package org.nextprot.api.tasks.solr.indexer; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.HttpSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.NextProtException; public abstract class SolrIndexer<T> { private HttpSolrServer solrServer; protected List<SolrInputDocument> docs; private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 150; public SolrIndexer(String url) { this.solrServer = new HttpSolrServer(url); = new ArrayList<SolrInputDocument>(); } public abstract SolrInputDocument convertToSolrDocument(T documentTypes); public void add(T t) { try { SolrInputDocument doc = this.convertToSolrDocument(t); if (doc ==null) return; docs.add(doc); if (docs.size() % BATCH_SIZE == 0) { // System.err.println("sent " +docs.size() + " docs to solr so far"); this.solrServer.add(docs); docs.clear(); } } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) { throw new NextProtException(e); } } public void addRemaing() { try { if (docs.size() > 0) // There are some prepared docs not yet sent to solr server { solrServer.add(docs); docs.clear(); } } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) { throw new NextProtException(e); } } public void commit() { try { solrServer.commit(); solrServer.optimize(); } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) { throw new NextProtException(e); } } public void clearDatabase(String query) { try { if(query != null && !query.equals("")) solrServer.deleteByQuery(query); else solrServer.deleteByQuery("*:*"); solrServer.commit(); solrServer.optimize(); } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) { throw new NextProtException(e); } } }