package org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation; import org.nextprot.api.commons.constants.AnnotationCategory; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.BioObject; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.DbXref; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.IsoformSpecific; import org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot.comp.AnnotationPropertyComparator; import; import java.util.*; // I would love to encapsulate what varies and only keep what is common there //I would love to do @JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL) public class Annotation implements Serializable, IsoformSpecific { private List<String> subjectComponents; @Deprecated private String annotationName; private String annotationHash; private List<String> isoformsDisplayedAsSpecific; public List<String> getIsoformsDisplayedAsSpecific() { return isoformsDisplayedAsSpecific; } public void setIsoformsDisplayedAsSpecific(List<String> isoformsDisplayedAsSpecific) { this.isoformsDisplayedAsSpecific = isoformsDisplayedAsSpecific; } private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private List<String> synonyms; public List<String> getSynonyms() { return synonyms; } public void setSynonyms(List<String> synonyms) { this.synonyms = synonyms; } private String uniqueName; private String cvTermAccessionCode; private String cvTermName; private String cvTermType; private String cvTermDescription; private String cvApiName; private String description; // TODO: apiCategory already exist (DRY) private String category; private String qualityQualifier; private long annotationId; private AnnotationVariant variant; // TODO: synonyms already exist (DRY) private String synonym; private AnnotationCategory apiCategory; private List<AnnotationEvidence> evidences; private Set<String> indirectEvidenceRefList = null; private final Map<String, AnnotationIsoformSpecificity> targetingIsoformsMap = new TreeMap<>(); private final Map<String, Collection<AnnotationProperty>> properties = new TreeMap<>(); private BioObject bioObject; private DbXref parentXref; // non null only when annotation is built from an xref (see AnnotationServiceImpl.getXrefsAsAnnotationsByEntry() public String toString() { return uniqueName + ": " + "cvTermAccessionCode:" + cvTermAccessionCode + " - cvTermName:" + cvTermName + " - description:" + description; } /** * Pam * Only ModificationEffect annotations directly apply to proteoforms. * ProteinProperty and MammalianPhenotype also applies to proteoforms BUT indirectly. * They only appear as the object of a ModificationEffect proteoform annotation (in * @return true if a proteoform (modified isoform) is the subject of the annotation */ public boolean isProteoformAnnotation() { return (subjectComponents!=null && ! subjectComponents.isEmpty()); } /** * Pam * Some annotation categories should not be linked to an isoform or entry but only to a proteoform. * They only appear as the object of a proteoform ModificationEffect annotation. * I use the term WildType instead of Isoform to avoid confusions. * @return true if annotation applies to unmodified isoforms (wild type = isoform) */ public boolean isWildTypeAnnotation() { if (AnnotationCategory.PROTEIN_PROPERTY == this.apiCategory) return false; if (AnnotationCategory.MAMMALIAN_PHENOTYPE == this.apiCategory) return false; if (AnnotationCategory.PHENOTYPIC_VARIATION == this.apiCategory) return false; return true; } public DbXref getParentXref() { return parentXref; } public void setParentXref(DbXref parentXref) { this.parentXref = parentXref; } public List<AnnotationEvidence> getEvidences() { return evidences; } public void setEvidences(List<AnnotationEvidence> evidences) { this.evidences = evidences; } public String getCvTermAccessionCode() { return cvTermAccessionCode; } public void setCvTermAccessionCode(String cvTermAccessionCode) { this.cvTermAccessionCode = cvTermAccessionCode; } public String getCvTermName() { return cvTermName; } public void setCvTermName(String cvTermName) { this.cvTermName = cvTermName; } public String getCvTermType() { return cvTermType; } public void setCvTermType(String cvTermType) { this.cvTermType = cvTermType; } public String getCvTermDescription() { return cvTermDescription; } public void setCvTermDescription(String cvTermDescription) { this.cvTermDescription = cvTermDescription; } public String getCvApiName() { return cvApiName; } public void setCvApiName(String cvApiName) { this.cvApiName = cvApiName; } public String getQualityQualifier() { return qualityQualifier; } public void setQualityQualifier(String qualityQualifier) { this.qualityQualifier = qualityQualifier; } public long getAnnotationId() { return annotationId; } public void setAnnotationId(long annotationId) { this.annotationId = annotationId; } public String getDescription() { return description; } public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; } public String getCategory() { return category; } public String getCategoryName() { return getApiTypeName(); } // Called from Velocity templates public String getApiTypeName() { if(apiCategory != null){ return apiCategory.getApiTypeName(); }else return null; } // Called from Velocity templates public String getRdfPredicate() { if(apiCategory != null){ return apiCategory.getRdfPredicate(); }else return null; } public AnnotationCategory getAPICategory() { return apiCategory; } // Called from Velocity templates public List<String> getParentPredicates() { if(apiCategory!