package org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot; import org.nextprot.api.commons.constants.AnnotationCategory; import org.nextprot.api.commons.constants.PropertyApiModel; import org.nextprot.api.commons.exception.NextProtException; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.BioObject; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.CvTerm; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.Entry; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.EntryUtils; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.ExperimentalContext; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.Annotation; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.AnnotationEvidence; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.AnnotationIsoformSpecificity; import org.nextprot.api.core.domain.annotation.AnnotationProperty; import org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot.comp.AnnotationComparators; import org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot.merge.impl.AnnotationListMapReduceMerger; import org.nextprot.api.core.utils.annot.merge.impl.AnnotationListMergerImpl; import org.nextprot.commons.constants.QualityQualifier; import java.util.*; import; public class AnnotationUtils { private AnnotationUtils() { throw new IllegalAccessError("Utility class"); } public static String toString(Annotation a) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String sep = "\n"; sb.append("isProteoformAnnotation :").append(a.isProteoformAnnotation()).append(sep); sb.append("getAnnotationHash :").append(a.getAnnotationHash()).append(sep); sb.append("getAnnotationId :").append(a.getAnnotationId()).append(sep); sb.append("getAnnotationName :").append(a.getAnnotationName()).append(sep); sb.append("getUniqueName :").append(a.getUniqueName()).append(sep); // sb.append("getSubjectName :").append(a.getSubjectName()).append(sep); sb.append("getDescription :").append(a.getDescription()).append(sep); sb.append("getBioObject :").append(a.getBioObject()==null ? "null" : a.getBioObject()).append(sep); sb.append("getSubjectComponents size :").append(a.getSubjectComponents()==null ? 0 : a.getSubjectComponents().size()).append(sep); if (a.getSubjectComponents()!=null) { for (String c: a.getSubjectComponents()) sb.append("- component :").append(c).append(sep); } sb.append("getApiTypeName :").append(a.getApiTypeName()).append(sep); sb.append("getCategory :").append(a.getCategory()).append(sep); sb.append("getCategoryName :").append(a.getCategoryName()).append(sep); sb.append("getCvTermAccessionCode :").append(a.getCvTermAccessionCode()).append(sep); sb.append("getCvTermName :").append(a.getCvTermName()).append(sep); sb.append("getEvidences.size :").append(a.getEvidences()==null ? 0:a.getEvidences().size()).append(sep); if (a.getEvidences()!=null) { for (AnnotationEvidence ae: a.getEvidences()) sb.append("- evidence :").append(ae.getEvidenceId()).append(sep); } sb.append("getTargetingIsoformsMap size:").append(a.getTargetingIsoformsMap()==null ? 0:a.getTargetingIsoformsMap().size()).append(sep); //sb.append("").append(a.).append(sep); return sb.toString(); } /** * Filter annotation by its hashes */ public static List<Annotation> filterAnnotationsByHashes(Entry entry, Set<String> hashes) { List<Annotation> annotations = entry.getAnnotations(); if (annotations == null) return null; return .filter(a -> hashes.contains(a.getAnnotationHash())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } /** * Filter annotation by its category * WARNING: goldOnly if set to true will change evidences of the annotations (remove any silver evidence if set to true) */ public static List<Annotation> filterAnnotationsByCategory(Entry entry, AnnotationCategory annotationCategory, boolean goldOnly) { return filterAnnotationsByCategory(entry, annotationCategory, true, goldOnly); } /** * Filter annotation of the entry by its category * WARNING: goldOnly if set to true will change evidences of the annotations (remove any silver evidence if set to true) */ public static List<Annotation> filterAnnotationsByCategory(Entry entry, AnnotationCategory