package; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Direction; import org.neo4j.graphdb.GraphDatabaseService; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Node; import org.neo4j.graphdb.PropertyContainer; import org.neo4j.graphdb.Relationship; import org.neo4j.graphdb.RelationshipType; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.CommonValueMatchers; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternMatch; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternMatcher; import org.neo4j.graphmatching.PatternNode; import org.neo4j.index.IndexService; import org.neo4j.meta.model.MetaModel; import org.neo4j.rdf.fulltext.FulltextIndex; import org.neo4j.rdf.model.Uri; import; import; import; import; import; import org.neo4j.util.PropertyArraySet; /** * An implementation of {@link RepresentationExecutor} which uses an * {@link IndexService}, where the indexing key is each elements {@link Uri} as a way * of looking up the objects. * * This is an attempt to implement a generic executor which tries to execute a * {@link AbstractRepresentation}s as straight forward and correct as possible. */ public class UriBasedExecutor extends AbstractUriBasedExecutor { /** * Set on an AbstractNode (with a boolean as value) to let the executor * know that the node is a literal node (and should be indexed). */ public static final String EXEC_INFO_IS_LITERAL_NODE = "literal"; /** * Set on an AbstractElement (with a Collection<String> as value) containing * the keys in that element which should be treated as literals * (and hence should be indexed). */ public static final String EXEC_INFO_KEYS_WHICH_ARE_LITERALS = "literal_keys"; /** * @param graphDb the {@link GraphDatabaseService}. * @param index the {@link Index} to use as the lookup for objects. */ public UriBasedExecutor( GraphDatabaseService graphDb, IndexService index, MetaModel model, FulltextIndex fulltextIndex ) { super( graphDb, index, model, fulltextIndex ); } public void addToNodeSpace( AbstractRepresentation representation ) { Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping = new HashMap<AbstractNode, Node>(); for ( AbstractNode abstractNode : representation.nodes() ) { if ( abstractNode.getUriOrNull() != null ) { Node node = lookupOrCreateNode( abstractNode, nodeMapping ).getNode(); applyOnNode( abstractNode, node ); } } for ( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship : representation.relationships() ) { Node startNode = nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship .getStartNode() ); Node endNode = nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship.getEndNode() ); RelationshipType relType = new ARelationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ); Relationship relationship = null; if ( startNode != null && endNode != null ) { relationship = ensureConnected( startNode, relType, endNode ); } else if ( startNode == null && endNode == null ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Both start and end null" ); } else { NodeAndRelationship result = findOtherNodePresumedBlank( abstractRelationship, representation, nodeMapping, true ); relationship = result.relationship; if ( result.node != null ) { applyOnNode( result.abstractNode, result.node ); } } if ( relationship != null ) { applyOnRelationship( abstractRelationship, relationship ); } } } public void removeFromNodeSpace( AbstractRepresentation representation ) { Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping = getWellKnownNodeMappings( representation ); if ( nodeMapping == null ) { return; } Map<AbstractRelationship, Relationship> relationshipMapping = new HashMap<AbstractRelationship, Relationship>(); for ( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship : representation.relationships() ) { Node startNode = nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship .getStartNode() ); Node endNode = nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship.getEndNode() ); RelationshipType relType = new ARelationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ); if ( startNode != null && endNode != null ) { Relationship relationship = findDirectRelationship( startNode, relType, endNode, Direction.OUTGOING ); if ( relationship == null ) { return; } relationshipMapping.put( abstractRelationship, relationship ); } else if ( startNode == null && endNode == null ) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Both start and end null" ); } else { Node otherNode = findOtherNodePresumedBlank( abstractRelationship, representation, nodeMapping, false ).node; if ( otherNode == null ) { return; } Relationship relationship = startNode != null ? findDirectRelationship( startNode, relType, otherNode, Direction.OUTGOING ) : findDirectRelationship( otherNode, relType, startNode, Direction.OUTGOING ); if ( relationship == null ) { return; } relationshipMapping.put( abstractRelationship, relationship ); } } doActualDeletion( nodeMapping, relationshipMapping ); } protected void