package org.nextprot.api.commons.utils; import; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Fluently format a string. * * * * Created by fnikitin on 27/08/15. */ public class StringFormatter { private final static Pattern DELIMITOR_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[_\\-\\s]"); private String stringToFormat; public StringFormatter(String stringToFormat) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(stringToFormat); this.stringToFormat = stringToFormat; } /** * Remove spaces, hyphens and underscores and the first letter of each word is capitalised except the first one */ public StringFormatter camel() { return camelFirstWordLetterLowerCase(true); } /** * Remove spaces, hyphens and underscores and the first letter of each word is capitalised (the first letter * case is decided from parameter <code>firstLetterFirstWordInLowerCase</code>) * * @param firstWordLetterInLowerCase true if the 1st letter of the first word has to be in lower case */ public StringFormatter camelFirstWordLetterLowerCase(final boolean firstWordLetterInLowerCase) { stringToFormat = toCamelCase(stringToFormat, firstWordLetterInLowerCase); return this; } /** * Replaces the Capital letters with lower letters and prefixed with a hyphen if not in the beginning of the stringToFormat. */ public StringFormatter kebab() { stringToFormat = camelToKebabCase(stringToFormat); return this; } /** * Replaces the Capital letters with lower letters and prefixed with an underscore if not in the beginning of the stringToFormat. */ public StringFormatter snake() { stringToFormat = camelToSnakeCase(stringToFormat); return this; } /** * Converts all characters to upper case */ public StringFormatter yelling() { stringToFormat = stringToFormat.toUpperCase(); return this; } /** * Converts all characters to lower case */ public StringFormatter whispering() { stringToFormat = stringToFormat.toLowerCase(); return this; } private String toCamelCase(final String inputString, final boolean firstLetterFirstWordInLowerCase) { if (inputString == null) return null; Matcher matcher = DELIMITOR_PATTERN.matcher(inputString); // Do nothing if inputString does not contains delimitors if (!matcher.find()) return inputString; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(inputString.length()); boolean toLowerCase = firstLetterFirstWordInLowerCase; for (String word : inputString.split("[-_\\s]")) { if (!word.isEmpty()) { if (toLowerCase) { sb.append(word.toLowerCase()); toLowerCase = false; } else { sb.append(word.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()); sb.append(word.substring(1).toLowerCase()); } } } return sb.toString(); } private String camelToKebabCase(String s){ return camelToLetterCase(s, "-"); } private String camelToSnakeCase(String s){ return camelToLetterCase(s, "_"); } private String camelToLetterCase(String s, String delimitor) { return s.trim().replaceAll("(\\p{Lower})(\\p{Upper})","$1"+delimitor+"$2").toLowerCase(); } public String format() { return stringToFormat; } }