annotationCategory, boolean withChildren, boolean goldOnly) { return filterAnnotationsByCategory(entry.getAnnotations(), annotationCategory, withChildren, goldOnly); } /** * Filter annotation by its category * @param withChildren if true, annotations having a category which is a child of annotationCategory are included in the list * @return a list of annotations */ public static List<Annotation> filterAnnotationsByCategory(List<Annotation> annotations, AnnotationCategory annotationCategory, boolean withChildren, boolean goldOnly) { if (annotations == null) return null; List<Annotation> filteredAnnotations = .filter((a) -> { boolean categoryMatch = (annotationCategory == null) || ((a.getAPICategory() == annotationCategory) || (withChildren && a.getAPICategory().isChildOf(annotationCategory))); boolean qualityMatch = true; if(goldOnly){ qualityMatch = "GOLD".equalsIgnoreCase(a.getQualityQualifier()); } return categoryMatch && qualityMatch; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (goldOnly) { for(Annotation a : filteredAnnotations) { List<AnnotationEvidence> evidences = a.getEvidences(); List<AnnotationEvidence> goldEvidences = .filter(e -> "GOLD".equalsIgnoreCase(e.getQualityQualifier()) || (e.getQualityQualifier() == null) || e.getQualityQualifier().isEmpty()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); //TODO check if this mutable annotation is not breaken in eh cache!! a.setEvidences(goldEvidences); } } if (annotationCategory == AnnotationCategory.PHENOTYPIC_VARIATION) { Collections.sort(filteredAnnotations, AnnotationComparators.newPhenotypicVariationComparator(EntryUtils.getHashAnnotationMap(annotations))); } else { Collections.sort(filteredAnnotations, AnnotationComparators.newComparator(annotationCategory)); } return filteredAnnotations; } public static Set<Long> getExperimentalContextIdsForAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotations) { Set<Long> ecIds = new HashSet<>(); for(Annotation a : annotations){ for(AnnotationEvidence e : a.getEvidences()) { Long ecId = e.getExperimentalContextId(); if(ecId!=null) ecIds.add(ecId); } } return ecIds; } public static List<Annotation> filterAnnotationsBetweenPositions(int start, int end, List<Annotation> annotations, String isoform) { if(annotations == null) return null; List<Annotation> finalAnnotations = new ArrayList<>(); for (Annotation annot : annotations) { if (annot.isAnnotationPositionalForIsoform(isoform)) { int isoStartPosition, isoEndPosition; isoStartPosition = annot.getStartPositionForIsoform(isoform); isoEndPosition = annot.getEndPositionForIsoform(isoform); if ((isoStartPosition >= start) && (isoEndPosition <= end)) { finalAnnotations.add(annot); } } } return finalAnnotations; } public static Set<Long> getXrefIdsForAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotations){ if(annotations == null) return null; Set<Long> xrefIds = new HashSet<>(); for(Annotation a : annotations){ for(AnnotationEvidence e : a.getEvidences()){ if(e.isResourceAXref()){ xrefIds.add(e.getResourceId()); } } } return xrefIds; } /* * Returns a set of xref identifiers in some special cases: * - "sequence caution" annotation type => xrefs found in "differing sequence" property * - "cofactor" annotation type => xrefs found in "cofactor" property */ public static Set<Long> getXrefIdsFromAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotations){ Set<Long> xrefIds = new HashSet<>(); for(Annotation a : annotations){ if (a.getAPICategory()== AnnotationCategory.SEQUENCE_CAUTION) { addXrefIdRelatedToAnnotationPropertyName(a, PropertyApiModel.NAME_DIFFERING_SEQUENCE, xrefIds); } else if (a.getAPICategory()== AnnotationCategory.COFACTOR) { xrefIds.add(a.getBioObject().getId()); } else if (a.getAPICategory()== AnnotationCategory.DISEASE) { addXrefIdRelatedToAnnotationPropertyName(a, PropertyApiModel.NAME_ALTERNATIVE_DISEASE_TERM, xrefIds); } } return xrefIds; } private static void addXrefIdRelatedToAnnotationPropertyName(Annotation a, String propName, Set<Long> xrefIds) { for (AnnotationProperty p: a.getProperties()) { if (p.getName().equals(propName) && p.getValueType().equals(PropertyApiModel.VALUE_TYPE_RIF)) { xrefIds.add(Long.parseLong(p.getValue())); } } } /* * Returns