doActualDeletion( Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping, Map<AbstractRelationship, Relationship> relationshipMapping ) { // Do the actual deletion Set<Node> deletedNodes = new HashSet<Node>(); for ( Map.Entry<AbstractNode, Node> entry : nodeMapping.entrySet() ) { AbstractNode abstractNode = entry.getKey(); Node node = entry.getValue(); removeFromNode( abstractNode, node ); if ( nodeIsEmpty( abstractNode, node, true ) ) { deleteNode( node, abstractNode.getUriOrNull() ); deletedNodes.add( node ); } } for ( Map.Entry<AbstractRelationship, Relationship> entry : relationshipMapping.entrySet() ) { AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship = entry.getKey(); Relationship relationship = entry.getValue(); removeFromRelationship( abstractRelationship, relationship ); if ( relationshipIsEmpty( abstractRelationship, relationship ) ) { // debugDeleteRelationship( relationship ); relationship.delete(); } } for ( Map.Entry<AbstractNode, Node> entry : nodeMapping.entrySet() ) { AbstractNode abstractNode = entry.getKey(); Node node = entry.getValue(); if ( !deletedNodes.contains( node ) && nodeIsEmpty( abstractNode, node, true ) ) { deleteNode( node, abstractNode.getUriOrNull() ); } } } private boolean oneNodeIsBlankAndItsNotEmpty( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Relationship relationship ) { if ( abstractRelationship.getStartNode().getUriOrNull() != null && abstractRelationship.getEndNode().getUriOrNull() != null ) { return false; } boolean blankIsStartNode = abstractRelationship.getStartNode().getUriOrNull() == null; AbstractNode abstractNode = blankIsStartNode ? abstractRelationship.getStartNode() : abstractRelationship.getEndNode(); Node node = blankIsStartNode ? relationship.getStartNode() : relationship.getEndNode(); if ( !nodeIsEmpty( abstractNode, node, false ) ) { return true; } return false; } protected boolean relationshipIsEmpty( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Relationship relationship ) { if ( oneNodeIsBlankAndItsNotEmpty( abstractRelationship, relationship ) ) { return false; } AbstractNode abstractStartNode = abstractRelationship.getStartNode(); if ( abstractStartNode.getUriOrNull() == null && !nodeIsEmpty( abstractStartNode, relationship.getStartNode(), false ) ) { return false; } boolean hasProperties = relationship.getPropertyKeys().iterator().hasNext(); return !hasProperties; } private Relationship ensureConnected( Node startNode, RelationshipType relType, Node endNode ) { Relationship relationship = findDirectRelationship( startNode, relType, endNode, null ); if ( relationship == null ) { relationship = startNode.createRelationshipTo( endNode, relType ); // debug( "\t+Relationship " + startNode + " ---[" // + + "]--> " + endNode ); } return relationship; } private void applyOnRelationship( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Relationship relationship ) { applyOnContainer( abstractRelationship, relationship ); } protected void applyOnNode( AbstractNode abstractNode, Node node ) { applyOnContainer( abstractNode, node ); } private void applyOnContainer( AbstractElement abstractElement, PropertyContainer container ) { Collection<?> keysWhichAreLiterals = ( Collection<?> ) abstractElement.getExecutorInfo( EXEC_INFO_KEYS_WHICH_ARE_LITERALS ); for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { Collection<Object> rawValues = new PropertyArraySet<Object>( container, entry.getKey() ); for ( Object value : entry.getValue() ) { boolean added = rawValues.add( value ); if ( added ) { // debug( "\t+Property" + " (" + container + ") " // + entry.getKey() + " " + "[" + value + "]" ); if ( keysWhichAreLiterals != null && keysWhichAreLiterals.contains( entry.getKey() ) ) { indexLiteral( ( Node ) container, new Uri( entry.getKey() ), value ); } } } } } protected void removeFromRelationship( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Relationship relationship ) { for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { String key = entry.getKey(); Collection<Object> rawValues = new PropertyArraySet<Object>( relationship, key ); removeAll( relationship, key, rawValues, entry.getValue(), "Property" ); } } protected boolean removeAll( PropertyContainer container, String key, Collection<Object> rawValues, Collection<?> valuesToRemove, String debugText ) { boolean someRemoved = false; for ( Object value : valuesToRemove ) { boolean removed = rawValues.remove( value ); if ( removed ) { someRemoved = true; // debug( "\t-" + debugText + " (" + container + ") " // + key + " " + "[" + value + "]" ); } } return someRemoved; } protected void removeFromNode( AbstractNode abstractNode, Node node ) { Collection<?> keysWhichAreLiterals = ( Collection<?