package; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Implements the {@link Console} interface with jLine using reflections only. */ public class JLineConsole implements Console { private ShellClient client; private Object consoleReader; private Object completor; public static JLineConsole newConsoleOrNullIfNotFound( ShellClient client ) { try { Object consoleReader = Class.forName( "jline.ConsoleReader" ).newInstance(); consoleReader.getClass().getMethod( "setBellEnabled", Boolean.TYPE ).invoke( consoleReader, false ); return new JLineConsole( consoleReader, client ); } catch ( Exception e ) { return null; } } private JLineConsole( Object consoleReader, ShellClient client ) { this.consoleReader = consoleReader; this.client = client; } public void format( String format, Object... args ) { System.out.print( format ); } private void grabAvailableCommands() throws Exception { Class<?> completorClass = Class.forName( "jline.Completor" ); if ( completor != null ) { consoleReader.getClass().getMethod( "removeCompletor", completorClass ).invoke( consoleReader, completor ); completor = null; } ArrayList<String> commandList = new ArrayList<String>(); for ( String command : client.getServer().getAllAvailableCommands() ) { commandList.add( command ); } Object commandsArray = Array.newInstance( String.class, commandList.size() ); int counter = 0; for ( String command : commandList ) { Array.set( commandsArray, counter++, command ); } completor = Class.forName( "jline.SimpleCompletor" ). getConstructor( commandsArray.getClass() ).newInstance( commandsArray ); consoleReader.getClass().getMethod( "addCompletor", completorClass ).invoke( consoleReader, completor ); } public String readLine() { try { grabAvailableCommands(); return ( String ) consoleReader.getClass().getMethod( "readLine" ). invoke( consoleReader ); } catch ( Exception e ) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException( e ); } } }