package org.nextprot.api.core.service; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.nextprot.api.commons.service.MasterIdentifierService; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Isoform; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.Annotation; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.AnnotationProperty; import org.nextprot.api.core.test.base.CoreUnitBaseTest; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.test.context.ActiveProfiles; @ActiveProfiles({ "dev" }) public class PeptideMappingServiceIntegrationTest extends CoreUnitBaseTest { @Autowired private PeptideMappingService pmService; @Autowired private IsoformService isoService; @Autowired private MasterIdentifierService miService; private static final String COLOR_NOT_COVERED = "grey"; private static final String COLOR_PEP_COVERED = "blue"; private static final String COLOR_1_TYPIC_COVERED = "lightgreen"; private static final String COLOR_N_TYPIC_COVERED = "orange"; @Ignore @Test public void shouldComputeCoverages() { //List<String>entryNames = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NX_Q8IYL9", "NX_Q66K66", "NX_P01308"}); //List<String>entryNames = miService.findUniqueNamesOfChromosome("Y"); // liste Monique List<String>entryNames = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NX_Q6UWW9", "NX_Q04118", "NX_P48165","NX_P01308","NX_Q13557"}); String sep = "\t"; System.out.println("Isoform" + sep + "Coverage type" + sep + "isoLength" + sep + "covered" + sep + "rateRounded"); for (String entryName: entryNames) { List<Annotation> annotations = this.pmService.findNaturalPeptideMappingAnnotationsByMasterUniqueName(entryName); List<Isoform> isoforms = isoService.findIsoformsByEntryName(entryName); computeCoverage(isoforms, annotations, false, true); computeCoverage(isoforms, annotations, true, true); } assertTrue(true); } //@Ignore @Test public void shouldComputeHTML4Highlight() throws FileNotFoundException { //List<String>entryNames = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NX_Q8IYL9", "NX_Q66K66", "NX_P01308"}); //List<String>entryNames = miService.findUniqueNamesOfChromosome("Y"); // liste Monique List<String>entryNames = Arrays.asList(new String[]{"NX_Q6UWW9", "NX_Q04118", "NX_P48165","NX_P01308","NX_Q13557"}); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<html><body>\n"); sb.append("<ul>"); // sb.append("<span style=\"color:" + chunk.code + "\">"); sb.append("<li style=\"color:" + COLOR_NOT_COVERED + "\">"+ COLOR_NOT_COVERED + ": no peptide</li>"); sb.append("<li style=\"color:" + COLOR_PEP_COVERED + "\">"+ COLOR_PEP_COVERED + ": peptide</li>"); sb.append("<li style=\"color:" + COLOR_1_TYPIC_COVERED + "\">"+ COLOR_1_TYPIC_COVERED + ": single proteotypic</li>"); sb.append("<li style=\"color:" + COLOR_N_TYPIC_COVERED + "\">"+ COLOR_N_TYPIC_COVERED + ": multiple proteotypic</li>"); sb.append("</ul>"); for (String entryName: entryNames) { List<Annotation> annotations = this.pmService.findNaturalPeptideMappingAnnotationsByMasterUniqueName(entryName); List<Isoform> isoforms = isoService.findIsoformsByEntryName(entryName); for (Isoform iso: isoforms) { String cpep = computeCoverage(iso, annotations, false, false); String ctyp = computeCoverage(iso, annotations, true, false); String html = getHighlightHTML(iso, annotations, cpep, ctyp); sb.append(html); } } sb.append("</body></html>\n"); String filename = "./highlight-coverage-peptide-chromosome-y.html"; PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(filename); out.print(sb.toString()); out.close(); System.out.println("Wrote result in file " + filename); } private String computeCoverage(Isoform iso, List<Annotation> annotations, boolean proteotypic, boolean sysout) { String name = iso.getUniqueName(); int isoLength = iso.getSequenceLength(); int[] coverage = new int[isoLength]; for (Annotation annot: annotations) { if (proteotypic && ! isAboutProteotypicPeptide(annot)) continue; if (! annot.isAnnotationPositionalForIsoform(name)) continue; int start = annot.getStartPositionForIsoform(name); int end = annot.getEndPositionForIsoform(name); for (int i=start;i<=end;i++) coverage[i-1]=1; } int covered = getCoverageCount(coverage); float rate = (float)100.0 * (float)covered / (float)isoLength; float rateRounded = Math.round(rate * 100.0f) / 100.0f; String sep = "\t"; String title = proteotypic ? "proteotypic coverage" : "peptide coverage"; if (sysout) System.out.println(name + sep + title + sep + isoLength + sep + covered + sep + rateRounded); return (name + " " + title + " iso-length = " + isoLength + " covered = " + covered + " % : " + rateRounded); // System.out.println(getCoverageString(coverage) + "\n"); } private void showHighlightString(Isoform iso, List<Annotation> annotations) { String name = iso.getUniqueName(); int isoLength = iso.getSequenceLength(); int[] coverage = getHighlightCoverage(iso, annotations); String sep = "\t"; String title = "Natural highlight"; System.out.println(name + sep + title); System.out.println(getHighlightString(coverage) + "\n"); List<Chunk> chunks = getHighlightChunks(iso.getSequence(),coverage); for (Chunk chunk: chunks) { System.out.println(chunk); } String html = getHighlightHTML(name, iso.getSequence(), chunks, "turlu", "chouette"); System.out.println(html); } private String getHighlightHTML(Isoform iso, List<Annotation> annotations, String cpep, String ctyp) { String name = iso.getUniqueName(); int[] coverage = getHighlightCoverage(iso, annotations); List<Chunk> chunks = getHighlightChunks(iso.getSequence(),coverage); String html = getHighlightHTML(name, iso.getSequence(), chunks, cpep, ctyp); return html; } private int[] getHighlightCoverage(Isoform iso, List<Annotation> annotations) { String name = iso.getUniqueName(); int isoLength = iso.getSequenceLength(); int[] coverage = new int[isoLength]; // first loop sets aa coverage to 1 if there is a natural peptide on it for (Annotation annot: annotations) { if (! annot.isAnnotationPositionalForIsoform(name)) continue; int start = annot.getStartPositionForIsoform(name); int end = annot.getEndPositionForIsoform(name); //System.out.println("first loop: " + start + " " + end); for (int i=start;i<=end;i++) coverage[i-1]=1; } // second loop increments aa coverage if peptide is natural and proteotypic for (Annotation annot: annotations) { if (! annot.isAnnotationPositionalForIsoform(name)) continue; if (isAboutProteotypicPeptide(annot)) { int start = annot.getStartPositionForIsoform(name); int end = annot.getEndPositionForIsoform(name); //System.out.println("second loop: " + start + " " + end); for (int i=start;i<=end;i++) coverage[i-1]=coverage[i-1]+1; } } return coverage; } private boolean isAboutProteotypicPeptide(Annotation annot) { boolean flag = false; for (AnnotationProperty p:annot.getProperties()) { if (p.getName().equals("is proteotypic") && p.getValue().equals("Y")) flag = true; } return flag; } private void computeCoverage(List<Isoform> isoforms, List<Annotation> annotations, boolean proteotypic, boolean sysout) { for (Isoform iso: isoforms) { computeCoverage( iso, annotations, proteotypic, sysout); } } private void computeHighlights(List<Isoform> isoforms, List<Annotation> annotations) { for (Isoform iso: isoforms) { showHighlightString(iso, annotations); } } private String getHighlightString(int[] coverage) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0;i<coverage.length;i++) { if (i>0 && i % 10 ==0) sb.append(" "); if (i>0 && i % 100 ==0) sb.append("\n"); int val = coverage[i]; String code = "?"; if (val==0) { code = "."; } else if (val==1) { code = "+" ; } else if (val==2) { code = "1" ; } else if (val>2) { code = "N"; } sb.append(code); } return sb.toString(); } private String getHighlightHTML(String iso, String seq, List<Chunk> chunks,String cpep, String ctyp) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String entry = iso.split("-")[0]; sb.append("<h3><a target=\"_blank\" href=\"" + entry + "/view/peptides\">" + iso + "</a></h3>\n"); sb.append("<p>"+ cpep + "</p>"); sb.append("<p>"+ ctyp + "</p>"); int oldLine=-1; for (Chunk chunk: chunks) { if (oldLine<chunk.line) { if (oldLine!=-1) sb.append("</div>\n"); sb.append("<div style=\"font-family: monospace;\">\n"); oldLine=chunk.line; } sb.append("<span style=\"color:" + chunk.code + "\">"); sb.append(chunk.str); sb.append("</span>"); } sb.append("</div>\n"); return sb.toString(); } private List<Chunk> getHighlightChunks(String seq, int[] coverage) { List<Chunk> chunks = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String oldCode="init"; String code = "?"; int line=0; for (int i=0;i<coverage.length;i++) { // compute code value int val = coverage[i]; if (val==0) { code = COLOR_NOT_COVERED; } else if (val==1) { code = COLOR_PEP_COVERED ; } else if (val==2) { code = COLOR_1_TYPIC_COVERED ; } else if (val>2) { code = COLOR_N_TYPIC_COVERED; } // when code changes if (! oldCode.equals(code)) { // save previous chunk if (! oldCode.equals("init")) { chunks.add(new Chunk(sb.toString(), oldCode, line)); } // reinit buffer and update oldCode sb = new StringBuilder(); oldCode = code; } // append content to buffer if (i>0 && i % 10 ==0) sb.append(" "); if (i>0 && i % 100 ==0) { // force end of chunk at for end of line chunks.add(new Chunk(sb.toString(), code, line)); sb=new StringBuilder(); line++; } sb.append(seq.charAt(i)); } if (sb.length()>0) { chunks.add(new Chunk(sb.toString(), code, line)); } return chunks; } private String getCoverageString(int[] coverage) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0;i<coverage.length;i++) { if (i>0 && i % 10 ==0) sb.append(" "); if (i>0 && i % 100 ==0) sb.append("\n"); sb.append(coverage[i]==0 ? "0" : "1"); } return sb.toString(); } private int getCoverageCount(int[] coverage) { int count=0; for (int i=0;i<coverage.length;i++) { if (coverage[i]==1) count++; } return count; } private static class Chunk { String str; String code; int line; public Chunk(String str, String code, int line) { this.str=str; this.code=code; this.line=line; } public String toString() { return line + "\t" + code + "\t" + str; } } }