package org.neo4j.rdf.sail; import info.aduna.iteration.CloseableIteration; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.sail.SailException; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.CompleteStatement; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.transaction.Transaction; /** * Author: josh * Date: Apr 25, 2008 * Time: 7:10:31 PM */ public class GraphDatabaseStatementIteration implements CloseableIteration<Statement, SailException> { private final Iterator<org.neo4j.rdf.model.CompleteStatement> iterator; private final GraphDatabaseSailConnectionImpl connection; private Statement nextStatement; public GraphDatabaseStatementIteration(final Iterator<org.neo4j.rdf.model.CompleteStatement> iterator, final GraphDatabaseSailConnectionImpl connection ) { this.iterator = iterator; this.connection = connection; } public void close() throws SailException { // Not needed } public boolean hasNext() throws SailException { if ( nextStatement != null ) { return true; } synchronized ( connection ) { Transaction otherTx = connection.suspendOtherAndResumeThis(); try { if ( iterator.hasNext() ) { nextStatement = fetchNextStatement(); } return nextStatement != null; } finally { connection.suspendThisAndResumeOther( otherTx ); } } } public Statement next() throws SailException { if ( !hasNext() ) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } Statement result = nextStatement; nextStatement = null; return result; } private Statement fetchNextStatement() throws SailException { org.neo4j.rdf.model.CompleteStatement statement =; //System.out.println("retrieved a statement: " + statement); return (null == statement) // TODO: would be better here if iterator were an Iterator<CompleteStatement> ? null : GraphDatabaseSesameMapper.createStatement((CompleteStatement) statement, true); } public void remove() throws SailException { // TODO: decide whether remove() should be supported } }