package org.nextprot.api.core.utils.seqmap; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.nextprot.api.commons.constants.AnnotationCategory; import org.nextprot.api.commons.service.MasterIdentifierService; import org.nextprot.api.commons.utils.NucleotidePositionRange; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Entry; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Isoform; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.Annotation; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.AnnotationIsoformSpecificity; import org.nextprot.api.core.service.EntryBuilderService; import org.nextprot.api.core.service.fluent.EntryConfig; import org.nextprot.api.core.test.base.CoreUnitBaseTest; import org.nextprot.api.core.utils.IsoformUtils; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles; import*; import java.util.*; @ActiveProfiles({ "dev" }) public class IsoformSequencePositionMapperIntegrationTest extends CoreUnitBaseTest { private boolean sout = false; @Autowired private EntryBuilderService entryBuilderService; @Autowired private MasterIdentifierService masterIdentifierService; //@Test public void testPropagationForVariantsOfAllEntries() throws Exception { openLogger("testPropagationForVariantsOfAllEntries.log"); Set<String> acs = masterIdentifierService.findUniqueNames(); int cnt=0; int entriesWithErrors=0; boolean working=false; for (String ac: acs) { cnt++; if (working) { if (sout) System.out.println("--- START testing propagation for variants of entry no. " + cnt + ":" + ac); int errorCnt = getErrorsDuringPropagationOnVariantsOfSingleEntry(ac); if (errorCnt>0) entriesWithErrors++; log(new Date() + " - " + cnt + " - " + ac + (errorCnt==0 ? " OK" : " has " +errorCnt + " ERROR(s)")); if (sout) System.out.println("--- END testing propagation for variants of entry no. " + cnt + ":" + ac + (errorCnt==0 ? ": OK":": with " +errorCnt + " ERRORs"));; } if (ac.equals("NX_Q86YS6")) working=true; // start just after last entry tested } log.close(); Assert.assertEquals(0, entriesWithErrors); } /* * * last entry tested so far: NX_Q86YS6 * Known errors so far: * NX_O00555 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_P46937 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_P34810 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_P33527 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q9HB55 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_P19544 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q96NU1 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q8N9B5 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q86UR1 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q9NUA8 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q9P275 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q02078 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_P78324 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q9NPQ8 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q96K49 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q00653 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q9UPQ7 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_O95825 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q86VQ3 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q96QH2 has 1 ERROR(s) NX_Q9UJW3 has 1 ERROR(s) */ //@Test public void testPropagationForVariantsOfNX_P78324() throws Exception { // 1. first know error // TODO see with Anne, fix it or ignore it ! // known error: interpretation // variant 129 PD->D should not project on iso-4 because the P at 129 is at the end of an exon // the deletion is at the border of an exon ? and would impact on splicing ? int errorCnt = getErrorsDuringPropagationOnVariantsOfSingleEntry("NX_P78324"); Assert.assertEquals(0, errorCnt); } @Test public void testPropagationForVariantsOfNX_P20591() throws Exception { int errorCnt = getErrorsDuringPropagationOnVariantsOfSingleEntry("NX_P20591"); Assert.assertEquals(0, errorCnt); } @Test public void testPropagationForVariantsOfNX_O15503() throws Exception { int errorCnt = getErrorsDuringPropagationOnVariantsOfSingleEntry("NX_O15503"); Assert.assertEquals(0, errorCnt); } @Test public void testPropagationForVariantsOfNX_P05019() throws Exception { int errorCnt = getErrorsDuringPropagationOnVariantsOfSingleEntry("NX_P05019"); Assert.assertEquals(0, errorCnt); } @Test public void testSingleVariantWithInvalidNucleotideIndice() throws Exception { String entry_ac = "NX_O00115"; String iso_ac = "NX_O00115-1"; String variant_ac = "AN_O00115_000472"; Entry entry =; for (Annotation a: entry.getAnnotations()) { if (a.getUniqueName().equals(variant_ac)) { int pos = a.getTargetingIsoformsMap().get(iso_ac).getFirstPosition(); Isoform iso = IsoformUtils.getIsoformByName(entry, iso_ac); GeneMasterCodonPosition nuPos = IsoformSequencePositionMapper.getCodonPositionsOnMaster(pos, iso); for (Isoform iso2: entry.getIsoforms()) { if (!iso2.equals(iso)) { CodonNucleotideIndices nuIdx = IsoformSequencePositionMapper.getCodonNucleotideIndices(nuPos, iso2); Assert.assertEquals(false, nuIdx.has3Nucleotides()); // cannot be projected to iso2 Assert.assertEquals(false,nuIdx.areConsecutive()); Assert.assertEquals(false,nuIdx.areInFrame()); Assert.assertNull(nuIdx.getAminoAcidPosition()); } } return; } } Assert.assertTrue(false); } @Test public void testSingleVariantPositionOnMaster() throws Exception { // just to be aware of difference between db info and api info String entry_ac = "NX_P01308"; String iso_ac = "NX_P01308-1"; String variant_ac = "AN_P01308_001839"; int expectedBeginPosOnMaster = 430; Entry entry =; for (Annotation a: entry.getAnnotations()) { if (a.getUniqueName().equals(variant_ac)) { int pos = a.getTargetingIsoformsMap().get(iso_ac).getFirstPosition(); Isoform iso = IsoformUtils.getIsoformByName(entry, iso_ac); GeneMasterCodonPosition nuPos = IsoformSequencePositionMapper.getCodonPositionsOnMaster(pos, iso); if (sout) { System.out.println("isoform position : " + pos); System.out.println("nuPos is valid : " + nuPos.isValid()); System.out.println("master position according to iso mapper service : " + nuPos.getNucleotidePosition(0)); System.out.println("master position according to table identifier_feature_position : " + expectedBeginPosOnMaster); System.out.println("master first_position for Anne : " + (nuPos.getNucleotidePosition(0) - 1)); } // we then have to gie the last_positon to Anne, there are 2 cases: // case 1: original AAs = single AA // => master last_positon fo Anne = first_position for Anne + 3 // case 2: original AAs length has more than one AAs // compute position on master of last AA (same process as above), return nuPos(0)-1 found for iso pos) // we expect a difference of 1 between what we have in db and what we have from api Assert.assertEquals(new Integer(expectedBeginPosOnMaster + 1), new Integer(nuPos.getNucleotidePosition(0))); return; } } Assert.assertTrue(false); /* * SQL to get master position for this variant * select a.unique_name, a.cv_annotation_type_id, pfp.first_pos,pfp.last_pos,ifp.first_pos as master_frist_pos, ifp.last_pos as master_last_pos from sequence_identifiers si inner join annotations a on (a.identifier_id=si.identifier_id) inner join annotation_protein_assoc apa on (a.annotation_id=apa.annotation_id) inner join protein_feature_positions pfp on (apa.assoc_id=pfp.annotation_protein_id) inner join identifier_feature_positions ifp on (ifp.annotation_id=a.annotation_id) where si.unique_name='NX_P01308' and pfp.first_pos=20; SQL result: unique_name cv_annotation_type_id first_pos last_pos master_frist_pos master_last_pos AN_P01308_001839 1027 20 21 430 433 (1 row) */ } public int getErrorsDuringPropagationOnVariantsOfSingleEntry(String entry_ac) throws Exception { Entry entry =; int delCount = 0; int subCount = 0; int insCount = 0; int otherCount = 0; int errorCount = 0; for (Annotation a : entry.getAnnotations()) { if (a.getAPICategory().equals(AnnotationCategory.VARIANT)) { // for each variant annotation String ori = a.getVariant().getOriginal(); String mut = a.getVariant().getVariant(); if (ori.length() == 1 && mut.length() == 1) { subCount++; } else if (ori.length() == 1 && mut.length() == 0) { delCount++; } else if (ori.length() == 0 && mut.length() == 1) { insCount++; } else if (sout){ System.out.println("Other variant:" + a.getUniqueName()); otherCount++; } Map<String, Integer> isoExpectedPos = getExpectedPosForEachIsoform(entry, a); printExpectedPosForEachIsoform(isoExpectedPos, a); boolean errorOnVariant = false; for (String iso1name : isoExpectedPos.keySet()) { Integer iso1ExpectedPos = isoExpectedPos.get(iso1name); Isoform iso1 = IsoformUtils.getIsoformByName(entry, iso1name); if (iso1ExpectedPos != null) { GeneMasterCodonPosition nuPos = IsoformSequencePositionMapper.getCodonPositionsOnMaster(iso1ExpectedPos, iso1); if (!nuPos.isValid()) { errorOnVariant = true; if (sout) System.out.println("ERROR1: codon positions not found for " + iso1name + " for variant at position: " + iso1ExpectedPos); continue; } printIsoLengthAndRangesNuCount(iso1.getUniqueName(), iso1.getSequence(), iso1.getMasterMapping()); if (sout) { System.out.println("Starting variant propagation from isoform " + iso1name + " at position " + iso1ExpectedPos); System.out.println(getSequenceWithHighlighedPos(iso1.getSequence(), iso1ExpectedPos)); } for (Isoform iso2 : entry.getIsoforms()) { String iso2name = iso2.getUniqueName(); if (iso2name.equals(iso1name)) continue; CodonNucleotideIndices nuIdx = IsoformSequencePositionMapper.getCodonNucleotideIndices(nuPos, iso2); Integer iso2ActualPos = nuIdx.getAminoAcidPosition(); Integer iso2ExpectedPos = isoExpectedPos.get(iso2name); if (sout) System.out.println("Variant " + a.getUniqueName() + " position on isoform " + iso2name + " is " + iso2ActualPos); printIsoLengthAndRangesNuCount(iso2.getUniqueName(),iso2.getSequence(), iso2.getMasterMapping()); if (iso2ExpectedPos != null) if (sout) System.out.println("Expected:" + getSequenceWithHighlighedPos(iso2.getSequence(), iso2ExpectedPos)); if (iso2ActualPos != null) if (sout) System.out.println("Actual :" + getSequenceWithHighlighedPos(iso2.getSequence(), iso2ActualPos)); if (iso2ActualPos == null && iso2ExpectedPos == null) { // OK } else if (iso2ActualPos == null || iso2ExpectedPos == null) { errorOnVariant = true; if (sout) System.out.println("ERROR2: variant position on isoform " + iso2name + " is " + iso2ActualPos + ", expected " + iso2ExpectedPos); } else if (!iso2ActualPos.equals(iso2ExpectedPos)) { errorOnVariant = true; if (sout) System.out.println("ERROR3: variant position on isoform " + iso2name + " is " + iso2ActualPos + ", expected " + iso2ExpectedPos); } } } } if (errorOnVariant) errorCount++; if (errorOnVariant) break; } } if (sout) { System.out.println("Summary " + entry.getUniqueName()); System.out.println("insCount:" + insCount); System.out.println("delCount:" + delCount); System.out.println("subCount:" + subCount); System.out.println("otherCount:" + otherCount); System.out.println("errorCount:" + errorCount); } return errorCount; } @Test public void test1() { if (sout) { System.out.println("pos 3:" + getSequenceWithHighlighedPos("12345", 3)); System.out.println("pos 1:" + getSequenceWithHighlighedPos("12345", 1)); System.out.println("pos 5:" + getSequenceWithHighlighedPos("12345", 5)); } } private Map<String, Integer> getExpectedPosForEachIsoform(Entry entry, Annotation a) { Map<String, Integer> isoExpectedPos = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (Isoform isoform : entry.getIsoforms()) { String isoname = isoform.getUniqueName(); AnnotationIsoformSpecificity spec = a.getTargetingIsoformsMap().get(isoname); // store variant pos on isoform (default is null) isoExpectedPos.put(isoname, null); // if variant maps on isoform if (spec != null) { int p1 = spec.getFirstPosition(); // store variant position on isoform isoExpectedPos.put(isoname, new Integer(p1)); } } return isoExpectedPos; } private void printExpectedPosForEachIsoform(Map<String, Integer> isoExpectedPos, Annotation a) { for (String isoname : isoExpectedPos.keySet()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(a.getUniqueName()).append(" "); sb.append(isoname).append(" "); sb.append(isoExpectedPos.get(isoname)).append(" "); sb.append(a.getVariant().getOriginal()).append("->").append(a.getVariant().getVariant()); if (sout) System.out.println(sb.toString()); } } private void printIsoLengthAndRangesNuCount(String isoName, String isoSeq, List<NucleotidePositionRange> ranges) { int isoLng = isoSeq.length(); int nuCount = getNucleotideCount(ranges); boolean ok = isoLng * 3 == nuCount; for (NucleotidePositionRange r: ranges) if (sout) System.out.println(isoName + " has masterMapping range " + r); if (sout) System.out.println((ok ? "OK - " : "ERROR4 - ") + isoName + " lng in nu:" + isoLng * 3 + " nuCount:" + nuCount); } private int getNucleotideCount(List<NucleotidePositionRange> ranges) { int nuCount = 0; for (NucleotidePositionRange r : ranges) { int cnt = r.getUpper() - r.getLower() + 1; nuCount += cnt; } return nuCount; } private String getSequenceWithHighlighedPos(String seq, int pos) { // first aa has position 1 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(seq); sb.insert(pos - 1, '(').insert(pos + 1, ')'); return sb.toString(); } private BufferedWriter log=null; private void openLogger(String filename) throws Exception { this.log = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File(filename)))); } private void log(String s) throws IOException { if (log!=null) { log.write(s); log.write("\n"); log.flush(); } } private void closeLogger() throws IOException { log.close(); } }