package org.neo4j.util; import; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.NotFoundException; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Transaction; /** * Simple debugging utility for Neo4j-related objects. */ public class GraphDbDebugUtil { private GraphDatabaseService graphDb; public GraphDbDebugUtil( GraphDatabaseService graphDB ) { this.graphDb = graphDB; } /** * Prints information about a node, its properties and relationships. * @param nodeId the node id to print. * @param writer the writer to writer to. */ public void printNodeInfo( int nodeId, PrintStream writer ) { Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { writer.println( "--- Printing Node info for " + nodeId + " ---" ); Node node = graphDb.getNodeById( nodeId ); writer.println( "Relationships: " ); for ( Relationship rel : node.getRelationships() ) { writer.print( rel.getType() + "(" + rel.getId() + ")" ); if ( rel.getStartNode().equals( node ) ) { writer.print( " --> " ); } else { writer.print( " <-- " ); } writer.println( rel.getOtherNode( node ) ); } String[] sortedKeys = sortIndexes( node.getPropertyKeys() ); writer.println( "Properties:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < sortedKeys.length; i++ ) { writer.println( sortedKeys[ i ] + "=" + node.getProperty( sortedKeys[ i ] ) ); } tx.success(); } catch ( NotFoundException e ) { writer.println( "Node id " + nodeId + " not found" ); } finally { tx.finish(); } } /** * Prints information about a relationship, its properties and nodes. * @param rel the relationship. * @param writer the writer to write to. */ public void printRelationshipInfo( Relationship rel, PrintStream writer ) { Transaction tx = graphDb.beginTx(); try { writer.println( "--- Printing Relationship info for " + rel.getId() + " ---" ); writer.println( "Start node: " + rel.getStartNode() ); writer.println( "End node: " + rel.getEndNode() ); String[] sortedKeys = sortIndexes( rel.getPropertyKeys() ); writer.println( "Properties:" ); for ( int i = 0; i < sortedKeys.length; i++ ) { writer.println( sortedKeys[ i ] + "=" + rel.getProperty( sortedKeys[ i ] ) ); } tx.success(); } catch ( NotFoundException e ) { throw new RuntimeException( e ); } finally { tx.finish(); } } private static String[] sortIndexes( Iterable<String> keys ) { TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>(); for ( String key : keys ) { set.add( key ); } return set.toArray( new String[ set.size() ] ); } }