package org.neo4j.util; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.helpers.Predicate; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.FilteringIterator; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.IteratorWrapper; /** * A {@link Set} implemented on top of Neo4j primitives. * @author mattias * * @param <T> the type of objects in the set. */ public abstract class RelationshipSet<T> extends AbstractSet<T> implements Set<T> { private final Node node; private final RelationshipType type; private final Direction direction; /** * @param node the {@link Node} to act as the collection. * @param type the relationship type to use internally for each object. */ public RelationshipSet( Node node, RelationshipType type ) { this( node, type, Direction.OUTGOING ); } /** * @param node the {@link Node} to act as the collection. * @param direction the direction to use for the relationships. * @param type the relationship type to use internally for each object. */ public RelationshipSet( Node node, RelationshipType type, Direction direction ) { if ( direction == null || direction == Direction.BOTH ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only OUTGOING and INCOMING direction is allowed, since " + "this is a read/write collection" ); } this.node = node; this.type = type; this.direction = direction; } protected Node getUnderlyingNode() { return this.node; } protected RelationshipType getRelationshipType() { return this.type; } protected Direction getDirection() { return direction; } protected Direction getInverseDirection() { return getDirection().reverse(); } protected boolean directionIsOut() { return getDirection() == Direction.OUTGOING; } public boolean add( T item ) { if ( contains( item ) ) { return false; } Node otherNode = getNodeFromItem( item ); Node startNode = directionIsOut() ? node : otherNode; Node endNode = directionIsOut() ? otherNode : node; Relationship relationship = startNode.createRelationshipTo( endNode, type ); itemAdded( item, relationship ); return true; } protected void itemAdded( T item, Relationship relationship ) { } protected abstract Node getNodeFromItem( Object item ); public void clear() { Iterator<Relationship> itr = getAllRelationships(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { removeItem( ); } } public boolean contains( Object item ) { return findRelationship( item ) != null; } protected boolean shouldIncludeRelationship( Relationship rel ) { return true; } protected Iterator<Relationship> getAllRelationships() { return new FilteringIterator<Relationship>( node.getRelationships( type, getDirection() ).iterator(), new Predicate<Relationship>() { public boolean accept(Relationship item) { return shouldIncludeRelationship( item ); } } ); } protected Relationship findRelationship( Object item ) { Node otherNode = getNodeFromItem( item ); Relationship result = null; for ( Relationship rel : otherNode.getRelationships( type, getInverseDirection() ) ) { if ( !shouldIncludeRelationship( rel ) ) { continue; } if ( rel.getOtherNode( otherNode ).equals( node ) ) { result = rel; break; } } return result; } public boolean isEmpty() { return !getAllRelationships().hasNext(); } public Iterator<T> iterator() { Iterator<T> result = new IteratorWrapper<T, Relationship>( getAllRelationships() ) { @Override protected T underlyingObjectToObject( Relationship rel ) { return newObject( rel.getOtherNode( RelationshipSet.this.node ), rel ); } }; return result; } protected void removeItem( Relationship rel ) { rel.delete(); } public boolean remove( Object item ) { Relationship rel = findRelationship( item ); boolean changed = false; if ( rel != null ) { removeItem( rel ); changed = true; } return changed; } public boolean retainAll( Collection<?> items ) { Collection<Relationship> relationships = new HashSet<Relationship>(); Iterator<Relationship> allRelationships = getAllRelationships(); while ( allRelationships.hasNext() ) { relationships.add( ); } for ( Object item : items ) { Relationship rel = findRelationship( item ); if ( rel != null ) { relationships.remove( rel ); } } Collection<T> itemsToRemove = new HashSet<T>(); for ( Relationship rel : relationships ) { itemsToRemove.add( newObject( getOtherNode( rel ), rel ) ); } boolean result = this.removeAll( itemsToRemove ); return result; } public int size() { int counter = 0; Iterator<Relationship> itr = getAllRelationships(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) {; counter++; } return counter; } protected abstract T newObject( Node node, Relationship relationship ); protected Node getOtherNode( Relationship relationship ) { return relationship.getOtherNode( this.getUnderlyingNode() ); } public Object[] toArray() { Iterator<Relationship> itr = getAllRelationships(); Collection<Object> result = newArrayCollection(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Relationship rel =; result.add( newObject( getOtherNode( rel ), rel ) ); } return result.toArray(); } public <R> R[] toArray( R[] array ) { Iterator<Relationship> itr = getAllRelationships(); Collection<R> result = newArrayCollection(); while ( itr.hasNext() ) { Relationship rel =; result.add( ( R ) newObject( getOtherNode( rel ), rel ) ); } int i = 0; for ( R item : result ) { array[ i++ ] = item; } return array; } protected <R> Collection<R> newArrayCollection() { return new ArrayList<R>(); } }