package org.nextprot.api.core.utils.exon; import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.AminoAcid; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Exon; import java.util.*; /** * Compute phases and categorize exons of isoform transcripts * * Created by fnikitin on 22/07/15. */ public class TranscriptExonsAnalyser { private final static Log LOGGER = LogFactory.getLog(TranscriptExonsAnalyser.class); private static final ExonsAnalysisListener DEFAULT_HANDLER = new ExonsAnalysisListenerImpl(); private final List<Exon> exons; private final ExonsAnalysisListener handler; private String accession; private ExonCategorizer categorizer; private String isoformSequence; private int startPositionIsoform; private int endPositionIsoform; private int currentTranscriptLen; private int currentIsoformPos; private int currentPhase; public TranscriptExonsAnalyser() { this(DEFAULT_HANDLER); } public TranscriptExonsAnalyser(ExonsAnalysisListener handler) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(handler); this.handler = handler; exons = new ArrayList<>(); } private void init(String accession, String isoformSequence, int startPositionIsoform, int endPositionIsoform, Collection<Exon> exons) { this.accession = accession; this.isoformSequence = isoformSequence; this.startPositionIsoform = startPositionIsoform; this.endPositionIsoform = endPositionIsoform; this.currentTranscriptLen = 0; this.currentIsoformPos = -1; this.currentPhase = 0; this.exons.addAll(exons); Collections.sort(this.exons, new Comparator<Exon>() { @Override public int compare(Exon e1, Exon e2) { return e1.getFirstPositionOnGene() - e2.getFirstPositionOnGene(); } }); categorizer = new ExonCategorizer(startPositionIsoform, endPositionIsoform); } public void extract(String isoformSequence, int startPositionIsoform, int endPositionIsoform, Collection<Exon> exons) { extract("", isoformSequence, startPositionIsoform, endPositionIsoform, exons); } public void extract(String accession, String isoformSequence, int startPositionIsoform, int endPositionIsoform, Collection<Exon> exons) { init(accession, isoformSequence, startPositionIsoform, endPositionIsoform, exons); handler.started(); for (Exon exon : exons) { handler.startedExon(exon); ExonCategory exonCategory = categorizer.categorize(exon); if (exonCategory.isCoding()) { if (!handleCodingExon(isoformSequence, exon, exonCategory)) break; } else { handler.analysedNonCodingExon(exon, exonCategory); } handler.terminated(exon); } handler.terminated(); } private void moveToNextFirstPos() { if (currentPhase == 0) currentIsoformPos++; } private void moveToNextLastPos() { currentIsoformPos = currentTranscriptLen / 3; currentPhase = currentTranscriptLen % 3; if (currentPhase == 0) currentIsoformPos--; } private boolean handleCodingExon(String isoformSequence, Exon exon, ExonCategory cat) { int startPositionExon = exon.getFirstPositionOnGene(); int endPositionExon = exon.getLastPositionOnGene(); if (cat == ExonCategory.START || cat == ExonCategory.MONO) startPositionExon = startPositionIsoform; if (cat == ExonCategory.STOP || cat == ExonCategory.MONO) endPositionExon = endPositionIsoform; moveToNextFirstPos(); AminoAcid first = newAminoAcid(isoformSequence, currentIsoformPos, currentPhase); // update transcript length currentTranscriptLen += endPositionExon - startPositionExon + 1; moveToNextLastPos(); AminoAcid last = newAminoAcid(isoformSequence, currentIsoformPos, currentPhase); if (first.getPosition() > isoformSequence.length()) { handler.analysedCodingExonFailed(exon, new ExonOutOfBoundError(first, last, ExonOutOfBoundError.AminoAcidOutOfBound.FIRST, isoformSequence.length())); return false; } else if (last.getPosition() > isoformSequence.length()) { handler.analysedCodingExonFailed(exon, new ExonOutOfBoundError(first, last, ExonOutOfBoundError.AminoAcidOutOfBound.LAST, isoformSequence.length())); return false; } handler.analysedCodingExon(exon, first, last, cat); return true; } private AminoAcid newAminoAcid(String isoformSequence, int aaPosition, int phase) { if (aaPosition >= isoformSequence.length()) return new AminoAcid(aaPosition + 1, phase, '?'); return new AminoAcid(aaPosition + 1, phase, isoformSequence.charAt(aaPosition)); } /** * Update exon on the fly in this default implementation */ private static class ExonsAnalysisListenerImpl implements ExonsAnalysisListener { @Override public void started() {} @Override public void startedExon(Exon exon) {} @Override public void analysedCodingExon(Exon exon, AminoAcid first, AminoAcid last, ExonCategory category) { exon.setFirstAminoAcid(first); exon.setLastAminoAcid(last); exon.setCodingStatus(category.getTypeString()); } @Override public void analysedNonCodingExon(Exon exon, ExonCategory category) { exon.setCodingStatus(category.getTypeString()); } @Override public void terminated(Exon exon) {} @Override public void terminated() {} @Override public void analysedCodingExonFailed(Exon exon, ExonOutOfBoundError exonOutOfBoundError) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("SequenceIndexOutOfBoundsException: index ("); sb.append(exonOutOfBoundError.getOutOfBoundAminoAcid().getPosition()-1); sb.append(") must be less than size (").append(exonOutOfBoundError.getIsoformLength()).append(")"); //TODO there is a bug in mapping transcript <-> isoform (should be fixed in the database) //Should be solved with: LOGGER.warn(sb.toString()); } } }