package org.nextprot.api.core.utils; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.nextprot.api.commons.constants.TerminologyCv; import org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.NextProtException; import org.nextprot.api.commons.utils.Tree; import org.nextprot.api.commons.utils.Tree.Node; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.CvTerm; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.DbXref; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Terminology; import org.nextprot.api.core.service.TerminologyService; import org.nextprot.api.core.utils.graph.OntologyDAG; import java.util.*; import; //import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.TerminologyProperty; public class TerminologyUtils { private static final Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(TerminologyUtils.class); public static List<CvTerm.TermProperty> convertToProperties(String propliststring, Long termid, String termacc) { if (propliststring == null) return null; // Decomposes a pipe-separated string (generated by a SQL query) in a list property objects containing name/value pairs List<CvTerm.TermProperty> properties = new ArrayList<CvTerm.TermProperty>(); // keep spaces in splitting pattern, since pipe alone can occur within fields List<String> allprop = Arrays.asList(propliststring.split(" \\| ")); for (String propertystring : allprop) { // The splitter is ':=' since both ':' and '=' can occur alone within field List<String> currprop = Arrays.asList(propertystring.split(":=")); if(currprop.size() != 2) { String msg = "Problem with property in " + termacc + ": " + propertystring + " propString: " + propertystring; LOGGER.warn(msg); System.err.println(msg); continue; } CvTerm.TermProperty property = new CvTerm.TermProperty(); String propertyName = currprop.get(0) ; property.setPropertyName(propertyName); String propertyValue = currprop.get(1); property.setPropertyValue(propertyValue); property.settermId(termid); properties.add(property); } return properties; } /** * Get all ancestors of the given cvterm * * @param cvTermAccession the cvterm accession * @param terminologyservice the terminology service * @return a list of cvterm ancestor accessions */ public static List<String> getAllAncestorsAccession(String cvTermAccession, TerminologyService terminologyservice) { return getAllAncestorTerms(cvTermAccession, terminologyservice).stream() .map(t->t.getAccession()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } public static List<CvTerm> getAllAncestorTerms(String cvTermAccession, TerminologyService terminologyservice) { CvTerm cvTerm = terminologyservice.findCvTermByAccession(cvTermAccession); OntologyDAG graph = terminologyservice.findOntologyGraph(TerminologyCv.valueOf(cvTerm.getOntology())); return .map(graph::getCvTermAccessionById) .map(ac->terminologyservice.findCvTermByAccession(ac)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Returns an ordered list of terms. * The first term is the Term identified with the parameter cvTermAccession * The next term is a parent of the previous term until we reach the root term * A known limitation is that only the first parent is retrieved for each term ! * * @param cvTermAccession * @param terminologyservice * @return */ public static List<CvTerm> getOnePathToRootTerm(String cvTermAccession, TerminologyService terminologyservice) { List<CvTerm> path = new ArrayList<CvTerm>(); String ac = cvTermAccession; while (true) { CvTerm t = terminologyservice.findCvTermByAccession(ac); path.add(t); List<String> parents = t.getAncestorAccession(); if (parents==null || parents.size()==0) break; ac = parents.get(0); } return path; } /** * @deprecated use #getAllAncestors() instead */ @Deprecated public static List<String> getAllAncestorsOld(String cvterm, TerminologyService terminologyservice) { Set<String> finalSet = new TreeSet<String>(); Set<String> multiParentSet = new TreeSet<String>(); Set<String> multiSetCurrent = new TreeSet<String>(); List<String> mylist = Arrays.asList("XXX"); String currTerm = cvterm; while(!mylist.isEmpty()) { CvTerm cvt = terminologyservice.findCvTermByAccession(currTerm); if (cvt == null ) { LOGGER.error(cvterm + " does not exist"); break; } mylist = cvt.getAncestorAccession(); if(mylist == null) break; if(mylist.size() > 1) for (int i=1; i<mylist.size(); i++) multiParentSet.add(mylist.get(i)); // when root loop on itself ! if (currTerm.equals(mylist.get(0))) break; currTerm = mylist.get(0); finalSet.add(currTerm); } while(!multiParentSet.isEmpty()) { multiSetCurrent.clear(); multiSetCurrent.addAll(multiParentSet); for(String cv : multiSetCurrent) { finalSet.add(cv); multiParentSet.remove(cv); CvTerm cvt = terminologyservice.findCvTermByAccession(cv); if (cvt == null ) { LOGGER.error(cv + " does not exist"); break; } mylist = cvt.getAncestorAccession(); if(mylist == null) break; while(mylist != null && !mylist.isEmpty()) { if(mylist.size() > 1) for (int i=1; i<mylist.size(); i++) multiParentSet.add(mylist.get(i)); // when root loop on itself ! if (currTerm.equals(mylist.get(0))) break; currTerm = mylist.get(0); finalSet.add(currTerm); mylist = terminologyservice.findCvTermByAccession(currTerm).getAncestorAccession(); } } } return(new ArrayList<>(finalSet)); } public static List<DbXref> convertToXrefs (String xrefsstring) { if (xrefsstring == null) return null; // Builds DbXref list from String of