package org.neo4j.rdf.sparql; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.LenientStatement; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.RdfBindingRow; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.RdfBindingSet; import name.levering.ryan.sparql.common.Variable; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import; import; public abstract class SparqlTestCase extends Neo4jWithIndexTestCase { final static String RDF_NAMESPACE = ""; final static String LADOK_NAMESPACE = ""; final static String PRIM_NAMESPACE = ""; final static String FOAF_NAMESPACE = ""; private RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy; protected Neo4jSparqlEngine sparqlEngine; protected MetaModelMockUp metaModel; private Set<Node> createdNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { this.deleteAllNodes(); super.tearDown(); } protected MetaModelMockUp metaModelProxy() { if ( this.metaModel == null ) { this.metaModel = instantiateMetaModelProxy(); } return this.metaModel; } protected abstract MetaModelMockUp instantiateMetaModelProxy(); protected Neo4jSparqlEngine sparqlEngine() { if ( this.sparqlEngine == null ) { this.sparqlEngine = instantiateSparqlEngine(); } return this.sparqlEngine; } protected abstract Neo4jSparqlEngine instantiateSparqlEngine(); protected RepresentationStrategy representationStrategy() { if ( this.representationStrategy == null ) { this.representationStrategy = instantiateRepresentationStrategy(); } return this.representationStrategy; } protected abstract RepresentationStrategy instantiateRepresentationStrategy(); protected Node createNode( String name ) { return this.createNode( name, null ); } protected Node createNode( String name, Node referenceNode ) { Node node = graphDb().createNode(); node.setProperty( representationStrategy().getExecutor(). getNodeUriPropertyKey( new AbstractNode( null ) ), name ); if ( referenceNode != null ) { node.createRelationshipTo( referenceNode, new RelationshipType() { public String name() { return RDF_NAMESPACE + "type"; } } ); } this.createdNodes.add( node ); return node; } protected Node createReferenceNode( String name, String uri ) { Node referenceNode = this.createNode( name ); referenceNode.setProperty( representationStrategy().getExecutor(). getNodeUriPropertyKey( new AbstractNode( null ) ), uri ); metaModelProxy().addClassNode( uri, referenceNode ); return referenceNode; } protected void assertResult( Neo4jRdfGraph result, List<String> expectedResult ) { Iterator<LenientStatement> statements = result.iterator(); assertTrue( ( expectedResult != null && statements.hasNext() ) || ( expectedResult == null && !statements.hasNext() ) ); int matchesFound = 0; for ( LenientStatement statement : result ) { boolean match = false; for ( String oneExpectedResult : expectedResult ) { if ( statement.toString().equals( oneExpectedResult ) ) { match = true; break; } } assertTrue( "Expected result not found " + statement, match ); matchesFound++; } if ( expectedResult != null ) { assertTrue( "Wrong number of matches were found.", matchesFound == expectedResult.size() ); } } protected void assertResult( RdfBindingSet result, Map<String, Integer> variables, List<List<String>> expectedResult ) { Iterator<RdfBindingRow> iterator = result.iterator(); assertTrue( ( expectedResult != null && iterator.hasNext() ) || ( expectedResult == null && !iterator.hasNext() ) ); int matchesFound = 0; while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { RdfBindingRow row =; boolean match = false; for ( List<String> oneExpectedResult : expectedResult ) { match = true; int numberOfBoundVariables = 0; for ( Variable variable : ( List<Variable> ) row.getVariables() ) { int column = variables.get( variable.getName() ); Object value = row.getValue( variable ).toString(); match = oneExpectedResult.get( column ).toString().equals( value ); if ( !match ) { break; } numberOfBoundVariables++; } if ( numberOfBoundVariables != oneExpectedResult.size() ) { match = false; } if ( match ) { break; } } assertTrue( "Expected result for " + row + " not found", match ); matchesFound++; } if ( expectedResult != null ) { assertTrue( "Wrong number of matches were found.", matchesFound == expectedResult.size() ); } } protected Map<String, Integer> createVariableMap( String... variableNames ) { Map<String, Integer> result = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for ( int i = 0; i < variableNames.length; i++ ) { result.put( variableNames[ i ], i ); } return result; } private void deleteNode( Node node ) { for ( Relationship relationship : node.getRelationships() ) { relationship.delete(); } node.delete(); } protected void deleteAllNodes() { Iterator<Node> iterator = this.createdNodes.iterator(); while ( iterator.hasNext() ) { this.deleteNode( ); } } protected void printBindingSet( RdfBindingSet bindingSet ) { Neo4jRdfBindingSet neo4jBindingSet = ( Neo4jRdfBindingSet ) bindingSet; Iterator<Neo4jBindingRow> matches = neo4jBindingSet.iterator(); System.out.println( "printing matches"); while ( matches.hasNext() ) { Neo4jBindingRow match =; this.printMatch( match ); } } protected void printRdfGraph( Neo4jRdfGraph graph ) { System.out.println( "Graph: " ); for ( LenientStatement statement : graph ) { System.out.println( statement.getSubject() + " " + statement.getPredicate() + " " + statement.getObject() ); } System.out.println( "end of graph" ); } protected void printMatch( Neo4jBindingRow match ) { System.out.println( "Match:" ); for ( Variable variable : match.getVariables() ) { System.out.println( "\nPN: " + variable.getName() + ", N: " + match.getValue( variable ) ); } } }