public void testPublicationsContent() throws Exception { //TODO Daniel and Mario StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/publications", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/publications", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with no chance to be found // to remove a line from the comparison add a sub-string the line contains // if multiple patterns are used, separate them with | // --------------------------- NX_P01308 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; // --------------------------- NX_Q9NRR5 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; // --------------------------- NX_P48730 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; if (oldN==null && newN==null) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " has no publications"); return; } // 2 lines below just to show trees the way you want in console, no side effect XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); // if some differences are found and you want to hide them because they are not significant // you can TRANSFORM the content of the lines generated based by replacing some substring with another String targets = "."; // we remove dots String replacs = "(empty)"; // and replace them with empty string List<Delta> deltas = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2AndGetDeltas("publications", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, true); boolean result = true; for (Delta d: deltas) { // if you want to ignore some deltas found because they are not significant do it in if condition below if (! d.toString().contains("ChangeDelta, position: 0") // this change is never significant ) { System.out.println("DELTA=" + d.toString()); result = false; } } System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " publications"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " publications are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) { fail(errMsg.toString()); } } @Test public void testPublicationsSubcontent() throws Exception { //TODO Daniel and Mario StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/publications", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/publications", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with no chance to be found // to remove a line from the comparison add a sub-string the line contains // if multiple patterns are used, separate them with | // --------------------------- NX_P01308 ----------------------------- lines2Ignore +="|publication-title"; // --------------------------- NX_Q9NRR5 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; // --------------------------- NX_P48730 ----------------------------- //lines2Ignore +="|..."; if (oldN==null && newN==null) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " has no publications"); return; } // 2 lines below just to show trees the way you want in console, no side effect XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, false, showTrees, false, false); // if some differences are found and you want to hide them because they are not significant // you can TRANSFORM the content of the lines generated based by replacing some substring with another String targets = "."; // we remove dots String replacs = "(empty)"; // and replace them with empty string List<Delta> deltas = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2AndGetDeltas("publications", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, true); boolean result = true; for (Delta d: deltas) { // if you want to ignore some deltas found because they are not significant do it in if condition below if (! d.toString().contains("ChangeDelta, position: 0") // this change is never significant ) { System.out.println("DELTA=" + d.toString()); result = false; } } System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " publications"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " publications are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) { fail(errMsg.toString()); } } /* * OK: 25.07.2013 using acs list used by testForAll() */ @Test public void testIsoformsContent() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/isoforms", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/isoforms", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with // no chance to be found // lines2Ignore += "|something to ignore"; XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, false); String targets = "swissprotdislayedisoform"; // spelling error in old // XML String replacs = "swissprotdisplayedisoform"; // correct spelling in new // XML boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("isoforms", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, true, false, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " isoforms"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " isoforms are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } /* * OK: 25.07.2013 using acs list used by testForAll() */ @Test public void testChromosomalLocationsContent() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/chromosomalLocations", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/chromosomalLocations", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with // no chance to be found // lines2Ignore += "|something to ignore"; XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, false); String targets = null; String replacs = null; boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("chromosomalLocations", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " chromosomalLocations"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " chromosomalLocations are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testGenomicMappingsContent() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/genomicMappings", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/genomicMappings", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); if (oldN == null && newN == null) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " genomicMappings"); return; } // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean showTrees = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern with // no chance to be found // lines2Ignore += "|something to ignore"; XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, false); XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, showTrees, false, false); String targets = null; String replacs = null; boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("genomicMappings", lines2Ignore, targets, replacs, oldN, newN, false, false, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " genomicMappings"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " genomicMappings are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testProteinExistence() throws Exception { // exemples au 10.07.2013 // level 1: "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_A0AUZ9", // level 2: "NX_B7Z6K7", "NX_P86496", // level 3: "NX_P0CG01", "NX_B4DJY2", // level 4: "NX_A4D0T2", "NX_A4D263", // level 5: "NX_Q9BYX7", "NX_Q9Y4M8" String[] specACs = { "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_A0AUZ9", "NX_B7Z6K7", "NX_P86496", "NX_P0CG01", "NX_B4DJY2", "NX_A4D0T2", "NX_A4D263", "NX_Q9BYX7", "NX_Q9Y4M8" }; StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer infoMsg = new StringBuffer(""); for (String ac : specACs) { this.currentAC = ac; this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/proteinExistence", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/proteinExistence", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean maskErrors = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern // with no chance to be // found if (maskErrors) { // lines2Ignore += "|something to hide"; } List<String> lines; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) infoMsg.append(l + "\n"); lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) infoMsg.append(l + "\n"); boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("proteinExistence", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, true, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " proteinExistence"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " proteinExistence are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } System.out.println(infoMsg.toString()); if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } /* * OK, 23.07.2013 fails on the 11.07.2013 still fails on the 17.07.2013 even * after patch on view synonyms of type "enzyme name" should be added to the * view_master_identifier_names queried by the service (see with Anne) see * old XML of NX_P48730 for XML structure to create */ @Test public void testProteinNames() throws Exception { String[] specACs = { "NX_P48730", "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_A0AUZ9", "NX_P18074", "NX_P01130", "NX_Q03001", "NX_P27695" }; // OK; // 23.07.2013 // String[] specACs = {"NX_P48730"}; StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer infoMsg = new StringBuffer(""); for (String ac : specACs) { this.currentAC = ac; this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/proteinNames", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/proteinNames", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean maskErrors = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern // with no chance to be // found if (maskErrors) { // lines2Ignore += "|something to hide"; } List<String> lines; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) infoMsg.append(l + "\n"); lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) infoMsg.append(l + "\n"); boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("proteinNames", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, false, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " proteinNames"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " proteinNames are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } System.out.println(infoMsg.toString()); if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testHistory() throws Exception { /* * String[] specACs = {"NX_P48730", "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_P00519", * "NX_P21802", "NX_P00533", "NX_P36897", "NX_P22607", "NX_P35968", * "NX_P05067", "NX_P29590", "NX_P54646", "NX_Q13131", "NX_O95271", * "NX_P00387", "NX_P18074", "NX_P01130", "NX_Q03001", "NX_P27695", * "NX_A0AUZ9"}; */ String[] specACs = { "NX_P00533", "NX_P48730", "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_P00519", "NX_P01130", "NX_Q03001", "NX_P27695" }; // OK, // 23.07.2013 StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer infoMsg = new StringBuffer(""); for (String ac : specACs) { this.currentAC = ac; this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/history", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/history", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean maskErrors = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern // with no chance to be // found String m = ""; if (maskErrors) { // lines2Ignore += "|something to hide"; } boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("history", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, false, false); if (result) { System.out.println("OK: " + currentAC + " history"); infoMsg.append("OK: " + currentAC + " history\n"); } else { System.out.println("ERROR: " + currentAC + " history"); m = "ERROR: " + currentAC + " history"; List<String> lines; m = m + "\nDetails:\n"; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) m = m + "\n" + l; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) m = m + "\n" + l; } if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } System.out.println("Summary:"); System.out.println(infoMsg.toString()); if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testGeneNames() throws Exception { // exemples au 11.07.2013 /* * String[] specACs = {"NX_P48730", "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_P00519", * "NX_P21802", "NX_P00533", "NX_P36897", "NX_P22607", "NX_P35968", * "NX_P05067", "NX_P29590", "NX_P54646", "NX_Q13131", "NX_O95271", * "NX_P00387", "NX_P18074", "NX_P01130", "NX_Q03001", "NX_P27695", * "NX_A0AUZ9"}; */ // String[] specACs = {"NX_P00533"}; // problem UTF-8 ==> solved String[] specACs = { "NX_P48730", "NX_P00533", "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_P00519" }; // OK, // 23.07.2013 StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer infoMsg = new StringBuffer(""); for (String ac : specACs) { this.currentAC = ac; this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/geneNames", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/geneNames", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); // change the values below to help testing / finding the problems boolean maskErrors = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern // with no chance to be // found if (maskErrors) { // lines2Ignore += "|something to