= null){ List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotationCategory cat : apiCategory.getAllParentsButRoot()) list.add(cat.getRdfPredicate()); return list; }else return null; } public void setAnnotationCategory(AnnotationCategory category) { //wtf???? names are not coherent... this.apiCategory= category; this.category = category.getDbAnnotationTypeName(); } @Deprecated //Use setAnnotationCategory instead public void setCategory(String category) { this.category = category; this.apiCategory= AnnotationCategory.getByDbAnnotationTypeName(category); } public AnnotationVariant getVariant() { return variant; } public void setVariant(AnnotationVariant variant) { this.variant = variant; } /** * Get an immutable map of AnnotationProperty collection */ public Map<String, Collection<AnnotationProperty>> getPropertiesMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(properties); } /** * Get an immutable collection of AnnotationProperty by key * @param key the key to access properties */ public Collection<AnnotationProperty> getPropertiesByKey(String key) { return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(properties.get(key)); } /** * Get an immutable collection of AnnotationProperty */ public Collection<AnnotationProperty> getProperties() { Collection<AnnotationProperty> props = new ArrayList<>(); for (Collection<AnnotationProperty> collection : properties.values()) { props.addAll(collection); } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(props); } /** * Get an immutable collection of AnnotationProperty with the exception of propertyName */ public Collection<AnnotationProperty> getPropertiesExceptName(String propertyName) { Collection<AnnotationProperty> filterProps = new ArrayList<>(); Collection<AnnotationProperty> props = getProperties(); for (AnnotationProperty prop : props) { if(!prop.getName().equals(propertyName)) { filterProps.add(prop); } } return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(filterProps); } /** * Add properties into the map * @param props properties to add */ public void addProperties(Collection<AnnotationProperty> props) { for (AnnotationProperty property : props) { addProperty(property); } } public void addProperty(AnnotationProperty property) { String propertyName = property.getName(); if (!properties.containsKey(propertyName)) { properties.put(propertyName, new TreeSet<>(new AnnotationPropertyComparator())); } properties.get(propertyName).add(property); } public String getSynonym() { return synonym; } public void setSynonym(String synonym) { this.synonym = synonym; } @Override public boolean isSpecificForIsoform(String isoform) { return targetingIsoformsMap.containsKey(isoform); } public boolean isAnnotationPositionalForIsoform(String isoform) { if(isSpecificForIsoform(isoform)){ return targetingIsoformsMap.get(isoform).isPositional(); }else return false; } public void addTargetingIsoforms(List<AnnotationIsoformSpecificity> targetingIsoforms) { for (AnnotationIsoformSpecificity isospecAnnot : targetingIsoforms) { targetingIsoformsMap.put(isospecAnnot.getIsoformAccession(), isospecAnnot); } } public Map<String, AnnotationIsoformSpecificity> getTargetingIsoformsMap() { return targetingIsoformsMap; } public String getUniqueName() { return uniqueName; } public void setUniqueName(String uniqueName) { this.uniqueName = uniqueName; } /** @return the first position or null if unknown */ public Integer getStartPositionForIsoform(String isoformName) { if (targetingIsoformsMap.containsKey(isoformName)) return this.targetingIsoformsMap.get(isoformName).getFirstPosition(); return null; } /** @return the last position or null if unknown */ public Integer getEndPositionForIsoform(String isoformName) { if (targetingIsoformsMap.containsKey(isoformName)) { //System.out.println(isoformName); //System.out.println("start: " + this.targetingIsoformsMap.get(isoformName).getFirstPosition()); //System.out.println(" end: " + this.targetingIsoformsMap.get(isoformName).getLastPosition()); return this.targetingIsoformsMap.get(isoformName).getLastPosition(); } return null; } // Called from Velocity templates public String getSpecificityForIsoform(String isoformName) { return this.targetingIsoformsMap.get(isoformName).getSpecificity(); } public BioObject getBioObject() { return bioObject; } public void setBioObject(BioObject bioObject) { this.bioObject = bioObject; } /** * Return true if annotation has at least one evidence showing any kind of detection (low, medium, high or positive) else false * * @return an optional boolean or absent if no expression info */ public Optional<Boolean> isExpressionLevelDetected() { Optional<Boolean> isDetected = Optional.empty(); if (evidences != null) { for (AnnotationEvidence evidence : evidences) { isDetected = evidence.isExpressionLevelDetected(); if (isDetected.isPresent() && isDetected.get()) { return Optional.of(Boolean.TRUE); } } } return isDetected; } public List<String> getSubjectComponents() { return subjectComponents; } public void setSubjectComponents(List<String> subjectComponents) { this.subjectComponents = subjectComponents; } @Deprecated public String getAnnotationName() { return annotationName; } public void setAnnotationName(String annotationName) { this.annotationName = annotationName; } public String getAnnotationHash() { return annotationHash; } public void setAnnotationHash(String annotationHash) { this.annotationHash = annotationHash; } public Set<String> getIndirectEvidenceRefList() { return indirectEvidenceRefList; } public synchronized void addIndirectEvidence(String indirectEvidenceId) { if(indirectEvidenceRefList == null) { indirectEvidenceRefList = new HashSet<String>(); } this.indirectEvidenceRefList.add(indirectEvidenceId); } }