package org.nextprot.api.web.service.impl.writer; import; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.*; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Entry; import org.nextprot.api.core.service.export.format.EntryBlock; import org.nextprot.api.core.service.fluent.EntryConfig; import; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * An abstract class to export nextprot entries in XLS format. * * Need an implementation of <code>EntryDataProvider</code> to handle extraction of data in Records * for XLS sheet rows and cells to be properly created. * * Created by fnikitin on 11/08/15. */ public abstract class EntryXLSWriter extends EntryOutputStreamWriter { private final HSSFWorkbook workbook; private final HSSFSheet worksheet; private final HSSFCellStyle hlinkStyle; private int rowIndex; /** A record represents field values to be written into an XLS row */ public static class Record { private final Object[] values; private int[] stringValueIndices = new int[0]; private int[] intValueIndices = new int[0]; private int[] doubleValueIndices = new int[0]; private int[] booleanValueIndices = new int[0]; private Map<Integer, String> hyperLinks = new HashMap<>(); public Record(Object[] values) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(values); this.values = values; } public Object[] getValues() { return values; } // @return indices which values are of type String public int[] getStringValueIndices() { return stringValueIndices; } public void setStringValueIndices(int[] stringValueIndices) { this.stringValueIndices = stringValueIndices; } // @return indices which values are of type int public int[] getIntValueIndices() { return intValueIndices; } public void setIntValueIndices(int[] intValueIndices) { this.intValueIndices = intValueIndices; } // @return indices which values are of type float or double public int[] getDoubleValueIndices() { return doubleValueIndices; } public void setDoubleValueIndices(int[] doubleValueIndices) { this.doubleValueIndices = doubleValueIndices; } // @return indices which values are boolean public int[] getBooleanValueIndices() { return booleanValueIndices; } public void setBooleanValueIndices(int[] booleanValueIndices) { this.booleanValueIndices = booleanValueIndices; } // Define hyperlinks for specific cells public Map<Integer, String> getHyperLinks() { return hyperLinks; } public void addHyperLinks(int index, String address) { hyperLinks.put(index, address); } } /** Provides nextprot entry data to this XLS writer */ public interface EntryDataProvider { // @return the EntryBlocks needed to get data (equivalent to view names) List<EntryBlock> getSourceEntryBlocks(); // @return the field names String[] getFieldNames(); // @return a list of data records (a record contain the field values) of the given entry List<Record> getRecords(Entry entry); } private final EntryDataProvider entryDataProvider; protected EntryXLSWriter(OutputStream stream, String sheetName, EntryDataProvider entryDataProvider) { super(stream); Preconditions.checkNotNull(entryDataProvider); workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(); hlinkStyle = createHLinkStyle(workbook); worksheet = workbook.createSheet(sheetName); rowIndex = 0; this.entryDataProvider = entryDataProvider; } public static EntryXLSWriter newNPEntryXLSWriter(OutputStream os, String viewName) { if (viewName.equals("isoforms")) return new EntryIsoformXLSWriter(os); else return new EntryOverviewXLSWriter(os); } private static HSSFCellStyle createHLinkStyle(HSSFWorkbook workbook) { HSSFCellStyle ls = workbook.createCellStyle(); HSSFFont hlinkFont = workbook.createFont(); hlinkFont.setUnderline(HSSFFont.U_SINGLE); hlinkFont.setColor(HSSFColor.BLUE.index); ls.setFont(hlinkFont); return ls; } @Override public void write(Collection<String> entries, Map<String, Object> headerParams) throws IOException { super.write(entries, headerParams); workbook.write(getStream()); } @Override protected void writeHeader(Map<String, Object> headerParams) throws IOException { String[] headers = entryDataProvider.getFieldNames(); HSSFRow row = worksheet.createRow(rowIndex); for (int i=0 ; i<headers.length ; i++) { HSSFCell accCodeCell = row.createCell(i); accCodeCell.setCellValue(headers[i]); } rowIndex++; } @Override protected void writeEntry(String entryName) throws IOException { EntryConfig config = EntryConfig.newConfig(entryName); for (EntryBlock block : entryDataProvider.getSourceEntryBlocks()) { config.withBlock(block); } Entry entry =; for (Record record : entryDataProvider.getRecords(entry)) { HSSFRow row = worksheet.createRow(rowIndex); writeRecord(row, record); rowIndex++; } } private void writeRecord(HSSFRow row, Record record) { Object[] values = record.getValues(); HSSFCell[] cells = new HSSFCell[values.length]; for (int index : record.getStringValueIndices()) { cells[index] = row.createCell(index); cells[index].setCellValue((String)values[index]); } for (int index : record.getBooleanValueIndices()) { cells[index] = row.createCell(index); cells[index].setCellValue((boolean)values[index]); } for (int index : record.getIntValueIndices()) { cells[index] = row.createCell(index); cells[index].setCellValue((int)values[index]); } for (int index : record.getDoubleValueIndices()) { cells[index] = row.createCell(index); cells[index].setCellValue((double) values[index]); } Map<Integer, String> links = record.getHyperLinks(); for (int index : links.keySet()) { setHyperLink(cells[index], links.get(index)); } } // No need to flush after each entry has been written protected void flush() throws IOException { } private void setHyperLink(HSSFCell cell, String address) { HSSFHyperlink link = new HSSFHyperlink(HSSFHyperlink.LINK_URL); link.setAddress(address); cell.setHyperlink(link); cell.setCellStyle(hlinkStyle); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { workbook.close(); } }