package org.nextprot.api.blast.controller; import org.jsondoc.core.annotation.*; import org.jsondoc.core.pojo.ApiVerb; import org.nextprot.api.blast.domain.*; import org.nextprot.api.blast.service.BlastProgram; import org.nextprot.api.blast.service.BlastService; import org.nextprot.api.commons.utils.ExceptionWithReason; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value; import org.springframework.http.MediaType; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*; @Controller @Api(name = "BLAST", description = "Search protein sequence into neXtProt database.", group = "Tools") public class BlastController { @Autowired private BlastService blastService; @Value("${blastp.bin}") private String blastBinPath; @Value("${makeblastdb.bin}") private String makeblastdbBinPath; @Value("${blastp.db}") private String blastDbPath; @ApiMethod(path = "/blast/sequence/{sequence}", verb = ApiVerb.GET, description = "Search protein sequence", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @RequestMapping(value = "/blast/sequence/{sequence}", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE}) @ResponseBody public BlastProgramOutput blastProteinSequence( @ApiPathParam(name = "sequence", description = "A protein sequence query.", allowedvalues = { "GTTYVTDKSEEDNEIESEEEVQPKTQGSRR" }) @PathVariable("sequence") String sequence, @ApiQueryParam(name = "title", description = "A query title.", allowedvalues = { "protein sequence query" }) @RequestParam(value = "title", defaultValue = "protein sequence query") String title, @ApiQueryParam(name = "matrix", defaultvalue = "BLOSUM62", description = "Scoring matrix name (value among BLOSUM45, BLOSUM50, BLOSUM62, BLOSUM80, BLOSUM90, PAM250, PAM30 or PAM70)", allowedvalues = { "BLOSUM62" }) @RequestParam(value = "matrix", required = false) String matrix, @ApiQueryParam(name = "eValue", defaultvalue = "10", description = "Expected value threshold for saving hits", allowedvalues = { "10" }) @RequestParam(value = "evalue", required = false) Double eValue, @ApiQueryParam(name = "gapopen", defaultvalue = "11", description = "Cost to open a gap", allowedvalues = { "11" }) @RequestParam(value = "gapopen", required = false) Integer gapOpen, @ApiQueryParam(name = "gapextend", defaultvalue = "1", description = "Cost to extend a gap", allowedvalues = { "1" }) @RequestParam(value = "gapextend", required = false) Integer gapExtend) { BlastSequenceInput params = new BlastSequenceInput(blastBinPath, blastDbPath); params.setTitle(title); params.setSequence(sequence.replaceAll(" ", "")); try { params.setBlastSearchParams(BlastSearchParams.valueOf(matrix, eValue, gapOpen, gapExtend)); return blastService.blastProteinSequence(params); } catch (ExceptionWithReason exceptionWithReason) { exceptionWithReason.getReason().setMessage("cannot execute blastp"); return new BlastProgramFailure(params, exceptionWithReason); } } @ApiMethod(path = "/blast/isoform/{isoform}", verb = ApiVerb.GET, description = "Search isoform sequence from neXtProt isoform accession", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @RequestMapping(value = "/blast/isoform/{isoform}", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE}) @ResponseBody public BlastProgramOutput blastIsoform( @ApiPathParam(name = "isoform", description = "An neXtProt isoform accession.", allowedvalues = { "NX_P01308-1" }) @PathVariable("isoform") String isoform, @ApiQueryParam(name = "begin", description = "The first sequence position (should be strictly positive)") @RequestParam(value = "begin", required = false) Integer begin, @ApiQueryParam(name = "end", description = "The last sequence position (should be <= sequence length)") @RequestParam(value = "end", required = false) Integer end, @ApiQueryParam(name = "matrix", defaultvalue = "BLOSUM62", description = "Scoring matrix name (value among BLOSUM45, BLOSUM50, BLOSUM62, BLOSUM80, BLOSUM90, PAM250, PAM30 or PAM70)", allowedvalues = { "BLOSUM62" }) @RequestParam(value = "matrix", required = false) String matrix, @ApiQueryParam(name = "evalue", defaultvalue = "10", description = "Expected value threshold for saving hits", allowedvalues = { "10" }) @RequestParam(value = "evalue", required = false) Double eValue, @ApiQueryParam(name = "gapopen", defaultvalue = "11", description = "Cost to open a gap", allowedvalues = { "11" }) @RequestParam(value = "gapopen", required = false) Integer gapOpen, @ApiQueryParam(name = "gapextend", defaultvalue = "1", description = "Cost to extend a gap", allowedvalues = { "1" }) @RequestParam(value = "gapextend", required = false) Integer gapExtend) { BlastIsoformInput params = new BlastIsoformInput(blastBinPath, blastDbPath); try { params.setIsoformAccession(isoform); params.setQuerySeqPositions(begin, end); params.setBlastSearchParams(BlastSearchParams.valueOf(matrix, eValue, gapOpen, gapExtend)); return blastService.blastIsoformSequence(params); } catch (ExceptionWithReason exceptionWithReason) { exceptionWithReason.getReason().setMessage("cannot execute blastp"); return new BlastProgramFailure(params, exceptionWithReason); } } @PreAuthorize("hasRole('ROLE_ADMIN')") @ApiMethod(path = "/blast/createdb/", verb = ApiVerb.GET, description = "Create nextprot blast database", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) @RequestMapping(value = "/blast/createdb", method = {RequestMethod.GET}, produces = {MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE}) @ResponseBody @ApiAuthBasic(roles={"ROLE_ADMIN"}) public BlastProgramOutput createBlastDb() { BlastProgram.Params params = new BlastProgram.Params(makeblastdbBinPath, blastDbPath); return blastService.makeNextprotBlastDb(params); } }