> ) abstractNode.getExecutorInfo( EXEC_INFO_KEYS_WHICH_ARE_LITERALS ); // Do the real keys for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { String key = entry.getKey(); Collection<Object> rawValues = new PropertyArraySet<Object>( node, key ); for ( Object value : entry.getValue() ) { boolean removed = rawValues.remove( value ); if ( removed ) { if ( keysWhichAreLiterals != null && keysWhichAreLiterals.contains( entry.getKey() ) ) { removeLiteralIndex( node, new Uri( key ), value ); } // debug( "\t-Property" + " (" + node + ") " // + key + " " + "[" + value + "]" ); } } } } private NodeAndRelationship findOtherNodePresumedBlank( AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, AbstractRepresentation representation, Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping, boolean createIfItDoesntExist ) { Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> patternNodes = representationToPattern( representation ); AbstractNode startingAbstractNode = abstractRelationship.getStartNode() .getUriOrNull() == null ? abstractRelationship.getEndNode() : abstractRelationship.getStartNode(); AbstractNode endingAbstractNode = abstractRelationship.getOtherNode( startingAbstractNode ); Node startingNode = nodeMapping.get( startingAbstractNode ); PatternNode startingPatternNode = patternNodes .get( startingAbstractNode ); Iterator<PatternMatch> matches = PatternMatcher.getMatcher().match( startingPatternNode, startingNode, null ).iterator(); Node node = null; Relationship relationship = null; if ( matches.hasNext() ) { PatternMatch match =; node = match.getNodeFor( patternNodes.get( endingAbstractNode ) ); Node otherNode = match.getNodeFor( patternNodes.get( startingAbstractNode ) ); relationship = findDirectRelationship( node, relationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ), otherNode, null ); } else if ( createIfItDoesntExist ) { NodeAndRelationship createdNodeAndRelationship = createBlankNodeIfDoesntExist( startingAbstractNode, endingAbstractNode, abstractRelationship, nodeMapping ); node = createdNodeAndRelationship.node; relationship = createdNodeAndRelationship.relationship; } nodeMapping.put( endingAbstractNode, node ); return new NodeAndRelationship( endingAbstractNode, node, relationship ); } protected NodeAndRelationship createBlankNodeIfDoesntExist( AbstractNode startNode, AbstractNode endNode, AbstractRelationship abstractRelationship, Map<AbstractNode, Node> nodeMapping ) { Node node = graphDB().createNode(); Relationship relationship = null; // debug( "\tNo match, creating node (" + node.getId() // + ") and connecting" ); RelationshipType relationshipType = new ARelationshipType( abstractRelationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ); if ( abstractRelationship.getStartNode().getUriOrNull() == null ) { relationship = node.createRelationshipTo( nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship.getEndNode() ), relationshipType ); // debug( "\t+Relationship " + node + " ---[" // + + "]--> " // + nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship.getEndNode() ) ); } else { relationship = nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship.getStartNode() ).createRelationshipTo( node, relationshipType ); // debug( "\t+Relationship " // + nodeMapping.get( abstractRelationship.getStartNode() ) // + " ---[" + + "]--> " + node ); } return new NodeAndRelationship( null, node, relationship ); } private Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> representationToPattern( AbstractRepresentation representation ) { Map<AbstractNode, PatternNode> patternNodes = new HashMap<AbstractNode, PatternNode>(); for ( AbstractNode node : representation.nodes() ) { PatternNode patternNode = abstractNodeToPatternNode( node ); patternNodes.put( node, patternNode ); } for ( AbstractRelationship relationship : representation .relationships() ) { PatternNode startNode = patternNodes.get( relationship .getStartNode() ); PatternNode endNode = patternNodes.get( relationship.getEndNode() ); startNode.createRelationshipTo( endNode, new ARelationshipType( relationship.getRelationshipTypeName() ) ); } return patternNodes; } private PatternNode abstractNodeToPatternNode( AbstractNode node ) { PatternNode patternNode = new PatternNode(); if ( node.getUriOrNull() != null ) { patternNode.addPropertyConstraint( getNodeUriPropertyKey( node ), CommonValueMatchers.exactAny( node.getUriOrNull().getUriAsString() ) ); } if ( isLiteralNode( node ) ) { for ( Map.Entry<String, Collection<Object>> entry : ) { patternNode.addPropertyConstraint( entry.getKey(), CommonValueMatchers.exactAnyOf( entry.getValue().toArray() ) ); } } return patternNode; } protected boolean isLiteralNode( AbstractNode node ) { Boolean isLiteralNode = ( Boolean ) node.getSingleExecutorInfo( EXEC_INFO_IS_LITERAL_NODE ); return isLiteralNode != null && isLiteralNode; } public static class ARelationshipType implements RelationshipType { private String name; public ARelationshipType( String name ) { = name; } public String name() { return; } } protected static class NodeAndRelationship { private AbstractNode abstractNode; private Node node; private Relationship relationship; NodeAndRelationship( AbstractNode abstractNode, Node node, Relationship relationship ) { this.abstractNode = abstractNode; this.node = node; this.relationship = relationship; } } }