xrefs formatted as "dbcat, db, acc, linkurl" quartetss separated by pipes List<DbXref> xrefs = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> allxrefs = Arrays.asList(xrefsstring.split(" \\| ")); for (String onexref: allxrefs) { List<String> fields = Arrays.asList(onexref.split("\\^ ")); DbXref dbref = new DbXref(); dbref.setDatabaseCategory(fields.get(0)); dbref.setDatabaseName(fields.get(1)); dbref.setAccession(fields.get(2)); dbref.setDbXrefId(Long.parseLong(fields.get(3))); String url = null; String linkurl = null; if (fields.size() > 4) { url = fields.get(4); if (fields.size() > 5) linkurl = fields.get(5); } if (url == null || url.isEmpty() || "none".equalsIgnoreCase(url)) { dbref.setUrl("None"); dbref.setLinkUrl("None"); } else { dbref.setUrl(url); dbref.setLinkUrl(linkurl); } xrefs.add(dbref); } return xrefs; } public static String convertPropertiesToString(List<CvTerm.TermProperty> properties) { if (properties == null) return null; // Build a String where propertyname/propertyvalue pairs are separated by pipes StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = properties.size(); for (CvTerm.TermProperty property : properties) { sb.append(property.getPropertyName()); //sb.append(":="); sb.append(":"); sb.append(property.getPropertyValue()); if(--i != 0) sb.append(" | "); } return sb.toString(); } public static String convertXrefsToString(List<DbXref> xrefs) { if (xrefs == null) return null; // Build a String of xrefs formatted as "dbcat, db:acc" pairs separated by pipes StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = xrefs.size(); for (DbXref xref : xrefs) { sb.append(xref.getDatabaseCategory()); sb.append(", "); sb.append(xref.getDatabaseName()); sb.append(":"); sb.append(xref.getAccession()); if(--i != 0) sb.append(" | "); } return sb.toString(); } public static String convertXrefsToSolrString(List<DbXref> xrefs) { if (xrefs == null) return null; // Build a String of xrefs for solr formatted as "acc, db:acc" pairs separated by pipes StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i = xrefs.size(); for (DbXref xref : xrefs) { sb.append(xref.getAccession()); sb.append(", "); sb.append(xref.getDatabaseName()); sb.append(":"); sb.append(xref.getAccession()); if(--i != 0) sb.append(" | "); } return sb.toString(); } public static List<String> convertXrefsToSameAsStrings(List<DbXref> xrefs) { if (xrefs == null) return null; // Build List of strings of xref accessions as needed for the old Terminology.getSameAs method List<String> sameas = new ArrayList<String>(); for (DbXref xref : xrefs) { sameas.add(xref.getAccession()); } return sameas; } public static Map<String, CvTerm> convertToTerminologyMap(List<CvTerm> terms) { Map<String, CvTerm> termMap = new HashMap<>(); for(CvTerm term: terms){ termMap.put(term.getAccession(), term); } return termMap; } public static Terminology convertCvTermsToTerminology(List<CvTerm> terms, final int maxDepth) { String topLevelTermPrefix = "CVAN"; Terminology terminology = new Terminology(); for(CvTerm term: terms){ //System.err.println(term.getAccession() + " " + term.getAncestorAccession()); if((term.getAncestorAccession() == null) || (term.getAncestorAccession().isEmpty())){ //root terminology.addTreeRoot(term); } else { //For example DO-00218 from the terminology NextprotDomain, has as ancestor the top level terminology cv annotation (CVAN) boolean localRoot = false; if(!term.getAccession().startsWith(topLevelTermPrefix)){ //TOP Level domain (case where other terminologies link to this one) for(String ancestorAccession : term.getAncestorAccession()){ if(ancestorAccession.startsWith(topLevelTermPrefix)){ localRoot = true; break; } } } if(localRoot){ terminology.addTreeRoot(term); } } } for(Tree<CvTerm> tree : terminology){ populateTree(tree.getRoot(), convertToTerminologyMap(terms), 0, maxDepth); } return terminology; } static void populateTree(Tree.Node<CvTerm> currentNode, Map<String, CvTerm> termMap, int depth, final int maxDepth) { if(depth > maxDepth) return; if(depth > 100) throw new NextProtException("Getting stuck in building graph"); if(currentNode.getValue() == null || currentNode.getValue().getChildAccession() == null || currentNode.getValue().getChildAccession().isEmpty()) { return; } for(String childAccession : currentNode.getValue().getChildAccession()){ CvTerm childTerm = termMap.get(childAccession); if(childTerm != null) { // may be null in case of the terminology being another one like DO if(currentNode.getChildren() == null){ currentNode.setChildren(new ArrayList<Tree.Node<CvTerm>>()); } Tree.Node<CvTerm> childNode = new Tree.Node<CvTerm>(childTerm); childNode.setParents(Arrays.asList(currentNode)); currentNode.getChildren().add(childNode); populateTree(childNode, termMap, depth+1, maxDepth); } } } public static List<Node<CvTerm>> getNodeListByName(Tree<CvTerm> tree, String accession) { List<Node<CvTerm>> result = new ArrayList<>(); getNodeListByNameAndPopulateResult(result, tree.getRoot(), accession); return result; } private static void getNodeListByNameAndPopulateResult(List<Node<CvTerm>> currentResult, Node<CvTerm> node, String accession) { if(node.getValue().getAccession().equals(accession)){ currentResult.add(node); return; } if(node.getChildren() != null && !node.getChildren().isEmpty()){ for(Node<CvTerm> child : node.getChildren()){ getNodeListByNameAndPopulateResult(currentResult, child, accession); } } } }