hide"; } List<String> lines; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) infoMsg.append(l + "\n"); lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) infoMsg.append(l + "\n"); boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("geneNames", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, false, false); System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " geneNames"); String m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " geneNames are not the same in old XML"; if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } System.out.println(infoMsg.toString()); if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testFamilies() throws Exception { String[] specACs = { "NX_P48730", "NX_A0A5B9", "NX_P00519", "NX_P21802", "NX_P22607", "NX_P35968", "NX_P05067", // "NX_P00533", // "NX_P36897", "NX_P22607", "NX_P35968", "NX_P05067", // "NX_P29590", // "NX_P54646", "NX_Q13131", "NX_O95271", "NX_P00387", // "NX_P18074", "NX_P01130", "NX_Q03001", "NX_P27695", "NX_A0AUZ9" }; // String[] specACs = {"NX_P48730"}; StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); StringBuffer infoMsg = new StringBuffer(""); for (String ac : specACs) { this.currentAC = ac; this.oldDoc = getOldXMLDocument(currentAC); this.newDoc = getNewXMLDocument(currentAC); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); Node oldN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/families", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); Node newN = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/families", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); boolean maskErrors = true; String lines2Ignore = "kdfgjdkfghk"; // keep this value = pattern // with no chance to be // found if (maskErrors) { // lines2Ignore += "|something to hide"; } String m = ""; // special case: if no familes Node is found in old XML whilst a // families Node is found in the new XML // then the test is OK only if the families found has no child // Nodes. if (oldN == null && newN != null) { System.out.println(m); List<String> lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, false, false, false, false); if (lines.size() == 2 && lines.get(1).equalsIgnoreCase("-families")) { String info = "OK: " + currentAC + " families node not found in old XML and found node without children in new XML"; System.out.println(info); infoMsg.append(info + "\n"); } else { m = "ERROR: " + currentAC + " families node not found in old XML but found in new XML"; System.out.println(m); } } else if (oldN != null && newN == null) { m = "ERROR: " + currentAC + " families node found in old XML but not found in new XML"; System.out.println(m); } else if (oldN != null && newN != null) { // change the values below to help testing / finding the // problems boolean result = XmlComparator.compareXmlNodes2("families", lines2Ignore, oldN, newN, false, false); m = result ? "" : "ERROR: " + currentAC + " families are not the same in old XML"; System.out.println((result ? "OK" : "ERROR") + " " + currentAC + " families"); if (result) { infoMsg.append("OK: " + currentAC + " families\n"); } else { m += " - details:"; List<String> lines; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(oldN, "original", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) m = m + "\n" + l; lines = XmlComparator.getNodeTreeAsList2(newN, "revised", lines2Ignore, true, false, false, false); for (String l : lines) m = m + "\n" + l; } } else { System.out.println("OK " + currentAC + ": no families found"); infoMsg.append("OK " + currentAC + ": no families found\n"); } if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } System.out.println("Summary:"); System.out.println(infoMsg.toString()); if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testMissingAnnotationTypes() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); NodeList oldNl = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < oldNl.getLength(); i++) { Node n = oldNl.item(i); String categ = n.getAttributes().getNamedItem("category").getNodeValue(); NodeList list = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" + categ + "']/annotation", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); System.out.println("expected category: " + categ); NodeList list2 = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" + categ + "']/annotation", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); String m = ""; if (list2 == null) { m = "annotationList with category=" + categ + " expected but not found"; System.out.println(m); } else if (list.getLength() != list2.getLength()) { if (categ.equalsIgnoreCase("tissue specificity") && list2.getLength() < list.getLength()) { // in the XML new version, we just include annotations // related to the term explicitly related to it. We don't // generate // annotations for parent terms as done in the old version // of the XML. System.out.println("WARNING: annotationList category=" + categ + " has " + list2.getLength() + " elements but " + list.getLength() + " were expected"); } else { m = "annotationList with category=" + categ + " has " + list2.getLength() + " elements but " + list.getLength() + " were expected"; System.out.println(m); } } else { System.out.println("annotationList category=" + categ + ": OK"); } if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } @Test public void testExtraAnnotationTypes() throws Exception { StringBuffer errMsg = new StringBuffer(""); System.out.println("Starting findExtraAnnotationTypes()"); XPathFactory factory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); XPath xpath = factory.newXPath(); NodeList newNl = (NodeList) xpath.evaluate("/neXtProtExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList", newDoc, XPathConstants.NODESET); for (int i = 0; i < newNl.getLength(); i++) { String categ = newNl.item(i).getAttributes().getNamedItem("category").getNodeValue(); Node n = (Node) xpath.evaluate("/nextprotExport/proteins/protein/annotations/annotationList[@category='" + categ + "']", oldDoc, XPathConstants.NODE); System.out.println("annotationList with category=" + categ + " found"); String m = ""; if (n == null) { // if (categ.equals("") || categ.equals("") || categ.equals("")) // {} m = "annotationList with category=" + categ + " found but not expected !"; System.out.println(m); } else { System.out.println("annotationList with category=" + categ + " was expected: OK"); } if (m.length() > 0) { errMsg.append("\n"); errMsg.append(m); } } if (errMsg.length() > 0) fail(errMsg.toString()); } }