package org.nextprot.api.core.utils.dbxref.resolver; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.DbXref; class CghDbArpXrefURLResolver extends DefaultDbXrefURLResolver { @Override protected String getAccessionNumber(DbXref xref) { String accession = xref.getAccession(); // Db_URL: // Note: %s and %t are respectively the values before and after the dash in the DR line. // Example: for "DR CGH-DB; 9029-4": s%=9029, t%=4 if (accession.contains("-")) return accession.replaceFirst("-.+$", ""); throw new UnresolvedXrefURLException("'-' is missing in accession number '"+accession+"'"); } @Override public String getTemplateURL(DbXref xref) { String accession = xref.getAccession(); if (accession.contains("-")) { accession = accession.replaceFirst("^.+-", ""); String templateURL = super.getTemplateURL(xref); if (templateURL.contains("%t")) return templateURL.replaceFirst("%t", accession.replaceFirst("^.+-", "")); throw new UnresolvedXrefURLException("placeholder '%t' is missing: could not resolve template URL '"+templateURL+"'"); } throw new UnresolvedXrefURLException("'-' is missing in accession number '"+accession+"'"); } }