a set of xref identifiers corresponding to the interactants which are involved * in binary interaction annotations and which are not human proteins (xeno interactions) */ public static Set<Long> getXrefIdsForInteractionsInteractants(List<Annotation> annotations){ if(annotations == null) return null; Set<Long> xrefIds = new HashSet<>(); for(Annotation a : annotations){ BioObject bo = a.getBioObject(); if (bo != null && bo.isInteractant()) { xrefIds.add(bo.getId()); } } return xrefIds; } public static Set<Long> getPublicationIdsForAnnotations(List<Annotation> annotations) { Set<Long> publicationIds = new HashSet<>(); for(Annotation a : annotations){ for(AnnotationEvidence e : a.getEvidences()){ if(e.isResourceAPublication()){ publicationIds.add(e.getResourceId()); } } } return publicationIds; } /* * SEQUENCE_CAUTION => property name = differing sequence * COFACTOR => property name = cofactor * DISEASE => property name = alternative disease term */ public static void convertRelativeEvidencesToProperties(List<Annotation> annotations) { for (Annotation annot: annotations) { List<AnnotationEvidence> evidencesToRemove = null; if (annot.getAPICategory()== AnnotationCategory.SEQUENCE_CAUTION) { evidencesToRemove = convertRelativeEvidenceToProperty(annot, PropertyApiModel.NAME_DIFFERING_SEQUENCE); } else if (annot.getAPICategory()== AnnotationCategory.COFACTOR) { evidencesToRemove = convertRelativeEvidenceToExternalChemicalBioObject(annot); } else if (annot.getAPICategory()== AnnotationCategory.DISEASE) { evidencesToRemove = convertRelativeEvidenceToProperty(annot, PropertyApiModel.NAME_ALTERNATIVE_DISEASE_TERM); } if (evidencesToRemove != null) annot.getEvidences().removeAll(evidencesToRemove); } } private static List<AnnotationEvidence> convertRelativeEvidenceToProperty(Annotation annot, String propertyName) { List<AnnotationEvidence> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotationEvidence evi : annot.getEvidences()) { if ("relative".equals(evi.getResourceAssociationType())) { AnnotationProperty p = new AnnotationProperty(); p.setAnnotationId(annot.getAnnotationId()); p.setAccession(evi.getResourceAccession()); p.setName(propertyName); p.setValue(Long.toString(evi.getResourceId())); p.setValueType(PropertyApiModel.VALUE_TYPE_RIF); annot.addProperties(Arrays.asList(p)); toRemove.add(evi); } } return toRemove; } private static List<AnnotationEvidence> convertRelativeEvidenceToExternalChemicalBioObject(Annotation annot) { List<AnnotationEvidence> toRemove = new ArrayList<>(); for (AnnotationEvidence evi : annot.getEvidences()) { if ("relative".equals(evi.getResourceAssociationType())) { annot.setBioObject(newExternalChemicalBioObject(evi)); toRemove.add(evi); } } return toRemove; } static BioObject newExternalChemicalBioObject(AnnotationEvidence evi) { BioObject bo = BioObject.external(BioObject.BioType.CHEMICAL, evi.getResourceDb()); bo.setId(evi.getResourceId()); bo.setAccession(evi.getResourceAccession()); String chemicalName = evi.getPropertyValue("name"); if (chemicalName!=null) bo.getProperties().put("chemical name", chemicalName); return bo; } public static List<Annotation> merge(List<Annotation> srcAnnotationList, List<Annotation> destAnnotationList) { return new AnnotationListMergerImpl().merge(srcAnnotationList, destAnnotationList); } public static List<Annotation> mapReduceMerge(List<Annotation> statementAnnotations, List<Annotation> standardAnnotations) { return new AnnotationListMapReduceMerger().merge(statementAnnotations, standardAnnotations); } public static QualityQualifier computeAnnotationQualityBasedOnEvidences(List<AnnotationEvidence> evidences) { if(evidences == null || evidences.isEmpty()){ throw new NextProtException("Can't compute quality qualifier based on empty / null evidences"); } for(AnnotationEvidence e : evidences){ if(e.getQualityQualifier() == null){ throw new NextProtException("Found evidence without any quality"); } QualityQualifier q = QualityQualifier.valueOf(e.getQualityQualifier()); if(q.equals(QualityQualifier.GOLD)) //If one evidence is GOLD return