package org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import org.neo4j.graphalgo.PathFinder; import org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.PathImpl; import org.neo4j.graphalgo.impl.util.PathImpl.Builder; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Path; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipExpander; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.IterableWrapper; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.NestingIterator; import org.neo4j.helpers.collection.PrefetchingIterator; /** * Find (all or one) simple shortest path(s) between two nodes. It starts * from both ends and goes one relationship at the time, alternating side * between each traversal. It does so to minimize the traversal overhead * if one side has a very large amount of relationships, but the other one * very few. It performs well however the graph is proportioned. * * Relationships are traversed in the specified directions from the start node, * but in the reverse direction ( {@link Direction#reverse()} ) from the * end node. This doesn't affect {@link Direction#BOTH}. */ public class ShortestPath implements PathFinder<Path> { private final int maxDepth; private final RelationshipExpander relExpander; /** * Constructs a new stortest path algorithm. * @param maxDepth the maximum depth for the traversal. Returned paths * will never have a greater {@link Path#length()} than {@code maxDepth}. * @param relExpander the {@link RelationshipExpander} to use for deciding * which relationships to expand for each {@link Node}. */ public ShortestPath( int maxDepth, RelationshipExpander relExpander ) { this.maxDepth = maxDepth; this.relExpander = relExpander; } public Iterable<Path> findAllPaths( Node start, Node end ) { return internalPaths( start, end, false ); } public Path findSinglePath( Node start, Node end ) { Iterator<Path> paths = internalPaths( start, end, true ).iterator(); return paths.hasNext() ? : null; } private Iterable<Path> internalPaths( Node start, Node end, boolean stopAsap ) { if ( start.equals( end ) ) { return Arrays.asList( PathImpl.singular( start ) ); } Hits hits = new Hits(); Collection<Long> sharedVisitedRels = new HashSet<Long>(); MutableInteger sharedFrozenDepth = new MutableInteger( MutableInteger.NULL ); MutableBoolean sharedStop = new MutableBoolean(); MutableInteger sharedCurrentDepth = new MutableInteger( 0 ); final DirectionData startData = new DirectionData( start, sharedVisitedRels, sharedFrozenDepth, sharedStop, sharedCurrentDepth, stopAsap, relExpander ); final DirectionData endData = new DirectionData( end, sharedVisitedRels, sharedFrozenDepth, sharedStop, sharedCurrentDepth, stopAsap, relExpander.reversed() ); while ( startData.hasNext() || endData.hasNext() ) { goOneStep( startData, endData, hits, stopAsap, startData ); goOneStep( endData, startData, hits, stopAsap, startData ); } Collection<Hit> least = hits.least(); return least != null ? hitsToPaths( least, start, end ) : Collections.<Path>emptyList(); } // Few long-lived instances private static class Hit { private final DirectionData start; private final DirectionData end; private final Node connectingNode; Hit( DirectionData start, DirectionData end, Node connectingNode ) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.connectingNode = connectingNode; } @Override public int hashCode() { return connectingNode.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean equals( Object obj ) { Hit o = (Hit) obj; return connectingNode.equals( o.connectingNode ); } } private void goOneStep( DirectionData directionData, DirectionData otherSide, Hits hits, boolean stopAsEarlyAsPossible, DirectionData startSide ) { if ( !directionData.hasNext() ) { return; } Node nextNode =; LevelData otherSideHit = otherSide.visitedNodes.get( nextNode ); if ( otherSideHit != null ) { // This is a hit int depth = directionData.currentDepth + otherSideHit.depth; if ( directionData.sharedFrozenDepth.value == MutableInteger.NULL ) { directionData.sharedFrozenDepth.value = depth; } if ( depth <= directionData.sharedFrozenDepth.value ) { directionData.haveFoundSomething = true; if ( depth < directionData.sharedFrozenDepth.value ) { directionData.sharedFrozenDepth.value = depth; // TODO Is it really ok to just stop the other side here? // I'm basing that decision on that it was the other side // which found the deeper paths (correct assumption?) otherSide.stop = true; if ( stopAsEarlyAsPossible ) { // we can stop here because we won't get a less deep path than this. directionData.sharedStop.value = true; } } // Add it to the list of hits DirectionData startSideData = directionData == startSide ? directionData : otherSide; DirectionData endSideData = directionData == startSide ? otherSide : directionData; hits.add( new Hit( startSideData, endSideData, nextNode ), depth ); } } } // Two long-lived instances protected class DirectionData extends PrefetchingIterator<Node> { private final Node startNode; private int currentDepth; private Iterator<Relationship> nextRelationships; private final Collection<Node> nextNodes = new ArrayList<Node>(); private Map<Node, LevelData> visitedNodes = new HashMap<Node, LevelData>(); private Node lastParentTraverserNode; private final MutableInteger sharedFrozenDepth; private final MutableBoolean sharedStop; private final MutableInteger sharedCurrentDepth; private boolean haveFoundSomething; private boolean stop; private final boolean stopAsap; private final RelationshipExpander expander; DirectionData( Node startNode, Collection<Long> sharedVisitedRels, MutableInteger sharedFrozenDepth, MutableBoolean sharedStop, MutableInteger sharedCurrentDepth, boolean stopAsap, RelationshipExpander expander ) { this.startNode = startNode; this.visitedNodes.put( startNode, new LevelData( null, 0 ) ); this.nextNodes.add( startNode ); this.sharedFrozenDepth = sharedFrozenDepth; this.sharedStop = sharedStop; this.sharedCurrentDepth = sharedCurrentDepth; this.stopAsap = stopAsap; this.expander = expander; prepareNextLevel(); } private void prepareNextLevel() { Collection<Node> nodesToIterate = new ArrayList<Node>( filterNextLevelNodes( this.nextNodes ) ); this.nextNodes.clear(); this.nextRelationships = new NestingIterator<Relationship, Node>( nodesToIterate.iterator() ) { @Override protected Iterator<Relationship> createNestedIterator( Node node ) { lastParentTraverserNode = node; return expander.expand( node ).iterator(); } }; this.currentDepth++; this.sharedCurrentDepth.value = this.sharedCurrentDepth.value + 1; } @Override protected Node fetchNextOrNull() { while ( true ) { Relationship nextRel = fetchNextRelOrNull(); if ( nextRel == null ) { return null; } Node result = nextRel.getOtherNode( this.lastParentTraverserNode ); LevelData levelData = this.visitedNodes.get( result ); boolean createdLevelData = false; if ( levelData == null ) { levelData = new LevelData( nextRel, this.currentDepth ); this.visitedNodes.put( result, levelData ); createdLevelData = true; } if ( this.currentDepth < levelData.depth ) { throw new RuntimeException( "This shouldn't happen... I think" ); } else if ( !this.stopAsap && this.currentDepth == levelData.depth && !createdLevelData ) { levelData.addRel( nextRel ); } // Have we visited this node before? In that case don't add it // as next node to traverse if ( !createdLevelData ) { continue; } this.nextNodes.add( result ); return result; } } private boolean canGoDeeper() { return this.sharedFrozenDepth.value == MutableInteger.NULL && this.sharedCurrentDepth.value < maxDepth; } private Relationship fetchNextRelOrNull() { boolean stopped = this.stop || this.sharedStop.value; boolean hasComeTooFarEmptyHanded = this.sharedFrozenDepth.value != MutableInteger.NULL && this.sharedCurrentDepth.value > this.sharedFrozenDepth.value && !this.haveFoundSomething; if ( stopped || hasComeTooFarEmptyHanded ) { return null; } if ( !this.nextRelationships.hasNext() ) { if ( canGoDeeper() ) { prepareNextLevel(); } } return this.nextRelationships.hasNext() ? : null; } } protected Collection<Node> filterNextLevelNodes( Collection<Node> nextNodes ) { return nextNodes; } // Few long-lived instances private static class MutableInteger { private static final int NULL = -1; private int value; MutableInteger( int initialValue ) { this.value = initialValue; } } // Few long-lived instances private static class MutableBoolean { private boolean value; } // Many long-lived instances private static class LevelData { private long[] relsToHere; private int depth; LevelData( Relationship relToHere, int depth ) { if ( relToHere != null ) { addRel( relToHere ); } this.depth = depth; } void addRel( Relationship rel ) { long[] newRels = null; if ( relsToHere == null ) { newRels = new long[1]; } else { newRels = new long[relsToHere.length+1]; System.arraycopy( relsToHere, 0, newRels, 0, relsToHere.length ); } newRels[newRels.length-1] = rel.getId(); relsToHere = newRels; } } // One long lived instance private static class Hits { private Map<Integer, Collection<Hit>> hits = new HashMap<Integer, Collection<Hit>>(); private int lowestDepth; void add( Hit hit, int atDepth ) { Collection<Hit> depthHits = hits.get( atDepth ); if ( depthHits == null ) { depthHits = new HashSet<Hit>(); hits.put( atDepth, depthHits ); } depthHits.add( hit ); if ( lowestDepth == 0 || atDepth < lowestDepth ) { lowestDepth = atDepth; } } Collection<Hit> least() { return hits.get( lowestDepth ); } } // Methods for converting data representing paths to actual Path instances. // It's rather tricky just because this algo stores as little info as possible // required to build paths from hit information. private static class PathData { private final LinkedList<Relationship> rels; private final Node node; PathData( Node node, LinkedList<Relationship> rels ) { this.rels = rels; this.node = node; } } private static Iterable<Path> hitsToPaths( Collection<Hit> depthHits, Node start, Node end ) { Collection<Path> paths = new ArrayList<Path>(); for ( Hit hit : depthHits ) { Iterable<LinkedList<Relationship>> startPaths = getPaths( hit, hit.start ); Iterable<LinkedList<Relationship>> endPaths = getPaths( hit, hit.end ); for ( LinkedList<Relationship> startPath : startPaths ) { PathImpl.Builder startBuilder = toBuilder( start, startPath ); for ( LinkedList<Relationship> endPath : endPaths ) { PathImpl.Builder endBuilder = toBuilder( end, endPath ); Path path = endBuilder ); paths.add( path ); } } } return paths; } private static Iterable<LinkedList<Relationship>> getPaths( Hit hit, DirectionData data ) { LevelData levelData = data.visitedNodes.get( hit.connectingNode ); if ( levelData.depth == 0 ) { Collection<LinkedList<Relationship>> result = new ArrayList<LinkedList<Relationship>>(); result.add( new LinkedList<Relationship>() ); return result; } Collection<PathData> set = new ArrayList<PathData>(); GraphDatabaseService graphDb = data.startNode.getGraphDatabase(); for ( long rel : levelData.relsToHere ) { set.add( new PathData( hit.connectingNode, new LinkedList<Relationship>( Arrays.asList( graphDb.getRelationshipById( rel ) ) ) ) ); } for ( int i = 0; i < levelData.depth - 1; i++ ) { // One level Collection<PathData> nextSet = new ArrayList<PathData>(); for ( PathData entry : set ) { // One path... int counter = 0; Node otherNode = entry.rels.getFirst().getOtherNode( entry.node ); LevelData otherLevelData = data.visitedNodes.get( otherNode ); for ( long rel : otherLevelData.relsToHere ) { // ...may split into several paths LinkedList<Relationship> rels = counter++ == 0 ? entry.rels : new LinkedList<Relationship>( entry.rels ); rels.addFirst( graphDb.getRelationshipById( rel ) ); nextSet.add( new PathData( otherNode, rels ) ); } } set = nextSet; } return new IterableWrapper<LinkedList<Relationship>, PathData>( set ) { @Override protected LinkedList<Relationship> underlyingObjectToObject( PathData object ) { return object.rels; } }; } private static Builder toBuilder( Node startNode, LinkedList<Relationship> rels ) { PathImpl.Builder builder = new PathImpl.Builder( startNode ); for ( Relationship rel : rels ) { builder = builder.push( rel ); } return builder; } }