package org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot.comp; import; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.Annotation; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.AnnotationIsoformSpecificity; import java.util.*; import static org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot.comp.AnnotationComparators.compareNullableComparableObject; /** * Comparison function that sort Annotations based on feature positions. * * <h3>A. Selecting isoform feature positions</h3> * As Annotation can contain multiple isoform targets, we first have to choose one of them * with the following criteria: * * <pre> * if has a single isoform: * pick this one * else * select the one with the lowest feature position (see Section B) * endif * </pre> * * The feature positions of the selected isoforms are then compared as below * * <h3>B. Feature position based Annotation comparison</h3> * * <ol> * <li>feature begin ASC</li> * <li>feature end DESC</li> * </ol> */ class ByFeaturePositionComparator implements Comparator<Annotation> { @Override public int compare(Annotation a1, Annotation a2) { String isoformName1 = selectIsoformNameForComparison(a1); String isoformName2 = selectIsoformNameForComparison(a2); return compareAnnotByNullablePosition( a1.getStartPositionForIsoform(isoformName1), a1.getEndPositionForIsoform(isoformName1), a2.getStartPositionForIsoform(isoformName2), a2.getEndPositionForIsoform(isoformName2) ); } private String selectIsoformNameForComparison(Annotation annotation) { Map<String, AnnotationIsoformSpecificity> targets = annotation.getTargetingIsoformsMap(); if (targets.size() == 1) return targets.keySet().iterator().next(); else return getFirstIsoformSpecificity(targets.values()).getIsoformAccession(); } static AnnotationIsoformSpecificity getFirstIsoformSpecificity(Collection<AnnotationIsoformSpecificity> targets) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(targets); Preconditions.checkArgument(!targets.isEmpty()); Iterator<AnnotationIsoformSpecificity> iter = targets.iterator(); AnnotationIsoformSpecificity first =; while (iter.hasNext()) { AnnotationIsoformSpecificity specificity =; int cmp = compareAnnotByNullablePosition( specificity.getFirstPosition(), specificity.getLastPosition(), first.getFirstPosition(), first.getLastPosition() ); if (cmp < 0) { first = specificity; } } return first; } /* <h2>Comparison contract</h2> <h3>Unknown(null) begin comes first</h3> [1] ?------- [2] i--------- <h3>Same begins greater ending comes first</h3> [1] ---------- [2] ------ */ static int compareAnnotByNullablePosition(Integer begin1, Integer end1, Integer begin2, Integer end2) { int cmp; // 1. begin positions in ascending order // UNKNOWN BEGIN COMES FIRST cmp = compareNullableComparableObject(begin1, begin2, true); // 2. end positions in descending order (most inclusive comes first) if (cmp == 0) { // UNKNOWN END COMES LAST cmp = compareNullableComparableObject(end1, end2, false); } return cmp; } }