GOLD return QualityQualifier.GOLD; } return QualityQualifier.SILVER; } /** * * @param annot * @return */ public static String getTermNameWithAncestors(Annotation annot, List<CvTerm> terms) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i=0; i<terms.size(); i++) { if (i>0) sb.insert(0, " ยป "); sb.insert(0, terms.get(i).getName()); } return sb.toString(); } /** * pam, 28 March 2017 * This method returns true for variant annotations that are somehow related to a disease * otherwise returns false. * @param annot any annotation */ public static boolean isVariantRelatedToDiseaseProperty(Annotation annot, Map<Long,ExperimentalContext> ecs) { if (AnnotationCategory.VARIANT != annot.getAPICategory()) return false; // condition 1: if there is a disease in an evidence experimental context, return true > 1'000'000 cases for (AnnotationEvidence ev : annot.getEvidences()) { Long ecId = ev.getExperimentalContextId(); if (ecId != null && ecId != 0) { ExperimentalContext ec = ecs.get(ecId); if (ec==null) { System.out.println("WARNING: Could not find ExperimentalContext with id:" + ecId ); } else { if (ec.getDisease() != null) return true; } } } // condition 2: if there exists at least 1 variant disease term, return true > 30'000 cases if (annot.getVariant()!=null && annot.getVariant().getDiseaseTerms() != null) { if (annot.getVariant().getDiseaseTerms().size() > 0) return true; } // condition 3: description matches some patterns, return true > 5'000 cases if (annot.getDescription()==null) return false; String desc = annot.getDescription().toLowerCase(); if (desc.contains("allele")) return false; if (desc.contains("population")) return false; if (desc.contains("isozyme")) return false; if (desc.contains("%")) return false; if (desc.contains("clone")) return false; if (desc.contains("polymorphism")) return false; if (desc.startsWith("in")) return true; if (desc.contains("found in")) return true; if (desc.contains("associated with")) return true; // else > 3'000'000 cases return false; } public static boolean isMiscRegionRelatedToInteractions(Annotation annot) { if (AnnotationCategory.MISCELLANEOUS_REGION != annot.getAPICategory()) return false; if (annot.getDescription()==null) return false; String desc = annot.getDescription().toLowerCase(); return desc.contains("bind"); } /** * Pam, 22 march 2017 * * This method is created to display properly the general annotations that are isoform specific. * * 1) The general rule in NP1 is that an annotation is displayed as specific * if there exists a targetingIsoformMap record for the isoform AND the number of targetingIsoformMap * records for this annotation is inferior to the number of isoforms (which means that the annotation doesn't apply to each isoform) * * 2) There is known exception in NP1 for binary interaction annotations. In this case we always have a targetingIsoformMap record * for each isoform but you must rely on the targetingIsoformMap.getSpecificity() to determine if the annotation * is specific for an isoform or not. This rule was introduced because we didn't want to penalize IntAct annotations that * are supported by experiments performed with a known isoform. * * 3) Some annotation categories may require a review concerning how they deal with isoform specificity (NP1 & BED pipelines) * A jira issue will be created... * * @param annot * @param entryIsoformCount * @return */ public static List<String> computeIsoformsDisplayedAsSpecific(Annotation annot, int entryIsoformCount) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); if (annot.getTargetingIsoformsMap()==null) return result; if (AnnotationCategory.BINARY_INTERACTION==annot.getAPICategory()) { for (AnnotationIsoformSpecificity spec : annot.getTargetingIsoformsMap().values()) { if ("SPECIFIC".equals(spec.getSpecificity())) result.add(spec.getIsoformAccession()); } if (result.size()==entryIsoformCount) result = new ArrayList<String>(); } else { if (annot.getTargetingIsoformsMap().size()<entryIsoformCount) { for (AnnotationIsoformSpecificity spec : annot.getTargetingIsoformsMap().values()) { result.add(spec.getIsoformAccession()); } } } return result; } }