package org.nextprot.api.solr; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.SearchConfigException; public class IndexConfiguration implements QueryBuilder { protected final String BOOST_SPEARATOR = "^"; protected final String PLUS = "+"; protected final String WHITESPACE = " "; private String name; protected Map<IndexParameter, FieldConfigSet> fieldConfigSets; protected Map<String, SortConfig> sortConfigs; protected Map<String, String> otherParameters; protected String defaultSortName; public IndexConfiguration(String name) { = name; this.fieldConfigSets = new HashMap<IndexParameter, FieldConfigSet>(); this.sortConfigs = new HashMap<String, SortConfig>(); this.otherParameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); } public IndexConfiguration(String name, IndexConfiguration originalConfiguration) { this(name); this.fieldConfigSets.putAll(originalConfiguration.getFieldConfigSets()); this.sortConfigs.putAll(originalConfiguration.getSortConfigs()); this.otherParameters.putAll(originalConfiguration.getOtherParameters()); this.defaultSortName = originalConfiguration.getDefaultSortConfiguration().getName(); } public void addConfigSet(FieldConfigSet configSet) { this.fieldConfigSets.put(configSet.getParameter(), configSet); } public FieldConfigSet getConfigSet(IndexParameter parameter) { return this.fieldConfigSets.get(parameter); } public void addSortConfig(SortConfig... sortConfigs) { for(SortConfig config : sortConfigs) this.sortConfigs.put(config.getName(), config); } public SortConfig getSortConfig(String name) { return this.sortConfigs.containsKey(name) ? this.sortConfigs.get(name) : null; } public IndexConfiguration addOtherParameter(String parameterName, String parameterValue) { this.otherParameters.put(parameterName, parameterValue); return this; } /** * It splits the query coming for the controller in tokens * and builds the query to Solr accordingly * * @param query * @return */ public String buildQuery(Query query) { StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder(); String[] tokens = query.getQueryString(true).split(WHITESPACE); for(int i=0; i<tokens.length; i++) { queryBuilder.append(PLUS+tokens[i]); if(i != tokens.length - 1) queryBuilder.append(WHITESPACE); } //this.otherParameters.put("spellcheck.q", query.getQueryString()); return queryBuilder.toString(); } /** * Builds a query for a specified parameter ex. FL, QF, etc * If a variable has a defined boost for the asked parameter the boost * will be added to the query * @param parameter * @return */ public String getParameterQuery(IndexParameter parameter) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); FieldConfigSet configSet; if(this.fieldConfigSets.containsKey(parameter)) { configSet = this.fieldConfigSets.get(parameter); for(Entry<IndexField, Integer> e : configSet.getConfigs().entrySet()) { builder.append(e.getKey().getName()); if(e.getValue() > 0) builder.append(BOOST_SPEARATOR+e.getValue()); builder.append(WHITESPACE); } } return builder.toString().trim(); } // // Getters & Setters // public Map<IndexParameter, FieldConfigSet> getFieldConfigSets() { return fieldConfigSets; } public void setFieldConfigSets( Map<IndexParameter, FieldConfigSet> fieldConfigSets) { this.fieldConfigSets = fieldConfigSets; } public Map<String, SortConfig> getSortConfigs() { return sortConfigs; } public void setSortConfigs(Map<String, SortConfig> sortConfigs) { this.sortConfigs = sortConfigs; } public String getName() { return name; } public SortConfig getDefaultSortConfiguration() { if(this.defaultSortName != null && this.sortConfigs.containsKey(this.defaultSortName)) return this.sortConfigs.get(this.defaultSortName); else throw new SearchConfigException("No sorting set as default"); } public void setDefaultSortName(String defaultSortName) { this.defaultSortName = defaultSortName; } public Map<String, String> getOtherParameters() { return this.otherParameters; } }