package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Scanner; /** * return the molecular weight corresponding to a sequence * * @author, copied by pam * */ public class DescriptorMass { static final String massDefText = "A,71.03711,71.0788;C,103.00919,103.1388;D,115.02694,115.0886;E,129.04259,129.1155;F,147.06841,147.1766;G,57.02146,57.0519;H,137.05891,137.1411;I,113.08406,113.1594;K,128.09496,128.1741;L,113.08406,113.1594;M,131.04049,131.1926;N,114.04293,114.1038;P,97.05276,97.1167;Q,128.05858,128.1307;R,156.10111,156.1875;S,87.03203,87.0782;T,101.04768,101.1051;U,150.953636,150.0388;V,99.06841,99.1326;W,186.07931,186.2132;Y,163.06333,163.1760"; static HashMap<MassType, double[]> massDefList; static final double H2O_mono = 18.01056; static final double H2O_avg = 18.01524; public static enum MassType { MONOISOTOPIC, AVERAGE }; private static MassType massType=MassType.AVERAGE; /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * * (java.lang.String) */ public static Double compute(String sequence) { if (massDefList == null) { initMassDefList(); } double m=0.; switch (massType) { case MONOISOTOPIC: m=H2O_mono; break; case AVERAGE: m=H2O_avg; break; } double[] massList=massDefList.get(massType); for(char aa:sequence.toCharArray()){ if(aa == '*') aa='U'; m+=massList[aa2int(aa)]; } return m; } /** * convert the String massDefText into two list */ private static void initMassDefList() { massDefList = new HashMap<MassType, double[]>(); massDefList.put(MassType.MONOISOTOPIC, new double[26]); massDefList.put(MassType.AVERAGE, new double[26]); Scanner scanList = new Scanner(massDefText); scanList.useDelimiter(";"); while (scanList.hasNext()) { Scanner scanAA = new Scanner(; scanAA.useDelimiter(","); String aa =; double massIso = scanAA.nextDouble(); double massAvg = scanAA.nextDouble(); int iaa = aa2int(aa.charAt(0)); massDefList.get(MassType.MONOISOTOPIC)[iaa]=massIso; massDefList.get(MassType.AVERAGE)[iaa]=massAvg; scanAA.close(); } scanList.close(); } static int aa2int(char aa){ return ((int) aa) - ((int) 'A'); } public MassType getMassType() { return massType; } public void setMassType(MassType massType) { if (DescriptorMass.massType == massType) return; DescriptorMass.massType = massType; } }