package org.neo4j.graphdb.traversal; public interface UniquenessFilter { /** * The check whether or not to expand the first branch is a separate * method because it may contain checks which would be unnecessary for * all other checks. So it's purely an optimization. * * @param branch the first branch to check, i.e. the branch representing * the start node in the traversal. * @return whether or not {@code branch} is unique, and hence can be * visited in this traversal. */ boolean checkFirst( TraversalBranch branch ); /** * Checks whether or not {@code branch} is unique, and hence can be * visited in this traversal. * @param branch the {@link TraversalBranch} to check for uniqueness. * @param remember whether or not to remember {@code branch}. If * {@code remember} is {@code false} then no state in this filter must be * changed. * @return whether or not {@code branch} is unique, and hence can be * visited in this traversal. */ boolean check( TraversalBranch branch, boolean remember ); }