package org.nextprot.api.commons.utils; import; import java.util.Arrays; /** * Code and decode 36-base 8-length string in the interval of longs [0:36^8[ * * Created by fnikitin on 11/03/15. */ public class Base36Codec { private static final long LOWER_RANGE = 0; private static final long UPPER_RANGE = 2_821_109_900_000L; // 36^8 private static final String BASE36 = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; private Base36Codec() { throw new IllegalAccessError("Utility class not meant to be instantiated"); } /** * @return the minimum included long */ public static long getLowerBound() { return LOWER_RANGE; } /** * @return the maximum excluded long */ public static long getUpperBound() { return UPPER_RANGE; } /** * Encode long in a base-36 string. * * @param value the long value to encode * @return base-36 string * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if value not in range [0, 2_821_109_900_000[ */ public static String encodeBase36(final long value) { if (value < 0 || value >= UPPER_RANGE) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("cannot encode " + value + ": long out of bound (valid range: [0, 2_821_109_900_000[)"); } char[] buffer = new char[8]; Arrays.fill(buffer, '0'); int i=7; long tmp = value; while(tmp > 0 && i>=0) { long remainder = tmp % 36; buffer[i] = BASE36.charAt((int)remainder); tmp = tmp/36; i--; } return String.copyValueOf(buffer); } /** * Decode a base-36 string in long * * @param base36String the string to decode in long * @return the decoded long * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if base36String length is too long (> 8) * @throws NumberFormatException if not a base-36 encoded string * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the decoded long is out of range [0, 2_821_109_900_000[ */ public static long decodeBase36(String base36String) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(base36String); Preconditions.checkArgument(base36String.length()<=8); long decodedLong = Long.parseLong(base36String, 36); if(decodedLong < 0 || decodedLong >= UPPER_RANGE) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("cannot decode " + decodedLong + ": long out of bound (valid range: [0, 2_821_109_900_000[)"); } return decodedLong; } }